

LearnAndRecord 2022-10-10

有一句谚语是这么说的:「早吃好,午吃饱,晚吃少」(breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper)。


近日,一项发表于国际著名期刊《细胞代谢》(Cell Metabolism)的研究表明,一个人无论在早中晚的哪一餐吃得最多,都不会影响身体代谢卡路里的方式。



Eating a big breakfast and light dinner doesn’t lead you to burn more calories, study finds


The common notion that eating a big breakfast and light dinner helps people burn more calories may be misguided.

New research published Friday in the journal Cell Metabolism found that eating the bulk of one's calories in the morning doesn't help people lose weight any more than eating those calories at night.

The findings were based on a controlled experiment involving 30 adults in the U.K. who were obese or overweight. For four weeks, the participants followed one of two diets: About half of them consumed 45% of their daily calories at breakfast, followed by 35% at lunch and 20% at dinner. The other half consumed 20% of their daily calories at breakfast, followed by 35% at lunch and 45% at dinner.

The groups then switched places, following the opposite regimen for another four weeks.

Both groups consumed slightly more than 1,700 calories per day. Big breakfasts consisted of foods like cereal, toast, eggs, sausage, smoothies and yogurt. Large dinners consisted of foods like beef and mushroom stroganoff with rice, pasta bolognese or pork chops with potatoes and peas.

Researchers don't often provide meals to study participants, so the study offers a rare look at how one factor — the timing of a person's largest daily meal — affects metabolism and weight loss.

In the end, the researchers added up how much total weight each group lost after four weeks of the big breakfast diet and the big dinner diet. The results came out the same: around 7 pounds.

That's clear evidence that people did not burn more calories by eating a big breakfast, according to Courtney Peterson, an associate professor of nutrition sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham who wasn’t involved in the research.

The results show that "there’s no magic fat-burning effect from the timing of your meals," Peterson said.

However, people in the study said they felt less hungry throughout the day when they consumed the bulk of their calories at breakfast. So it's possible that big breakfasts could help with weight loss over longer periods of time by decreasing appetite, Peterson said.

"There are two ways to lose weight: You can either burn more calories or you can eat less," she said. "In the real world, if people are less hungry, they eat less, so that usually translates into weight loss."

Early meals could still have benefits

Unlike the UK study, other research has suggested that people who eat a large breakfast can see decreases in their body-mass index.

Martha Belury, a professor of human nutrition at Ohio State University, said the new study might have seen a greater weight loss effect if the researchers had given subjects more high-quality, nutrient-rich foods.

“Certain foods, if you have a mass of them or a tiny bit of them, they can stimulate more hunger than other types of foods,” she said.

But weight loss aside, there may be other good reasons to eat a substantial breakfast. Alexandra Johnstone, the first study’s senior author and a researcher at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, said that people are more insulin-sensitive in the morning, so an early meal might help regulate blood sugar levels. On the other hand, eating too late at night — from around 8 p.m. onward, Peterson said — could raise blood sugar levels and cause people to store more energy as fat.

Johnstone's study did not observe an improvement in blood sugar levels from big breakfasts. But a study of overweight or obese women in Israel saw improved blood sugar levels among those who ate a 700-calorie breakfast, followed by a 500-calorie lunch and 200-calorie dinner.

The new research also has implications for intermittent fasting, an eating schedule in which food intake is limited to a specific window — usually eight hours during the day.

"What this study would suggest is that when people are doing time-restricted feeding, it might be better to time restrict in the evening and eat during the morning to afternoon period," Johnstone said.

That's likely because people who fast in the morning feel hungrier in the afternoon and evening, so they reach for more calories than those who start eating earlier, Peterson said.

Like the big breakfast strategy, the relationship between intermittent fasting and weight loss is complicated.

"About half of studies find a weight loss effect and half don’t," Peterson said. "To me, that suggests there’s probably a benefit there, but we need to go to even larger studies to demonstrate that."

Belury said a person's meal routine should take into account the times of day when they burn the most energy and their individual response to food.

