

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



From: 掌闻视讯



Perfecting your walking technique

From: Harvard Health Publishing

May 25, 2020

People are often surprised to learn that there's more to walking than simply putting one foot in front of the other. In fact, a little technique goes a long way to making your walks more enjoyable and more effective. Technique is especially important if you are hoping to become fitter and lose weight, because it will enable you to walk faster and longer. When you're standing tall, your muscles will move through a greater range of motion for a more powerful stride. Improving your walking posture will help you to look and feel more confident, too—and you'll look slimmer before losing a single pound. It will also help alleviate aches and pains and allow you to take deep breaths for more energy.

The following rules will help you maintain good form.

Stand tall. Many people bring that hunched-over-the-computer posture to their walks. This position makes it harder for you to breathe and may contribute to backaches. Other people lean backward. Instead, extend your spine as if you were being lifted from the crown of your head. Place your thumbs on your lower ribs and your fingertips on your hips. As you stand up tall, notice how the distance in between increases. Try to maintain this elongation as you walk.

Eyes up. If you're looking down at your feet, you're putting unnecessary stress on your upper back and neck. Bring your gaze out about 10 to 20 feet in front of you. You'll still be able to spy obstacles ahead and prevent upper-body tension.

Shoulders back, down, and relaxed. Roll your shoulders up, back, and then down. This is where your shoulders should be as you walk—not pulled up toward your ears. Think about keeping your shoulders away from your ears to reduce upper-body tension and allow for a freer arm swing.

Swing from your shoulders. Let your arms swing freely from your shoulders, not your elbows. Swing your arms forward and back, like a pendulum. Don't bring them across your body or let them go higher than your chest.

Maintain a neutral pelvis. Keep your abs tight, but don't tuck your tailbone under or stick your belly out and overarch your back.

Step lightly. You should be rolling from heel to toe as you stride, not landing flat-footed with a thud. And don't reach your leg far out in front of you. That increases impact on your joints and actually slows you down. You want a smooth, quiet stride—no bouncing or plodding along—to reduce your risk of injury.

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Perfecting your walking technique

From: Harvard Health Publishing

May 25, 2020

People are often surprised to learn that there's more to walking than simply putting one foot in front of the other. In fact, a little technique goes a long way to making your walks more enjoyable and more effective. Technique is especially important if you are hoping to become fitter and lose weight, because it will enable you to walk faster and longer.


put one foot in front of the other

有个表达叫 hardly/barely put one foot in front of the other,字面意思就是几乎不能把一只脚放到另一只脚前面了,表示“行走困难,走不动了”,英文解释为“If you can hardly/barely put one foot in front of the other, you are having difficulty walking.”举个🌰:

I was so tired that I could hardly put one foot in front of the other.


go a long way

1)相当于go far,表示“有远大的前程”,英文解释为“to be very successful in the future”举个🌰:

She's a very talented writer - I'm sure she'll go far/go a long way.


2)表示“对……大有帮助;有用,有作用”,相当于be helpful,英文解释为“To be adequate or helpful for a significant amount of time.”举个🌰:

It will go a long way in studying English.


📺美剧《超越时间线》(Continuum)中的台词提到:谦虚一点会有很大的好处。A little humility will go a long way with you.

When you're standing tall, your muscles will move through a greater range of motion for a more powerful stride. Improving your walking posture will help you to look and feel more confident, too—and you'll look slimmer before losing a single pound. It will also help alleviate aches and pains and allow you to take deep breaths for more energy.


stand tall

stand/walk tall 表示“昂首阔步;充满自信地做事”,英文解释为“to act in a proud and confident way”举个🌰:

As she walked up to the podium to speak, she reminded herself to stand tall.



表示“动;运动;移动”,英文解释为“the act or process of moving, or a particular action or movement”举个🌰:

The violent motion of the ship upset his stomach.



1)表示“大步;阔步”,英文解释为“A stride is a long step which you take when you are walking or running.”举个🌰:

She attributes her record-breaking speed to the length of her stride.


2)表示“进展,进步”,英文解释为“an important positive development”举个🌰:

The group has made strides to expand internationally.


📍在庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年大会上的讲话中提到:(我们)正在意气风发向着全面建成社会主义现代化强国的第二个百年奋斗目标迈进 we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects


表示“姿态,仪态;姿势”,英文解释为“the way in which someone usually holds their shoulders, neck, and back, or a particular position in which someone stands, sits, etc.”举个🌰:

She's got very good/bad posture.



slim通常指人苗条的,纤细的;也可以表示“微薄的;不足的;少的;小的”,英文解释为“not as big as you would like or expect”如:a slim chance of success 成功的可能性不大,a slim lead 微弱的领先优势,举个🌰:

They only have a slim chance of winning (= it's unlikely that they will win).


🎬电影《汽车总动员》(Cars)中的台词提到:Fifty laps down, and The King is still holding a slim lead. 50圈了 冠军还保持领先地位。


alleviate表示“减轻;缓和,缓解”,英文解释为“to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe”举个🌰:

The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.


📍2018年政府工作报告中提到:产业扶贫 alleviate poverty through the development of local industries;生态扶贫 alleviate poverty through the development and conservation of local ecological resources;


ache /eɪk/ 1)表示“(持续的)疼痛,隐痛”,英文解释为“a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very strong”举个🌰:

As you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains.


2)表示“(与表示身体部位的词一起构成合成词,表示该部位的持续疼痛)”,英文解释为“used in combinations with parts of the body to mean a continuous pain in the stated part”如:earache/a headache/toothache/backache 耳痛/头痛/牙疼/背痛

The following rules will help you maintain good form.


