

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-20

今天,中国国家话剧院(The National Theatre of China)对近期引发热议的明星考编“萝卜招聘”、“因人设岗”一事发表声明。


National Theatre denies ‘tailor-made recruitment’ upon investigation, after admission of young celebrities sparks backlash

Global Times

The National Theatre of China officially denied the alleged "tailor-made recruitment," after the announced admission of some young stars into the theater has drawn widespread public criticism. 

The recruitment procedures, qualifications of those admitted and the examination process were all in line with regulations, the top Chinese arts group said in a statement released on Saturday.

The recruitment process followed the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit, and the procedures were carried out in strict accordance with the recruitment announcement, it said.

A total of 590 people applied for the recruitment, of whom 447 passed the qualification review. According to the final results of their examinations,  applicants were ranked from high to low, and the theater initially identified 10 candidates for the recruitment, including seven for the posts of actors and one for the post of director.

Earlier, on July 6, the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security posted on its website a shortlisted candidate list, including the young stars Yi Yangqianxi (Jackson Yee), Hu Xianxu, and Luo Yizhou.

After the name list of the to-be-recruited candidates was announced, while some fans congratulated these young stars for their recognition from the country's top theater, there was controversy about the qualifications of the to-be-recruited stars because the job descriptions stated that only fresh graduates with no formal work experience would be recruited.

As becoming an actor at the National Theatre of China is widely considered one of the best jobs for the majority of art students, many netizens believe that these celebrities who have already been earning super high incomes in the market should not have applied for such jobs and crowded out job opportunities of ordinary people.

In the face of the public skepticism, the National Theatre of China said on July 7 that it would investigate and respond to the concerns.

After a week of investigation, the top art group released a statement on Saturday morning, claiming that the recruitment process was compliant with rules and that the admitted candidates all met the requirements.

In response to netizens' allegations that some of the proposed candidates did not meet the qualifications of 'fresh graduates without formal working experience,' the theatre said it investigated again and found that none of the admitted candidates had signed employment contracts with any employers during their school years, thus meeting the recruitment requirements.

The 10 shortlisted candidates all participated in the three rounds of interviews. There is no case that someone did not participate in the interviews, in line with the procedures and requirements, the statement said.

The National Theatre of China also said that through public response, it has been aware of problems in current recruitment process, including inconvenience caused by not notifying those who failed the interviews. The theatre promised an improvement in the future.

Young Chinese Film Star Takes Government Job


July 7, 2022

One of China’s most popular young actors has shuttered his entertainment firm and taken a job with a government-sponsored theater, a move that was greeted by social media users in the Asian nation with understanding given the state of the economy.

Jackson Yee, a 22-year-old who rose to fame as a member of the popular boy band TFBoys and later appeared in films like war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin, has been provisionally accepted into the National Theater of China as an actor, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said.

Yee also dissolved his company, which was involved in filmmaking and handling talent, the news website Jiemian reported. The actor whose Chinese name is Yiyang Qianxi doesn’t appear to have issued a statement.

The theater Yee is joining is known for bringing classics of Chinese literature to the stage. The government job comes with “bianzhi,” which usually means protections against dismissal, housing subsidies or other benefits. Such positions are more popular than ones in the private sector.

The career move by the first Chinese actor born since 2000 to see his films rake in more than 10 billion yuan ($1.49 billion) in box office receipts, according to local reports, was a trending topic on the Weibo social media platform on Thursday. Most people said it made sense to them, with one writing: “Indeed, ‘bianzhi’ lies at the end of the universe,” using an idiom for something that is desirable.

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National Theatre denies ‘tailor-made recruitment’ upon investigation, after admission of young celebrities sparks backlash

Global Times

The National Theatre of China officially denied the alleged "tailor-made recruitment," after the announced admission of some young stars into the theater has drawn widespread public criticism

中国国家话剧院官方否认了所谓的“萝卜招聘”(tailor-made recruitment),此前该剧院宣布聘用一些年轻明星引起了公众的广泛批评。


表示“被说成的,(尤指在证据不足的情况下)被指控的”,英文解释为“said or thought by some people to be the stated bad or illegal thing, although you have no proof”举个🌰:

It took 6 years for the alleged criminals (= people thought to be criminals) to prove their innocence.



表示“特制的,定做的”,英文解释为“specially made for a particular purpose”如:a tailor-made course 专门开设的课程。

📍be tailor-made for sth 表示“正好适合(某工作)”,英文解释为“to have all the right skills and abilities for a particular task”举个🌰:

It sounds as though you're tailor-made for the job.



表示“获准入学者;获准加入者”,英文解释为“Admissions to a place such as a school or university are the people who are allowed to enter or join it.”举个🌰:

Each school sets its own admissions policy.


