

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

8月20日,平均年龄只有8岁的“天府少年团PANDA BOYS”在成都发布单曲《出发》宣布出道,引发热议。

8月24日,其所在公司宣布更名为“熊猫少儿艺术团 Panda Boys”不到24小时后,再次宣布将解散该组合。



China’s youngest ever boy band rebrands after accusations of child exploitation and claims it was a money-making scam


Seven primary school children who formed China’s youngest ever boy band, have been forced to rebrand themselves as a children’s art troupe after accusations of child exploitation.

The agency behind the performers, Asia Starry Sky Group, announced on Tuesday that the group, who are aged between 7 and 11 years old would change its name from Tianfu Boy Band to Panda Children’s Art Troupe after it came under fire for using young boys in the entertainment industry. The group has kept its English name of Panda Boys, however.

The group made its debut on Friday last week with their first performance in western China’s Chengdu city, also known as Tianfu, but received widespread criticism from the public and state media because of the boy’s ages.

“We won’t cultivate the fandom culture. Neither will any capital operation be involved. We are just a group of children who love singing and dancing, doing something meaningful together,” Asia Starry Sky Group stated in a statement on Tuesday amid mounting criticism.

It followed on from another statement on Saturday, which said the company did not intend to profit from the boys performances and that it requires the members to prioritise study over band training.

The statement also claimed the song performed used positive and encouraging lyrics, and elements of traditional Sichuan opera, and said the boys aim to become idols who: “have ideals, love to study, and are culturally, physically, and mentally healthy”.

However few people believed the company’s claims the venture was not commercial in nature.

“We don’t need entertainment companies to cultivate models for children. It’s the job of school and family,” one Weibo user wrote.

“Aged eight? Let the children focus on schoolwork,” another said.

Several official media outlets have also expressed concerns about the band, urging tougher regulation of the entertainment industry.

“As a large number of minor idols were brought to the market, they left their normal environment for living and studying and entered the entertainment industry at an overly young age, which would be bad for their physical and psychological development,” read a commentary on bi-weekly journal China Comment.

“At the same time, this is passing the wrong value of ‘getting famous when young’ to society and misleading children, who are still not good at distinguishing what’s right for them,” it said.

China’s entertainment industry has witnessed tremendous growth and young boy bands such as TFBoys have proved to be especially popular.

But the increasingly young age of idols and their fans, as well as an increasingly obsessive fan culture have prompted widespread concern.

The Cyberspace Administration launched a national campaign in June to rein in distorted fan culture including high consumption of products to raise an idol’s popularity, and verbal attacks between online communities in support of different idols.

Earlier this month, the National Radio and Television Administration also vowed to strictly control the broadcast of idol survival shows to fight what it called “twisted values” such as the worship of fame and money.

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China’s youngest ever boy band rebrands after accusations of child exploitation and claims it was a money-making scam


Seven primary school children who formed China's youngest ever boy band, have been forced to rebrand themselves as a children's art troupe after accusations of child exploitation.



表示“给(机构,公司,产品等)重塑形象”,英文解释为“to change the way that an organization, company, or product is seen by the public”举个🌰:

Businesses may decide to rebrand for several reasons.



troupe /truːp/ 表示“(演员、歌手等的)班子,表演团”,英文解释为“a group of actors, singers, etc. who work together”。


表示“剥削”,英文解释为“a situation in which you treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but give them very little in return – used to show disapproval”如:the exploitation of children 对儿童的剥削。

The agency behind the performers, Asia Starry Sky Group, announced on Tuesday that the group, who are aged between 7 and 11 years old would change its name from Tianfu Boy Band to Panda Children's Art Troupe after it came under fire for using young boys in the entertainment industry. The group has kept its English name of Panda Boys, however.

男团背后的机构--亚洲星空娱乐(Asia Starry Sky Group)周二宣布,这个年龄在7至11岁之间的团体将把它的名字从天府少年团改为熊猫少儿艺术团,因其在娱乐圈中利用小男孩而受到批评。然而,该团体保留了其英文名称Panda Boys(熊猫男孩)。

come under fire

表示“受到批评/批判,遭到攻击/抨击”,英文解释为“If you come under fire from someone or are under fire, they criticize you strongly.”举个🌰:

His plan first came under fire from critics who said he hadn't included enough spending cuts. 


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述TikTok的文章中提到:But ByteDance will want to keep as much of its global presence as possible, especially with Mr Zhang under fire in China for selling out to the Yankees. 但字节跳动会想要尽量保住自己的全球影响力,尤其是在张一鸣因为把TikTok卖给美国佬而备受国人抨击的情况下。

The group made its debut on Friday last week with their first performance in western China's Chengdu city, also known as Tianfu, but received widespread criticism from the public and state media because of the boy's ages.



debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/ 表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”举个🌰:

She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."


“We won't cultivate the fandom culture. Neither will any capital operation be involved. We are just a group of children who love singing and dancing, doing something meaningful together,” Asia Starry Sky Group stated in a statement on Tuesday amid mounting criticism.



表示“上升的;增长的”,英文解释为“increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses anxiety”举个🌰:

There is mounting evidence of serious effects on people's health.


📺美剧《美国恐怖故事》(American Horror Story)中的台词提到:But there's mounting evidence that this man is a war criminal. 但是有大量的证据显示这人是个战犯。

It followed on from another statement on Saturday, which said the company did not intend to profit from the boys performances and that it requires the members to prioritise study over band training.



表示“按重要性排列;划分优先顺序”,英文解释为“to put tasks, problems, etc. in order of importance, so that you can deal with the most important first”举个🌰:

You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them.


2)表示“优先处理”,英文解释为“to treat sth as being more important than other things”举个🌰:

The organization was formed to prioritize the needs of older people.


