

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,美国最高法院关于推翻罗诉韦德案(Roe v. Wade)的意见草案被披露后,引发轩然大波。


1972年,得克萨斯州两个年轻的女权主义者萨拉·威丁顿和林达·科菲试图挑战当时的堕胎政策。她们选中了一名希望堕胎的21岁女子,化名为简·罗(Jane Roe),韦德(Wade)则是当时达拉斯县的检察官。



What Would the End of Roe Mean? Key Questions and Answers.

The New York Times

A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade describes a United States not seen in half a century, in which the legal status of abortion is entirely up to the states. If the draft, from February and published Monday night by Politico, ends up being similar to the court’s final opinion, expected next month, reproductive rights will be rewritten almost immediately.

If Roe were overturned, would abortion become illegal everywhere in the U.S.?

No. Individual states would decide whether and when abortions would be legal. Many states would continue to allow them, and some have even begun making provisions to help serve women who live in states that are likely to restrict abortion. Right now, abortion remains legal in every state.

Where would abortion access be most likely to change?

Abortion would probably become illegal in about half of states, although forecasts differ.

According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, a group that fights abortion restrictions in court and closely tracks state laws, 25 states are likely to ban abortion if they are allowed to. Those states are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

The Guttmacher Institute, a research group focused on reproductive health care, says a slightly different group of states is likely to substantially limit abortion access: Its list of 26 states excludes North Carolina and Pennsylvania, but includes Florida, Iowa and Montana.

Thirteen states have so-called trigger laws, which would immediately make abortion illegal if Roe were overturned. Some have old abortion laws on the books that were invalidated by the Roe decision but could be enforced again. Still other states, like Oklahoma, have abortion bans that were passed during this legislative session, despite the Roe precedent.

How would the number of U.S. abortions change?

Some women seeking abortions could obtain them in other ways, including traveling to a state where abortion is legal or ordering pills online from outside the country. Texas provides an example. In September, a law went into effect banning abortion after fetal cardiac activity is detected, around six weeks. Abortions at Texas clinics fell by half. But many women were able to obtain abortions in neighboring states or by ordering pills, resulting in an overall decline of only around 10 percent.

Without Roe, abortion would probably decline more because women would have to travel farther to reach a state where it was legal. Many women who get abortions are poor, and long travel distances can be insurmountable. The states likely to ban abortion are concentrated in the South, Midwest and Great Plains. Because of the expected increase in interstate travel, remaining clinics would most likely have less capacity to treat the women who were able to reach them.

Research from December on the estimated changes in distances to clinics found that, if Roe were overturned, the number of legal abortions would be likely to fall by around 14 percent (updated to 13 percent in more recent research). Our article from December explained that research and offered a map of where abortions were likely to decline the most.

Who has abortions now?

Under current law, around one in four American women would be expected to obtain an abortion at some point, according to research from the Guttmacher Institute.

They include women from all backgrounds. But statistics show women who receive abortions in the United States are more likely to be unmarried; to be in their 20s; to have low incomes; and to already have a child. They are disproportionately likely to be Black. They are more likely to live in a Democratic-leaning state.

Our article from December describes the demographics of the typical abortion patient.

Without Roe, how would the U.S. compare with the rest of the world?

The United States would join a very small group of countries that has tightened abortion laws in recent years, as opposed to loosening them. Three countries have done so since 1994: Poland, El Salvador and Nicaragua. In that period, 59 countries have expanded access, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights.

Under Roe, the United States is unusual in allowing abortion for any reason until around 23 weeks. Yet in many countries with earlier cutoffs, abortion is allowed for a wide variety of reasons, according to the center.

Sixty-six countries — home to about a quarter of women of reproductive age — prohibit abortion or allow it only if a woman’s life is in danger. Without Roe, certain states would align with these countries.

Our article from January explains international approaches to abortion law.

When would this happen?

Not right away. Abortion remains legal in every state for now, and each has at least one clinic.

The leaked document was described as a draft, not a final opinion. It may be a month or more before the Supreme Court officially rules in the case, and that decision could differ from the draft that is circulating.

If the Supreme Court does rule against Roe, clinics in some states would most likely begin closing within days. In other states that ban the procedure, the process may take several months.

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What Would the End of Roe Mean? Key Questions and Answers.罗诉韦德案若被推翻将意味着什么?这里是几个关键问题

The New York Times

A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade describes a United States not seen in half a century, in which the legal status of abortion is entirely up to the states. If the draft, from February and published Monday night by Politico, ends up being similar to the court’s final opinion, expected next month, reproductive rights will be rewritten almost immediately.