The recruitment procedures, qualifications of those admitted and the examination process were all in line with regulations, the top Chinese arts group said in a statement released on Saturday.



1)表示“(取得)比赛资格”,英文解释为“success in getting into a competition”举个🌰:

The win earned them qualification for the World Cup finals.


2)表示“资历,资格;条件;合格性”,英文解释为“an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity”举个🌰:

Some nursing experience is a necessary qualification for this job.


in line with sth

表示“符合,与...一致;与…相似;与…处于同等水平”,英文解释为“similar to, or at the same level as something”举个🌰:

The company's results are in line with stock market expectations.


The recruitment process followed the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit, and the procedures were carried out in strict accordance with the recruitment announcement, it said.


A total of 590 people applied for the recruitment, of whom 447 passed the qualification review. According to the final results of their examinations,  applicants were ranked from high to low, and the theater initially identified 10 candidates for the recruitment, including seven for the posts of actors and one for the post of director.



1)表示“职位,职务”,英文解释为“a job in a company or organization”举个🌰:

Teaching posts are advertised in Tuesday's edition of the paper.


📍二〇二一年新年贺词中提到“顽强不屈的坚守”时,原句:holding posts with tenacity. 其中posts指的是岗位,(坚守)岗位。

2)此外,经常在网上冲浪的就比较熟悉,post除了作名词,表示“网站上公布的信息;帖子”,英文解释为“something such as a message or picture that you publish on a website or using social media”,也可以作动词,表示“(在网站上)公布,发布(信息);发(帖)”,英文解释为“to publish something such as a message or picture on a website or using social media”举个🌰:

Lots of friends have commented on my post.


Earlier, on July 6, the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security posted on its website a shortlisted candidate list, including the young stars Yi Yangqianxi (Jackson Yee), Hu Xianxu, and Luo Yizhou.

此前,7月6日,人力资源和社会保障部在其网站上公布了入围候选人名单,包括年轻明星易烊千玺(Jackson Yee)、胡先煦和罗一舟。


表示“最终候选名单,决选名单;入围名单”,英文解释为“a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or prize, made from a longer list of people originally considered, and from which one person will be chosen”举个🌰:

We've drawn up (= decided) a shortlist for the job.


📍美式:short list是分开的。有shortlist就有longlist,意思就是“初选名单”(A long-list for something such as a job or a prize is a large group that has been chosen from all the people who applied for the job, or all the people or things that are competing for the prize. The successful ones from this group are chosen to go on the shortlist.


Candidates who are shortlisted for interview will be contacted by the end of the week.


After the name list of the to-be-recruited candidates was announced, while some fans congratulated these young stars for their recognition from the country's top theater, there was controversy about the qualifications of the to-be-recruited stars because the job descriptions stated that only fresh graduates with no formal work experience would be recruited.



表示“争议;争论;争辩”,英文解释为“a lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people”举个🌰:

There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.


job description

表示“工作职责说明,职务描述”,英文解释为“a list of the responsibilities that you have and the duties that you are expected to perform in your work”

📍找工作时可能会看到,「JD如下:...」指的就是job description,工作职责,岗位要求。还有经常提到的「HC充足」,HC指的就是Head Count的缩写,字面意思人头数,即招聘名额。


表示“招聘,吸收;(尤指军队)征募新兵”,英文解释为“to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army”举个🌰:

Even young boys are now being recruited into the army.


As becoming an actor at the National Theatre of China is widely considered one of the best jobs for the majority of art students, many netizens believe that these celebrities who have already been earning super high incomes in the market should not have applied for such jobs and crowded out job opportunities of ordinary people.


crowd sb/sth out

表示“把…挤出;排挤;阻碍”,英文解释为“to not allow a person or thing any space or opportunity to grow or develop”举个🌰:

Small local businesses have been crowded out by large multinationals.


In the face of the public skepticism, the National Theatre of China said on July 7 that it would investigate and respond to the concerns.



美式 skepticism /ˈskep.tə.sɪ.zəm/ 英式 scepticism /ˈskep.tɪ.sɪ.zəm/ 表示“怀疑态度;怀疑主义”,英文解释为“an attitude of doubting that claims or statements are true or that sth will happen”。

After a week of investigation, the top art group released a statement on Saturday morning, claiming that the recruitment process was compliant with rules and that the admitted candidates all met the requirements.



1)表示“顺从的,听从的;服从的”,英文解释为“willing to do what other people want you to do”如:a compliant child 听话的孩子。

2)表示“合规的”,英文解释为“used to describe something that obeys a particular rule or law”如:food which is compliant with safety regulations 符合安全规定的食品。

In response to netizens' allegations that some of the proposed candidates did not meet the qualifications of 'fresh graduates without formal working experience,' the theatre said it investigated again and found that none of the admitted candidates had signed employment contracts with any employers during their school years, thus meeting the recruitment requirements.



