

LearnAndRecord 2022-10-10




Gaming does not appear harmful to mental health, unless the gamer can't stop - Oxford study

From: The University of Oxford

Societies may tremble when a hot new video game is released, but the hours spent playing popular video games do not appear to be damaging players’ mental health, according to the largest-ever survey of nearly 40,000 gamers and their gaming habits, which was conducted over six weeks by a team from Oxford’s Internet Institute. That does not mean, however, that the research did not throw up some concerns – and, the team argues, much more information is needed before tech regulators, can really rest easy.

The research, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, found no ‘causal link’ between gaming and poor mental health – whatever sort of games are being played. But Professor Andrew K. Przybylski, OII Senior Research Fellow, says the research did show a distinct difference in the experience of gamers who play ‘because they want to’ and those who play ‘because they feel they have to’.

He maintains, ‘We found it really does not matter how much gamers played [in terms of their sense of well-being]. It wasn’t the quantity of gaming, but the quality that counted…if they felt they had to play, they felt worse. If they played because they loved it, then the data did not suggest it affected their mental health. It seemed to give them a strong positive feeling.’

The ground-breaking survey of gamers was the most comprehensive to date, taking in multiple platforms and seven different games, including basic games, such as Animal Crossing: New Horizons, racing simulators such as Gran Turismo Sport and more competitive games, such as Apex Legends and Eve Online. And, says Professor Przybylski, there was no difference in impact on mental health – whether game involved moving to a new town with talking animals, as in Animal Crossing, or taking part in a battle royal-style game, such as Apex Legends.

Players own their gaming data, which is accumulated by the platforms, and nearly 40,000 people gave permission for it to be used for this research. Previous studies have often involved players keeping diaries of their reactions to gaming. The access to real-time gaming data gave only a tantalising insight into the impact of gaming, though, says Professor Przybylski. And, although the OII has made the data available to other academics, it is a drop in the ocean in terms of possible available data and only offers limited access.

Professor Przybylski explains, ‘About one billion people are playing video games worldwide. There are 3,000 games on the Nintendo platform alone. People play multiple games - and we were able to access information about 39,000 people playing just seven popular games.’

In order to answer the questions that parents, such as he, want answered, Professor Przybylski says, ‘We need to collect large representative samples and we need to do it at the platform level. Looking at just seven games, is like looking at seven foodstuffs – when you know Tesco's and the other supermarkets, sell thousands of different foods and shoppers fill diverse trollies’

Professor Przybylski has grown up playing games himself and, he says, such research is essential to understanding the real impact of gaming on the individual. Although today’s research suggests gaming may only be a negative influence only for those who feel compelled to game, rather than all users, there is much more to be learned.

‘These are just the first steps into the world of understanding how gaming fits into gamers’ lives,’ he says. ‘And it seems that why you are playing is the key factor. This is an exciting study, but there is a lot of work still to do.’

But months of negotiations with the gaming platforms, about the use of the data, preceded the research, followed by months of analysis. Analysing the data itself was the easy bit, says Professor Przybylski. The Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo platforms have complex relationships with hundreds of game developers and it is tricky to get everyone to agree that independent and rigorous science is in their players’ best interests. But, Professor Przybylski points out, the data belongs to the gamers – not to the platforms and not to the game developers, ‘Gamers have the legal right to donate their data…it would be an amazing step forward if we collected data at the platform level.’

He adds, ‘Players want to know what impact gaming has. Scientists want to know. Parents want to know. The Government wants to know. I want to know…and the information is there. This data needs to be open and it needs to be easy to share.’

Professor Przybylski concludes, ‘If the big gaming platforms care about their players’ well-being, they need to empower players and scientists to learn about how their products influence us, for good or ill.'

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Gaming does not appear harmful to mental health, unless the gamer can't stop - Oxford study

From: The University of Oxford

Societies may tremble when a hot new video game is released, but the hours spent playing popular video games do not appear to be damaging players’ mental health, according to the largest-ever survey of nearly 40,000 gamers and their gaming habits, which was conducted over six weeks by a team from Oxford’s Internet Institute. That does not mean, however, that the research did not throw up some concerns – and, the team argues, much more information is needed before tech regulators, can really rest easy.



tremble /ˈtrem.bəl/ 表示“(通常因寒冷、害怕或情绪激动)颤抖,发抖;极担心;焦虑;恐惧”,英文解释为“to shake slightly, usually because you are cold, frightened, or very emotional;to be very worried or frightened”举个🌰:

When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold.


I trembled at the thought of having to make a speech.


rest easy

rest easy = rest assured表示“(用于安慰某人)请放心,别担心”,英文解释为“used to tell someone not to worry and that you are in control of the situation”举个🌰:

"Rest assured," said the police officer. "We will find your son for you."


