
怒摔小球迷手机 C罗将接受警方问询

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Police launch investigation into Cristiano Ronaldo phone incident

The Guardian

Cristiano Ronaldo is at the centre of a Merseyside police investigation as a result of an incident at the end of Saturday’s 1-0 defeat at Everton in which the Manchester United forward appeared to knock a mobile phone out of a supporter’s hand.

While the 37-year-old subsequently apologised on Instagram and invited the fan to a game at Old Trafford, police are now appealing for witnesses after a video of the incident was posted on social media as the Portuguese headed towards the tunnel at Goodison Park.

A spokesperson for Merseyside police said: “We can confirm that we are liaising with Manchester United Football Club and Everton FC following reports of an alleged assault at the Everton v Manchester United football match at Goodison.

“As players were leaving the pitch at 2.30pm, it was reported that a boy was assaulted by one of the away team as they left the pitch. Inquiries are under way and officers are currently working with Everton Football Club to review CCTV footage and are carrying out extensive witness inquiries to establish if an offence has taken place.

“Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact Merseyside police social media desk via Twitter MerPolCC or Facebook Merseyside police contact centre quoting reference number 228 of 9 April 2022.”

United’s reverse at Goodison Park left them six points behind Tottenham in the final Champions League berth with seven matches remaining for both sides.

On Instagram Ronaldo said: “It’s never easy to deal with emotions in difficult moments such as the one we are facing. Nevertheless, we always have to be respectful, patient and set the example for all the youngsters who love the beautiful game. I would like to apologise for my outburst and, if possible, I would like to invite this supporter to watch a game at Old Trafford as a sign of fair-play and sportsmanship.”

Later on Saturday a United spokesperson said: “We are aware of an alleged incident after today’s game at Everton and the club will cooperate with any police inquiries.”

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Police launch investigation into Cristiano Ronaldo phone incident

The Guardian

Cristiano Ronaldo is at the centre of a Merseyside police investigation as a result of an incident at the end of Saturday’s 1-0 defeat at Everton in which the Manchester United forward appeared to knock a mobile phone out of a supporter’s hand.

在周六以1-0输给埃弗顿(Everton)的比赛中,曼联前锋克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)似乎打掉了一位球迷手中的手机,目前正在接受默西塞德郡(Merseyside)警方的调查。

be at the centre of sth

表示“处于…的焦点;处于…的中心”,英文解释为“to be most involved in a situation”举个🌰:

He was at the centre of the argument.



表示“前锋”,英文解释为“a player who is in an attacking position in a team”;

📍此前在请支持暂时遇到困难的中国足球文中,出现的是striker,表示“(足球比赛等中的)前锋”,英文解释为“a player in a game such as football whose main purpose is to try to score goals rather than to prevent the opposing team from scoring”。

While the 37-year-old subsequently apologised on Instagram and invited the fan to a game at Old Trafford, police are now appealing for witnesses after a video of the incident was posted on social media as the Portuguese headed towards the tunnel at Goodison Park.

虽然这位37岁的球员随后在Instagram上道歉,并邀请这位球迷参加在老特拉福德(Old Trafford)举行的比赛,但事件的视频被发布在社交媒体后,警方现在正在寻求证人。视频中显示,当时C罗(葡萄牙人)正走向古迪逊公园球场(Goodison Park)的球员通道。


表示“随后;后来;之后;接着”,英文解释为“afterwards; later; after sth else has happened”举个🌰:

The original interview notes were subsequently lost.



the tunnel 表示“(足球或橄榄球等比赛时球员走向球场的)球员通道”,英文解释为“the long passage through which football, rugby etc. players walk to get to the pitch”。

A spokesperson for Merseyside police said: “We can confirm that we are liaising with Manchester United Football Club and Everton FC following reports of an alleged assault at the Everton v Manchester United football match at Goodison.



liaise /liˈeɪz/表示“联络,联系,接洽;(在人与机构之间)联络”,英文解释为“to speak to people in other organizations, etc. in order to work with them or exchange information with them;to be the link between two or more people, organizations, etc.”举个🌰:

Her department liaises between the development team and the regional offices.



assault可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“袭击,攻击,猛攻”,英文解释为“a violent attack”;作名词时以表示“侵犯人身(罪),殴击他人身体(罪)”,如:sexual/indecent assault 性侵/猥亵。举个🌰:

The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.


