
奥巴马卸任后首次重返白宫 和拜登互开玩笑

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Barack Obama Returns To White House And Refers To Joe Biden As “Vice President”: “That Was A Joke”


Barack Obama returned to the White House on Tuesday for the first time in five years and, as he started speaking, referred to Joe Biden as “vice president.”

“That was a joke,” Obama said, with the current president and current vice president by his side.

He then gave Biden a hug.

“That was all set up. My president, Joe Biden. Vice President Harris,” Obama said.

Obama was at an event tied to the 12th anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act.

As he started his speech in the East Room, Obama quipped that  “I heard some changes have been made by the current president since I was last here. Apparently Secret Service agents have to wear aviator glasses now. The Navy mess has been replaced by a Baskin Robbins. And there’s a cat running around. I guarantee you Bo and Sunny would have been very unhappy about.”

“Coming back, even if I have to wear a tie, which I very rarely do these days, give me a chance to visit with some of the incredible people who serve this White House and who serve this country every single day.”

Obama talked about how hard it was to pass the Affordable Care Act. “Despite great odds, Joe and I were determined, because we met too many people on the campaign trail who shared their stories, and our own families had been touched by illness.”

He said that he “intended to get health care passed even if it cost me re-election, which looked for a while like it might.” The crowd in the room laughed.

“The ACA was an example of why you run for office in the first place,” he said. “We are not supposed to do this just to occupy a seat or hang on to power. We are supposed to do this because it is making a difference in the lives of the people who sent us here.”

Obama also made light of the moment when he signed the ACA and Biden was heard telling him, “this is a big f—ing deal!”

When Biden started his remarks, he quipped, “My name is Joe Biden and I’m Barack Obama’s vice president.” He said more seriously to Obama, “Welcome back to the White House, man. It feels like the good old days.”

Before he signed a new executive order on healthcare, Biden quipped, “Barack, let me remind you, it’s a hot mic.”

Biden later posted a photo of himself with Obama in the Oval Office.

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Barack Obama Returns To White House And Refers To Joe Biden As “Vice President”: “That Was A Joke”


Barack Obama returned to the White House on Tuesday for the first time in five years and, as he started speaking, referred to Joe Biden as “vice president.”

周二,巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)时隔五年首次回到白宫,在开始讲话时,他称乔·拜登(Joe Biden)为“副总统”。

“That was a joke,” Obama said, with the current president and current vice president by his side.



📰CNN在相关报道中的标题:Watch: Obama pokes fun at Biden in speech.

📍其中,poke fun at sb.表示“打趣,取笑(某人),奚落(某人)”,英文解释为“to make someone seem stupid by making jokes about them or laughing unkindly”

📰INSIDER标题:Obama cracks joke at 'Vice President' Biden during White House event

📍其中,crack表示“说(笑话);开玩笑,说俏皮话”,英文解释为“If you crack a joke, you tell it.”举个🌰:
He drove a Volkswagen, cracked jokes, and talked about beer and girls.


He then gave Biden a hug.


“That was all set up. My president, Joe Biden. Vice President Harris,” Obama said.


Obama was at an event tied to the 12th anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act.



表示“付得起的;买得起的”,英文解释为“not expensive”如:nice clothes at affordable prices 物美价廉的衣服。


表示“法案;法令”,英文解释为“a law or formal decision made by a parliament or other group of people who make the laws for their country”如:an Act of Parliament 议会法案。

As he started his speech in the East Room, Obama quipped that  “I heard some changes have been made by the current president since I was last here. Apparently Secret Service agents have to wear aviator glasses now. The Navy mess has been replaced by a Baskin Robbins. And there’s a cat running around. I guarantee you Bo and Sunny would have been very unhappy about.”

当他在东厅(East Room)开始演讲时,奥巴马打趣说:“我听说自从我上次来这里后,现任总统已经做了一些改变。显然,特勤局的工作人员现在必须戴上飞行员眼镜。海军餐厅已经被芭斯罗缤(Baskin Robbins)所取代。还有一只猫到处跑。我向你保证,波(Bo)和桑尼(Sunny)会很不高兴的。”


此前在美国女子坚持浇花两年,忽然发现是假花???一文中就出现过这一说法,quip作动词,表示“说俏皮话,说妙语”,英文解释为“to say something clever and amusing”,举个🌰:

‘Giving up smoking is easy,’ he quipped. ‘I've done it hundreds of times.’


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who once quipped, 我记得萧伯纳曾说过,

Secret Service

表示“(美国保护重要政治人物的)特勤局”,英文解释为“in the US, an organization that is responsible for protecting important politicians”举个🌰:

The Secret Service has a responsibility to protect the President from harm.



aviator /ˈeɪ.vi.eɪ.tər/ 表示“飞行员”,英文解释为“an aircraft pilot”举个🌰:

She was a pioneering aviator who made record-breaking flights.



