

LearnAndRecord 2022-09-22

今天,#研究称单身的人衰老速度更快#的话题引发热议,讲的是美国杜克大学研究人员一项于2020发表在《心理学与老龄化》(Psychology and Aging)上的研究。



How Many Additional Years Of Life Will A Good Relationship Buy You?


Nov 24, 2020

Here’s good news for anyone currently in a committed romantic partnership: being in a relationship, compared to being single, could mean an extra 1.5 years in longevity per decade lived.

This is according to a recent paper published in the journal, Psychology and Aging.

To arrive at this conclusion, a team of researchers led by Kyle Bourassa of Duke University followed the life trajectories of 974 New Zealand adults over two decades, from ages 26 to 45. They found that being involved in a romantic relationship was associated with slower biological aging, as measured by physical markers such as facial age, body-mass index, cardio-respiratory fitness, and white blood cell counts.

“The presence of social relationships has consistently been linked to improved health outcomes and longevity when compared to the absence of close relationships,” state the researchers. “People who are more socially integrated are at lower risk of death and disease across the life span and the magnitude of this association rivals other traditional risk factors for poorer health, such as a sedentary lifestyle and smoking.”

The results come with an important caveat, however. While a good relationship can save you years of your life, a bad relationship will almost certainly cost you.

To figure out how much, the researchers divided the quality of people’s relationships into four categories: (1) positive relationships, (2) low quality relationships, (3) relationships with instances of abuse, and (4) low quality relationships with instances of abuse.

They found that people in positive relationships aged approximately .95 years for every one calendar year across the twenty-year time horizon.

Not surprisingly, people in low quality relationships with instances of abuse aged quickest, adding approximately 1.2 years of age for every calendar year of the study. And, people in low quality relationships or relationships with abuse aged faster than normal, but not as fast as the pace set by those in low quality relationships with instances of abuse.

Interestingly, the authors note that changes to the quality of one’s relationship over time were not associated with biological aging. In other words, it is the amount of cumulative exposure to relationship problems, not whether one’s relationship has gotten better or worse recently, that is most relevant to biological aging.

They also report that victims of abuse are at a greater risk of premature aging than the perpetrators of such abuse. And, relationship abuse is more common than one might think. More than half of people in the study experienced some form of relationship abuse during the twenty-year study.

The results of this research have clear clinical implications. The authors state, “These findings identify that people in lower quality relationships or relationships with high levels of partner violence (particularly experiencing physical violence) are at risk for poorer health due to accelerated biological aging. This presents a potential opportunity to intervene to improve relationship quality or reduce partner violence using empirically supported treatment, such as integrative behavioral couple therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy.”

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How Many Additional Years Of Life Will A Good Relationship Buy You?


Nov 24, 2020

Here’s good news for anyone currently in a committed romantic partnership: being in a relationship, compared to being single, could mean an extra 1.5 years in longevity per decade lived.



1)表示“忠诚的;坚定的;尽职尽责的”,英文解释为“loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in”如:a committed teacher 尽职尽责的老师。

2)表示“承诺过的,允诺过的”,英文解释为“having promised to be involved in a plan of action”


表示“长寿;长命;持久”,英文解释为“long life; the fact of lasting a long time”举个🌰:

We wish you both health and longevity.


This is according to a recent paper published in the journal, Psychology and Aging.

这是根据最近发表在《心理学与老龄化》(Psychology and Aging)杂志上的一篇论文得出的。

To arrive at this conclusion, a team of researchers led by Kyle Bourassa of Duke University followed the life trajectories of 974 New Zealand adults over two decades, from ages 26 to 45. They found that being involved in a romantic relationship was associated with slower biological aging, as measured by physical markers such as facial age, body-mass index, cardio-respiratory fitness, and white blood cell counts.

为了得出这一结论,由杜克大学的凯尔·布拉萨(Kyle Bourassa)带领的研究团队追踪了974名新西兰成年人20多年的生活轨迹,年龄从26岁到45岁。他们发现,处于恋爱关系中与较慢的生物衰老有关,这是由面部年龄、体重指数、心肺健康和白细胞计数等身体指标衡量的。

body-mass index

BMI表示“体重指数(通过身高与体重的关系,衡量是否肥胖的一种标准)”,英文解释为“a measurement of a person's weight in relation to their height, used to find out if they are too fat”举个🌰:

Obesity for adults was defined as a body mass index of 30 or greater.



cardiorespiratory /ˌkɑː.di.əʊ.rɪˈspɪr.ə.tri/ 表示“心脏与呼吸的”,英文解释为“relating to the heart, the lungs, and the tubes and muscles in the body used for breathing”如:cardiorespiratory fitness 心脏与呼吸的健康。

“The presence of social relationships has consistently been linked to improved health outcomes and longevity when compared to the absence of close relationships,” state the researchers. “People who are more socially integrated are at lower risk of death and disease across the life span and the magnitude of this association rivals other traditional risk factors for poorer health, such as a sedentary lifestyle and smoking.”



magnitude /ˈmæɡ.nɪ.tʃuːd/ 1)表示“(尺寸、规模、重要性等)大的程度;巨大;重大,重要性”,英文解释为“the large size or importance of something”举个🌰:

They don't seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem.