📍「欧洲新闻台」(Euronews)在相关报道中的标题就用到了Rest assured,标题:Rest assured: Playing video games is unlikely to impact well-being, study says 放心吧:研究表明,玩电子游戏不太可能影响健康/幸福感。

The research, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, found no ‘causal link’ between gaming and poor mental health – whatever sort of games are being played. But Professor Andrew K. Przybylski, OII Senior Research Fellow, says the research did show a distinct difference in the experience of gamers who play ‘because they want to’ and those who play ‘because they feel they have to’.

发表在《皇家学会开放科学》(Royal Society Open Science)期刊上的这项研究发现,无论玩什么游戏,游戏和不良心理健康之间都没有“因果关系”。但是牛津大学互联网研究院高级研究员安德鲁·普日比斯基(Andrew K. Przybylski)教授说,这项研究确实表明了“因为想玩”而玩游戏的玩家和“因为觉得必须要玩”而玩游戏的玩家的体验存在明显差异。


causal /ˈkɔː.zəl/ relationship/link 表示“因果关系(联系等)”,英文解释为“a relationship, link, etc. between two things in which one causes the other”举个🌰:

Is there a causal relationship between violence on television and violent behaviour?



distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/ 表示“显著的,明显的;确实的”,英文解释为“clearly noticeable; that certainly exists”举个🌰:

There's a distinct smell of cigarettes in here.


He maintains, ‘We found it really does not matter how much gamers played [in terms of their sense of well-being]. It wasn’t the quantity of gaming, but the quality that counted…if they felt they had to play, they felt worse. If they played because they loved it, then the data did not suggest it affected their mental health. It seemed to give them a strong positive feeling.’



表示“(尤指可测量或确定的)量,数量,分量”,英文解释为“the amount or number of something, especially that can be measured”举个🌰:
Police found a large/small quantity of drugs in his possession.

The ground-breaking survey of gamers was the most comprehensive to date, taking in multiple platforms and seven different games, including basic games, such as Animal Crossing: New Horizons, racing simulators such as Gran Turismo Sport and more competitive games, such as Apex Legends and Eve Online. And, says Professor Przybylski, there was no difference in impact on mental health – whether game involved moving to a new town with talking animals, as in Animal Crossing, or taking part in a battle royal-style game, such as Apex Legends.

这项开创性的玩家调查是迄今为止最全面的,涉及多个平台七种不同的游戏,包括初级游戏,如《集合啦!动物森友会》(Animal Crossing: New Horizons),模拟赛车游戏,如《跑车浪漫旅:竞速》(Gran Turismo Sport),以及更具竞技性的游戏,如《Apex英雄》和《星战前夜:晨曦》(Eve Online)。普日比斯基教授说,无论游戏是像动森那样带着会说话的动物搬到一个新城镇,还是像《Apex英雄》那样参加皇家风格的战斗游戏,对心理健康的影响都没有区别。


ground-breaking可以解释为“开辟新天地的,独创的,开拓性的,里程碑性的”,英文解释为“You use groundbreaking to describe things which you think are significant because they provide new and positive ideas, and influence the way people think about things.” 如:groundbreaking research 开拓性的研究。

Players own their gaming data, which is accumulated by the platforms, and nearly 40,000 people gave permission for it to be used for this research. Previous studies have often involved players keeping diaries of their reactions to gaming. The access to real-time gaming data gave only a tantalising insight into the impact of gaming, though, says Professor Przybylski. And, although the OII has made the data available to other academics, it is a drop in the ocean in terms of possible available data and only offers limited access.



表示“积累;积聚;积攒”,英文解释为“to collect a large number of things over a long period of time”举个🌰:
As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情期间房价上涨的文章中提到:Professionals who have carried on working from home but cut back on their spending have accumulated cash to splash. 那些改换成在家中继续工作但减少了开支的专业人士则积攒了可大笔支出的现金。

📍amass 表示“(尤指大量)积累,积聚”,英文解释为“to collect sth, especially in large quantities”举个🌰:
He amassed a fortune from delivering newspapers.

📍rack up表示“大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”,英文解释为“If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races.”


permission /pəˈmɪʃ.ən/ 表示“允许,许可,准许”,英文解释为“If someone is given permission to do something, they are allowed to do it.”举个🌰:

You will need permission from your parents to go on the trip.