The statement also claimed the song performed used positive and encouraging lyrics, and elements of traditional Sichuan opera, and said the boys aim to become idols who: “have ideals, love to study, and are culturally, physically, and mentally healthy”.


lyric /ˈlɪrɪk/

表示“歌词”,英文解释为“the words of a song, especially a pop song”。

However few people believed the company's claims the venture was not commercial in nature.



1)作名词,表示“(尤指有风险的)企业,商业,投机活动,经营项目”,英文解释为“a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks举个🌰:

A disastrous business venture lost him thousands of dollars.


2)作动词,表示“敢于去;冒险去(或做);冒昧地说”,英文解释为“to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant, or to risk saying something that might be criticized举个🌰:

As we set off into the forest, we felt as though we were venturing (forth) into the unknown.


📺美剧《复仇》(Revenge)中的台词提到:This is brave new territory we're venturing into here. 这是我们华丽冒险的新地域。

📺美剧《宋飞正传》(Seinfeld)中的台词提到:You realize you're venturing into uncharted waters? 你意识到你在冒险进入未知水域吗?

“We don't need entertainment companies to cultivate models for children. It's the job of school and family,” one Weibo user wrote.


“Aged eight? Let the children focus on schoolwork,” another said.


Several official media outlets have also expressed concerns about the band, urging tougher regulation of the entertainment industry.



outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;

outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:

At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 



“As a large number of minor idols were brought to the market, they left their normal environment for living and studying and entered the entertainment industry at an overly young age, which would be bad for their physical and psychological development,” read a commentary on bi-weekly journal China Comment.



表示“太;非常;过度地,极度地”,相当于too; very,举个🌰:

Earlier sales forecasts were overly optimistic.


“At the same time, this is passing the wrong value of ‘getting famous when young’ to society and misleading children, who are still not good at distinguishing what's right for them,” it said.



表示“辨别;区分”,英文解释为“If you can distinguish one thing from another or distinguish between two things, you can see or understand how they are different.”举个🌰:

Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark.


China's entertainment industry has witnessed tremendous growth and young boy bands such as TFBoys have proved to be especially popular.



表示“是发生…的地点(或时间)”,英文解释为“When a place or period witnesses a particular event, the event happens in that place or during that period.”举个🌰:

This university has witnessed quite a few changes over the years.


Those years witnessed momentous changes throughout Europe.


But the increasingly young age of idols and their fans, as well as an increasingly obsessive fan culture have prompted widespread concern.



表示“着迷的;迷恋的;难以释怀的;过分(到不正常程度)的”,英文解释为“thinking about something or someone, or doing something, too much or all the time”举个🌰:

He's obsessive about punctuality.



作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。

The Cyberspace Administration launched a national campaign in June to rein in distorted fan culture including high consumption of products to raise an idol's popularity, and verbal attacks between online communities in support of different idols.


rein in/back

表示“抑制;控制;约束”,英文解释为“to control an emotion, activity, or situation to prevent it from becoming too powerful”举个🌰:

We tried to rein in our excitement and curiosity.


Reports today suggest consumers are already reining back spending.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述美国对抗华为的文章中提到:It also explains why it is going to such lengths, even using European-style industrial policy, to rein in Huawei, China's leading maker of telecoms equipment. 这也解释了美国何以要竭尽全力遏制中国的通信设备制造巨头华为,甚至为此采取欧洲式的产业政策。


表示“歪曲的;曲解的”,英文解释为“changed from the usual, original, natural, or intended form”举个🌰:

This report gives a somewhat distorted impression of what actually happened.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情对全球经济影响的文章中提到:However, though that would provide a brief stimulus, it is a recipe for distorted markets, moral hazard and low growth. 尽管这会带来短暂的刺激,却会导致市场扭曲、道德风险和增长低迷。

verbal /ˈvɜːbəl/

1)表示“口头的”,英文解释为“You use verbal to indicate that something is expressed in speech rather than in writing or action.”举个🌰:

They were jostled and subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse.


2)表示“词语的;文字的”,英文解释为“You use verbal to indicate that something is connected with words and the use of words.”举个🌰:

The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.


🎬电影《旗鼓相当》(Grudge Match)中的台词提到:And I say, "Well, women are more verbal than men." 然后我说“女人比男人更善于言辞。”

Earlier this month, the National Radio and Television Administration also vowed to strictly control the broadcast of idol survival shows to fight what it called “twisted values” such as the worship of fame and money.



可以作名词,表示“发誓;誓言;许愿”;也可以作动词,表示“起誓;立誓;发誓”,英文解释为“If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it.举个🌰:

While many models vow to go back to college, few do.



twisted本身表示“扭曲的;弯曲的;变形的”,英文解释为“bent or turned so that the original shape is lost”,也可以指人的行为或思想“怪僻的;偏执的;怪诞的;变态的”(not normal; strange in an unpleasant way)举个🌰:

The letter was clearly the product of a twisted mind.


worship /ˈwɜːʃɪp/

可作名词也可以作动词,1)表示“(对上帝或神的)崇拜,敬仰,礼拜”,英文解释为“the practice of showing respect for God or a god, by saying prayers, singing with others, etc.; a ceremony for this”如:ancestor worship 对祖先的崇拜,举个🌰:

On the island the people worshipped different gods.


2)表示“(常指盲目地)宠爱,崇拜,崇尚”,英文解释为“to love, respect, and admire someone or something very much, often without noticing the bad qualities of that person or thing”举个🌰:

Her parents worship her.









- 那年今日 -

2020 什么是body shame?

2019 G7的一大亮点 特鲁多的袜子

2017 Dark arts

2016 谷歌的搜索可检查是否抑郁症

2015 Black holes aren't so 'black'

【Day 200】不平凡的意义


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