

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Woman Shares Why She Was Allegedly Ticketed by Cops For Wearing Crop Top


A Louisiana woman went viral after accusing police of writing her an indecent exposure ticket for wearing a crop top and denim shorts.

Casey, or @kazzi112, posted about the incident on TikTok where it received more than 2.6 million views and 13,500 comments since Sunday.

In some states such as New York, individuals found guilty of indecent exposure can face a possible sentence of up to 15 days in jail.

In Louisiana, fines range from $25 for first offenders and up to $300 per offense. Some individuals can also face up to 40 hours of community service.

In the video captioned "make it make sense," Casey said she got ticketed for indecent exposure in Winnfield, Louisiana.

"All of my bits are covered," Casey said as she turned to show the entire outfit, which she said she was wearing at the time of the incident. Her black t-shirt covered her shoulders and stopped above the beltline of her pants and tied in the back, revealing a couple of inches of midriff. Her jean shorts were coupled with a jeweled, chunky belt. "The f**k? Are you kidding me?" she asked.

Casey said three female cops approached her and handed her the ticket. She added in another video that humidity was about 80 percent and it was about 90 degrees.

"I live a mile down the road," Casey said in the video. "They literally could have just been like 'hey ma'am can you put some clothes on' and I'd have been like 'yeah cool I'll be right back.'"

In a Facebook post, Winnfield Police said the incident occurred at Winnfield's Sixth Annual Dugdemona Festival over the weekend.

"An unnamed citizen was cited for a city ordinance and has since taken to a popular social media site, blasting police officers," police wrote. "However, 3 female officers responded to various complaints about the person's attire and the person of interest was issued a citation under the city ordinance."

The police then cited the ordinance, which was passed by city council members in June 2011.

The ordinance states that it is unlawful for any person to wear garments that intentionally expose undergarments or "any portion of the pubic hair, cleft of buttocks, or genitals."

Police said Casey was given a court date in Winnfield City Court where she can dispute the allegations.

"We, as public servants, will not engage in a social media war with any one or any organization, as it is improper and brings discredit upon this department," a department spokesperson said. "We also cannot comment on details of any case under investigation or pending court action."

More than 13,400 users commented on Casey's video, many criticizing the police department for ticketing her.

"What in the 1835 is going on in Winnfield?" one user commented, receiving nearly 33,000 likes.

"It's Louisiana it gets hot and muggy what else are you supposed to wear," another user commented.

"Wear it to court," another wrote.

Newsweek reached out to Casey and Winnfield Police Department for comment.

Last summer, a Florida woman was arrested after allegedly exposing herself to passengers on an airplane.

One Florida man was arrested for indecent exposure after he allegedly drove naked through seven toll booths, and another Florida woman was arrested after allegedly dancing naked in a Waffle House parking lot.

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Woman Shares Why She Was Allegedly Ticketed by Cops For Wearing Crop Top


A Louisiana woman went viral after accusing police of writing her an indecent exposure ticket for wearing a crop top and denim shorts.



表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week.


📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.

indecent exposure

表示“有伤风化的性器官裸露;猥亵露体(罪);有伤风化的露体”,英文解释为“the act of showing the sexual organs in public in a way that is intended to upset people”

crop top

表示“露脐装”,英文解释为“a piece of clothing for a woman's top half that does not cover her stomach”


denim /ˈden.ɪm/ 表示“(尤指用来做牛仔裤的蓝色)厚棉布,牛仔布”,英文解释为“a thick, strong cotton cloth, often blue in colour, used especially for making jeans”如:a denim jacket and jeans 牛仔外套和牛仔裤。

Casey, or @kazzi112, posted about the incident on TikTok where it received more than 2.6 million views and 13,500 comments since Sunday.


In some states such as New York, individuals found guilty of indecent exposure can face a possible sentence of up to 15 days in jail.

在纽约(New York)等州,被判犯有不雅暴露的个人可能面临最高15天的监禁。

In Louisiana, fines range from $25 for first offenders and up to $300 per offense. Some individuals can also face up to 40 hours of community service.



表示“犯罪者;违法者;罪犯”,英文解释为“An offender is a person who has committed a crime.”


