

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Pandas in ice? Beijing puts its mark on the history of Olympic mascots.

The New York Times

The organizers of the Winter Olympics in Beijing turned to an old friend when picking a mascot: the panda.

Organizers selected Bing Dwen Dwen, designed by Cao Xue, from more than 5,800 potential mascot designs that had been submitted, according to the official site of the Olympics. Wrapped in a protective layer of ice mimicking an astronaut’s suit, Bing has been making its way around the bubble that is the home to hotels, competition sites and the Olympic Village.

The panda, once considered endangered, is native to China and is the country’s national animal. It has long been used as a diplomatic tool — like the pandas that have been donated to zoos in the United States — and has been minted on gold coins issued by the government. In 2008, when Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics, the organizers chose a panda as one of the five official Fuwa, or good-luck dolls, that served as mascots.

A committee made up of representatives of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and the Jilin University of the Arts chose Bing, which means “ice” in Mandarin. And Dwen Dwen translates as “robust and lively,” and represents children, according to the website.

The first Olympic mascot, Shuss, was created for the 1968 Games held in Grenoble, France. At the time, organizers referred to Shuss as a “character” and not as a mascot. Its crude depiction of a man zipping downhill on skis is probably a result of the fact that it was created in a “hurry,” according to the Olympics website. The designer was given one night to design Shuss.

Since then, there have been 26 mascots for the Winter and Summer Games, including an anthropomorphic American bald eagle dressed as Uncle Sam for the 1984 Games in Los Angeles. One of the more famous ones was Cobi, a mountain dog from the Pyrenees that was drawn in a Cubist form, for the 1992 Games in Barcelona.

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Pandas in ice? Beijing puts its mark on the history of Olympic mascots.

The New York Times

The organizers of the Winter Olympics in Beijing turned to an old friend when picking a mascot: the panda.



mascot /ˈmæs.kɑːt/ 表示“吉祥物”,英文解释为“a person, animal, or object that is believed to bring good luck, or one that represents an organization”如:a team mascot 球队的吉祥物。

Organizers selected Bing Dwen Dwen, designed by Cao Xue, from more than 5,800 potential mascot designs that had been submitted, according to the official site of the Olympics. Wrapped in a protective layer of ice mimicking an astronaut’s suit, Bing has been making its way around the bubble that is the home to hotels, competition sites and the Olympic Village.

据奥运会官方网站报道,组织者从提交的5800多个候选吉祥物设计方案中选出了曹雪设计的“冰墩墩”(Bing Dwen Dwen)。冰墩墩被包裹在模仿宇航员套装的冰外壳中,一直在酒店、比赛场地和奥运村的隔离区中穿梭。


表示“用…包裹;用…覆盖”,英文解释为“to cover someone with a piece of material in order to protect them”举个🌰:

She wrapped the baby in a blanket.



1)表示“模仿(人的言行举止);(尤指)做滑稽模仿”,英文解释为“to copy the way sb speaks, moves, behaves, etc., especially in order to make other people laugh”举个🌰:

She's always mimicking the teachers.


2)表示“(外表或行为举止)像,似”,英文解释为“to look or behave like sth else”举个🌰:

The robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements.



作名词大家都很熟悉,表示“泡;气泡;泡沫”,英文解释为“a ball of gas that appears in a liquid, or a ball formed of air surrounded by liquid that floats in the air”。这里可以解释为疫情发生以来的“隔离区”。2020年NBA复赛后,相关媒体资讯中经常会提到这个词。

📍比如,当时詹姆斯发了推特提到“to head to the bubble”,准备前往bubble;

📍华盛顿邮报(The Washington Post)的标题:A farewell to the NBA bubble after three grueling and exhilarating months. 艰苦和兴奋的三个月后,要告别这个NBA Bubble了,

📍纽约时报(The New York Times)提到的:The True Cost of Life in the N.B.A. Bubble,


The 2020 NBA Bubble, also referred to as the Disney Bubble or Orlando Bubble, was the isolation zone at Walt Disney World in Bay Lake, Florida, near Orlando, that was created by the National Basketball Association (NBA) to protect its players from the COVID-19 pandemic during the final eight games of the 2019–20 regular season and throughout the 2020 NBA playoffs.

