

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,苹果公司公布了过去两年的环保成绩单,比如:iPhone外包装无塑料膜、100%再生金用于主板镀层与前后摄像头排线、100%再生锡用于主板与电池管理单元焊料、100%再生稀土元素用于所有磁体、iPhone 12的包装内不再随附充电器(Power adapters)以来,据估算已少开采了55万吨铜、锡和锌矿


Apple increased the use of recycled materials in its products to nearly 20% in 2021


Apple has unveiled a series of environmental initiatives, including expanding the use of recycled materials in its products.

In addition to starting to use recycled gold for the first time, Apple has more than doubled the use of recycled tungsten, rare earth elements and cobalt, the company said. In 2021, recycled materials accounted for nearly 20% of the materials in Apple products, which is the highest it has ever been. Last year, 59% of the aluminum in shipped Apple products came from recycled sources, with some products containing 100% recycled material within the enclosure.

The company aims to end the use of plastics in packaging by 2025. It has reduced the amount of plastics in packaging by 75% since 2015 so that in 2021 the amount of plastics in packaging was down to 4%.

In 2017, the company announced a goal of only using renewable or recyclable materials for its products. Last year, Apple products included 45% recycled rare earth elements and 30% recycled tin. Apple used 100% recycled tin for soldering the main logic board of all new iPhones, iPads, AirPods and Mac products. IPhone batteries also use 13% recycled cobalt. Apple now uses certified recycled gold in the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro for plating the main logic board and the front and rear camera wires.

The benefit of reusing all of this material is that it reduces mining. Apple says that they were able to recover enough gold and copper from one metric ton of iPhone parts as is typically mined from 2,000 metric tons of rock. In addition to reusing materials, Apple delivered 12.2 million refurbished devices last year.

To help with these recycling efforts, Apple is using a crew of robots, including the newly introduced Taz, a machine that uses shredder-like technology to separate magnets from audio modules to recover more rare earth elements. IPhone disassembly robot Daisy, which can disassemble phone batteries and prepare them for resale, is now able to take apart 23 different types of iPhone models. Apple has also offered to license Daisy-related patents to other companies and researchers free of charge.

Apple noted it has another robot, Dave, that disassembles Taptic Engines to help to recover rare earth magnets, tungsten and steel.

The company also released its 2022 Environmental Progress Report, which details its progress toward becoming completely carbon neutral by 2030 and reducing waste. Apple’s operations have been carbon neutral since 2020. Since 2018, its offices, stores and data centers have run on 100% renewable energy.


Fewer chargers mean less environmental impact.

Power adapters use the largest amounts of certain materials, including plastic, copper, tin and zinc. By removing them from iPhone 12 packaging, we estimate that we avoided mining over 550,000 metric tons of copper, tin and zinc ore. Using smaller, lighter packaging lets us fit up to 70 per more iPhone boxes per shipping pallet, which helps further reduce our carbon footprint. Eliminating power adapters from device packaging lets us avoid more than 2 million metric tons of carbon emissions, equivalent to removing 500,000 cars from the road for a year. Leaving out those adapters was a bold change for Apple, and a necessary one for our planet.

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Apple increased the use of recycled materials in its products to nearly 20% in 2021


Apple has unveiled a series of environmental initiatives, including expanding the use of recycled materials in its products.



1)表示“ 为…揭幕;揭开…上的覆盖物;拉开…的帷幔”,英文解释为“to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time”举个🌰:

She unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital.


2)表示“(首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公之于众”,英文解释为“to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time”举个🌰:

They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show.


🎬电影《复仇者联盟1》(The Avengers)中的台词提到:We look beyond the Earth to the greater worlds the Tesseract will unveil. 而我们则放眼地球之外 那些将被宇宙魔方开启的更广博的世界。

🎬电影《超人高校》(Sky High)中的台词提到:We can't unveil the Stronghold Three without Will. 我们不能在威尔(Will)不在场时 向大家介绍斯特朗霍德三侠(Stronghold Three)。


表示“倡议;新措施”,英文解释为“a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem举个🌰:

The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.



表示“(使)(尺寸、数量或重要性)扩大,增加;(使)膨胀”,英文解释为“to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make something increase in this way”举个🌰:

The air in the balloon expands when heated.



📍extend表示“扩大;扩展;使增加长度”,英文解释为“to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer”举个🌰:

We have plans to extend our house (= to make it bigger).


