

LearnAndRecord 2022-11-03




5 Things Teachers Wish Parents Knew: Your Children Can Do More Than You Think

The New York Times

April 18, 2014

This week, I’m turning the tables and giving some space to the “teacher” half of the “Parent-Teacher Conference.” When I ask teachers, “What one thing would you want your students’ parents to know?” the same five points come up over and over again.

1. Your kids can do much more than you think they can do.

Despite all evidence to the contrary, your children do not need your help tying shoes, zipping jackets, sharpening pencils, packing their backpacks and lunch, or any of the million other tasks they expect you to do for them every day.

Take some direction from kindergarten teachers. If you think it takes an eternity to get your children out the door, imagine getting 20 children out the door, six times a day. Elementary school teachers are masters of delegation, so the child proficient at shoelaces becomes their “tying expert,” and the boy with a skill for zippers becomes the designated “zipper helper,” and before you can say “self-sufficient,” every child in the class has learned to tie and zip and mitten themselves. The next time your child tells you they can’t do something, step back and wait.

2. It’s not healthy to give your child constant feedback.

When children require approval on every scribble, homework problem and picture they draw, it’s probably because they have been offered feedback on every scribble, homework problem and picture they draw. It’s vital that children develop their own internal locus of approval and honest self-assessment, because as they grow up and face hardship, they need to be able to look to themselves for strength and approval. If they can’t, they will be much more susceptible to the superficial external approval that comes their way in the form of peer pressure, bullying and the social jostling. As you wean them off your feedback, turn their “Mommy, is this picture good?” or “Daddy, did I do a good job?” back on them, and ask them how they feel about their work.

3. We promise not to believe everything your child says happens at home if you promise not to believe everything your child says happens in our classrooms.

Experienced teachers know that not everything children share during circle time represents an accurate reflection of what goes on in their home. When, for example, my cousin’s son talked to his entire class that a robot had come to his house and removed his mommy’s lady parts, his teacher was wise enough to remain skeptical. Accordingly, when your child comes home and claims that the teacher screamed and yelled at him in front of the entire class for his low test score, try to give his teacher the benefit of the doubt until you’ve had a chance to talk to the teacher about it.

4. Your children learn and act according to what you do, not what you say.

You are your child’s first and best teacher, and they learn more from your actions rather than your words. When you tell your child that it’s rude to text during conversations, yet you continue to read your email while pretending to listen to him talk about his day, you are teaching him to distrust your words and your intent, while reinforcing the very behavior you seek to modify.

In the same vein, if you want to promote a behavior such as a love of learning, model that, too. Seek out new knowledge and experiences; learn something new just for the sake of learning. As teacher S.Q. wrote in an email, “Model intellectual curiosity and a visceral pleasure in learning. Not just the brainy stuff, but anything of interest (how to clean spark plugs, what kinds of wood work best on a wood lathe, what the fox says). Show your own interest in learning by reading, thinking aloud, wondering aloud.”

5. Teach your children that mistakes aren’t signs of weakness but a vital part of growth and learning.

Let your children see you fail, admit to your mistakes, and talk openly about how you have learned from those mistakes. As teacher K.M. wrote in an email, “Failure is part of the process. It’s what they do after they fail that matters. If you pick them up after their every failure, they learn nothing about how to begin again.”

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5 Things Teachers Wish Parents Knew: Your Children Can Do More Than You Think


The New York Times

April 18, 2014

This week, I’m turning the tables and giving some space to the “teacher” half of the “Parent-Teacher Conference.” When I ask teachers, “What one thing would you want your students’ parents to know?” the same five points come up over and over again.


turn the tables

表示“扭转局面,转而占(某人的)上风”,英文解释为“to change a situation so that you now have an advantage over someone who previously had an advantage over you”举个🌰:

She turned the tables on her rival with allegations of corruption.


1. Your kids can do much more than you think they can do.

1. 孩子能做的事情远比你以为的要多。

Despite all evidence to the contrary, your children do not need your help tying shoes, zipping jackets, sharpening pencils, packing their backpacks and lunch, or any of the million other tasks they expect you to do for them every day.



contrary /ˈkɒn.trə.ri/ 表示“相反;反面;对立面;相反事物”,英文解释为“the opposite”举个🌰:

I was worried that it might be too hard for me but it turned out the contrary was true.



1)表示“拉上(…的)拉链”,英文解释为“to fasten something with a zip”举个🌰:

This bag's too full, I can't zip it shut.


2)表示“快速移动;迅速去(某处)”,英文解释为“to move or go somewhere very quickly”举个🌰:

I'm just going to zip over to the shops.