“There is quite a bit of personal preference in terms of eating patterns in general," she said. "Some people say, for whatever reason, they don’t like a big breakfast because they find if they have a big breakfast, then they still have a big lunch.”

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Eating a big breakfast and light dinner doesn’t lead you to burn more calories, study finds


The common notion that eating a big breakfast and light dinner helps people burn more calories may be misguided.



表示“观念;信念;理解;概念”,英文解释为“an idea, a belief or an understanding of sth 举个🌰:
She had only a vague notion of what might happen.


calorie /ˈkæl.ər.i/ 表示“卡,卡路里(测量食物所含热量的单位)”,英文解释为“a unit of energy, often used as a measurement of the amount of energy that food provides”举个🌰:

There are about 50 calories in an apple.



misguided /ˌmɪsˈɡaɪ.dɪd/ 表示“被误导的;被引入歧途的;判断失误的”,英文解释为“unreasonable or unsuitable because of being based on bad judgment or on wrong information or beliefs”举个🌰:

He was shot as he made a misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed.


New research published Friday in the journal Cell Metabolism found that eating the bulk of one's calories in the morning doesn't help people lose weight any more than eating those calories at night.

周五发表在《细胞代谢》(Cell Metabolism)杂志上的一项新研究发现,早上摄入大量(当天所需)卡路里并不比晚上摄入这些卡路里更能帮助人们减肥。


metabolism /mɪˈtæbəˌlɪzəm/ 表示“新陈代谢”,英文解释为“( biology 生 ) the chemical processes in living things that change food, etc. into energy and materials for growth”举个🌰:
The body's metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold.

the bulk of

表示“(某物的)主要部分,大半”,英文解释为“the main or largest part of something举个🌰
The bulk of consumers are based in towns.

The findings were based on a controlled experiment involving 30 adults in the U.K. who were obese or overweight. For four weeks, the participants followed one of two diets: About half of them consumed 45% of their daily calories at breakfast, followed by 35% at lunch and 20% at dinner. The other half consumed 20% of their daily calories at breakfast, followed by 35% at lunch and 45% at dinner.



obese /əʊˈbiːs/ 表示“肥胖的,臃肿的”,英文解释为“extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health”举个🌰:

He was not just overweight; he was clinically obese.


The groups then switched places, following the opposite regimen for another four weeks.



regimen /ˈredʒ.ɪ.mən/ 表示“(尤指为了增进健康的)生活规则,养生之道,养生法”,英文解释为“any set of rules about food and exercise that someone follows, especially in order to improve their health”举个🌰:

After his heart attack the doctor put him on a strict regimen.


Both groups consumed slightly more than 1,700 calories per day. Big breakfasts consisted of foods like cereal, toast, eggs, sausage, smoothies and yogurt. Large dinners consisted of foods like beef and mushroom stroganoff with rice, pasta bolognese or pork chops with potatoes and peas.

两组人每天摄入的卡路里都略高于1700卡路里。丰盛的早餐包括谷类食品、烤面包、鸡蛋、香肠、奶昔和酸奶。丰盛的晚餐包括牛肉蘑菇饭、意大利肉酱面(pasta bolognese)或猪排配土豆和豌豆。


cereal /ˈsɪərɪəl/ 表示“谷类植物,谷物”,英文解释为“a plant that is grown to produce grain”如:cereal crops 谷类作物。


1)作名词,表示“烤面包片,吐司”,英文解释为“sliced bread made warm, crisp (= hard enough to break), and brown by being put near a high heat”如:a slice of toast 一块烤面包片;

2)作名词,表示“祝酒;干杯”,英文解释为“an expression of good wishes or respect for someone that involves holding up and then drinking from a glass of alcohol, especially wine, after a short speech举个🌰:
Champagne corks popped and the guests drank a toast to the happy couple.

