

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天凌晨,苹果2021秋季新品发布会上,iPhone 13 Pro、iPhone 13、Apple Watch Series 7、全新iPad mini和iPad等产品悉数登场。


Here's everything Apple unveiled at its big iPhone event


Apple unveiled four new iPhones, a new Apple Watch and new iPads on Tuesday during a virtual media event held from California.

The new smartphones -- the iPhone 13 mini, the iPhone 13, the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max -- don't include any groundbreaking design changes or features, at least compared to last year's 5G announcement. There was no portless iPhone and no under-display touch ID. Neither was there Apple's once classic line: "one more thing."

Instead, the event marked a return to basics for Apple with predictable improvements that included better cameras, longer-lasting battery and faster processing on its devices. Still, there were some pleasant new additions, including a jaw dropping storage option for the Pro models and a new Portrait mode for shooting videos. And, contrary to some rumors, Apple made upgrades without raising the base price of its various models.

The stakes were high for Apple (AAPL) heading into the event. The iPhone continues to be a major revenue driver for the company and remains central to its ecosystem of products. The event also comes amid some uncertainty: A US judge ruled last week that Apple can no longer prohibit app developers from directing users to payment options outside the App Store. The company is facing antitrust scrutiny from regulators in the US and abroad. And Apple recently confronted weeks of controversy for its approach to combating child exploitation.

On Tuesday, Apple attempted to move past that. Here's a closer look at what was announced:

iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max

The higher-end iPhone Pro line was arguably the highlight of Apple's event, at least among the iPhones. The 6.1-inch iPhone 13 Pro and 6.7-inch iPhone 13 Pro Max feature Apple's new, powerful A15 Bionic chip, which Apple said is the "fastest CPU in any smartphone." It will give the iPhone improved machine learning capabilities, such as real-time video analysis and the ability to analyze text in photo.

The Pro devices pack a five-core CPU with 50% faster graphics -- an upgrade that will appeal to many gamers -- as well as a bright Super Retina XDR display with a faster refresh rate, an all-day battery life and an option for one terabyte of storage, doubling the prior maximum storage capacity.

The camera system got a solid refresh, too. It comes with a new 77 mm telephoto lens with 3 times optical zoom, as well as new wide and ultrawide cameras.

The Pro and Pro Max start at $999 and $1,099, respectively. (The iPhone Pro Max with one terabyte of storage costs $1,599.) The phones come in graphite, gold, silver and sierra blue. The entire new iPhone line will start shipping on Friday, September 24.

iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 mini

The 6.1-inch iPhone 13 and 5.4-inch iPhone 13 mini come with the same A15 Bionic chip as the Pro line. It also has a dual-camera system, which is arranged diagonally, and features longer-lasting batteries. Apple said the iPhone 13 will last 2.5 hours longer than the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 13 mini will go 1.5 hours longer on a single charge.

Other updates include a more efficient display, a new 5G chip, and a tool called Cinematic Mode, which is like the popular Portrait mode feature but for videos.

The iPhone 13 mini will start at $699 for 128 GB (more storage for its base model than ever before) and the iPhone 13 will cost $799, starting with 128 GB. The smartphones come in five new colors: pink, blue, black, white and red.

iPad and iPad mini

In somewhat of a surprise, Apple showed off updates to its iPad and iPad mini line. The 10.2-inch iPad features a powerful A13 chip with 20% faster performance than the previous model. Apple says it's now 3 times faster than a Chromebook.

The updated iPad comes with a new 12MP ultrawide camera with Center Stage, which uses machine learning to adjust the front-facing camera during FaceTime video calls, and more accessory support that works with the first-generation Apple Pencil. It also supports a True Tone feature that adjusts the screen's color temperature to ambient lighting.

The 8.3-inch iPad mini now comes with smaller bezels, more rounded corners, upgraded cameras on the front and back, Apple's Liquid retina display, USB-C support, magnetic support for Apple Pencil, an updated speaker system, and new colors, such as pink and purple.

Apple Watch Series 7

Apple unveiled the new Apple Watch Series 7, a slimmer device with a wider screen than its predecessor. The new watch has a display that is 20% larger than the Series 6. It can display 50% more text and also has a full keyboard that you can tap or swipe to type out text messages.

The Apple Watch Series 7 starts at $399 and will be available later this fall.