In addition to starting to use recycled gold for the first time, Apple has more than doubled the use of recycled tungsten, rare earth elements and cobalt, the company said. In 2021, recycled materials accounted for nearly 20% of the materials in Apple products, which is the highest it has ever been. Last year, 59% of the aluminum in shipped Apple products came from recycled sources, with some products containing 100% recycled material within the enclosure.

该公司表示,除了首次开始使用再生金(recycled gold)外,苹果还将再生钨、稀土元素和钴的使用量增加了一倍多。2021年,再生材料占苹果产品材料的近20%,这是有史以来的最高水平。去年,苹果出货产品中59%的铝来自再生资源,部分产品的外壳内含有100%的再生材料。


tungsten /ˈtʌŋ.stən/ 表示“钨”,英文解释为“a chemical element that is a hard metal used in making light bulbs and strong types of steel”如:tungsten steel 钨钢。


cobalt /ˈkəʊ.bɒlt/ 表示“钴”,英文解释为“a chemical element that is a hard silver-white metal, used in metal mixtures and for making materials blue”

account for

表示“(在数量上)占”,英文解释为“to form the total of something”举个🌰:

Students account for the vast majority of our customers.



aluminium /ˌæl.jəˈmɪn.i.əm/ 表示“铝”,英文解释为“a chemical element that is a light, silver-coloured metal, used especially for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts”如:an aluminium saucepan 铝炖锅。


表示“围起来的区域;围场;围地”,英文解释为“an area surrounded by fences or walls”如:an enclosure for the horses 牧马的围场。


The company aims to end the use of plastics in packaging by 2025. It has reduced the amount of plastics in packaging by 75% since 2015 so that in 2021 the amount of plastics in packaging was down to 4%.


In 2017, the company announced a goal of only using renewable or recyclable materials for its products. Last year, Apple products included 45% recycled rare earth elements and 30% recycled tin. Apple used 100% recycled tin for soldering the main logic board of all new iPhones, iPads, AirPods and Mac products. IPhone batteries also use 13% recycled cobalt. Apple now uses certified recycled gold in the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro for plating the main logic board and the front and rear camera wires.

2017年,该公司宣布了一个目标,即只使用可再生或可回收材料来生产其产品。去年,苹果产品中使用了45%的再生稀土元素和30%的再生锡。苹果公司在焊接所有新iPhone、iPad、AirPods和Mac产品的主逻辑板时使用了100%的再生锡。iPhone电池也使用了13%的再生钴。苹果现在在iPhone 13和iPhone 13 Pro中使用了经过认证的再生金,用于电镀主逻辑板和前后摄像头电线。


tin /tɪn/ 表示“锡”,英文解释为“a chemical element that is a silver-coloured metal, often combined with other metals or used to cover and protect other metals”


solder /ˈsəʊl.dər/ 表示“焊接”,英文解释为“to join pieces of metal together using solder”。


表示“有合格证书的;获得资格的”,英文解释为“having a document that proves that you have successfully finished a course of training”如:a certified teacher/nurse 有资格证书的教师/护士。


表示“镀上;用(金、银等)覆镀”,英文解释为“to cover a metal object with a thin layer of another metal, especially gold or silver”举个🌰:

We normally plate the car handles with nickel and then chrome.



作形容词,表示“后部的;后面的;背部的”,英文解释为“at the back of something”举个🌰:

There's a sticker on the rear door/window.


作动词,表示“抚养;养育;培养”,英文解释为“to care for young children or animals until they are fully grown”举个🌰:

She reared a family of five on her own.


The benefit of reusing all of this material is that it reduces mining. Apple says that they were able to recover enough gold and copper from one metric ton of iPhone parts as is typically mined from 2,000 metric tons of rock. In addition to reusing materials, Apple delivered 12.2 million refurbished devices last year.



表示“提取(能源或化工品等),回收利用”,英文解释为“to obtain from ore, a waste product, or a by-product”。


copper /ˈkɒp.ər/ 表示“铜”,英文解释为“a chemical element that is a reddish-brown metal, used especially for making wire and coins”如:copper wire/pipes 铜丝/管。

metric ton

表示“公吨,米制吨(=1,000 公斤)”,英文解释为“a unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilograms”


1公吨 = 1000公斤

1斤 = 0.5公斤

1.3万亿斤 = 1300000000000斤 = 650000000000公斤 = 650000000公吨(metric tons)= 650 million metric tons.