一份泄露的最高法院意见草案将推翻罗诉韦德案(Roe v. Wade)裁决,它描述出一个50年来未曾见过的美国,堕胎的法律地位完全由各州决定。如果这份在2月份起草、由Politico网站于周一晚间发布的草案与法院的最终意见(预计下月公布)相似,那么美国的生育权几乎将会立即被改写。


1)表示“草案;草稿;草图”,英文解释为“a piece of text, a formal suggestion, or a drawing in its original state, often containing the main ideas and intentions but not the developed form”举个🌰:

This is only a rough draft - the finished article will have pictures too.


2)表示“(钻进某处的)风”,英文解释为“A draft is a current of air that comes into a place in an undesirable way.”举个🌰:

Block drafts around doors and windows.



表示“(使)翻倒,(使)倾覆;打翻”,英文解释为“if you overturn something, or if it overturns, it turns upside down or falls over on its side”举个🌰:

His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第三季中的台词提到:Even then, would we have enough to overturn the verdict? 即使拿到证词,就真能推翻判决吗?


表示“(通常指通过手术进行的)堕胎,人工流产”,英文解释为“If a woman has an abortion, she ends her pregnancy deliberately so that the baby is not born alive.”举个🌰:

He and his girlfriend had been going out together for a year when she had an abortion.



表示“生殖;生育;繁殖”,英文解释为“relating to the process of reproduction”。

If Roe were overturned, would abortion become illegal everywhere in the U.S.? 如果罗案裁决被推翻,堕胎在美国是否会成为非法?

No. Individual states would decide whether and when abortions would be legal. Many states would continue to allow them, and some have even begun making provisions to help serve women who live in states that are likely to restrict abortion. Right now, abortion remains legal in every state.



作名词,此处表示“(法律文件的)规定,条款”,英文解释为“a condition or an arrangement in a legal document”举个🌰:

Under the provisions of the lease, the tenant is responsible for repairs.


Where would abortion access be most likely to change? 哪些地方最有可能改变堕胎许可?

Abortion would probably become illegal in about half of states, although forecasts differ.


According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, a group that fights abortion restrictions in court and closely tracks state laws, 25 states are likely to ban abortion if they are allowed to. Those states are: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.


The Guttmacher Institute, a research group focused on reproductive health care, says a slightly different group of states is likely to substantially limit abortion access: Its list of 26 states excludes North Carolina and Pennsylvania, but includes Florida, Iowa and Montana.

专注于生殖健康护理的研究机构古特马赫研究所(The Guttmacher Institute)列了一份略有差异的名单,名单上的州可能会大幅限制堕胎机会:它列出的26个州中不包括北卡罗来纳州和宾夕法尼亚州,但加上了佛罗里达州、艾奥瓦州和蒙大拿州。


表示“在很大程度上”,英文解释为“to a large degree”举个🌰:

The new rules will substantially change how we do things.



1)表示“排除…;不考虑…;认为…不可能”,英文解释为“to decide that something is not true or possible”举个🌰:

We can't exclude the possibility that he is dead.


2)表示“阻止…进入;把…排斥在外”,英文解释为“to prevent someone or something from entering a place or taking part in an activity”举个🌰:

Microbes must, as far as possible, be excluded from the room during an operation.


🎬电影《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)中的台词提到:Children, I exhort you to shun her, exclude her, shut her out from this day forth. 孩子们,奉劝你们离她远点,排斥她,从今天起与她隔绝。

Thirteen states have so-called trigger laws, which would immediately make abortion illegal if Roe were overturned. Some have old abortion laws on the books that were invalidated by the Roe decision but could be enforced again. Still other states, like Oklahoma, have abortion bans that were passed during this legislative session, despite the Roe precedent.


be on the books

1)表示“(尤指作为法律)正式记录”,英文解释为“to be officially recorded, especially as a law”举个🌰:

A ban on texting while driving is on the books in most states.


2)表示“在(公司、组织、社团、运动队等的)名册上;受雇;属于”,英文解释为“to be employed by a company, or (pay to) belong to a organization, society, sports team, etc.”举个🌰:

There are 34 people on the books at the cement works.



1)表示“使无效;使作废”,英文解释为“to officially stop a document, ticket, law, etc. being legally or officially acceptable”

2)表示“证明(观点、论点等)错误”,英文解释为“to prove that an opinion, argument, etc. is wrong”


表示“法律的;立法的”,英文解释为“relating to laws or the making of laws”举个🌰:

The European Parliament will have greater legislative powers (= ability to make laws).



表示“先例,前例”,英文解释为“an action, situation, or decision that has already happened and can be used as a reason why a similar action or decision should be performed or made”举个🌰:

There are several precedents for promoting people who don't have formal qualifications.


