

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26







COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update

Edition 87, published 12 April 2022

Global overview

Data as of 10 April 2022

Globally, during the week of 4 through 10 April 2022, the number of new COVID-19 cases and deaths has continued to decline for a third consecutive week, with over 7 million cases and over 22 000 deaths reported, a decrease of 24% and 18% respectively, as compared to the previous week (Figure 1).

All regions reported decreasing trends in the number of new weekly cases and deaths (Table 1). As of 10 April 2022, over 496 million confirmed cases and over 6 million deaths have been reported globally.

These trends should be interpreted with caution as several countries are progressively changing their COVID-19 testing strategies, resulting in lower overall numbers of tests performed and consequently lower numbers of cases detected.


◐ Special Focus: Update on WHO COVID-19 global rapid risk assessment

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, as does our understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the response needed to control its spread and impact. In WHO’s most recent rapid risk assessment, which was completed on 6 April 2021, the global public health risk was assessed to remain very high due to the ongoing risks to human health, risk of spread and risk of insufficient control capacities.

Under the Emergency Response Framework, WHO undertakes risk assessments and situation analyses on a regular basis to inform its response to emerging situations. In addition, WHO periodically reviews the current risk status of public health events through an in-depth hazard, exposure and context assessment. This also includes a review of the vulnerabilities and capacities available to respond to the public health event and to investigate the current risk to human health, risks of ongoing spread globally, and risk of insufficient control capacities. Such assessments are used as an internal WHO decision-making tool, and to support independent deliberations, including but not limited to meetings of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) Emergency Committee regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

To date, 13 global rapid risk assessments have been undertaken for COVID-19, and additional assessments have been conducted for specific events, such as the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants. Here, we provide a synopsis of the most recent in-depth global rapid risk assessment for COVID-19.

Despite a reduction in SARS-CoV-2 testing observed since the beginning of 2022 in many Member States, the COVID-19 pandemic continues with intense transmission and high levels of death primarily among unvaccinated at-risk populations. The highly transmissible Omicron variant of concern has rapidly replaced all other circulating variants in almost all countries in which it has been reported, and has become dominant globally.

Omicron’s properties of immune escape have been associated with the rapid and almost synchronous increase in the global incidence of COVID-19 cases reported until the end of January 2022. A further increase observed at the beginning of March was driven primarily by a delayed increase in case incidence in the Western Pacific Region and a rebound in the number of new cases reported in the European Region. This trend was likely due to a combination of factors, including the predominance of the Omicron Pango lineages BA.1, and then BA.2, with a transmission advantage over other Omicron lineages; relaxation of public health and social measures (PHSM); and waning of humoral immunity following vaccination and/or prior infection. The recent detection of emerging recombinants of the Delta-Omicron and Omicron descendent lineages requires ongoing close monitoring.

Unlike previous waves, the most recent wave due to Omicron can be characterized by a decoupling between the number of cases, hospitalizations (particularly for intensive care) and deaths in many countries. However, data continue to show that those who are unvaccinated remain at higher risk of severe disease following infection with Omicron as compared to those who have been vaccinated. Despite the reduction in severity, the massive increases in cases with Omicron have led to large numbers of hospitalizations, putting further pressure on healthcare systems, and in some countries, similar or higher numbers of deaths when compared to previous peaks.

While vaccine effectiveness (VE) wanes against Omicron for all disease outcomes as compared to other VOCs following the primary vaccination series, VE estimates for Omicron remain the highest for severe disease. Furthermore, there is evidence that a booster dose substantially improves VE for all outcomes; however, more data are needed to characterize the duration of this protection.


注:考虑到篇幅长度,仅节选争议部分(Overview和Special Focus)进行学习。中文文本为机器翻译仅供参考,并非一一对应,烦请指正。下载PDF报告全文,点击文末的“阅读原文”。

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COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update


Edition 87, published 12 April 2022


Global overview

Data as of 10 April 2022



Globally, during the week of 4 through 10 April 2022, the number of new COVID-19 cases and deaths has continued to decline for a third consecutive week, with over 7 million cases and over 22 000 deaths reported, a decrease of 24% and 18% respectively, as compared to the previous week (Figure 1).