Take some direction from kindergarten teachers. If you think it takes an eternity to get your children out the door, imagine getting 20 children out the door, six times a day. Elementary school teachers are masters of delegation, so the child proficient at shoelaces becomes their “tying expert,” and the boy with a skill for zippers becomes the designated “zipper helper,” and before you can say “self-sufficient,” every child in the class has learned to tie and zip and mitten themselves. The next time your child tells you they can’t do something, step back and wait.


an eternity

表示“极长的一段时间”,英文解释为“a very long time”举个🌰:

The movie went on for what seemed like an eternity.



1)表示“(工作、职务或权力等)分配;委派;授权”,英文解释为“the act of delegating a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone”举个🌰:

Delegation of responsibility is a key part of a manager's job.


2)表示“代表团”,英文解释为“a group of delegates”。

📍动词delegate表示“(把…)委派(给…),(把…)委托(给…);授权(给…)”,英文解释为“to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you举个🌰:

As a boss you have to delegate (responsibilities to your staff).


📍政府工作报告中经常出现的简政放权就是:streamline administration and delegate power;


表示“鞋带”,英文解释为“a thin string or strip of leather used to fasten shoes”举个🌰:

My shoelaces came undone/untied.



表示“拉链,拉锁”,英文解释为“a device consisting of two rows of metal or plastic teeth-like parts that are brought together by pulling a small sliding piece over them, used for closing openings in clothing, bags, etc.”如:to pull a zipper up/down 拉上/拉开拉链。


designate /ˈdezɪɡneɪt/ 1)表示“命名;指定,划定(特征、用途)”,英文解释为“When you designate someone or something as a particular thing, you formally give them that description or name.”举个🌰:

There are efforts under way to designate the bridge (as) a historic landmark


2)表示“指定,选定;委派”,英文解释为“When you designate someone as something, you formally choose them to do that particular job.”举个🌰:

Designate someone as the spokesperson.



📍类似的有个词dedicated,表示“专用的,专门的”(designed to be used for one particular purpose)举个🌰:

Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes.



表示“(尤指食物)自给自足的;自立的”,英文解释为“able to provide everything you need, especially food, for yourself without the help of other people”举个🌰:

The programme aims to make the country self-sufficient in food production and to cut energy imports.


2. It’s not healthy to give your child constant feedback.

2. 不断给孩子反馈是不健康的。

When children require approval on every scribble, homework problem and picture they draw, it’s probably because they have been offered feedback on every scribble, homework problem and picture they draw. It’s vital that children develop their own internal locus of approval and honest self-assessment, because as they grow up and face hardship, they need to be able to look to themselves for strength and approval. If they can’t, they will be much more susceptible to the superficial external approval that comes their way in the form of peer pressure, bullying and the social jostling. As you wean them off your feedback, turn their “Mommy, is this picture good?” or “Daddy, did I do a good job?” back on them, and ask them how they feel about their work.



scribble /ˈskrɪb.əl/ 可以作名词,表示“乱写;涂鸦”,英文解释为“a careless piece of writing or drawing”;也可以作动词,表示“匆匆地写;乱涂乱画”,英文解释为“to write or draw something quickly or carelessly”举个🌰:

The baby's just scribbled all over my new dictionary!



locus /ˈləʊ.kəs/ 表示“发生地;关注的焦点;讨论的中心”,英文解释为“the place where something happens or the central area of interest in something being discussed”举个🌰:

The locus of decision-making is sometimes far from the government's offices.



susceptible /səˈseptəbl/ 表示“易受影响(或伤害等);敏感;过敏”,英文解释为“very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sb/sth”举个🌰:

Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others.



superficial /ˌsuː.pəˈfɪʃ.əl/ 1)表示“表面的,浅显的,肤浅的”,英文解释为“not complete and involving only the most obvious things”举个🌰:

I thought that article was written at a very superficial level.


2)表示“(人)浅薄的,肤浅的”,英文解释为“(of a person) never thinking about things that are serious or important”


jostle /ˈdʒɒs.əl/ 表示“挤;推;撞”,英文解释为“to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them or get more space when you are in a crowd of people”举个🌰:

As we came into the arena, we were jostled by fans pushing their way towards the stage.


📍jostle for sth表示“为…竞争,争夺”,英文解释为“If people jostle for something, they compete with each other in order to get what they want.”

wean sb off sth

wean /wiːn/ sb off sth表示“使(某人)逐渐戒掉;使(某人)脱离”,英文解释为“to make someone gradually stop using something that is bad for them”举个🌰:

It's difficult to wean addicts off cocaine once they're hooked.


3. We promise not to believe everything your child says happens at home if you promise not to believe everything your child says happens in our classrooms.