📍实际上指的就是,因疫情防疫需要,NBA复赛时要求所有球队人员都集中到某个地方隔离(比如前面提到的Gran Destino Tower五星级酒店),不能随意外出串门之类的,等等要求严格遵守各种防疫措施。这个地区,或者说园区,就好像一个“泡泡”一样,与外界隔离开了,就叫做bubble,是不是很形象!本文的奥运村也被称为bubble啦。

The panda, once considered endangered, is native to China and is the country’s national animal. It has long been used as a diplomatic tool — like the pandas that have been donated to zoos in the United States — and has been minted on gold coins issued by the government. In 2008, when Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics, the organizers chose a panda as one of the five official Fuwa, or good-luck dolls, that served as mascots.



endangered表示“有危险的;濒临灭绝的”,英文解释为“in danger of being harmed, lost, unsuccessful, etc.”,如:endangered wildlife 濒危野生动物,endangered birds/plants/species 濒危鸟类/植物/物种。


表示“(动植物)原产于某地的,土生的”,英文解释为“used to refer to plants and animals that grow naturally in a place, and have not been brought there from somewhere else”举个🌰:

Henderson Island in the Pacific has more than 55 species of native flowering plants.



作动词,有“铸造(硬币)”的意思,英文解释为“to produce a coin for the government”;也有“创造(尤指新词语)”的意思,英文解释为“to produce something new, especially to invent a new phrase or word”,如:a freshly minted slogan/phrase 新想出的口号/新造的词语。

A committee made up of representatives of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and the Jilin University of the Arts chose Bing, which means “ice” in Mandarin. And Dwen Dwen translates as “robust and lively,” and represents children, according to the website.


The first Olympic mascot, Shuss, was created for the 1968 Games held in Grenoble, France. At the time, organizers referred to Shuss as a “character” and not as a mascot. Its crude depiction of a man zipping downhill on skis is probably a result of the fact that it was created in a “hurry,” according to the Olympics website. The designer was given one night to design Shuss.



表示“粗糙的;简陋的;粗制的;未加修饰的”,英文解释为“simple and not skilfully done or made”如:a crude device/weapon 简陋的装置/粗制的武器


表示“描绘,描述,描写”,英文解释为“the way that something is represented or shown”举个🌰:

The painter's depictions of the horror of war won her a worldwide reputation.



表示“快速移动;迅速去(某处)”,英文解释为“to move or go somewhere very quickly”举个🌰:

I'm just going to zip over to the shops.


Since then, there have been 26 mascots for the Winter and Summer Games, including an anthropomorphic American bald eagle dressed as Uncle Sam for the 1984 Games in Los Angeles. One of the more famous ones was Cobi, a mountain dog from the Pyrenees that was drawn in a Cubist form, for the 1992 Games in Barcelona.



anthropomorphic /ˌænθrəpəˈmɔːfɪk/表示“拟人化的”,英文解释为“Anthropomorphic means relating to the idea that an animal, a god, or an object has feelings or characteristics like those of a human being.”

bald eagle

表示“秃鹰;白头雕,白头鹫”,英文解释为“A bald eagle is a large eagle with a white head that lives in North America. It is the national bird of the United States.”


表示“立体派的;立体主义的”,英文解释为“belonging or relating to a style of modern art in which an object or person is shown as a set of geometric shapes, or typical of this style of painting”。







- 那年今日 -

2021 平安是福 健康是福

2020 在家办公的坏处

2018 江疏影的英文怎么样?

2017 “他孙女都比他懂事儿系列”

2016 iPhone, therefore I am



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