

LearnAndRecord 2022-11-03





9 Ways Being Single Can Improve Your Life

From: TIME

SEPTEMBER 20, 2018

Being single isn’t always a walk in the park—especially when movies and television shows seem to push the concept that you aren’t truly “complete” until you’ve found a significant other.

People’s single lives are often portrayed as a sort of purgatory they are forced to endure until they find their soul mates. So much so that a 2008 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that single people are often thought to be unhappy by others.

But experts say these stereotypes couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the 2008 study also found that single people self-reported levels of well-being that was similar to participants in relationships. And there are plenty of benefits that come along with living your life free of a romantic relationship. Here are a few, according to experts:

· Your mind is uncluttered

“Believe it or not, relationships are ‘mentally’ expensive,” says relationship expert and bestselling author, Susan Winter. “Intimacy and partnership takes up a lot of space in our heads. Even though much of this is happening unconsciously, there’s simply a lesser capacity for individually focused thought.”

Winter refers to the time people in relationships inevitably spend worrying about their partners and, at times, ruminating on even the smallest quarrels, as “the price of love.” This sort of stress can inhibit people’s happiness by keeping them from living in the now, she says.

“Emotional discord can be all-consuming as it removes us from the present moment and present situation,” Winter says. “This is true whether the internal turmoil is based on a fight with our mate, or a fear for their health and wellbeing.”

Conversely, “being single is an act of purging the clutter and making room for new thoughts (and dreams) to breathe and grow,” she adds.

· You’re more open to whatever life throws your way

Being single can make people more willing to roll with the punches, experts say.

“It’s almost like you have no choice,” says Dr. Niloo Dardashti, a New York-based psychologist and relationship expert. “When you’re alone you have to be more self-sufficient.”

Free from the constraints of having a partner, people’s lives suddenly become totally and completely their own, according to Dardashti. There’s nobody hindering you from setting out to chase your ambitions. “You’re more likely to take risks and have adventures and have more novelty within your journey,” she says.

· You have time to get in touch with yourself

“People say a lot of times, when they’re in relationships, that they’ve lost themselves,” says Dr. Dardashti. “And that’s largely because we stop doing things independently.”

She says that in relationships, people risk losing touch with themselves because they have less time alone to focus on their own personal development. “When you’re alone, it creates opportunity for being more in touch with something inside of you,” she says.

Dr. Dardashti adds that a common complaint she hears from patients in relationships is that they’re feeling out of touch with their creative sides. When you’re single, she says there’s more room for creativity. “Can you have creativity and be in a relationship? Yes, of course,” she says. “But, for the average person, it’s hard to balance those two.”

· You have a chance to figure out what you want out of life

Dr. Jenny Taitz, clinical psychologist and author of How to Be Single and Happy, looks at being single as your chance to figure out your own personal “mission statement.” She says this is the critical time to figure out who you are and what you stand for.

“When we’re not in a relationship we really have some time to get clear about what matters to us and what we value,” she explains.

And that is the time when you can recalibrate and reflect on lessons learned from past relationships. “Being single is the perfect time to reassess who you are and where you want to be in life,” says Winter. “What changes do you want to make? You now have the time and the ability to focus on the one consistent factor that will create the change you’re seeking– yourself.”

· It can be the best-case scenario

Being in a relationship isn’t always the optimal choice for everyone. “If we think of three options, one option is to be happy when you’re single, another option is to be unhappy in a relationship, and another option is to be unhappily single,” says Dr. Taitz. “Being single and happy seems like the only viable option for someone who’s looking for love and is not finding it.”

In order to truly become happily single, Dr. Taitz suggests practicing mindfulness. “So much of happiness has to do with living in the present moment,” she says. And doing this will enrich enrich other aspects of your life, too.

“You can strengthen your friendships, you can get clear on what’s important to you—you have a lot of freedom. You can design your best day,” Dr. Taitz says. “If you’re spending your single time ruminating about how you’re going to meet someone or what’s wrong with you, you miss that opportunity.”

· It’s a chance to become financially responsible

One of the perks people often attribute to relationships is the ability for both partners to share responsibilities and financial burdens. But experts say that being single can actually incentivize you to be more frugal and financially independent.

“Sometimes when you’re single and don’t share expenses with someone else, you push yourself to advance and to be resourceful because you’re not relying on someone else to cover your expenses,” says Andrea Syrtash, relationship expert and author of He’s Just Not Your Type (And That’s a Good Thing). “This can be a great thing for your career and life.”

· You can make self-care a priority

“Partnership can be wonderful,” Winter says. “We have someone with whom to share our ups and downs, as they do with us. But when we’re single, we’re required to focus on the areas of our lives that need attention.”

She cautions that these areas — such as working out, socializing with friends, taking time to focus on personal aspirations and spending time alone — often get pushed aside in relationships amid our need to assist others. “While single, there’s no distraction that pulls us away from our own self-care and personal development,” she notes.

