

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

明天(7月29日)女单半决赛,孙颖莎将迎战同为00后的日本选手伊藤美诚(Mima Ito)。



Table Tennis-Japanese medal hope Ito hits winning stride


Japanese medal favourite Mima Ito outplayed Thailand's Suthasini Sawettabut on Tuesday to move into the quarter-finals of the women's singles table tennis competition at the Tokyo Olympics.

The world number two, who won the mixed doubles gold with Jun Mizutani on Monday, swept to a 4-0 win over Thai paddler with a score of 11-7 11-6 11-9 11-7.

"I was able to play the games that would lead to tomorrow," a confident Ito told reporters.

"I'm going to use my ability to the absolute fullest, enjoy and go for the win."

Ito has won against some of the Chinese paddlers she is likely to face in the business-end of the competition, and Japan's victory on Monday raised hopes for others to challenge China's dominance.

"The mixed doubles event was the safest gold medal for China but they lost it. So I think everybody's going to fight to get more gold medals," Brazilian paddler Hugo Calderano.

"More players will start to believe and maybe some other great things will happen."

China's top players are going all out after Liu Shiwen and Xu Xin's surprise mixed doubles defeat.

World number one Fan Zhendong marked his Olympic debut with a 4-0 victory over French paddler Emmanuel Lebesson in the men's singles.

China's Fan sailed into quarter-finals after a 4-1 win over Portugal's Marcos Freitas.

"Competition is competition. I don't think too much," said Fan, brushing off the pressure.

Rio Olympics champion Ma Long, 32, secured his spot in the quarter-final after a 4-1 win against France's SimonGauzy.

In the women's singles, fellow Chinese heavyweights Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, the world's number one and number three respectively, both sealed victories against their opponents to move onto the quarter-finals.

Olympics debutant Sun said Xu and Liu did their best despite their loss.

"After seeing what happened, my motivation is even greater. I will prepare even harder," she said.

Elsewhere, Slovenia's Darko Jorgic pulled off a 4-3 upset win over world number four Tomokazu Harimoto of Japan.

World No. 43 Omar Assar of Egypt beat the odds and advanced to quarter-finals after wins over world No. 9 Mattias Falck and No. 27 Chuang Chih-Yuan.

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Table Tennis-Japanese medal hope Ito hits winning stride


Japanese medal favourite Mima Ito outplayed Thailand's Suthasini Sawettabut on Tuesday to move into the quarter-finals of the women's singles table tennis competition at the Tokyo Olympics.

日本奖牌热门选手伊藤美诚(Mima Ito)周二在东京奥运会乒乓球女子单打比赛中战胜了泰国选手素塔西尼·萨维塔布特(Suthasini Sawettabut),晋级四分之一决赛。


此处的favorite/favourite不再是形容词,而是作为名词,指“最有希望获胜的人(或动物);比赛中最被看好的人(或动物)”,英文解释为“the person or animal most people expect to win a race or competition”举个🌰:

Brazil are favourites to win this year's World Cup.


📍也可以表示“受宠的人;受偏爱的人”,英文解释为:a person who is treated with special kindness by someone in authority. 如:the teacher's favourite 老师的宠儿。


表示“(在比赛中)比…打得好,战胜,击败”,英文解释为“to play a game more cleverly and successfully than another person or team”举个🌰:

The French were completely outplayed by the Russian team.



表示“四分之一决赛”,英文解释为“any of the four games in a competition that decides which players or teams will play in the two semifinals”。

The world number two, who won the mixed doubles gold with Jun Mizutani on Monday, swept to a 4-0 win over Thai paddler with a score of 11-7 11-6 11-9 11-7.

周一,世界排名第二的她与水谷隼(Jun Mizutani)赢得混双金牌,以4比0横扫泰国选手,比分为11:7、11:6 、11:9、11:7。


表示“双打”,英文解释为“In tennis or badminton, when people play doubles, two teams consisting of two players on each team play against each other on the same court.”如:men's/women's/mixed doubles 男子/女子/混合双打。


📍singles表示“单打比赛”(a game, especially in tennis, played between one player on one side and one on the other)


表示“轻松赢得;大获全胜,一举获胜,轻易获胜”,英文解释为“If a person or group sweeps an election or sweeps to victory, they win the election easily.”如:swept the election 赢得该选举。


paddler /ˈpædlər/ 表示“乒乓球运动员”,paddle表示“乒乓球拍”,英文解释为“a bat used for playing table tennis”。

"I was able to play the games that would lead to tomorrow," a confident Ito told reporters.


"I'm going to use my ability to the absolute fullest, enjoy and go for the win."


Ito has won against some of the Chinese paddlers she is likely to face in the business-end of the competition, and Japan's victory on Monday raised hopes for others to challenge China's dominance.