2)表示“震级”(the size of an earthquake)。


作动词,表示“可与…相媲美,比得上”,英文解释为“to be as good, clever, beautiful, etc. as someone or something else”举个🌰:

No computer can rival a human brain for/in complexity.



sedentary /ˈsed.ən.tər.i/ 表示“缺乏锻炼的,少活动的”,英文解释为“involving little exercise or physical activity”如:a sedentary job/occupation 久坐的工作/职业。

The results come with an important caveat, however. While a good relationship can save you years of your life, a bad relationship will almost certainly cost you.



caveat /ˈkeɪvɪˌæt/ 表示“(进一步行动前的)警告,告诫;限制条款”,英文解释为“a warning to consider something before taking any more action, or a statement that limits a more general statement”举个🌰:

He agreed to the interview, with the caveat that he could approve the final article.


To figure out how much, the researchers divided the quality of people’s relationships into four categories: (1) positive relationships, (2) low quality relationships, (3) relationships with instances of abuse, and (4) low quality relationships with instances of abuse.



作动词,1)表示“(尤指为个人私利而)滥用;妄用”,英文解释为“to use something for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or morally wrong”举个🌰:

She is continually abusing her position by getting other people to do things for her.


2)表示“虐待;伤害”,英文解释为“to treat someone cruelly or violently”举个🌰:

Several of the children had been sexually/physically/emotionally abused.


作名词,类似的 1)表示“(尤指出于个人私利的)滥用;妄用”,英文解释为“the use of something in a way that is harmful or morally wrong”如:an abuse (= wrong use) of privilege/power/someone's kindness 滥用特权/滥用权力/利用某人的善良。

2)表示“虐待;伤害”,英文解释为“cruel, violent, or unfair treatment of someone”举个🌰:

She claimed to have been a victim of child abuse.


They found that people in positive relationships aged approximately .95 years for every one calendar year across the twenty-year time horizon.


calendar year

表示“日历年”,英文解释为“a period of 365 or 366 days, starting on 1 January and ending on 31 December”

Not surprisingly, people in low quality relationships with instances of abuse aged quickest, adding approximately 1.2 years of age for every calendar year of the study. And, people in low quality relationships or relationships with abuse aged faster than normal, but not as fast as the pace set by those in low quality relationships with instances of abuse.


Interestingly, the authors note that changes to the quality of one’s relationship over time were not associated with biological aging. In other words, it is the amount of cumulative exposure to relationship problems, not whether one’s relationship has gotten better or worse recently, that is most relevant to biological aging.



表示“累积的”,英文解释为“If a series of events have a cumulative effect, each event makes the effect greater.”举个🌰:

It is simple pleasures, such as a walk on a sunny day, which have a cumulative effect on our mood.


They also report that victims of abuse are at a greater risk of premature aging than the perpetrators of such abuse. And, relationship abuse is more common than one might think. More than half of people in the study experienced some form of relationship abuse during the twenty-year study.



表示“过早的;不成熟的;仓促的”,英文解释为“happening or done too soon, especially before the natural or suitable time”如:premature birth/death 早产/夭折。


perpetrator /ˈpɜːrpətreɪtər/ 表示“作恶者;犯罪者”,英文解释为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)

The results of this research have clear clinical implications. The authors state, “These findings identify that people in lower quality relationships or relationships with high levels of partner violence (particularly experiencing physical violence) are at risk for poorer health due to accelerated biological aging. This presents a potential opportunity to intervene to improve relationship quality or reduce partner violence using empirically supported treatment, such as integrative behavioral couple therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy.”

这项研究的结果具有明确的临床意义。作者指出,“这些发现表明,处于较低质量恋爱关系或伴侣暴力程度较高的恋爱关系(尤其是经历身体暴力)的人,由于生物衰老加速,将面临健康状况较差的风险。这提供了一个潜在的机会,利用实证支持治疗方法,如综合性行为伴侣疗法(integrative behavioral couple therapy)或接纳与承诺疗法(acceptance and commitment therapy),进行干预以改善关系质量或减少伴侣暴力。”


clinical /ˈklɪn.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“门诊的,临床的”,英文解释为“used to refer to medical work or teaching that relates to the examination and treatment of ill people”如:clinical tests/training 临床试验/实习。


1)表示“可能的影响(或作用、结果)”,英文解释为“a possible effect or result of an action or a decision”举个🌰:

The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.


2)表示“含意;暗指,暗示”,英文解释为“an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly”举个🌰:

From what she said, the implication was that they were splitting up.



intervene /ˌɪn.təˈviːn/ 1)表示“干预,介入”,英文解释为“If you intervene in a situation, you become involved in it and try to change it.”举个🌰:

She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened.


2)表示“插话”,英文解释为“If you intervene, you interrupt a conversation in order to add something to it.”举个🌰:

He intervened and told me to stop it. 


3)表示“干扰”,英文解释为“If an event intervenes, it happens suddenly in a way that stops, delays, or prevents something from happening.”举个🌰:

The boat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened.


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body-mass index







calendar year















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