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Here's everything Apple unveiled at its big iPhone event


Apple unveiled four new iPhones, a new Apple Watch and new iPads on Tuesday during a virtual media event held from California.

周二在加利福尼亚(California)举行的线上发布会中,苹果公司发布了四款新的iPhone,一款新的Apple Watch和新的iPad。


1)表示“ 为…揭幕;揭开…上的覆盖物;拉开…的帷幔”,英文解释为“to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time”举个🌰:

She unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital.


2)表示“(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公之于众”,英文解释为“to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time”举个🌰:

They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show.


🎬电影《复仇者联盟1》(The Avengers)中的台词提到:We look beyond the Earth to the greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil. 而我们则放眼地球之外 那些将被宇宙魔方开启的更广博的世界。

🎬电影《超人高校》(Sky High)中的台词提到:We can't unveil the Stronghold Three without Will. 我们不能在威尔(Will)不在场时 向大家介绍斯特朗霍德三侠(Stronghold Three)。

The new smartphones -- the iPhone 13 mini, the iPhone 13, the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max -- don't include any groundbreaking design changes or features, at least compared to last year's 5G announcement. There was no portless iPhone and no under-display touch ID. Neither was there Apple's once classic line: "one more thing."

新的智能手机--iPhone 13 mini、iPhone 13、iPhone 13 Pro和iPhone 13 Pro Max--至少与去年5G的宣布相比,没有任何突破性的设计变化或功能。没有无接口的iPhone,没有屏下Touch ID,也没有苹果曾经的经典台词,“One more thing(还有一样东西/还有一件事儿)。”


ground-breaking可以解释为“开辟新天地的,独创的,开拓性的,里程碑性的”,英文解释为“You use groundbreaking to describe things which you think are significant because they provide new and positive ideas, and influence the way people think about things.” 如:groundbreaking research 开拓性的研究。


熟词僻义,1)表示“(为达到逗乐、劝说或欺骗目的而说的)话语,词句,言语”,英文解释为“a remark that is intended to entertain, persuade, or deceive”如:a speech full of memorable lines 令人难忘的讲话;

2)表示“(电影或话剧演员的)词,台词”,英文解释为“the words that an actor speaks when performing in a film, play, etc.”举个🌰:

I only had two lines in the whole play.


Instead, the event marked a return to basics for Apple with predictable improvements that included better cameras, longer-lasting battery and faster processing on its devices. Still, there were some pleasant new additions, including a jaw dropping storage option for the Pro models and a new Portrait mode for shooting videos. And, contrary to some rumors, Apple made upgrades without raising the base price of its various models.



表示“持续很久的,持久的”,英文解释为“continuing for a long period of time”如:a long-lasting friendship 持久的友谊。


表示“令人惊愕的,令人震惊的”,英文解释为“very surprising or shocking”举个🌰:

The jaw-dropping scale of the project has not defeated those involved.


📍jaw表示「下颌,下巴」(the lower part of your face that moves when you open your mouth),jaw-dropping很好记,字面意思就是下巴掉下来,令人震惊,令人惊愕。

📍何同学采访苹果CEO库克文中就提到:Regarding the new ‌Apple Silicon‌ Macs, Cook called the performance of the M1 chip "jaw-dropping," and that "it screams. It's so fast." 关于新的苹果硅Mac,库克称M1芯片的性能“令人惊叹”,“它的速度极快”。

The stakes were high for Apple heading into the event. The iPhone continues to be a major revenue driver for the company and remains central to its ecosystem of products. The event also comes amid some uncertainty: A US judge ruled last week that Apple can no longer prohibit app developers from directing users to payment options outside the App Store. The company is facing antitrust scrutiny from regulators in the US and abroad. And Apple recently confronted weeks of controversy for its approach to combating child exploitation.

对苹果来说,这次发布会的风险很高。iPhone仍然是该公司的主要收入驱动力,并且仍然是其产品生态系统的核心。这次发布会也是在一些不确定因素中进行的:美国法官上周裁定,苹果不能再禁止应用开发者将用户导向App Store以外的支付选项。该公司正面临美国和国外监管机构的反垄断审查。最近,苹果公司因其为打击剥削儿童的做法而面临着数周的争议。



作动词,表示“决定;裁定;判决”,英文解释为“to give an official decision about sth”举个🌰:The court will rule on the legality of the action.



