

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Japanese figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu reveals he suffered a serious ankle injury before his free skate and has been told to stay off the ice for now


Japan's "Ice Prince" figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu revealed that he is recovering from a serious ankle injury sustained during his third run at the Olympics, and has been told to stay off the ice for now. 

Hanyu spoke at a press conference on Monday evening in Beijing, where he revealed that he sprained his ankle badly at practice on February 9, the day before his free skate on February 10.

During the free skate, Hanyu was slated to attempt a gravity-defying quadruple Axel, a risky jump that has never been cleanly completed by any skater in any competition.

He ended up falling on both the attempt at the Axel and a quadruple Salchow and did not make the podium for the first time in his Olympic career. Hanyu also made a misstep during his short program, failing to take off for his opening jump, a quadruple Salchow, after his skates became stuck in the ice.

"Ever since the free skate, I have received a lot of treatment on my ankle. I have taken a lot of painkillers, and it hurts even to walk now," Hanyu said, adding that doctors have advised him to stay off the ice for now.

"On the day of the free skate, my leg was hurting so much that I did not know if I was going to compete. But I got an injection right before the skate and decided to do it anyway." 

"I don't want it to sound like an excuse — but if this had been a normal competition and not the Olympics, I might have withdrawn," Hanyu said.

He added that he did feel that there was a burden on his shoulders going into the Beijing Games, but said the pressure was what pushed him to want to complete the quadruple Axel — a dream that he says he will continue to chase. 

"My goal is that I still want to land the quadruple Axel. At the same time, I want to perfect my program," Hanyu said.

The Japanese figure skater's statements on Monday confirmed rumors that were swirling after he was spotted backstage after his free skate with his ankle wrapped in ice. 

He did however quash rumors that he would be retiring from the sport anytime soon. He was seen touching the ice before leaving the rink smiling, sparking speculation that he was bidding the ice goodbye for good. 

"I thanked the ice because it was the last time I was performing on the rink," Hanyu said. "I don't know if this will be my last Olympics."

"I feel that I would love to skate again at an Olympics. Performing on this stage makes me very happy, and I feel fortunate as a skater to be here." 

"I have two back-to-back gold medals, and I'm very proud of it. I will live my life being proud of this achievement," Hanyu said. 

Hanyu's recent attempt at the quad Axel came on the heels of a year marred by nearly career-ending injuries. He won his second gold medal in Pyeongchang in 2018, despite going into the games while recovering from an ankle ligament injury. Another leg injury to the same foot prevented him from competing between April and November last year.

Hanyu finished fourth in Beijing, with a total score of 283.21 points.

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Japanese figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu reveals he suffered a serious ankle injury before his free skate and has been told to stay off the ice for now


Japan's "Ice Prince" figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu revealed that he is recovering from a serious ankle injury sustained during his third run at the Olympics, and has been told to stay off the ice for now.

日本“冰上王子”花样滑冰运动员羽生结弦(Yuzuru Hanyu)透露,他正在从其在奥运会第三次比赛中遭受的严重脚踝伤势中恢复,并被告知暂时不要上冰。

figure skater

figure skater表示“花样滑冰运动员”,figure skating示“花样滑冰”,英文解释为“a type of skating that involves circular patterns and often includes jumps”。


替换了标题中的suffer,表示“经历,遭受(尤指破坏或损失)”,英文解释为“to suffer or experience, especially damage or loss”举个🌰:

She sustained multiple injuries in the accident.


Hanyu spoke at a press conference on Monday evening in Beijing, where he revealed that he sprained his ankle badly at practice on February 9, the day before his free skate on February 10.



表示“扭伤(关节)”,英文解释为“to cause an injury to a joint (= a place where two bones are connected) by a sudden movement举个🌰:

She sprained her ankle playing squash.


During the free skate, Hanyu was slated to attempt a gravity-defying quadruple Axel, a risky jump that has never been cleanly completed by any skater in any competition.



表示“预定;计划;安排”,英文解释为“to plan that sth will happen at a particular time in the future”举个🌰:

The houses were first slated for demolition five years ago.


📺英剧《追影逐凶》(Chasing Shadows)中的台词提到:There was another boy that was found in a building that was slated for demolition. 另外还有个男孩也是在一座确定要被拆除的建筑里被人发现的。



gravity 1)常见含义表示“重力;地球引力”,英文解释为“the force that attracts objects in space towards each other, and that on the earth pulls them towards the centre of the planet, so that things fall to the ground when they are dropped”如:the laws of gravity 万有引力定律,物理课上学的g=9.8还是g=10你还记得吗?

