

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,日本吉野家常务董事伊东正明(Masaaki Ito)在早稻田大学发表演讲,将该公司针对年轻女性的市场营销形容为“让纯洁少女染上毒瘾战略”。吉野家公司18日称,已对伊东进行免职处理,并为其“极度侮辱女性的不恰当表态”致歉。



Japan beef bowl company sacks director for remark on getting women "hooked"


Major Japanese beef bowl firm Yoshinoya Holdings Co said on Tuesday it has sacked a managing director who made derogatory comments about getting naive young women "hooked" on its products, saying his conduct was "completely unacceptable."

Masaaki Ito, a managing director at the company - known for its inexpensive bowls of beef on rice - made the remarks at a marketing lecture at Tokyo's Waseda University at the weekend. A company spokesman said he could not confirm Ito's exact words. Ito was not reachable for comment.

Yoshinoya, which in recent years has made efforts to expand the appeal of its dishes to women, said it had stripped Ito of all his positions with the company, effective Monday.

"His extremely unacceptable words and deeds could not be tolerated from the point of view of human rights and gender issues," Yoshinoya said in a statement. It later said it would dock company president Yasutaka Kawamura's pay by 30% for a three-month period through June.

Though Japan has taken steps towards gender equality, it remains far behind in many ways and ranked 120th out of 156 nations in women's economic participation and opportunity in the World Economic Forum's 2021 Global Gender Gap index.

The topic was trending on Japanese Twitter, with many posters expressing outrage.

"Let's deconstruct this remark - he showed contempt for women, young people, people from rural areas and his own company's products," one poster wrote. "In short, he pretty much insulted most of his company's customers."

The university has also apologised.

Manager Axed for Comparing Beef Bowl Marketing to Drugging Women


Yoshinoya Holdings Co. fired a senior manager after he compared the beef-bowl restaurant operator’s marketing strategy to drugging young women.

Masaaki Ito, a business development manager, made remarks to that effect as a guest lecturer for a marketing program at Waseda University, a representative for the school wrote in an email. The comments were unacceptable and Ito was dismissed as a lecturer, the institution said in a separate statement.

Ito was relieved of his duties at Yoshinoya, the company disclosed in a filing with the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Tuesday.

Going further in describing his marketing philosophy, Ito said it was his goal to get young girls from the countryside addicted to beef bowls, akin to getting them hooked on methamphetamine, before they meet men and opt for more expensive meals. Waseda confirmed the comments.

Yoshinoya is known for its fast, cheap meals of beef served atop bowls of rice, as well as other menu items. Yoshinoya, which operates more than 2,700 stores in Japan and overseas, has one woman on its board, according to the company’s website.

“He made incredibly inappropriate remarks regarding gender and human rights issues” leading to his dismissal, Yoshinoya said in the filing.

Yasutaka Kawamura, Yoshinoya’s president, is taking a 30% pay cut for three months. A product launch event scheduled for Tuesday was canceled, the Nikkei newspaper reported without attribution. Yoshinoya’s stock fell 1.7% in Tokyo on Tuesday. The stock had been up 5.3% this year before the remarks became public. 

“The person in question also deeply regrets the remark that made people feel uncomfortable,” Yoshinoya said in the statement, adding that Ito wrote an apology and will apologize in person as well. 

“We deeply regret this matter,” the company said. “We are very sorry.”

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Japan beef bowl company sacks director for remark on getting women "hooked"


Major Japanese beef bowl firm Yoshinoya Holdings Co said on Tuesday it has sacked a managing director who made derogatory comments about getting naive young women "hooked" on its products, saying his conduct was "completely unacceptable."

日本牛肉饭巨头吉野家控股有限公司(Yoshinoya Holdings Co)周二表示,已经解雇了一名发表贬低言论、让天真的年轻女性对其产品“上瘾”的常务董事,称其行为“完全不可接受”。

beef bowl


Gyūdon (牛丼, "beef bowl"), also known as gyūmeshi (牛飯 or 牛めし, "beef [and] rice"), is a Japanese dish consisting of a bowl of rice topped with beef and onion simmered in a mildly sweet sauce flavored with dashi (fish and seaweed stock), soy sauce and mirin (sweet rice wine).


解雇除了常见的fire一词,sack也表示“解雇,开除”,英文解释为“to remove someone from a job, usually because they have done something wrong or badly, or sometimes as a way of saving the cost of employing them”举个🌰:

They sacked her for being late.