表示“反垄断的”,英文解释为“In the United States, antitrust laws are intended to stop big companies taking over their competitors, fixing prices with their competitors, or interfering with free competition in any way.”


scrutiny /ˈskruːtɪnɪ/表示“细看,仔细审查;监视”,英文解释为“the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it”举个🌰:

His private life came under media scrutiny.



1)表示“面临(问题、任务、困难等)”,英文解释为“If you are confronted with a problem, task, or difficulty, you have to deal with it.”举个🌰:

She was confronted with severe money problems.


2)表示“正视(困难局面或问题)”,英文解释为“If you confront a difficult situation or issue, you accept the fact that it exists and try to deal with it.”举个🌰:

We are learning how to confront death.



作动词,常见含义表示“战斗,与...搏斗”,可以指“打击;制止;防止;减轻”,英文解释为“to stop sth unpleasant or harmful from happening or from getting worse”如:measures to combat crime/unemployment/disease 防止犯罪/失业/疾病的措施。


表示“剥削”,英文解释为“a situation in which you treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but give them very little in return – used to show disapproval”如:the exploitation of children 对儿童的剥削。

On Tuesday, Apple attempted to move past that. Here's a closer look at what was announced:


iPhone 13 Pro和iPhone 13 Pro Max

The higher-end iPhone Pro line was arguably the highlight of Apple's event, at least among the iPhones. The 6.1-inch iPhone 13 Pro and 6.7-inch iPhone 13 Pro Max feature Apple's new, powerful A15 Bionic chip, which Apple said is the "fastest CPU in any smartphone." It will give the iPhone improved machine learning capabilities, such as real-time video analysis and the ability to analyze text in photo.

高端的iPhone Pro系列可以说是苹果发布会的亮点,至少在iPhone中是这样。6.1英寸的iPhone 13 Pro和6.7英寸的iPhone 13 Pro Max采用了苹果新的、强大的A15仿生芯片,苹果称这是“所有智能手机中最快的CPU”。它将为iPhone提供更好的机器学习能力,如实时视频分析和分析照片中文本的能力。


常用于形容词比较级或最高级前,表示“可论证地,按理;可以说是”,英文解释为“used, often before a comparative or superlative adjective, when you are stating an opinion which you believe you could give reasons to support ”举个🌰:

They are arguably the most important band since The Rolling Stones.


📺美剧《脱狱之王》(Breakout Kings)中的台词提到:selling what is arguably the finest upright vacuum 推销现在市面上号称口碑最好的直立式吸尘


1)作名词,原意表示“特色;特征;特点”,英文解释为“something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing”,此前在iOS 14来了!文中就出现了多次的feature,介绍iOS 14各种新功能,新特点,举个🌰:

Which features do you look for when choosing a car?


2)feature作动词,表示“以…为特色;由…主演;以…为主要组成”,英文解释为“to include a particular person or thing as a special feature”,作动词往往可以理解为“有...”(功能/特色),举个🌰:

Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.


The film features Cary Grant as a professor.


📍在英文歌中会经常看到这种说法,xxxa feat. xxxb,此处feat.实际上就是feature的缩写,大概意思是歌曲中穿插另外一个人的演唱或表演,xxxa和xxxb共同演绎,合作演出。据百度百科,feat.的是后面这个歌手(或者组合)他在这首单曲里面或者这张专辑里面并不是主角,前面那个人才是这首歌的灵魂或者主人。


表示“仿生学的”,英文解释为“using artificial materials and methods to produce activity or movement in a person or animal”如:a bionic arm 仿生手臂。

The Pro devices pack a five-core CPU with 50% faster graphics -- an upgrade that will appeal to many gamers -- as well as a bright Super Retina XDR display with a faster refresh rate, an all-day battery life and an option for one terabyte of storage, doubling the prior maximum storage capacity.

iPhone Pro设备配备了五核CPU,图形处理速度提高了50%--这一升级将吸引许多游戏玩家--以及明亮的超视网膜XDR显示屏,刷新率更快,全天候的电池寿命,可选择1TB的存储容量,比之前的最大存储容量翻了一番。


表示“视网膜”,英文解释为“Your retina is the area at the back of your eye. It receives the image that you see and then sends the image to your brain.