美式 offense,英式 offence 1)表示“犯罪行为;罪行”,英文解释为“an illegal act; a crime”如:a serious/minor offence 重/轻罪。

2)表示“冒犯;触犯;得罪”,英文解释为“upset and hurt or annoyed feelings, often because someone has been rude or shown no respect”举个🌰:

I really didn't mean (to cause/give) any offence (= did not intend to upset anyone) - I was just stating my opinion.


In the video captioned "make it make sense," Casey said she got ticketed for indecent exposure in Winnfield, Louisiana.

在标题为“make it make sense”的视频中,凯西说她在路易斯安那州(Louisiana)温菲尔德(Winnfield)因不雅暴露而被开罚单。


可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(图片或卡通的)说明文字”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.”如:a captioned photograph 一幅带有文字说明的照片,举个🌰:

The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "He climbs the ladder to success."


"All of my bits are covered," Casey said as she turned to show the entire outfit, which she said she was wearing at the time of the incident. Her black t-shirt covered her shoulders and stopped above the beltline of her pants and tied in the back, revealing a couple of inches of midriff. Her jean shorts were coupled with a jeweled, chunky belt. "The f**k? Are you kidding me?" she asked.



outfit表示“全套服装,装束(尤指为某场合或目的)”(a set of clothes that you wear together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose)如:a wedding outfit 一套结婚礼服。


midriff /ˈmɪd.rɪf/ 表示“腹部,肚子”,英文解释为“the part of the human body between the chest and the waist”举个🌰:

She wore a short T-shirt that revealed her midriff.



chunky /ˈtʃʌŋ.ki/ 表示“(衣服)厚实的,厚重的;(首饰)沉甸甸的”,英文解释为“used to describe clothes that are thick and heavy, or jewellery made of large pieces”如:a chunky sweater 厚实的毛衣。

Casey said three female cops approached her and handed her the ticket. She added in another video that humidity was about 80 percent and it was about 90 degrees.


"I live a mile down the road," Casey said in the video. "They literally could have just been like 'hey ma'am can you put some clothes on' and I'd have been like 'yeah cool I'll be right back.'"



1)表示“确实地;名副其实地”,英文解释为“using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase”举个🌰:

They were responsible for literally millions of deaths.


2)表示“逐字(翻译)地”,英文解释为“If you translate literally, you translate each word in a text separately, without looking at how the words are used together in a phrase or sentence.”举个🌰:

Translations that are done too literally often don't flow well or don't sound natural.


3)表示“(用于强调所说的话)确实,真正地”,英文解释为“used to emphasize what you are saying”举个🌰:

He missed that kick literally by miles.


4)表示“只是,仅仅,就”,英文解释为“simply or just”举个🌰:

Then you literally cut the sausage down the middle.


In a Facebook post, Winnfield Police said the incident occurred at Winnfield's Sixth Annual Dugdemona Festival over the weekend.


"An unnamed citizen was cited for a city ordinance and has since taken to a popular social media site, blasting police officers," police wrote. "However, 3 female officers responded to various complaints about the person's attire and the person of interest was issued a citation under the city ordinance."



表示“未透露姓名的,匿名的”,英文解释为“An unnamed person or thing is talked about, but their name is not known or mentioned.”举个🌰:

The article quoted an unnamed source from the White House.



表示“援引;传唤,传讯”,英文解释为“to officially name or mention someone or something in a law court, or to officially request someone to appear in a court of law”举个🌰:

He has been cited as the co-respondent in the divorce case.



表示“(地方性)法令,法规;条令,条例”,英文解释为“An ordinance is an official rule or order, especially from a local government.”如:ordinances that restrict building development 限制楼房建设的法规。


表示“抨击,严厉批评”,英文解释为“to criticize someone or something severely”举个🌰:

They were blasted for failing to create jobs.


📍“霉霉”再怼特朗普文中提到,DEADLINE媒体对此事的报道中标题是:Taylor Swift Blasts Trump’s “Calculated Dismantling Of USPS” Amid President’s Efforts To Decommission Services,


attire /əˈtaɪə/ 表示“服装;衣服”,相当于clothes,如:dressed in formal evening attire 穿着晚礼服。


📍LV老板超越比尔·盖茨成全球第二大富豪一文中也接触了另一个表示“服装”的词语apparel,In 1984, he acquired the parent company of Christian Dior's apparel branch.