🍸比如,G20杭州峰会欢迎宴会上致辞最后提到:Now, please join me in a toast: 现在我提议,大家共同举杯,

🎬电影《爱你,罗茜》(Love, Rosie)中的台词提到:So , please ,everybody , join me in a toast, to the bride and groom. 所以,各位,请和我举起这杯酒,敬我们的新娘和新郎。

We toasted the happy couple.


smoothie /ˈsmuː.ði/ 表示“思慕雪(一种用水果、果汁,有时加冰、奶或酸奶制成的饮料);(水果)奶昔”,英文解释为“a thick drink made of fruit and fruit juices mixed together, sometimes with ice, milk, or yoghurt”,如:a strawberry-banana smoothie 草莓香蕉思慕雪。


yogurt /ˈjɒɡ.ət/ 表示“酸奶;小包装酸奶”,英文解释为“Yogurt is a food in the form of a thick, slightly sour liquid that is made by adding bacteria to milk. A yogurt is a small container of yogurt.”


stroganoff /ˈstrɒɡ.ə.nɒf/ 表示“斯特罗加诺夫牛肉,俄罗斯酸奶牛肉”,英文解释为“a type of food consisting of meat or mushrooms in a sauce that contains sour cream”

Researchers don't often provide meals to study participants, so the study offers a rare look at how one factor — the timing of a person's largest daily meal — affects metabolism and weight loss.


In the end, the researchers added up how much total weight each group lost after four weeks of the big breakfast diet and the big dinner diet. The results came out the same: around 7 pounds.


That's clear evidence that people did not burn more calories by eating a big breakfast, according to Courtney Peterson, an associate professor of nutrition sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham who wasn’t involved in the research.

阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(University of Alabama at Birmingham)营养科学副教授考特尼·彼得森(ourtney Peterson)没有参与这项研究,他说,这清楚地证明人们吃一顿丰盛的早餐并没有燃烧更多的卡路里。


nutrition /njuːˈtrɪʃ.ən/ 表示“营养物质;营养,滋养;营养学”,英文解释为“the substances that you take into your body as food and the way that they influence your health”举个🌰:

Good nutrition is essential if patients are to make a quick recovery.


The results show that "there’s no magic fat-burning effect from the timing of your meals," Peterson said.


However, people in the study said they felt less hungry throughout the day when they consumed the bulk of their calories at breakfast. So it's possible that big breakfasts could help with weight loss over longer periods of time by decreasing appetite, Peterson said.



appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ 1)表示“食欲;胃口”,英文解释为“physical desire for food”举个🌰:
He suffered from headaches and loss of appetite.

2)表示“强烈欲望”,英文解释为“a strong desire for sth”举个🌰:
The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal.

"There are two ways to lose weight: You can either burn more calories or you can eat less," she said. "In the real world, if people are less hungry, they eat less, so that usually translates into weight loss."


Early meals could still have benefits 早进食可能仍有好处

Unlike the UK study, other research has suggested that people who eat a large breakfast can see decreases in their body-mass index.


body-mass index

BMI表示“体重指数(通过身高与体重的关系,衡量是否肥胖的一种标准)”,英文解释为“a measurement of a person's weight in relation to their height, used to find out if they are too fat”举个🌰:
Obesity for adults was defined as a body mass index of 30 or greater.

Martha Belury, a professor of human nutrition at Ohio State University, said the new study might have seen a greater weight loss effect if the researchers had given subjects more high-quality, nutrient-rich foods.

俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)人类营养学教授玛莎·贝里(Martha Belury)说,如果研究人员给受试者更多高质量、营养丰富的食物,这项新研究可能会看到更大的减肥效果。

“Certain foods, if you have a mass of them or a tiny bit of them, they can stimulate more hunger than other types of foods,” she said.



1)表示“刺激,使兴奋;使感兴趣”,英文解释为“to make someone excited and interested about something举个🌰:
The show was intended to stimulate and amuse.

2)表示“激发,激励;促进”,英文解释为“to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active”举个🌰:
The government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy.

