

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Actress Barbie Hsu marries former boyfriend, South Korean musician DJ Koo, three months after her divorce


After announcing her divorce from Chinese businessman Wang Xiaofei in November last year, Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu has shocked fans by announcing that she has remarried. Her new relationship is with an old flame, South Korean musician, DJ Koo Jun-yup. 

Koo made the initial surprise announcement on social media on Tuesday (Mar 8), and he tagged Hsu in the post. 

His post, written in both Chinese and Korean, read: "We are married. To have such a destiny with a lover from over 20 years ago – this is a love we both want to cherish and continue.”

Koo added that he had reached out to the singer-actress after hearing about her divorce.

“When I heard the news of her divorce, I dug out her number from over 20 years ago and contacted her. Thankfully, her number has not changed and we reconnected. We have lost too much time together so I proposed marriage and Barbie finally agreed.”

“After registering our marriage, we shall live together. I'm marrying late in life and I hope to receive everyone's love and support,” read the rest of the post. 

In her own announcement of the marriage, the Meteor Garden actress reposted Koo’s message across her social media accounts, adding that “Life is uncertain. I cherish the happiness I have in the present. I thank everything that has led me step by step to where I am now”.

Hsu and Koo are said to have dated in the late 1990s while he was a part of the South Korean dance music duo, Clon. They dated for nearly a year and split up because of his management’s disapproval of him being in a relationship at the time. 

Hsu and her ex-husband were married for more than 10 years and they have two children together.

Barbie Hsu Marries Korean Rapper DJ Koo Yap-jun After 20 Years


“Meteor Garden (流星花园)” actress Barbie Hsu (徐熙媛) seems to have had enough of the single life.

While she has been keeping herself busy after the divorce, it seems she was already ready for a new, or should we say, old flame. Today (8th March), it was announced that Barbie is married to Clon (클론) member Koo Jun-yup (구준엽)!

Jun-yup was the first to announce the news on his socials. The Korean rapper was overjoyed to introduce Barbie as his significant other.

Apparently, after hearing of her divorce with Wang Xiaofei, Jun-yap took the initiative to contact Barbie again. “Fortunately, that number did not change, we could reconnect,” he stated. The duo got to talking and Jun-yap realised they had waited long enough for each other. “I proposed to get married and Barbie finally accepted,” he shared joyfully. “Because I married late, I hope to get everyone’s support and blessings.”

Barbie also shared the announcement on her Instagram, shortly after Jun-yap posted his. “Life is not permanent, and I cherish the happiness of the moment. Thanks for everything that got me step by step to where I am now,” the actress wrote. Jun-yup will soon be going to Taiwan to register their marriage there.

Numerous fans have left congratulatory messages, with many exclaiming how happy they are for the couple and are wishing them well. We hope the new couple has a long lasting and happy marriage!

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Actress Barbie Hsu marries former boyfriend, South Korean musician DJ Koo, three months after her divorce


After announcing her divorce from Chinese businessman Wang Xiaofei in November last year, Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu has shocked fans by announcing that she has remarried. Her new relationship is with an old flame, South Korean musician, DJ Koo Jun-yup

在去年11月宣布与中国企业家汪小菲离婚后,中国台湾省女演员徐熙媛(Barbie Hsu)宣布她已经再婚,这让粉丝们感到震惊。她的新恋情是与旧情人、韩国音乐人具俊晔(Koo Jun-yup)在一起了。

old flame

表示“旧情人,老相好”,英文解释为“a person that you loved or had a sexual relationship with in the past”

Koo made the initial surprise announcement on social media on Tuesday (Mar 8), and he tagged Hsu in the post



经常在网上冲浪的就比较熟悉,post除了作名词,表示“网站上公布的信息;帖子”,英文解释为“something such as a message or picture that you publish on a website or using social media”,也可以作动词,表示“(在网站上)公布,发布(信息);发(帖)”,英文解释为“to publish something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media”举个🌰:

Lots of friends have commented on my post.


His post, written in both Chinese and Korean, read: "We are married. To have such a destiny with a lover from over 20 years ago – this is a love we both want to cherish and continue.”


Koo added that he had reached out to the singer-actress after hearing about her divorce.


reach out to

1)表示“(通常指为了帮助或加入其中而)与(某人)沟通,与(某人)打成一片,走进(某些人)中间”,英文解释为“to try to communicate with a person or a group of people, usually in order to help or involve them”举个🌰:

The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.


2)表示“向某人伸出援手,给某人支持”,英文解释为“to offer help and support to someone”举个🌰:

She set up her charity to reach out to the thousands of homeless on the streets.


“When I heard the news of her divorce, I dug out her number from over 20 years ago and contacted her. Thankfully, her number has not changed and we reconnected. We have lost too much time together so I proposed marriage and Barbie finally agreed.”


dig out

表示“找出(很久不见或未用的东西)”,英文解释为“to find something that you have not seen or used for a long time”举个🌰:

Mum dug out some old family pictures to show me.