🎬电影《星际迷航》(Star Trek)中的台词提到:Captain, we're caught in the gravity well. It's got us. 舰长 我们被引力井吸住了,它吸住我们了。

2)表示“严重性”,英文解释为“extreme importance and a cause for worry”,可以替换seriousness,举个🌰:

Punishment varies according to the gravity of the offence.


3)表示“严肃;庄严”,英文解释为“serious behaviour, speech or appearance”举个🌰:

They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law.


defy 1)表示“违抗;反抗;蔑视”,英文解释为“to refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc.”举个🌰:

I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.


2)defy belief/explanation/description 表示“不可能,无法(相信、解释、描绘等)”,英文解释为“to be impossible or almost impossible to believe, explain, describe, etc.”举个🌰:

The chaos at that place defies description.


🎬电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)中的台词提到:There's things in these woods that defy imagination. 树林里有你无法想象的东西。

quadruple axel

quadruple /ˈkwɒdrʊpəl, -ˈdruːpəl/ 1)作动词,表示“(使)变为四倍”,英文解释为“to become four times bigger; to make sth four times bigger”举个🌰:

Sales have quadrupled in the last five years.


2)表示“大(或多)四倍”,英文解释为“four times as big”如:a quadruple measure 四倍大小;

3)表示“包括四部分(或四个人、四个地方等)的”,英文解释为“involving four parts, people, places, etc.”如:a quadruple fracture of his thumb 他的拇指四处骨折。

📍Axel:阿克塞尔跳(Axel Jump)是花样滑冰与花样轮滑运动六种跳跃中的一种,它由挪威选手阿克塞尔·保尔森(Axel Paulsen)在1882年首次完成,因而得名。在国际滑联评分体系中,阿克塞尔跳缩写为“A”,相应跳跃缩写为1A(一周半跳)、2A(两周半跳)、3A(三周半跳),依此类推。(百度百科)

📍下文出现的 Salchow 为萨霍夫跳(后内结环跳)。

He ended up falling on both the attempt at the Axel and a quadruple Salchow and did not make the podium for the first time in his Olympic career. Hanyu also made a misstep during his short program, failing to take off for his opening jump, a quadruple Salchow, after his skates became stuck in the ice.

结果他在尝试阿克塞尔四周跳(4A)和后内结环四周跳(4S)时都摔倒了,在他的奥运生涯中第一次没有登上领奖台。羽生结弦在短节目(short program)中也出现了失误,在他的开场跳--4S动作中,他的冰鞋卡在了冰面上,没能起跳。


1)表示“被绊了一下,失足”,英文解释为“an act of placing your foot somewhere in an awkward way”举个🌰:

A misstep can mean a nasty and possibly fatal fall.


2)表示“错误,失误”,英文解释为“a mistake”举个🌰:His opponents are watching very carefully for him to make a misstep.


"Ever since the free skate, I have received a lot of treatment on my ankle. I have taken a lot of painkillers, and it hurts even to walk now," Hanyu said, adding that doctors have advised him to stay off the ice for now.



表示“止痛药”,英文解释为“a drug that is used to reduce or remove physical pain”举个🌰:

The body produces chemicals that are natural painkillers.


"On the day of the free skate, my leg was hurting so much that I did not know if I was going to compete. But I got an injection right before the skate and decided to do it anyway."


"I don't want it to sound like an excuse — but if this had been a normal competition and not the Olympics, I might have withdrawn," Hanyu said.

“我不想让它听起来像一个借口 - 但如果这是一个正常的比赛而不是奥运会,我可能会退出,”羽生结弦说。


表示“抽回;取回;提取;撤回;撤离;退出;移回”,英文解释为“to take or move out or back, or to remove”举个🌰:

She had to withdraw from the competition because of a leg injury.


He added that he did feel that there was a burden on his shoulders going into the Beijing Games, but said the pressure was what pushed him to want to complete the quadruple Axel — a dream that he says he will continue to chase.


"My goal is that I still want to land the quadruple Axel. At the same time, I want to perfect my program," Hanyu said.