📍dismiss表示“解雇;免职;开除”,英文解释为“to officially remove sb from their job举个🌰:

She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.



derogatory /dɪˈrɒɡətərɪ/ 表示“诋毁的,贬损的,贬低的”,英文解释为“showing strong disapproval and not showing respect”举个🌰:

He made some derogatory comment/remark about her appearance.



1)表示“入迷的,上瘾的”,英文解释为“enjoying something so much that you are unable to stop having it, watching it, doing it, etc.”举个🌰:

I was hooked after two episodes.


2)表示“(吸毒)上瘾的”,英文解释为“unable to stop taking a drug”如:to be hooked on cocaine 吸食可卡因上瘾。

Masaaki Ito, a managing director at the company - known for its inexpensive bowls of beef on rice - made the remarks at a marketing lecture at Tokyo's Waseda University at the weekend. A company spokesman said he could not confirm Ito's exact words. Ito was not reachable for comment.

该公司常务董事伊东正明(Masaaki Ito)周末在东京早稻田大学(Waseda University)的一个营销讲座上发表了上述言论,该公司以便宜的牛肉饭而闻名。该公司的一位发言人说,他无法确认伊东正明确切的话。无法联系到伊东正明本人进行评论。

Yoshinoya, which in recent years has made efforts to expand the appeal of its dishes to women, said it had stripped Ito of all his positions with the company, effective Monday.



2019年泰国王妃被剥夺全部头衔时,各大媒体几乎都用了strip这个词,后接of,strip of表示“剥夺(财产、权利);撤销(头衔)”,英文解释为“To strip someone of their property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them.”举个🌰:

The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document.


📍strip还有“脱衣服;脱光…的衣服”的意思,英文解释为“to remove your clothing, or to remove all the clothing of someone else”,举个🌰:
He had been stripped naked, beaten and robbed.

"His extremely unacceptable words and deeds could not be tolerated from the point of view of human rights and gender issues," Yoshinoya said in a statement. It later said it would dock company president Yasutaka Kawamura's pay by 30% for a three-month period through June.

吉野家官方在一份声明中说:“从人权和性别问题的角度来看,他极其令人无法接受的言行是不能容忍的。”吉野家官方随后表示,它将把公司总裁河村泰贵(Yasutaka Kawamura)的薪酬扣减30%,为期三个月,直至6月。


表示“克扣,扣发(尤指金钱)”,英文解释为“to remove part of something”举个🌰:

As a punishment, they docked the soldiers' pay/wages by 20% and took away their leave.


Though Japan has taken steps towards gender equality, it remains far behind in many ways and ranked 120th out of 156 nations in women's economic participation and opportunity in the World Economic Forum's 2021 Global Gender Gap index.

尽管日本已采取措施实现性别平等,但在许多方面仍远远落后,在世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)2021年全球性别差距指数中,女性的经济参与度及机会在156个国家中排名第120位。

The topic was trending on Japanese Twitter, with many posters expressing outrage.



trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo.


trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。


1)表示“(在网站或社交媒体上发布信息或照片的)发帖人”,英文解释为“someone who publishes something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media”举个🌰:

There was a lively debate on the message boards, with many posters arguing against the plan.


2)通常表示“招贴,海报;布告”,英文解释为“a large printed picture, photograph, or notice that you stick or pin to a wall or board, usually for decoration or to advertise something”


表示“怒;义愤;愤慨”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of shock and anger举个🌰:

The judge's remarks caused public outrage.


"Let's deconstruct this remark - he showed contempt for women, young people, people from rural areas and his own company's products," one poster wrote. "In short, he pretty much insulted most of his company's customers."



表示“(对文本)解构,拆析(以显示含义不是一成不变的,而是因读者不同或理解角度不同而变化)”,英文解释为“to examine a text in detail in order to show there is no fixed meaning but that it can be understood in a different way by each reader”举个🌰:

He likes to deconstruct obscure religious texts.



表示“蔑视;鄙视;轻视;轻蔑”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for someone or something”举个🌰:

At school she had complete contempt for all her teachers.



表示“侮辱,辱骂”,英文解释为“to say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive”举个🌰:

First he drank all my wine and then he insulted all my friends.


The university has also apologised.


Manager Axed for Comparing Beef Bowl Marketing to Drugging Women


Yoshinoya Holdings Co. fired a senior manager after he compared the beef-bowl restaurant operator’s marketing strategy to drugging young women.



axe /æks/ 表示“(突然)裁减,撤销,取消,砍掉”,英文解释为“to reduce services, jobs, payments, etc. a lot or completely without warning or in a single action”举个🌰:

Because of the recession the company is to axe 10 jobs.