英式 tantalise 美式 tantalize /ˈtæntəˌlaɪz/ 1)tantalize作动词,表示“(以可望而不可及之物)逗引,招惹,使干着急”,英文解释为“If someone or something tantalizes you, they make you feel hopeful and excited about getting what you want, usually before disappointing you by not letting you have what they appeared to offer.”如:the dreams that have so tantalized them让他们可望而不可及的梦想。

2)tantalising/tantalizing作形容词,表示“撩人的;逗引性的;诱人的;引起好奇心的”(Something that is tantalizing causes desire and excitement in you, but is unlikely to provide a way of satisfying that desire.)举个🌰:
A tantalizing aroma of roast beef fills the air.
I caught a tantalizing glimpse of the sparkling blue sea through the trees.

🎬电影《不用找钱》(Keep the Change)中的台词提到:David, sweetheart, this looks so exciting and tantalizing. 大卫,亲爱的,这看起来很刺激,很诱人。


表示“洞察力;深刻见解”,英文解释为“(the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation”举个🌰:

It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.


a drop in the ocean

表示“沧海一粟;杯水车薪”,英文解释为“a very small amount compared to the amount needed”

Professor Przybylski explains, ‘About one billion people are playing video games worldwide. There are 3,000 games on the Nintendo platform alone. People play multiple games - and we were able to access information about 39,000 people playing just seven popular games.’


In order to answer the questions that parents, such as he, want answered, Professor Przybylski says, ‘We need to collect large representative samples and we need to do it at the platform level. Looking at just seven games, is like looking at seven foodstuffs – when you know Tesco's and the other supermarkets, sell thousands of different foods and shoppers fill diverse trollies



foodstuff /ˈfuːd.stʌf/ 表示“食物;食品(原料)”,英文解释为“any substance that is used as food or to make food”举个🌰:

They lack basic foodstuffs, such as bread and milk.



trolley /ˈtrɒl.i/ 复数trolleys 或 trollies,表示“(装有两个或四个轮子、运送大件或重物的)手推车”,英文解释为“a small vehicle with two or four wheels that you push or pull to transport large or heavy objects on”如:a shopping trolley 购物车。

Professor Przybylski has grown up playing games himself and, he says, such research is essential to understanding the real impact of gaming on the individual. Although today’s research suggests gaming may only be a negative influence only for those who feel compelled to game, rather than all users, there is much more to be learned.



essential /ɪˈsen.ʃəl/ 作名词,表示“必需品;不可缺少的东西”,英文解释为“a basic thing that you cannot live without”举个🌰:
When we go on holiday, we only take the bare essentials.

作形容词,表示“必要的,必不可少的”,英文解释为“necessary or needed”举个🌰:
Government support will be essential if the project is to succeed.


compelled /kəmˈpeld/ 表示“被迫地,不得不地”,英文解释为“having to do something, because you are forced to or feel it is necessary”举个🌰:

He felt compelled to report the incident.


‘These are just the first steps into the world of understanding how gaming fits into gamers’ lives,’ he says. ‘And it seems that why you are playing is the key factor. This is an exciting study, but there is a lot of work still to do.’


But months of negotiations with the gaming platforms, about the use of the data, preceded the research, followed by months of analysis. Analysing the data itself was the easy bit, says Professor Przybylski. The Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo platforms have complex relationships with hundreds of game developers and it is tricky to get everyone to agree that independent and rigorous science is in their players’ best interests. But, Professor Przybylski points out, the data belongs to the gamers – not to the platforms and not to the game developers, ‘Gamers have the legal right to donate their data…it would be an amazing step forward if we collected data at the platform level.’



表示“(某事件)先于(另一事件)而发生;(某时段)先于(另一时段)而存在”,英文解释为“If one event or period of time precedes another, it happens before it.举个🌰:
The earthquake was preceded by a loud roar and lasted 20 seconds.


1)表示“严格缜密的;谨慎的;细致的;彻底的”,英文解释为“A test, system, or procedure that is rigorous is very thorough and strict.”举个🌰:
The selection process is based on rigorous tests of competence and experience.

2)表示“严格的,严厉的”,英文解释为“controlling behaviour in a severe way”如:the rigorous controls governing the sale of shares 对管理股权出售进行的严格控制。

He adds, ‘Players want to know what impact gaming has. Scientists want to know. Parents want to know. The Government wants to know. I want to know…and the information is there. This data needs to be open and it needs to be easy to share.’


Professor Przybylski concludes, ‘If the big gaming platforms care about their players’ well-being, they need to empower players and scientists to learn about how their products influence us, for good or ill.'



empower /ɪmˈpaʊər/ 表示“给(某人)做…的权力;授权;使自主”,英文解释为“to give someone official authority or the freedom to do something”举个🌰:

This amendment empowers the president to declare an emergency for a wide range of reasons.


- 今日盘点 -


rest easy









a drop in the ocean
















- 推荐阅读 -





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