表示“连续的,连贯的,不间断的”,英文解释为“Consecutive events, numbers, etc. follow one after another without an interruption.”举个🌰:

This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述绿色风投的文章中提到:Last year taxpayer-funded green-energy R&D around the world rose for the third consecutive year, to a record $25.4bn, accroding to the IEA. 根据国际能源署的数据,去年全球受政府资助的绿色能源研发连续第三年增长,达到创纪录的254亿美元。

All regions reported decreasing trends in the number of new weekly cases and deaths (Table 1). As of 10 April 2022, over 496 million confirmed cases and over 6 million deaths have been reported globally.



trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo.


trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。

as of

表示“自…起;到...时候为止”,英文解释为“used to indicate a time or date at which something begins or ends”举个🌰:

As of next month, all the airline's fares will be going up.


These trends should be interpreted with caution as several countries are progressively changing their COVID-19 testing strategies, resulting in lower overall numbers of tests performed and consequently lower numbers of cases detected.




1)表示“诠释;说明”,英文解释为“to explain the meaning of sth”举个🌰:

The students were asked to interpret the poem.


2)表示“把…理解为;领会”,英文解释为“to decide that sth has a particular meaning and to understand it in this way ”举个🌰:

The data can be interpreted in many different ways.


3)表示“演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色)”,英文解释为“to perform a piece of music, a role in a play, etc. in a way that shows your feelings about its meaning”举个🌰:

He interpreted the role with a lot of humour.


4)表示“翻译,口译”(to change what someone is saying into another language)。

◐ Special Focus: Update on WHO COVID-19 global rapid risk assessment

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, as does our understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and the response needed to control its spread and impact. In WHO’s most recent rapid risk assessment, which was completed on 6 April 2021, the global public health risk was assessed to remain very high due to the ongoing risks to human health, risk of spread and risk of insufficient control capacities.



表示“(使)逐步发展;(使)逐步演变;(使)逐渐形成;(使)进化”,英文解释为“to develop gradually, or to cause something or someone to develop gradually”举个🌰:

The company has evolved over the years into a multi-million dollar organization.



表示“持续存在的;不断发展的;继续进行的;进行中的”,英文解释为“continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment”如:an ongoing investigation/process/project 持续进行的调查/持续的过程/正在实施的工程。

Under the Emergency Response Framework, WHO undertakes risk assessments and situation analyses on a regular basis to inform its response to emerging situations. In addition, WHO periodically reviews the current risk status of public health events through an in-depth hazard, exposure and context assessment. This also includes a review of the vulnerabilities and capacities available to respond to the public health event and to investigate the current risk to human health, risks of ongoing spread globally, and risk of insufficient control capacities. Such assessments are used as an internal WHO decision-making tool, and to support independent deliberations, including but not limited to meetings of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) Emergency Committee regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

根据应急响应框架(Emergency Response Framework),世卫组织定期进行风险评估和形势分析,为应对新出现的情况提供信息。此外,世卫组织通过深度隐患、接触和背景评估,定期审查公共卫生事件的当前风险状况。这还包括审查应对公共卫生事件的缺陷和能力,并调查目前对人类健康的风险、在全球范围内持续传播的风险以及控制能力不足的风险。这种评估被用作世卫组织的内部决策工具,并支持独立审议,包括但不限于国际卫生条例(IHR 2005)紧急委员会关于新冠疫情的会议。


1)表示“(开始)做,承担,从事(尤指耗时或困难之事)”,英文解释为“to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult”举个🌰:

Students are required to undertake simple experiments.


2)表示“承诺,允诺,答应”,英文解释为“to promise that you will do something”举个🌰:

She undertook not to publish the names of the people involved.



periodically /ˌpɪə.riˈɒd.ɪ.kəl.i/ 表示“周期性地,定期地”,英文解释为“in a way that is repeated after a particular period of time”举个🌰:

The equipment should be tested periodically.