作动词,表示“使服麻醉药;用药麻醉;使服兴奋剂;在(食物或饮料中)投放麻醉药,下麻醉药”,英文解释为“to give a person or an animal a drug, especially to make them unconscious, or to affect their performance in a race or competition;to add a drug to sb's food or drink to make them unconscious or sleepy”举个🌰:

The killer confessed that he often drugged his victims before he killed them.


Masaaki Ito, a business development manager, made remarks to that effect as a guest lecturer for a marketing program at Waseda University, a representative for the school wrote in an email. The comments were unacceptable and Ito was dismissed as a lecturer, the institution said in a separate statement.

早稻田大学的一名代表在一封电子邮件中写道,业务发展经理伊东正明(Masaaki Ito)在担任早稻田大学(Waseda University)市场营销课程的客座讲师(guest lecturer)时发表了上述言论。该学校在一份单独的声明中说,这些言论是不可接受的,伊东正明被解除了讲师的职务。

to that effect

to that effect / to the effect that表示“有…的意思;大意是…,意思是…”,英文解释为“used to express that what you are reporting is only a short and general form of what was really said”举个🌰:

She said she was unhappy, or words to that effect.



1)表示“对…不予理会,摒弃,(从头脑中)去除”,英文解释为“to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering举个🌰:

I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me.


2)表示“解雇;免职;开除”,英文解释为“to officially remove sb from their job举个🌰:

She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post.


Ito was relieved of his duties at Yoshinoya, the company disclosed in a filing with the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Tuesday.

周二,吉野家在提交给东京证券交易所(Tokyo Stock Exchange)的文件中披露,伊东正明被解除了他在吉野家的职务。

relieve sb of sth

表示“把(某人)从(工作岗位上)开除;解除(某人)的职务”,英文解释为“to remove someone from their job or position because they have done something wrong”举个🌰:

Following the scandal, he was relieved of his post.



表示“公开,公布;透露,揭露”,英文解释为“to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden”举个🌰:

The company has disclosed profits of over £200 million.


Going further in describing his marketing philosophy, Ito said it was his goal to get young girls from the countryside addicted to beef bowls, akin to getting them hooked on methamphetamine, before they meet men and opt for more expensive meals. Waseda confirmed the comments.



akin to sth 表示“与某物相似的,与某物类似的”,英文解释为“very similar to something”举个🌰:

Something akin to panic overwhelmed him.



methamphetamine /ˌmeθæmˈfetəmiːn/ 表示“甲基苯丙胺(刺激精神和身体的药物,容易让人上瘾)”,英文解释为“a drug that makes your mind and body more active. It is addictive (= you cannot stop taking it when you have started) and some people take it illegally.”


表示“选择”,英文解释为“If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.”举个🌰:

Depending on your circumstances you can opt for one method or the other.


Yoshinoya is known for its fast, cheap meals of beef served atop bowls of rice, as well as other menu items. Yoshinoya, which operates more than 2,700 stores in Japan and overseas, has one woman on its board, according to the company’s website.



表示“在…之上,在…顶上”,英文解释为“on or at the top of”举个🌰:

She sat atop a two-metre wall.


“He made incredibly inappropriate remarks regarding gender and human rights issues” leading to his dismissal, Yoshinoya said in the filing.



dismissal 作名词,表示“解聘,解雇”,英文解释为“the situation in which an employer officially makes someone leave their job”。

Yasutaka Kawamura, Yoshinoya’s president, is taking a 30% pay cut for three months. A product launch event scheduled for Tuesday was canceled, the Nikkei newspaper reported without attribution. Yoshinoya’s stock fell 1.7% in Tokyo on Tuesday. The stock had been up 5.3% this year before the remarks became public.

吉野家的总裁河村泰贵(Yasutaka Kawamura)将减薪30%,为期三个月。《日经新闻》报道称,原定于周二举行的产品发布会被取消了,但没有说明原因。周二,吉野家的股票下跌了1.7%。在该言论公开之前,该股今年已经上涨了5.3%。


表示“为…安排时间;安排,排定”,英文解释为“to arrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular time”举个🌰:

The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.


“The person in question also deeply regrets the remark that made people feel uncomfortable,” Yoshinoya said in the statement, adding that Ito wrote an apology and will apologize in person as well.


“We deeply regret this matter,” the company said. “We are very sorry.”









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