表示“(刀、枪等)行使主要功能的一端”,英文解释为“The business end of something, such as a knife or a gun, is the end that does the work or damage rather than the handle. The part or end of something that actually does the work or carries out the procedure.”此处可以理解比赛中最关键的部分,半决赛,决赛。


表示“优势;统治地位”,英文解释为“The dominance of a particular person or thing is the fact that they are more powerful, successful, or important than other people or things.”举个🌰:

The latest fighting appears to be an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other.


"The mixed doubles event was the safest gold medal for China but they lost it. So I think everybody's going to fight to get more gold medals," Brazilian paddler Hugo Calderano.

“混合双打项目是中国最安全的金牌,但他们输了。所以我认为每个人都会为获得更多的金牌而奋斗,”巴西运动员乌戈·卡尔德拉诺(Hugo Calderano)说。


熟词僻义,表示“(比赛的)项目”,英文解释为“one of a set of races or competitions”举个🌰:

The women's 200 metre event will be followed by the men's 100 metres.


"More players will start to believe and maybe some other great things will happen."


China's top players are going all out after Liu Shiwen and Xu Xin's surprise mixed doubles defeat.


go all out

表示“全力以赴,竭尽全力”,英文解释为“to put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing”举个🌰:

The team went all out for a win.


World number one Fan Zhendong marked his Olympic debut with a 4-0 victory over French paddler Emmanuel Lebesson in the men's singles.

世界排名第一的樊振东在男子单打比赛中以4比0战胜了法国运动员埃马纽埃尔·勒贝松(Emmanuel Lebesson),完成他的奥运首秀。


表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”举个🌰:

She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."


China's Fan sailed into quarter-finals after a 4-1 win over Portugal's Marcos Freitas.

中国的樊振东在4:1战胜葡萄牙的马科斯·弗雷塔斯(Marcos Freitas)后,顺利进入四分之一决赛。

"Competition is competition. I don't think too much," said Fan, brushing off the pressure.


brush sth off

表示“漠视,不理睬”,英文解释为“to refuse to listen to what someone says, or to refuse to think about something seriously”举个🌰:

He just brushed off all their criticisms.


Rio Olympics champion Ma Long, 32, secured his spot in the quarter-final after a 4-1 win against France's SimonGauzy.



熟词僻义,作动词,表示“获得;设法得到;争取到”,英文解释为“to get something, sometimes with difficulty”举个🌰:

He was disappointed by his failure to secure the top job with the bank.


In the women's singles, fellow Chinese heavyweights Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha, the world's number one and number three respectively, both sealed victories against their opponents to move onto the quarter-finals.



表示“重量级人物,有影响力的人物(事物),要人”,英文解释为“someone or something that is very important or has a lot of influence”,如:one of the heavyweights of the movie industry 电影业巨子之一。


seal这个词,除了“密封,封上”,也可以说seal a victory/win/match,确定,锁定胜局(to make a victory certain),举个🌰:

Her goal sealed the victory.


Olympics debutant Sun said Xu and Liu did their best despite their loss.



表示“首次参加的人,首次登台的人”,英文解释为“a person who is making a first appearance in a particular capacity, such as a sportsperson playing in a first game for a team”。


📍debutante /ˈdɛbjʊˌtɑːnt/ 表示“初进社交场合的年轻富家女子”,英文解释为“A debutante is a young woman from a wealthy family who has started going to social events with other young people.”等同于deb /dɛb/

"After seeing what happened, my motivation is even greater. I will prepare even harder," she said.


Elsewhere, Slovenia's Darko Jorgic pulled off a 4-3 upset win over world number four Tomokazu Harimoto of Japan.

斯洛文尼亚的达科·约奇克(Darko Jorgic)以4:3的比分击败了世界排名第四的日本选手张本智和(Tomokazu Harimoto)。

pull sth off

表示“成功做成(困难或出乎意料的事)”,英文解释为“to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected”举个🌰:

The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years.



upset作动词,作形容词大家都比较熟悉,表示“难过;不高兴;失望;沮丧”;而在体育竞赛中,upset还有一个含义,作名词,指的是我们常说的“爆冷门,意外的结果”,英文解释为“a situation in which a person or team beats the person or team that was expected to win”。

📍An upset occurs in a competition, frequently in electoral politics or sports, when the party popularly expected to win (the "favorite"), either loses to or draws/ties a game with an underdog whom the majority expects to lose, defying the conventional wisdom. It is often used in reference to beating the betting odds in sports, or beating the opinion polls in electoral politics.


World No. 43 Omar Assar of Egypt beat the odds and advanced to quarter-finals after wins over world No. 9 Mattias Falck and No. 27 Chuang Chih-Yuan.

世界排名第43位的埃及选手奥马尔·阿萨尔(Omar Assar)战胜世界排名第9位的马蒂亚斯·法尔克(Mattias Falck)和第27位的庄智渊(Chuang Chih-Yuan),晋级四分之一决赛。

beat the odds

表示“获得出乎意料的成功;克服困难,由劣势取胜”,英文解释为“"Beating the odds" means overcoming improbability. That is, something is not likely to happen, but either by luck or skill (or a little of both), it happens anyway.”








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