TB,terabyte /ˈterəbaɪt/的缩写,表示“太字节;万亿字节”,英文解释为“a unit of computer information, consisting of approximately 1,024 gigabytes”

GB,gigabyte /ˈɡɪɡəbaɪt/的缩写,表示“千兆字节,吉字节”(a unit of computer information, consisting of 1,024 megabytes)

1 TB=1024 GB

1 GB=1024 MB

The camera system got a solid refresh, too. It comes with a new 77 mm telephoto lens with 3 times optical zoom, as well as new wide and ultrawide cameras.


telephoto lens

表示“远摄镜头;远距离镜头”,英文解释为“A telephoto lens is a powerful camera lens which allows you to take close-up pictures of something that is far away.”

单数lens,复数lenses,表示“镜头”,英文解释为“A lens is a thin curved piece of glass or plastic used in things such as cameras, telescopes, and pairs of glasses. You look through a lens in order to make things look larger, smaller, or clearer.”

optical zoom

表示“光学变焦”,英文解释为“a device in a camera that uses the camera's lens to make the thing being photographed appear nearer”

The Pro and Pro Max start at $999 and $1,099, respectively. (The iPhone Pro Max with one terabyte of storage costs $1,599.) The phones come in graphite, gold, silver and sierra blue. The entire new iPhone line will start shipping on Friday, September 24.

iPhone Pro和Pro Max的起售价分别为999美元和1099美元。(iPhone Pro Max 1TB 内存容量价格为1599美元。)这些手机有石墨色、金色、银色和远峰蓝色(sierra blue)。整个新iPhone系列将于9月24日星期五开始发货。


graphite /ˈɡræfaɪt/ 表示“石墨”,英文解释为“a soft, dark grey form of carbon, used in the middle of pencils, as a lubricant in machines, and in some nuclear reactors”。


sierra /siˈerə/ 表示“(尤指西班牙和美洲的)锯齿状山脉”,英文解释为“a long range of steep mountains with sharp points, especially in Spain and America”。

iPhone 13和iPhone 13 mini

The 6.1-inch iPhone 13 and 5.4-inch iPhone 13 mini come with the same A15 Bionic chip as the Pro line. It also has a dual-camera system, which is arranged diagonally, and features longer-lasting batteries. Apple said the iPhone 13 will last 2.5 hours longer than the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 13 mini will go 1.5 hours longer on a single charge.

6.1英寸的iPhone 13和5.4英寸的iPhone 13 mini配备了与Pro系列相同的A15仿生芯片。它还拥有双摄像头系统,按对角线排列,并具有更耐用的电池。苹果表示,iPhone 13续航将比iPhone 12的多2.5小时,iPhone 13 mini单次充电将多用1.5小时。


表示“对角地;斜对地”,英文解释为“in a straight and sloping way that is not horizontal or vertical, for example joining two opposite corners of a square or other flat shape with four sides”。

Other updates include a more efficient display, a new 5G chip, and a tool called Cinematic Mode, which is like the popular Portrait mode feature but for videos.

其他更新包括一个更有效的显示屏,一个新的5G芯片,以及一个叫做电影效果模式(Cinematic Mode)的工具,它就像受欢迎的人像模式功能,但用于视频。

The iPhone 13 mini will start at $699 for 128 GB (more storage for its base model than ever before) and the iPhone 13 will cost $799, starting with 128 GB. The smartphones come in five new colors: pink, blue, black, white and red.

iPhone 13 mini的起售价为699美元,容量为128GB(其基本型号的存储空间比以往更大),iPhone 13的起售价为799美元,容量为128GB。这些智能手机有五种新颜色:粉色、蓝色、黑色、白色和红色。

iPad和iPad mini

In somewhat of a surprise, Apple showed off updates to its iPad and iPad mini line. The 10.2-inch iPad features a powerful A13 chip with 20% faster performance than the previous model. Apple says it's now 3 times faster than a Chromebook.

在某种程度上是一个惊喜,苹果展示了其iPad和iPad mini产品线的更新。10.2英寸的iPad采用了强大的A13芯片,性能比上一个型号快20%。苹果表示,现在它的速度是Chromebook的3倍。

The updated iPad comes with a new 12MP ultrawide camera with Center Stage, which uses machine learning to adjust the front-facing camera during FaceTime video calls, and more accessory support that works with the first-generation Apple Pencil. It also supports a True Tone feature that adjusts the screen's color temperature to ambient lighting.