表示“海军”,英文解释为“the part of a country's armed forces that is trained to operate at sea”举个🌰:

My brother is an officer in the Navy.



熟词僻义,mess/mess hall 表示“(军人的)食堂,交谊厅”,英文解释为“a room or building in which members of the armed forces have their meals or spend their free time”举个🌰:

The captain was having breakfast in the mess hall.



📍Baskin-Robbins is an American multinational chain of ice cream and cake specialty shop restaurants owned by Inspire Brands. 芭斯罗缤(英语:Baskin-Robbins),或较常被译称为31冰淇淋,是发源于美国南加州的跨国连锁冰淇淋专卖店。(维基百科)


“Coming back, even if I have to wear a tie, which I very rarely do these days, give me a chance to visit with some of the incredible people who serve this White House and who serve this country every single day.”


Obama talked about how hard it was to pass the Affordable Care Act. “Despite great odds, Joe and I were determined, because we met too many people on the campaign trail who shared their stories, and our own families had been touched by illness.”

奥巴马谈到了通过《平价医疗法案》(The Affordable Care Act)是多么的艰难。“尽管困难重重,乔和我还是下定决心,因为我们在竞选路上遇到了太多分享他们故事的人,我们自己的家庭也被疾病所影响。”

great odds

表示“困难重重,困难诸多”,相当于a lot of difficulties,举个🌰:

We believe that, despite great odds, we can achieve a peaceful settlement.


campaign trail

表示“(在不同地方开展的)一系列竞选活动”,英文解释为“a series of planned events in different places taken part in or given by a politician who is trying to be elected”举个🌰:

She went on the campaign trail around the Southern states.


He said that he “intended to get health care passed even if it cost me re-election, which looked for a while like it might.” The crowd in the room laughed.


“The ACA was an example of why you run for office in the first place,” he said. “We are not supposed to do this just to occupy a seat or hang on to power. We are supposed to do this because it is making a difference in the lives of the people who sent us here.”


run for office

表示“参加竞选”,英文解释为“to compete as a candidate in an election for a position of authority and responsibility in a government or other organization”举个🌰:

She is considering running for office.


Obama also made light of the moment when he signed the ACA and Biden was heard telling him, “this is a big f—ing deal!”


make light of sth

表示“轻视,忽视(尤指问题);不在乎,对...不重视”,英文解释为“to behave as if a situation, especially a problem, is not serious or important”举个🌰:

It is easy to make light of other people's problems.


When Biden started his remarks, he quipped, “My name is Joe Biden and I’m Barack Obama’s vice president.” He said more seriously to Obama, “Welcome back to the White House, man. It feels like the good old days.”


the godd old days

表示“美好的过往”,英文解释为“If you talk about the good old days, you mean a time in the past when you believe life was better.”举个🌰:

I wish my grandma would stop going on about the good old days.


Before he signed a new executive order on healthcare, Biden quipped, “Barack, let me remind you, it’s a hot mic.”


hot mic

指的是“开着的麦克风/话筒(而当事人往往不知道开着)”,英文解释为“a microphone (= a device you speak into to make your voice louder or to record your voice) that is switched on, especially without the speaker realizing”


📍很有意思的背景,2010年3月奥巴马在签署历史性的医改法案时,副总统拜登不知道当时麦克风没有关上,在奥巴马耳边说了这句“名言”:“This is a big f***ing deal.” 一时失言“爆粗”被现场收音并播了出去。

📍上文也提到了,奥巴马重返白宫,讲话中含蓄地提到了这句“名言”:If you can get millions of people health coverage and better protection, it is — to quote a famous American — a pretty “big deal.”  (Laughter and applause.)  That’s what it is.  (Applause.)  A big deal. 如果你能让数百万人获得健康保障和更好的保护,那就是--引用一位著名美国人的话--相当“大的事情”。 (笑声和掌声。)这就是它的意义。(鼓掌。)一件大事。


Biden later posted a photo of himself with Obama in the Oval Office.


the Oval Office

1)表示“(美国白宫的)椭圆形办公室,总统办公室”,英文解释为“the office of the US President in the White House”。

2)表示“(美国)总统及政府行政部门”,英文解释为“a way of referring to the US President and the part of the government that is controlled by the President”举个🌰:

Congress is waiting to see how the Oval Office will react.


📍The Oval Office 椭圆形办公室(Oval Office)位于白宫西厢,是美国总统的正式办公室。The Oval Office is, since 1909, the working office space of the President of the United States, located in the West Wing of the White House, Washington, D.C.









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