· You learn to enjoy your own company

Being single doesn’t necessarily need to be synonymous with being lonely. In fact, experts say that you can actually gain an appreciation for time alone.

“It’s liberating to discover that we can enjoy our own company,” says Winter. “Being content in our own company frees us from the need to chase others.”

When we learn to enjoy being alone, we become more selective about the company we choose—spending time with only those who improve our lives and contribute to our wellbeing, according to Winter.

· Your confidence level can skyrocket

“When you’re alone, there’s a strength that almost has to be there,” says Dr. Dardashti. “We tend to sometimes rely on our partners for a lot more than what we need to.” As a result, she says that being single provides an opportunity to tap into one’s inner strengths, which in turn can actually manifest in a greater level of confidence.

“Solitude breeds self-reflection, and self-reflection breed’s confidence,” adds Winter. “Absolute solitude is almost impossible when you’re in a partnership. We always have our partner in our thoughts.”

And this confidence cultivated in solitude will eventually trickle into all of your relationships.

“The best relationships occur when you have a good understanding of your needs, wants and values,” says Syrtash. “Being single allows you to focus on these things. Having this confidence and self-awareness will ultimately serve you in all of your relationships, not just romantic ones.”

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9 Ways Being Single Can Improve Your Life

From: TIME

Being single isn’t always a walk in the park—especially when movies and television shows seem to push the concept that you aren’t truly “complete” until you’ve found a significant other.


a walk in the park

喻事情 “非常简单,轻而易举地就能完成”,就好像在公园里散步一样容易。表示“简单易做的事;做起来轻松愉快的事”,英文解释为“something that is very easy to do, and usually pleasant举个🌰:
He's used to hard physical work - this is a walk in the park to him.

People’s single lives are often portrayed as a sort of purgatory they are forced to endure until they find their soul mates. So much so that a 2008 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that single people are often thought to be unhappy by others.

人们的单身生活往往被描绘成一种炼狱般的经历,他们被迫忍受,直到找到灵魂伴侣。以至于2008年发表在《欧洲社会心理学杂志》(European Journal of Social Psychology)上的一项研究发现,单身人士往往被别人认为是不快乐的。


portray表示“描绘,描述,描写”,英文解释为“to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book, or other artistic work举个🌰:
The painting portrays a beautiful young woman in a blue dress.


purgatory /ˈpɜːɡətri/ 1)表示“(天主教教义中的)炼狱,涤罪所”,英文解释为“the place to which Roman Catholics believe that the spirits of dead people go and suffer for the evil acts that they did while they were alive, before they are able to go to heaven”

2)表示“痛苦的经历”,英文解释为“an extremely unpleasant experience that causes suffering举个🌰:
I've been on a diet for two weeks now, and it's purgatory!

But experts say these stereotypes couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the 2008 study also found that single people self-reported levels of well-being that was similar to participants in relationships. And there are plenty of benefits that come along with living your life free of a romantic relationship. Here are a few, according to experts:



表示“模式化形象;成见;刻板印象”,英文解释为“A stereotype is a fixed general image or set of characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing.”举个🌰:
There's always been a stereotype about successful businessmen. 

· Your mind is uncluttered 心无杂物

“Believe it or not, relationships are ‘mentally’ expensive,” says relationship expert and bestselling author, Susan Winter. “Intimacy and partnership takes up a lot of space in our heads. Even though much of this is happening unconsciously, there’s simply a lesser capacity for individually focused thought.”

“信不信由你,人际关系在‘精神上’是昂贵的,”人际关系专家兼畅销书作者苏珊·温特(Susan Winter)说。“亲密关系和伴侣关系占据了我们头脑中的大量空间。尽管这些大部分是无意识发生的,但个人专注思考的能力就较弱。”


uncluttered /ʌnˈklʌt.əd/ 表示“简洁的;少杂物的;利落的;没有繁琐细节的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as uncluttered, you mean that it is simple and does not contain or consist of a lot of unnecessary things;not containing too many small details or different parts”举个🌰:
The website has been given a new, uncluttered design.


表示“亲密;密切;关系密切;暧昧关系”,英文解释为“the state of having a close personal relationship with sb”。

也可以表示“亲昵的言行;性关系”,英文解释为“things that are said or done only by people who have a close relationship with each other”。

Winter refers to the time people in relationships inevitably spend worrying about their partners and, at times, ruminating on even the smallest quarrels, as “the price of love.” This sort of stress can inhibit people’s happiness by keeping them from living in the now, she says.



表示“沉思,长时间思考”,英文解释为“to think carefully and for a long period about something”举个🌰:
She ruminated for weeks about whether to tell him or not.