3. 如果你答应,不把孩子说的关于在学校里发生的所有事情都当真,我们也答应你,不会把孩子说的所有家务事都当真。

Experienced teachers know that not everything children share during circle time represents an accurate reflection of what goes on in their home. When, for example, my cousin’s son talked to his entire class that a robot had come to his house and removed his mommy’s lady parts, his teacher was wise enough to remain skeptical. Accordingly, when your child comes home and claims that the teacher screamed and yelled at him in front of the entire class for his low test score, try to give his teacher the benefit of the doubt until you’ve had a chance to talk to the teacher about it.


circle time

表示“圈圈座谈时间”,英文解释为“a time in which pre-school or primary school children sit in a circle and take turns to speak, usually with possession of a circulated object being the sign of whose turn it is”


skeptical /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/ 表示“怀疑的,持怀疑态度的”,英文解释为“doubting that something is true or useful”举个🌰:

Many experts remain skeptical about/of his claims.


give sb the benefit of the doubt

表示“把…往好处想;疑罪从无”,英文解释为“to believe something good about someone, rather than something bad, when you have the possibility of doing either”举个🌰:

I didn't know whether his story was true or not, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.


4. Your children learn and act according to what you do, not what you say.

4. 孩子在学习和行为上,参照的都是你的行动,而不是说教。

You are your child’s first and best teacher, and they learn more from your actions rather than your words. When you tell your child that it’s rude to text during conversations, yet you continue to read your email while pretending to listen to him talk about his day, you are teaching him to distrust your words and your intent, while reinforcing the very behavior you seek to modify.



1)表示“加强;充实;使更强烈;进一步证实(观点、看法等)”,英文解释为“to make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger”举个🌰:

Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.


2)表示“加固;使更结实”,英文解释为“to make a structure or material stronger, especially by adding another material to it”举个🌰:

All buildings are now reinforced to withstand earthquakes.



表示“(稍作)修改,更改,改造,改变”,英文解释为“to change something such as a plan, opinion, law, or way of behaviour slightly, usually to improve it or make it more acceptable”举个🌰:

The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in a modified form.


In the same vein, if you want to promote a behavior such as a love of learning, model that, too. Seek out new knowledge and experiences; learn something new just for the sake of learning. As teacher S.Q. wrote in an email, “Model intellectual curiosity and a visceral pleasure in learning. Not just the brainy stuff, but anything of interest (how to clean spark plugs, what kinds of wood work best on a wood lathe, what the fox says). Show your own interest in learning by reading, thinking aloud, wondering aloud.”

同样的,如果你想在家中倡导某种行为,比如热爱读书,也得言传身教。追寻新的知识,新的体验;纯粹是为了学习,而学某样新的东西。正如S.Q.老师在邮件中写到的那样:“塑造对知识的渴求(intellectual curiosity)和对于学习内在的愉悦。而且不要仅限于学习书本知识,而要了解各种感兴趣的知识(怎样清洁火花塞,用木工车床最适宜做哪一类的木工活,听听神曲《狐狸叫》)。要向孩子显示自己对学习的热情,你自己就得读书、思考、说出心中的疑惑。”


1)表示“(说话、写作)风格;方式”,英文解释为“in a particular style of speaking or writing about something”举个🌰:

A number of other people commented in a similar vein.


2)表示“特质;特征”,英文解释为“a particular quality or characteristic”举个🌰:

A vein of satirical anger runs through all his work.



curiosity /ˌkjʊə.riˈɒs.ə.ti/ 表示“好奇心;求知欲”,英文解释为“an eager wish to know or learn about something”如:to arouse/excite/satisfy someone's curiosity 引起/激发/满足某人的好奇心。


visceral /ˈvɪs.ər.əl/ 表示“发自内心的;发自肺腑的”,英文解释为“based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought”举个🌰:

His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.


spark plug

spark plug /ˈspɑːk ˌplʌɡ/ 表示“火花塞”,英文解释为“a device in an engine that produces an electrical spark that lights the fuel and makes the engine start”


lathe /leɪð/ 表示“车床,旋床”,英文解释为“a machine for changing the shape of a piece of wood, metal, etc. that works by turning the material while a sharp tool is pressed against it”

5. Teach your children that mistakes aren’t signs of weakness but a vital part of growth and learning.

5. 教会孩子,犯错并非软弱的表现,而是成长和学习不可或缺的一部分。

Let your children see you fail, admit to your mistakes, and talk openly about how you have learned from those mistakes. As teacher K.M. wrote in an email, “Failure is part of the process. It’s what they do after they fail that matters. If you pick them up after their every failure, they learn nothing about how to begin again.”


- 今日盘点 -

turn the tables



an eternity











wean sb off sth

circle time


give sb the benefit of the doubt






spark plug










- 推荐阅读 -





- END -