表示“深入彻底的,深入详尽的”,英文解释为“An in-depth analysis or study of something is a very detailed and complete study of it.”如:an in-depth look in the music business 音乐产业中的深度观察。


表示“危险(物),危害(物)”,英文解释为“something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage”如:a fire/safety hazard 火灾/安全隐患,举个🌰:

The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians.



vulnerability /ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/ 表示“易受伤害;有弱点;脆弱”,英文解释为“the quality of being vulnerable (= able to be easily hurt, influenced, or attacked), or something that is vulnerable”。


1)表示“考虑;讨论”,英文解释为“considering or discussing something”举个🌰:

After five days of deliberations, the jury decided on a verdict.


2)表示“从容;审慎”,英文解释为“a slow careful way of doing something”举个🌰:

Slowly and with deliberation she turned to me and told me to get out.


📍2022年政府工作报告「请予审议」处理为:(ask) for your deliberation and approval;

To date, 13 global rapid risk assessments have been undertaken for COVID-19, and additional assessments have been conducted for specific events, such as the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants. Here, we provide a synopsis of the most recent in-depth global rapid risk assessment for COVID-19.



表示“变体;变种”,英文解释为“A variant of a particular thing is something that has a different form from that thing, although it is related to it.举个🌰:

The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra.



synopsis /sɪˈnɒp.sɪs/ 表示“(电影、书籍等的)概要,梗概,提要”,英文解释为“a short description of the contents of something such as a film or book”举个🌰:

For each title there is a brief synopsis of the book.


Despite a reduction in SARS-CoV-2 testing observed since the beginning of 2022 in many Member States, the COVID-19 pandemic continues with intense transmission and high levels of death primarily among unvaccinated at-risk populations. The highly transmissible Omicron variant of concern has rapidly replaced all other circulating variants in almost all countries in which it has been reported, and has become dominant globally.



表示“(人、动物)未接种疫苗的”,英文解释“(of a person or animal) not having been inoculated with a vaccine.”


circulate有“(使)循环;(使)流通;(使)传递;(使)散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰:

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:If gossip of this nature were to circulate, 如果这种性质的八卦流传开来,


1)表示“首要的;占支配地位的;占优势的;显著的”,英文解释为“more important, powerful or noticeable than other things”举个🌰:

The firm has achieved a dominant position in the world market.


2)表示“(基因)显性的,优势的”,英文解释为“a dominant gene causes a person to have a particular physical characteristic, for example brown eyes, even if only one of their parents has passed on this  gene”。

🎬电影《王牌特工:特工学院》(Kingsman: The Secret Service)中的台词提到:but a Kingsman wears it on whichever hand happens to be dominant. 但王牌特工都戴在惯用手上。

Omicron’s properties of immune escape have been associated with the rapid and almost synchronous increase in the global incidence of COVID-19 cases reported until the end of January 2022. A further increase observed at the beginning of March was driven primarily by a delayed increase in case incidence in the Western Pacific Region and a rebound in the number of new cases reported in the European Region. This trend was likely due to a combination of factors, including the predominance of the Omicron Pango lineages BA.1, and then BA.2, with a transmission advantage over other Omicron lineages; relaxation of public health and social measures (PHSM); and waning of humoral immunity following vaccination and/or prior infection. The recent detection of emerging recombinants of the Delta-Omicron and Omicron descendent lineages requires ongoing close monitoring.

奥密克戎的免疫逃逸(immune escape)特性与2022年1月底之前报告的全球新冠病例发病率的快速且几乎同步增长有关。3月初观察到的进一步增长主要是由于西太平洋地区(Western Pacific Region)病例发病率的延迟增长和欧洲地区报告的新病例数量的反弹。这一趋势可能是由多种因素造成的,包括Omicron Pango BA.1毒株,然后是BA.2毒株,与其他奥密克戎变体相比具传播性;公共卫生和社会措施(PHSM)的放松;以及疫苗接种和/或先前感染后体液免疫力的减弱。最近发现的德尔塔-奥密克戎(Delta-Omicron)新兴重组变体和奥密克戎衍生变体需要持续密切监测。


synchronous /ˈsɪŋ.krə.nəs/ 表示“同时的”,英文解释为“happening or done at the same time or speed”举个🌰:

The dancers perform a sequence of wonderfully synchronous movements.