Stand tall. Many people bring that hunched-over-the-computer posture to their walks. This position makes it harder for you to breathe and may contribute to backaches. Other people lean backward. Instead, extend your spine as if you were being lifted from the crown of your head. Place your thumbs on your lower ribs and your fingertips on your hips. As you stand up tall, notice how the distance in between increases. Try to maintain this elongation as you walk.



hunch /hʌntʃ/ 在拜登这是咋了??文中提到,作动词,表示“弓(背),弯腰”,英文解释为“to lean forward with your shoulders raised or to bend your back and shoulders into a rounded shape举个🌰:

We hunched round the fire to keep warm.


📍hunched-over-the-computer,和有个说法叫computer hunch类似,指的就是长期在电脑前坐着养成的不良姿势,驼着背弯着腰。Poor posture associated with the constant use of a computer. When people are "hunched over" their computers and especially their phones and tablets for hours on end, chest muscles tighten and upper back muscles lengthen, causing pain in the neck, back and limbs.


作动词,表示“(使)倾斜,(使)向一侧歪斜”,英文解释为“to (cause to) slope in one direction, or to move the top part of the body in a particular direction”举个🌰:

She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.


📍在不吃晚饭真的能瘦吗?文中提到,lean作形容词,表示“肉少的;瘦且健康的”,英文解释为“without much flesh; thin and fit”如:a lean, muscular body 清瘦而肌肉发达的身体。


表示“脊柱;脊椎”,英文解释为“the line of bones down the centre of the back that provides support for the body and protects the spinal cord”举个🌰:

She injured her spine in a riding accident.



表示“肋骨”,英文解释为“a bone that curves round from your back to your chest”举个🌰:

He broke a rib when he fell off a ladder.



elongation /ˌiː.lɒŋˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“伸长;伸长率;延伸率;延长”,英文解释为“the process of becoming or making something become longer, and often thinner”

Eyes up. If you're looking down at your feet, you're putting unnecessary stress on your upper back and neck. Bring your gaze out about 10 to 20 feet in front of you. You'll still be able to spy obstacles ahead and prevent upper-body tension.



作名词,表示“凝视;注视;盯着”,英文解释为“a long look, usually of a particular kind”如:a steady gaze 目不转睛地凝视。

Shoulders back, down, and relaxed. Roll your shoulders up, back, and then down. This is where your shoulders should be as you walk—not pulled up toward your ears. Think about keeping your shoulders away from your ears to reduce upper-body tension and allow for a freer arm swing.


Swing from your shoulders. Let your arms swing freely from your shoulders, not your elbows. Swing your arms forward and back, like a pendulum. Don't bring them across your body or let them go higher than your chest.



pendulum /ˈpen.dʒəl.əm/ 表示“摆,摆锤;(尤指)钟摆”,英文解释为“a device consisting of a weight on a stick or thread that moves from one side to the other, especially one that forms a part of some types of clocks”举个🌰:

The pendulum in the grandfather clock swung back and forth.


Maintain a neutral pelvis. Keep your abs tight, but don't tuck your tailbone under or stick your belly out and overarch your back.



pelvis /ˈpel.vɪs/ 表示“骨盆”,英文解释为“the bones that form a bowl-shaped structure in the area below the waist at the top of the legs, and to which the leg bones and spine are joined”。


1)表示“把(衣服等的末端)塞进”,英文解释为“to push a loose end of a piece of clothing or material into a particular place or position, especially to make it tidy or comfortable”举个🌰:

Should I tuck my shirt into my trousers?


2)表示“把…夹入;把…藏入;把…塞入”,英文解释为“to put something into a safe or convenient place”举个🌰:

She had a doll tucked under her arm.


3)表示“使蜷缩,使收缩”,英文解释为“to hold part of your body in a particular position”举个🌰:

Stand up straight, tuck your tummy in and tuck your bottom under.



表示“腹部;肚子”,英文解释为“the part of the body below the chest”。

📍tummy表示“胃,肚子”,英文解释为“the stomach, or the lower front part of the body”如:a tummy ache 肚子痛。

Step lightly. You should be rolling from heel to toe as you stride, not landing flat-footed with a thud. And don't reach your leg far out in front of you. That increases impact on your joints and actually slows you down. You want a smooth, quiet stride—no bouncing or plodding along—to reduce your risk of injury.



flat-footed本义表示“平足的,扁平足的”,也可以指“拖着脚走的,蹒跚而行的”(moving in an awkward way);

📍catch sb flat-footed表示“令某人猝不及防,措手不及的”,英文解释为“to surprise someone so that they cannot do something in the way they ought to”举个🌰:

He were caught flat-footed when the opinion polls suddenly started to swing the other way.



thud /θʌd/ 表示“砰的一声;重击声;沉闷的声响”,英文解释为“the sound that is made when something heavy falls or hits something else”举个🌰:

The boy fell to the ground with a thud.



表示“关节”,英文解释为“a place in your body where two bones are connected”如:an elbow/hip/knee joint 肘/髋/膝关节。


1)表示“(使)弹起,(使)反弹;反射;跳跃”,英文解释为“to (cause to) move up or away after hitting a surface”举个🌰:

She bounced the ball quickly.


2)表示“(人)蹦蹦跳跳”,英文解释为“to move in an energetic and enthusiastic manner”举个🌰:

He bounced in, smiling broadly.



表示“艰难地行走;吃力地行进”,英文解释为“to walk taking slow steps, as if your feet are heavy”举个🌰:

We plodded through the mud.








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