更新后的iPad配备了新的1200万像素超广角摄像头,带有Center Stage功能,在FaceTime视频通话中使用机器学习来调整前置摄像头,并提供更多的配件支持,与第一代Apple Pencil配合使用。它还支持True Tone功能,可根据环境光线调整屏幕的色温。


表示“附件,配件,附属品;装饰品,配饰”,英文解释为“something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or decorative purpose”举个🌰:

She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (= shoes, hat, bag, etc.).



表示“周围环境的;周围的”,英文解释为“relating to the surrounding area; on all sides”,如:ambient temperature/light/conditions  周围的温度/光线/环境。

The 8.3-inch iPad mini now comes with smaller bezels, more rounded corners, upgraded cameras on the front and back, Apple's Liquid retina display, USB-C support, magnetic support for Apple Pencil, an updated speaker system, and new colors, such as pink and purple.

8.3英寸的iPad mini现在有更小的边框,更圆润的边角,升级的前后摄像头,苹果Liquid视网膜屏,支持USB-C,支持Apple Pencil磁吸,新的扬声器系统,以及粉色和紫色等新颜色。


bezel /ˈbɛzəl/表示“(手表、手机等的)嵌玻璃凹槽,镶嵌板外圈”,英文解释为“a ring with a long narrow cut around the inside, used to hold sth in place, such as the cover of a watch or mobile phone/cellphone”。

Apple Watch Series 7

Apple unveiled the new Apple Watch Series 7, a slimmer device with a wider screen than its predecessor. The new watch has a display that is 20% larger than the Series 6. It can display 50% more text and also has a full keyboard that you can tap or swipe to type out text messages.

苹果公司发布了新的Apple Watch Series 7,这是一款比上一代产品更轻薄、屏幕更宽的设备。新手表的显示屏比6代大20%,可以多显示50%的文字,还拥有一个完整的键盘,你可以点击或轻扫来输入文字信息。


slim通常指苗条的,纤细的,单薄的,如:a slim figure 苗条的体形,a slim volume of poetry 一本薄薄的诗集;也可以表示“非常小的;微薄的;不足的;少的;小的”,英文解释为“not as big as you would like or expect”如:a slim chance of success 成功的可能性不大,a slim lead 微弱的领先优势,举个🌰:

They only have a slim chance of winning (= it's unlikely that they will win).


🎬电影《汽车总动员》(Cars)中的台词提到:Fifty laps down, and The King is still holding a slim lead. 50圈了 冠军还保持领先地位。


predecessor表示“前任,前辈;原有事物,前身”,英文解释为“someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series”。

📍successor表示“继任者,接替者;继承人;接替的事物”,英文解释为“someone or something that comes after another person or thing”举个🌰:

This range of computers is very fast, but their successors will be even faster.



1)表示“轻敲;轻拍;轻叩”(to hit sb/sth quickly and lightly举个🌰:

He tapped at the door.


2)表示“轻触(手机或平板电脑等给予指令)”(to touch the screen of a phone, tablet computer, etc. in order to give an instruction for something to happen)举个🌰:

You can manage the repeat and shuffle options by tapping the screen once and swiping to the left.


3)表示“ 在(电话或电报线)上装窃听器;窃听”(to use a small device attached to a phone in order to listen secretly to what people are saying)举个🌰:

He suspected that his phone had been tapped.


4)表示“利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等)”(to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists)举个🌰:

We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.


🎬电影《头号玩家》(Ready Player One)中的台词提到:This isn't real, you're tapping my feed. 这不是真的 你们拦截了我的信号。

🎬电影《银河护卫队2》(Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)中的台词提到:She wouldn't even tap her foot. Wouldn't move a muscle. 她也毫不动容 连脚趾头也不动一下。


表示“滑屏,滑动”,英文解释为“to move your finger over the screen of a mobile phone or tablet in order to move onto the next page, choose something, etc.s”,此处表示在手机屏幕上左右/上下滑动。

The Apple Watch Series 7 starts at $399 and will be available later this fall.

Apple Watch Series 7的起售价为399美元,将于今年秋季晚些时候上市。









- 那年今日 -

2020 美国队长回应误发照片

2019 黄金马桶艺术品在英国被盗

2018 苹果CEO库克回应iPhone定价昂贵

2017 这就很尴尬了......

2016 姚明名人堂演讲 展现姚氏幽默


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