表示“弹回;反弹;跳回”,英文解释为“the act of rebounding”举个🌰:

I hit the ball on the rebound (= after it had hit the wall or ground once).



lineage /ˈlɪn.i.ɪdʒ/ 表示“血统;世系”,英文解释为“the members of a person's family who are directly related to that person and who lived a long time before him or her”举个🌰:

She's very proud of her ancient royal lineage.



表示“衰减;减弱”,英文解释为“to become weaker in strength or influence”举个🌰:

By the late 70s the band's popularity was beginning to wane.



recombinant /riːˈkɒm.bɪ.nənt/ 表示“(基因材料)重组的”,英文解释为“produced by combining genetic material from different places”举个🌰:

Researchers have launched a vaccine trial, using new formulas created with recombinant DNA technology.



descendent/descendant表示“子孙,后代”,英文解释为“a person who is related to you and who lives after you, such as your child or grandchild”举个🌰:

We owe it to our descendants to leave them a clean world to live in.


Unlike previous waves, the most recent wave due to Omicron can be characterized by a decoupling between the number of cases, hospitalizations (particularly for intensive care) and deaths in many countries. However, data continue to show that those who are unvaccinated remain at higher risk of severe disease following infection with Omicron as compared to those who have been vaccinated. Despite the reduction in severity, the massive increases in cases with Omicron have led to large numbers of hospitalizations, putting further pressure on healthcare systems, and in some countries, similar or higher numbers of deaths when compared to previous peaks.



表示“使分开,使脱离”,英文解释为“to separate from someone or something else; to separate something from something else that it was joined to or part of”举个🌰:

The optimists thought the rest of the world would be able to decouple from the problems of the American housing market.



表示“送…住院治疗”,英文解释为“the act of taking someone to hospital and keeping them there for treatment”举个🌰:

Because of the severity of the accident, the patient required hospitalization.


📍动词,hospitalize 表示“送…住院治疗”,英文解释为“If someone is hospitalized, they are sent or admitted to a hospital.”举个🌰:

Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.


🎬电影《考试过关的艺术》(The Art of Getting By)中的台词提到:Now that he knows I can hospitalize him. 他知道我能把他弄进医院。


📍hospitality(名词)表示“热情好客,殷勤,友好”,英文解释为“the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors”,举个🌰

The local people showed me great hospitality. 当地人对我非常地热情友好。



Even the doctors were shocked by the severity of his injuries.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“(达到)峰值”,英文解释为“When something peaks, it reaches its highest value or its highest level.举个🌰:

Temperatures have peaked at over 90 degrees.


While vaccine effectiveness (VE) wanes against Omicron for all disease outcomes as compared to other VOCs following the primary vaccination series, VE estimates for Omicron remain the highest for severe disease. Furthermore, there is evidence that a booster dose substantially improves VE for all outcomes; however, more data are needed to characterize the duration of this protection.



表示“(增强药效的)辅助药剂”,英文解释为“a small amount of a substance that is given to increase the effect of the same substance given some time before, to continue to protect a person from illness”如:a polio booster 小儿麻痹症辅助药剂。

📍此处booster shot/booster dose用来指加强针(疫苗)。


1)表示“一剂”(a measured amount of something such as medicine),如:a dose of penicillin 一剂青霉素;

2)表示“一些(糟糕或不愉快的事)”,英文解释为“an amount or experience of something, often something bad or unpleasant”举个🌰:

He received a hefty dose of bad news this week.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述谷歌的文章中提到:The first route would involve taking a strong dose of managerial medicine to become a more tightly run conglomerate. 第一种解决方法是给它服用一剂管理上的强效药,让它成为管理更严格的企业集团。









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