How would the number of U.S. abortions change? 美国的堕胎数量会发生怎样的变化?

Some women seeking abortions could obtain them in other ways, including traveling to a state where abortion is legal or ordering pills online from outside the country. Texas provides an example. In September, a law went into effect banning abortion after fetal cardiac activity is detected, around six weeks. Abortions at Texas clinics fell by half. But many women were able to obtain abortions in neighboring states or by ordering pills, resulting in an overall decline of only around 10 percent.



fetal = foetal 表示“胎的,胎儿的”,英文解释为“connected with a foetus ; typical of a foetus”,如:foetal abnormalities 胎儿异常。


表示“心脏的;心脏病的”,英文解释为“of the heart or heart disease”

Without Roe, abortion would probably decline more because women would have to travel farther to reach a state where it was legal. Many women who get abortions are poor, and long travel distances can be insurmountable. The states likely to ban abortion are concentrated in the South, Midwest and Great Plains. Because of the expected increase in interstate travel, remaining clinics would most likely have less capacity to treat the women who were able to reach them.



表示“难以克服的,不可逾越的”,英文解释为“A problem that is insurmountable is so great that it cannot be dealt with successfully.”如:insurmountable difficulties 难以克服的困难。

Research from December on the estimated changes in distances to clinics found that, if Roe were overturned, the number of legal abortions would be likely to fall by around 14 percent (updated to 13 percent in more recent research). Our article from December explained that research and offered a map of where abortions were likely to decline the most.


Who has abortions now? 现在是哪些群体在堕胎?

Under current law, around one in four American women would be expected to obtain an abortion at some point, according to research from the Guttmacher Institute.


They include women from all backgrounds. But statistics show women who receive abortions in the United States are more likely to be unmarried; to be in their 20s; to have low incomes; and to already have a child. They are disproportionately likely to be Black. They are more likely to live in a Democratic-leaning state.



表示“不成比例地;不相称地;太大(或太小)地”,英文解释为“too large or too small when compared with sth else”举个🌰:

The lower-paid spend a disproportionately large amount of their earnings on food.



表示“(指信念、意见等的)倾向性”,英文解释为“a particular set of beliefs, opinions, etc. that someone prefers”举个🌰:

I don't know what his political leanings are.


Our article from December describes the demographics of the typical abortion patient.



demographic作形容词,表示“人口的;人口统计的;人口学的”,英文解释为“relating to demography (= the study of populations and the different groups that make them up)”举个🌰:

There have been monumental social and demographic changes in the country.


demographics表示“人口统计数据,人口统计结果”,英文解释为“the number and characteristics of people who live in a particular area or form a particular group, especially in relation to their age, how much money they have and what they spend it on”举个🌰:

The demographics of the country have changed dramatically in recent years.


Without Roe, how would the U.S. compare with the rest of the world? 如果没有罗案裁决,美国与世界其他国家相比情况如何?

The United States would join a very small group of countries that has tightened abortion laws in recent years, as opposed to loosening them. Three countries have done so since 1994: Poland, El Salvador and Nicaragua. In that period, 59 countries have expanded access, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights.


Under Roe, the United States is unusual in allowing abortion for any reason until around 23 weeks. Yet in many countries with earlier cutoffs, abortion is allowed for a wide variety of reasons, according to the center.



表示“终止(供应或服务);切断供应;中断供应”,英文解释为“The cutoff of a supply or service is the complete stopping of the supply or service.”举个🌰:

A total cutoff of supplies would cripple the country's economy.


Sixty-six countries — home to about a quarter of women of reproductive age — prohibit abortion or allow it only if a woman’s life is in danger. Without Roe, certain states would align with these countries.



1)表示“排整齐;校准;(尤指)使成一条直线”,英文解释为“to arrange sth in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to sth else, especially in a straight line”举个🌰:

Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard.


2)表示“使一致”,英文解释为“to change sth slightly so that it is in the correct relationship to sth else”举个🌰:

Prices have been aligned with those in world markets.


Our article from January explains international approaches to abortion law.


When would this happen? 这种情况何时会发生?

Not right away. Abortion remains legal in every state for now, and each has at least one clinic.


The leaked document was described as a draft, not a final opinion. It may be a month or more before the Supreme Court officially rules in the case, and that decision could differ from the draft that is circulating.



circulate有“(使)循环;(使)流通;(使)传递;(使)散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰:

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:If gossip of this nature were to circulate, 如果这种性质的八卦流传开来,

If the Supreme Court does rule against Roe, clinics in some states would most likely begin closing within days. In other states that ban the procedure, the process may take several months.








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