“After registering our marriage, we shall live together. I'm marrying late in life and I hope to receive everyone's love and support,” read the rest of the post. 


In her own announcement of the marriage, the Meteor Garden actress reposted Koo's message across her social media accounts, adding that “Life is uncertain. I cherish the happiness I have in the present. I thank everything that has led me step by step to where I am now”.

曾出演《流星花园》(Meteor Garden)的徐熙媛在社交媒体账户上转发了具俊晔的帖子,宣布了这一婚讯,并补充说:“人生无常,我珍惜当下的幸福。感谢一切让我一步一步走到现在的所有。”


meteor /ˈmiː.t̬i.ɔːr/ 表示“流星”,英文解释为“a piece of rock or other matter from space that produces a bright light as it travels through the atmosphere”

📍还有用shooting star / falling star 表示“流星”,英文解释为“a meteor (= a piece of rock from space that produces a bright light as it travels through the earth's atmosphere)”

📍meteor shower 表示“流星雨”,英文解释为“an occasion when a number of meteors (= pieces of matter in space that produce a bright light as they travel) move fast across the sky at night”举个🌰:

This could be the best meteor shower that anybody alive today will ever see.


Hsu and Koo are said to have dated in the late 1990s while he was a part of the South Korean dance music duo, Clon. They dated for nearly a year and split up because of his management's disapproval of him being in a relationship at the time. 



1)表示“二重奏演奏者;二重唱演唱者;二人组合表演者”,英文解释为“A duo is two musicians, singers, or other performers who perform together as a pair.”如:a famous dancing and singing duo. 一个著名的歌舞表演二人组。

2)表示“(有共同点的)一对人”,英文解释为“You can refer to two people together as a duo, especially when they have something in common.”举个🌰:

The Giants are led by the scoring duo of Adam Courchaine and Gilbert Brule. 


Hsu and her ex-husband were married for more than 10 years and they have two children together.


Barbie Hsu Marries Korean Rapper DJ Koo Yap-jun After 20 Years


Meteor Garden (流星花园)” actress Barbie Hsu (徐熙媛) seems to have had enough of the single life.


have had enough

表示“受够了;烦透了;再也无法忍受了”,英文解释为“to want something to stop because it is annoying you”举个🌰:

I've had enough - I'm going home.


While she has been keeping herself busy after the divorce, it seems she was already ready for a new, or should we say, old flame. Today (8th March), it was announced that Barbie is married to Clon (클론) member Koo Jun-yup (구준엽)!

虽然她在离婚后一直忙于工作,但似乎她已经准备好迎接新的,或者我们应该说,旧情人。今天(3月8日),徐熙媛与Clon(클론)成员具俊晔(Koo Jun-yup,구준엽)宣布结婚了!

Jun-yup was the first to announce the news on his socials. The Korean rapper was overjoyed to introduce Barbie as his significant other.



表示“极度高兴的;欣喜若狂的”,英文解释为“extremely happy”举个🌰:We're overjoyed at your news.


significant other

表示“至关重要的另一位(指配偶或伴侣)”,英文解释为“a person with whom someone has a romantic or sexual relationship that has lasted for some time and that is likely to last longer”举个🌰:

He lives with his significant other in Hangzhou.


Apparently, after hearing of her divorce with Wang Xiaofei, Jun-yap took the initiative to contact Barbie again. “Fortunately, that number did not change, we could reconnect,” he stated. The duo got to talking and Jun-yap realised they had waited long enough for each other. “I proposed to get married and Barbie finally accepted,” he shared joyfully. “Because I married late, I hope to get everyone’s support and blessings.


take the initiative

表示“积极主动,带头”,英文解释为“To be the first one to do something, esp. to solve a problem; If you take the initiative in a situation, you are the first person to act, and are therefore able to control the situation.”


propose作动词,除了表示“提议,建议”,这里不由得让人想到其另一个含义向某人求婚”,英文解释为“to ask someone to marry you, especially in a formal way举个🌰:

KangKang proposed to Jane three years after they met.


📍名词形式proposal:an act of formally asking sb to marry you 求婚,也可以说make a proposal;

Barbie also shared the announcement on her Instagram, shortly after Jun-yap posted his. “Life is not permanent, and I cherish the happiness of the moment. Thanks for everything that got me step by step to where I am now,” the actress wrote. Jun-yup will soon be going to Taiwan to register their marriage there.


Numerous fans have left congratulatory messages, with many exclaiming how happy they are for the couple and are wishing them well. We hope the new couple has a long lasting and happy marriage!



表示“(因吃惊、害怕、喜悦等)呼喊,惊叫”,英文解释为“to say or shout something suddenly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.”举个🌰:

"You can't leave now!" she exclaimed.










- 那年今日 -

2021 盒马:这个企鹅没有心

2020 张伟丽成功卫冕金腰带

2019 Facebook想模仿微信

2018 《亲爱的篮球》获奥斯卡奖

2016 每日N词|20160309

2015 The right time?…




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