“As players were leaving the pitch at 2.30pm, it was reported that a boy was assaulted by one of the away team as they left the pitch. Inquiries are under way and officers are currently working with Everton Football Club to review CCTV footage and are carrying out extensive witness inquiries to establish if an offence has taken place.



pitch 表示“运动场地;(尤指)足球场”,英文解释为“an area painted with lines for playing particular sports, especially football”如:a football/hockey/cricket pitch 足球/曲棍球/板球赛场。


表示“闭路电视(closed-circuit television的缩写)”,英文解释为“abbreviation for closed-circuit television : a system that sends television signals to a limited number of screens, and is often used in shops and public places to prevent crime”如:CCTV cameras 闭路电视摄像机。

📍CCTV:此CCTV非彼CCTV,其中的CC就是Closed Circuit的缩写,TV就是电视Television的缩写。



表示“(描述某一事件的)片段镜头”,英文解释为“Footage of a particular event is a film of it or the part of a film which shows this event.”举个🌰:

They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer's festivals.



1)表示“犯罪行为;罪行”,英文解释为“an illegal act; a crime”如:a serious/minor offence 重/轻罪。

2)表示“冒犯;触犯;得罪”,英文解释为“upset and hurt or annoyed feelings, often because someone has been rude or shown no respect”举个🌰:

I really didn't mean (to cause/give) any offence (= did not intend to upset anyone) - I was just stating my opinion.


“Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact Merseyside police social media desk via Twitter MerPolCC or Facebook Merseyside police contact centre quoting reference number 228 of 9 April 2022.”

“任何有关于此事件的信息,请通过Twitter MerPolCC或Facebook默西塞德郡警方联络中心联系默西塞德郡警方的社交媒体部门,并注明2022年4月9日的参考代号228。”


表示“引用,引述,援引”,英文解释为“to repeat the words that someone else has said or written”举个🌰:

He's always quoting from the Bible.


United's reverse at Goodison Park left them six points behind Tottenham in the final Champions League berth with seven matches remaining for both sides.



1)表示“失败;挫折”,英文解释为“a defeat or failure”举个🌰:

They suffered a serious military reverse.


2)作动词,表示“(使)反向;(使)倒转;彻底改变;推翻”,英文解释为“to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite”举个🌰:

The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.



原意表示“(船、火车等上的)床铺;(船只在码头的)泊位”,英文解释为“a bed in a boat, train, etc., or a place for a ship or boat to stay in a port”,在体育运动语境中,表示“位置,席位,(xx)资格”,英文解释为“(often in a sporting context) a position in an organization or event.”如:a playoff berth 季后赛席位/资格,losing the playoff berth 无缘季后赛,失去资格,失去晋级位置。

On Instagram Ronaldo said: “It’s never easy to deal with emotions in difficult moments such as the one we are facing. Nevertheless, we always have to be respectful, patient and set the example for all the youngsters who love the beautiful game. I would like to apologise for my outburst and, if possible, I would like to invite this supporter to watch a game at Old Trafford as a sign of fair-play and sportsmanship.”



表示“年轻人;少年”,英文解释为“a young person, usually an older child”举个🌰:

The scheme is for youngsters between the ages of ten and 16.



表示“(尤指愤怒情绪的)爆发,迸发”,英文解释为“a sudden forceful expression of emotion, especially anger”举个🌰:

Her comments provoked an outburst of anger from the boss.



1)表示“按规则比赛;公平竞争”,英文解释为“in sport, the fact of playing according to the rules and not having an unfair advantage”

2)表示“公平待遇,均等条件”,英文解释为“fair and honest treatment of people”举个🌰:

The committee's job is to ensure fair play between all the political parties during the election.



表示“运动员风范;体育精神”,英文解释为“behaviour in sport that is fair and shows respect to the other players”。

Later on Saturday a United spokesperson said: “We are aware of an alleged incident after today’s game at Everton and the club will cooperate with any police inquiries.”



表示“被说成的,(尤指在证据不足的情况下)被指控的”,英文解释为“said or thought by some people to be the stated bad or illegal thing, although you have no proof”举个🌰:

It took 6 years for the alleged criminals (= people thought to be criminals) to prove their innocence.








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