表示“再装修;整修;把…翻新”,英文解释为“to make a building look new again by doing work such as painting, repairing, and cleaning举个🌰:

The developers refurbished the house inside and out.


To help with these recycling efforts, Apple is using a crew of robots, including the newly introduced Taz, a machine that uses shredder-like technology to separate magnets from audio modules to recover more rare earth elements. IPhone disassembly robot Daisy, which can disassemble phone batteries and prepare them for resale, is now able to take apart 23 different types of iPhone models. Apple has also offered to license Daisy-related patents to other companies and researchers free of charge.



shredder /ˈʃred.ər/ 表示“粉碎机”,英文解释为“a tool or machine that is used for cutting things into very small pieces”举个🌰:

Much of the documentary evidence against her had been put through the shredder.



disassemble /ˌdɪs.əˈsem.bəl/ 表示“拆开,拆卸”,英文解释为“to separate something into its different parts”举个🌰:

This video shows you how to disassemble a television set.



表示“许可,授权,特许”,英文解释为“to give someone official permission to do or have something”举个🌰:

Several companies have been licensed to sell these products.


Apple noted it has another robot, Dave, that disassembles Taptic Engines to help to recover rare earth magnets, tungsten and steel.

苹果公司指出,它有另一个机器人Dave,可以拆解震动模块Taptic Engines,帮助回收稀土磁体、钨和钢。

The company also released its 2022 Environmental Progress Report, which details its progress toward becoming completely carbon neutral by 2030 and reducing waste. Apple’s operations have been carbon neutral since 2020. Since 2018, its offices, stores and data centers have run on 100% renewable energy.

该公司还发布了《2022年环境进展报告》(2022 Environmental Progress Report),其中详细介绍了其在2030年前实现完全碳中和和减少浪费方面的进展。苹果公司运营已于2020年起实现了碳中和。自2018年以来,其办公室、商店和数据中心的运行一直100%依赖于可再生能源。


表示“详细描述”,英文解释为“to describe something completely, giving all the facts”举个🌰:

Can you produce a report detailing what we've spent on the project so far?


carbon neutral

carbon neutral 表示“碳中和的”,英文解释为“A carbon neutral lifestyle, company, or activity does not cause an increase in the overall amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

📍今年政府工作报告中提到:有序推进碳达峰碳中和工作。We will take well-ordered steps to achieve peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality.


run on

表示“靠(某种动力)运转;以…为动力”,英文解释为“If a machine runs on a particular type or supply of power, it uses that power to work.”举个🌰:

Some calculators run on solar power.



Fewer chargers mean less environmental impact.


Power adapters use the largest amounts of certain materials, including plastic, copper, tin and zinc. By removing them from iPhone 12 packaging, we estimate that we avoided mining over 550,000 metric tons of copper, tin and zinc ore. Using smaller, lighter packaging lets us fit up to 70 per more iPhone boxes per shipping pallet, which helps further reduce our carbon footprint. Eliminating power adapters from device packaging lets us avoid more than 2 million metric tons of carbon emissions, equivalent to removing 500,000 cars from the road for a year. Leaving out those adapters was a bold change for Apple, and a necessary one for our planet.

电源适配器(Power adapters)需要大量使用塑料、铜、锡和锌等材料。iPhone 12 的包装内不再随附该配件以来,据估算已少开采了 55 万吨铜、锡和锌矿。而更小、更轻的包装,让每个出货栈板可装载的 iPhone 包装盒数量最高增加 70%,有助于我们进一步减少碳足迹(carbon footprint)。设备包装内取消电源适配器,帮助我们避免了超过 200 万吨的碳排放,相当于让近 50 万辆汽车停驶一年。不再随附电源适配器,对 Apple 来说是一个大胆的改变,对我们的地球而言则是十分必要的举措。


zinc /zɪŋk/ 表示“锌”,英文解释为“a chemical element that is a bluish-white metal, used in making other metals or for covering other metals to protect them”


ore /ɔːr/ 表示“(含金属的)矿石,矿砂”,英文解释为“rock or soil from which metal can be obtained”如:iron/copper ore 铁/铜矿石。


1)作形容词,表示“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”,英文解释为“equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.”举个🌰:

Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.


2)作名词,表示“相等的东西;等量;对应词”,英文解释为“a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equivalent to sth else”。


🧣Weibo, China's Twitter-like service (SCMP)

🧣Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter (NPR NEWS)

🧣Twitter-like Weibo (Reuters)

🧣Weibo, a Twitter-like platform (NYT)







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