But weight loss aside, there may be other good reasons to eat a substantial breakfast. Alexandra Johnstone, the first study’s senior author and a researcher at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, said that people are more insulin-sensitive in the morning, so an early meal might help regulate blood sugar levels. On the other hand, eating too late at night — from around 8 p.m. onward, Peterson said — could raise blood sugar levels and cause people to store more energy as fat.

但是除了减肥之外,吃一顿丰盛的早餐可能还有其他很好的理由。第一项研究的资深作者、苏格兰阿伯丁大学(University of Aberdeen)的研究人员亚历山德拉·约翰斯顿(Alexandra Johnstone)说,人们在早上对胰岛素更敏感,所以早进食可能有助于调节血糖水平。另一方面,彼得森说,吃得太晚,大概晚上8点以后,可能会提高血糖水平,导致人们将更多能量储存为脂肪。


substantial /səbˈstæn.ʃəl/ 表示“大的;可观的;价值巨大的;重大的”,英文解释为“large in size, value, or importance”举个🌰:

The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.



insulin /ˈɪnsjəlɪn/表示“胰岛素”,英文解释为“a chemical substance produced in the body that controls the amount of sugar in the blood (by influencing the rate at which it is removed); a similar artificial substance given to people whose bodies do not produce enough naturally”举个🌰:
She has to have insulin injections for her diabetes.

Johnstone's study did not observe an improvement in blood sugar levels from big breakfasts. But a study of overweight or obese women in Israel saw improved blood sugar levels among those who ate a 700-calorie breakfast, followed by a 500-calorie lunch and 200-calorie dinner.


The new research also has implications for intermittent fasting, an eating schedule in which food intake is limited to a specific window — usually eight hours during the day.



1)表示“可能的影响(或作用、结果)”,英文解释为“a possible effect or result of an action or a decision”举个🌰:
The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.

2)表示“含意;暗指,暗示”,英文解释为“an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly”举个🌰:
From what she said, the implication was that they were splitting up.

intermittent fasting

intermittent fasting /ɪn.təˌmɪt.ənt ˈfɑː.stɪŋ/ 表示“间歇性禁食;断食疗法”,英文解释为“a way of eating that involves changing regularly between periods of eating and fasting (= deliberately not eating), especially in order to lose weight”举个🌰:

Many people have found intermittent fasting to be an effective way to lose weight.


"What this study would suggest is that when people are doing time-restricted feeding, it might be better to time restrict in the evening and eat during the morning to afternoon period," Johnstone said.


That's likely because people who fast in the morning feel hungrier in the afternoon and evening, so they reach for more calories than those who start eating earlier, Peterson said.



1)作动词,熟词僻义,表示“禁食;斋戒”,英文解释为“to eat little or no food for a period of time, especially for religious or health reasons”,举个🌰:
One day a week he fasts for health reasons.

2)作名词,同样可以表示“禁食期;斋戒期”(a period of time when you eat no food),如:break one's fast就可以解释为开戒,英文解释为“to eat food for the first time after fasting, or for the first time in the day”举个🌰:
Hundreds of prisoners began a fast.

Like the big breakfast strategy, the relationship between intermittent fasting and weight loss is complicated.



complicated /ˈkɒm.plɪ.keɪ.tɪd/ 表示“复杂的;麻烦的;费解的”,英文解释为“involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand”如:complicated instructions 复杂的指令。

"About half of studies find a weight loss effect and half don’t," Peterson said. "To me, that suggests there’s probably a benefit there, but we need to go to even larger studies to demonstrate that."



表示“显示;表明”,英文解释为“to show or make make something clear”举个🌰:
These numbers clearly demonstrate the size of the economic problem facing the country.

Belury said a person's meal routine should take into account the times of day when they burn the most energy and their individual response to food.


“There is quite a bit of personal preference in terms of eating patterns in general," she said. "Some people say, for whatever reason, they don’t like a big breakfast because they find if they have a big breakfast, then they still have a big lunch.”


- 今日盘点 -





the bulk of










body-mass index





intermittent fasting












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