📍apparel表示“服装;尤指礼服”,英文解释为“Apparel means clothes, especially formal clothes worn on an important occasion.”举个🌰:

Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall sizes.


📍garment:表示“(一件)衣服,尤用于衣服生产和销售的领域”(A garment is a piece of clothing; used especially in contexts where you are talking about the manufacture or sale of clothes.)如:woollen garments 毛衣,winter/outer garments 冬装/外衣,举个🌰:

Many of the garments have the customers' name tags sewn into the linings.


📍outfit表示“全套服装,装束(尤指为某场合或目的)”(a set of clothes that you wear together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose)如:a wedding outfit 一套结婚礼服。

The police then cited the ordinance, which was passed by city council members in June 2011.


The ordinance states that it is unlawful for any person to wear garments that intentionally expose undergarments or "any portion of the pubic hair, cleft of buttocks, or genitals."



表示“内衣”,英文解释为“a piece of underwear”

Police said Casey was given a court date in Winnfield City Court where she can dispute the allegations.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,1)表示“对…提出质询;对…表示异议(或怀疑)”,英文解释为“to question whether sth is true and valid”举个🌰:

These figures have been disputed.


2)表示“争论;辩论;争执”,英文解释为“to argue or disagree strongly with sb about sth, especially about who owns sth”举个🌰:

The issue remains hotly disputed.


3)表示“争夺;竞争”,英文解释为“to fight to get control of sth or to win sth”。

🎬电影《地狱男爵2:黄金军团》(Hellboy II: The Golden Army)中的台词提到:Is there anyone here who would dispute my right? 有人想和我争权吗?

🎬电影《拜见岳父大人3》(Little Fockers)中的台词提到:While I dispute the findings, I appreciate the gesture. 虽然我对结果有质疑 我谢谢你们的好意。

"We, as public servants, will not engage in a social media war with any one or any organization, as it is improper and brings discredit upon this department," a department spokesperson said. "We also cannot comment on details of any case under investigation or pending court action."



作介词表示“等到…之后;直到…为止”,作形容词表示“即将发生的;待定的,待决的”,英文解释为“about to happen or waiting to happen”举个🌰:

There were whispers that a deal was pending.


The case is pending.


More than 13,400 users commented on Casey's video, many criticizing the police department for ticketing her.


"What in the 1835 is going on in Winnfield?" one user commented, receiving nearly 33,000 likes.


"It's Louisiana it gets hot and muggy what else are you supposed to wear," another user commented.



表示“(天气)闷热而潮湿的”,英文解释为“When the weather is muggy, it is unpleasantly warm and the air contains a lot of water.”

"Wear it to court," another wrote.


Newsweek reached out to Casey and Winnfield Police Department for comment.


Last summer, a Florida woman was arrested after allegedly exposing herself to passengers on an airplane.



表示“被说成地,(尤指在证据不足的情况下)被指控地”,英文解释为“used when something illegal or wrong is said to have been done, but has not been proved”举个🌰:

His van allegedly struck the two as they were crossing a street.


One Florida man was arrested for indecent exposure after he allegedly drove naked through seven toll booths, and another Florida woman was arrested after allegedly dancing naked in a Waffle House parking lot.

佛罗里达州的一名男子因涉嫌裸体驾车通过七个收费站而被逮捕,另一名佛罗里达州的女子因涉嫌在松饼屋(Waffle House)停车场裸体跳舞而被逮捕。


1)表示“伤亡;损失;破坏”,英文解释为“suffering, deaths, or damage”,一般指“(死亡、事故或灾难的)总数”举个🌰:

Independent sources say that the death toll from the earthquake runs into thousands.


2)表示“(道路或桥梁)收费;通行费”,英文解释为“A toll road or toll bridge is a road or bridge that you have to pay to use.”举个🌰:

Most people who drive the toll roads don't use them every day.


Prepaid tolls only/ Pay toll


booth /buːð/ 表示“小亭,小房间”,英文解释为“a small space like a box that a person can go into”,如:phone booth 电话亭,polling booth 投票亭,photo booth 照相亭。









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