The Japanese figure skater's statements on Monday confirmed rumors that were swirling after he was spotted backstage after his free skate with his ankle wrapped in ice.



swirl /swɜːl/ 原意表示“使(液态、流动的物质)快速旋流;(液态、流动的物质)快速旋流”,英文解释为“If you swirl something liquid or flowing, or if it swirls, it moves around and around quickly.”显然,这里不是旋动,转动的意思,此处可以引申为“流传,传播”的意思,类似于spread或者是circulate,举个🌰:

Rumours have swirled for years that he is on the point of retiring.


📍circulate有“传播;流传;散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰:

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


He did however quash rumors that he would be retiring from the sport anytime soon. He was seen touching the ice before leaving the rink smiling, sparking speculation that he was bidding the ice goodbye for good.



quash /kwɑːʃ/ 1)表示“撤销,废止,宣布…无效”,英文解释为“to say officially that something, especially an earlier official decision, is no longer to be accepted”举个🌰:

His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal.


2)表示“制止;阻止;平息”,英文解释为“to forcefully stop something that you do not want to happen”举个🌰:

The rumours were quickly quashed.



rink 表示“溜冰场;旱冰场”,英文解释为“A rink is a large area covered with ice where people go to ice-skate, or a large area of concrete where people go to roller-skate.”


表示“引发”,英文解释为“If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening.”举个🌰:

My teacher organized a unit on computer science that really sparked my interest.


此前,《后浪》和「青年」一文的标题中就用到:Bilibili's May 4th Youth Day video sparks discussion on social media 引发热议。


📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。


表示“推测;猜测;推断”,英文解释为“the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts”举个🌰:

There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign.



表示“打招呼,致意;请求”,英文解释为“to give a greeting to someone, or to ask someone to do something”举个🌰:

They bade her good morning.


I must now bid you farewell (= say goodbye to you).


"I thanked the ice because it was the last time I was performing on the rink," Hanyu said. "I don't know if this will be my last Olympics."


"I feel that I would love to skate again at an Olympics. Performing on this stage makes me very happy, and I feel fortunate as a skater to be here."


"I have two back-to-back gold medals, and I'm very proud of it. I will live my life being proud of this achievement," Hanyu said.



1)表示“一个接着一个的;连续的”,英文解释为“Back-to-back wins or victories are victories that are gained one after another without any defeats between them.”举个🌰:

He is celebrating back-to-back victories in the German and British Grands Prix.


2)(英式)表示“背靠背的”,英文解释为“close together and facing in opposite directions”,如:back-to-back terraced houses 互相背对着的排屋。


📍在NBA或者CBA的比赛中,你可以会听到一种说法叫“背靠背”比赛,实际上它就是源自这里的back to back,意思是连续两天比赛客场作战,而且是在不同的城市。而广义上背靠背的比赛,就是球队连续两天作战。

Hanyu's recent attempt at the quad Axel came on the heels of a year marred by nearly career-ending injuries. He won his second gold medal in Pyeongchang in 2018, despite going into the games while recovering from an ankle ligament injury. Another leg injury to the same foot prevented him from competing between April and November last year.


on the heels of

heel本身表示「脚后跟」,整个短语字面意思就非常直白,在...的脚后跟上,因此解释为“…之后紧跟着发生,紧随…而来;紧跟”,英文解释为“to happen very soon after something”,通常用法:come/follow hard/hot on the heels of sth,举个🌰:

For him, disaster followed hard on the heels of his initial success.


🎬电影《忍者神龟》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)中的台词提到:He did so on the heels of a renewed contract with Eric Sacks and Sacks Industries. 这是在他与埃里克· 赛克斯以及赛克斯企业重新签订相关合同之后采取的举措。


表示“损坏;破坏;损伤”,英文解释为“to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable”举个🌰:

Sadly, the text is marred by careless errors.


🎬电影《我,机器人》(I, Robot)中的台词提到:In a bizarre turn, the rollout of USR's new generation of robots... was marred by the death of Alfred Lanning... 阿尔弗雷德·兰尼的惨死让机器人公司新型机器人的发布出现了戏剧性的转折。


ligament /ˈlɪɡ.ə.mənt/ 表示“韧带”,英文解释为“any of the strong fibres (= strips of tissue) in the body that connect bones together, limiting movements in joints (= places where two bones are connected) and supporting muscles and other tissue”

Hanyu finished fourth in Beijing, with a total score of 283.21 points.









- 那年今日 -

2021 记得在今天多陪陪Ta

2020 德国一男子求婚方式走红

2018 为啥情人节爱心不是心脏的形状

2017 单身狗专属,非单身人士慎点!

2015 Is Apple building electric car?



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