表示“指控,指责”,英文解释为“An allegation is a statement saying that someone has done something wrong.”举个🌰:

The company has denied the allegations.


The 10 shortlisted candidates all participated in the three rounds of interviews. There is no case that someone did not participate in the interviews, in line with the procedures and requirements, the statement said.


The National Theatre of China also said that through public response, it has been aware of problems in current recruitment process, including inconvenience caused by not notifying those who failed the interviews. The theatre promised an improvement in the future.


Young Chinese Film Star Takes Government Job


July 7, 2022

One of China’s most popular young actors has shuttered his entertainment firm and taken a job with a government-sponsored theater, a move that was greeted by social media users in the Asian nation with understanding given the state of the economy.



1)shutter作名词,通常复数,原意表示“活动护窗;百叶窗”,英文解释为“one of a pair of wooden or metal covers that can be closed over the outside of a window to keep out light or protect the windows from damage”,如:to open/close the shutters 打开/关上护窗。

2)作动词,可以指关上百叶窗,也有“(暂时或永久地)停业”的含义(to close down a business or activity)。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情影响的文章中提到:As covid-19 shutters businesses and leaves supermarket shelves bare, ...随着新冠肺炎导致众多企业关闭,超市货架空空如也,

Jackson Yee, a 22-year-old who rose to fame as a member of the popular boy band TFBoys and later appeared in films like war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin, has been provisionally accepted into the National Theater of China as an actor, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said.

22岁的易烊千玺(Jackson Yee)作为偶像男团TFBoy的成员而成名,后来出演战争史诗大片《长津湖》(The Battle at Lake Changjin)等电影。人力资源和社会保障部表示,他已被中国国家话剧院拟录取为演员。

rise to fame

表示“成名,出名”,英文解释为“to become famous”,举个🌰:

He rose to fame in the 90s as a TV presenter.



表示“史诗般的电影(或书籍)”,英文解释为“a long film/movie or book that contains a lot of action, usually about a historical subject”。


形容词provisional,表示“临时的,暂时的,暂定的”,英文解释为“likely or able to be changed in the future”副词provisionally,举个🌰:

We accept provisional bookings by phone.


Yee also dissolved his company, which was involved in filmmaking and handling talent, the news website Jiemian reported. The actor whose Chinese name is Yiyang Qianxi doesn’t appear to have issued a statement.



表示“解散;解除;终止(婚姻关系或业务协议)”,英文解释为“When a marriage or business arrangement is dissolved, it is officially ended.”举个🌰:

Their marriage was dissolved in 2019.



📍dissolve into tears/laughter表示“情不自禁地哭/笑了起来”(to suddenly start to cry or laugh)举个🌰:

When he saw her picture, he dissolved into tears.


The theater Yee is joining is known for bringing classics of Chinese literature to the stage. The government job comes with “bianzhi,” which usually means protections against dismissal, housing subsidies or other benefits. Such positions are more popular than ones in the private sector.



作名词,表示“(书、音乐或电影的)经典作品,杰作”,英文解释为“a piece of writing, a musical recording, or a film that is well known and of a high standard and lasting value”举个🌰:

Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" is a classic of English literature.

简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)的《傲慢与偏见》是英国文学中的经典作品。


表示“文学;(尤指有传世价值的)文学作品”,英文解释为“written artistic works, especially those with a high and lasting artistic value”如:classical/modern literature 古典/现代文学。


dismissal 作名词,表示“解聘,解雇”,英文解释为“the situation in which an employer officially makes someone leave their job”。


表示“补助金;津贴,补贴”,英文解释为“money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen”举个🌰:

The company received a substantial government subsidy.


The career move by the first Chinese actor born since 2000 to see his films rake in more than 10 billion yuan ($1.49 billion) in box office receipts, according to local reports, was a trending topic on the Weibo social media platform on Thursday. Most people said it made sense to them, with one writing: “Indeed, ‘bianzhi’ lies at the end of the universe,” using an idiom for something that is desirable.


rake in

表示“轻易赚(很多钱);赚大钱”,英文解释为“to earn or get a large amount of money举个🌰:

He rakes in over $200,000 a year.


box office

表示“售票处;票房”,英文解释为“the place at a theatre, cinema/movie theater, etc. where the tickets are sold举个🌰:

The movie has been a huge box-office success (= many people have been to see it).



表示“(企业某一时期的)收入,进款”,英文解释为“the amounts of money received during a particular period by a business”举个🌰:

The theatre's receipts for the winter were badly down.



trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo.


trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。


idiom /ˈɪdɪəm/ 表示“习语;成语;惯用语”,英文解释为“a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words”。


表示“值得拥有的;渴望获得的,令人向往的”,英文解释为“worth having and wanted by most people”举个🌰:

It's regarded as a highly desirable job.










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