表示“阻止;阻碍;抑制”,英文解释为“to prevent sth from happening or make it happen more slowly or less frequently than normal”举个🌰:
A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.

表示“使…拘谨;使…有顾忌”,英文解释为“to prevent someone from doing something by making them feel nervous or embarrassed ”举个🌰:
Some workers were inhibited (from speaking) by the presence of their managers.

“Emotional discord can be all-consuming as it removes us from the present moment and present situation,” Winter says. “This is true whether the internal turmoil is based on a fight with our mate, or a fear for their health and wellbeing.”



表示“不一致;不和;纷争;看法不一致,缺乏共识”,英文解释为“disagreement; arguing”如:marital/family discord 夫妻/家庭不和。


表示“耗尽时间(或精力)的;全身心投入的”,英文解释为“taking almost all of your attention and time”举个🌰:
Money is an all-consuming passion with them.


turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ 表示“混乱;骚乱;动乱”,英文解释为“Turmoil is a state of confusion, disorder, uncertainty, or great anxiety.”举个🌰:

She lived through the turmoil of the French Revolution.


Conversely, “being single is an act of purging the clutter and making room for new thoughts (and dreams) to breathe and grow,” she adds.



表示“相反地;反过来”,英文解释为“You say conversely to indicate that the situation you are about to describe is the opposite or reverse of the one you have just described.举个🌰:
You can add the fluid to the powder, or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.

📍adversely表示“不利地;有害地;反面地”,英文解释为“negative and unpleasant; not likely to produce a good result”


1)可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“清除,清洗,肃清(对手或反对者)”,英文解释为“to force people to leave a place or organization because the people in power do not like them”;

2)也可以指“清除(有害或不可接受之物)”,英文解释为:to remove something that is thought to be harmful or unacceptable,举个🌰:
He closed his eyes and lay still, trying to purge his mind of anxiety.

📺美剧《美国恐怖故事》(American Horror Story: Asylum)第二季中的台词提到:I'll purge the demon myself. 我来净化这个邪灵。


表示“杂乱,凌乱;杂乱的东西”,英文解释为“a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy举个🌰:
Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen.

· You’re more open to whatever life throws your way 你对生活中遇到的任何事情都更加开放

Being single can make people more willing to roll with the punches, experts say.


roll with the punches

字面意思是“在挨拳头时即随之滚动”,可以引申为在面临困难时懂得随机应变,表示“渡过一道道难关;克服一连串困难”,英文解释为“to be able to deal with a series of difficult situations”。

“It’s almost like you have no choice,” says Dr. Niloo Dardashti, a New York-based psychologist and relationship expert. “When you’re alone you have to be more self-sufficient.”

“这几乎就像你别无选择,”纽约心理学家兼人际关系专家尼鲁·达达什蒂博士(Dr. Niloo Dardashti)说。“当你孤身一人时,你必须更加自立。”


psychologist /saɪˈkɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ 表示“心理学家”,英文解释为“someone who studies the human mind and human emotions and behaviour, and how different situations have an effect on people”如:a child psychologist 儿童心理学家。


self-sufficient /ˌself.səˈfɪʃ.ənt/ 表示“自立的;(尤指食物)自给自足的”,英文解释为“able to provide everything you need, especially food, for yourself without the help of other people”举个🌰:

The programme aims to make the country self-sufficient in food production and to cut energy imports.


Free from the constraints of having a partner, people’s lives suddenly become totally and completely their own, according to Dardashti. There’s nobody hindering you from setting out to chase your ambitions. “You’re more likely to take risks and have adventures and have more novelty within your journey,” she says.



表示“限制;束缚;约束”,英文解释为“something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits”举个🌰:
The constraints of politeness wouldn't allow her to say what she really thought about his cooking.


表示“阻碍,妨碍”,英文解释为“to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something举个🌰:
High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.

🎬电影《杀手:代号47》(Hitman)中的台词提到:I know. don't let your incompetence hinder them. 知道了 别让你的无能妨碍了他们的工作。

· You have time to get in touch with yourself 你有时间和自己接触

“People say a lot of times, when they’re in relationships, that they’ve lost themselves,” says Dr. Dardashti. “And that’s largely because we stop doing things independently.”


She says that in relationships, people risk losing touch with themselves because they have less time alone to focus on their own personal development. “When you’re alone, it creates opportunity for being more in touch with something inside of you,” she says.


Dr. Dardashti adds that a common complaint she hears from patients in relationships is that they’re feeling out of touch with their creative sides. When you’re single, she says there’s more room for creativity. “Can you have creativity and be in a relationship? Yes, of course,” she says. “But, for the average person, it’s hard to balance those two.”


· You have a chance to figure out what you want out of life 你有机会弄清楚你想从生活中得到什么

Dr. Jenny Taitz, clinical psychologist and author of How to Be Single and Happy, looks at being single as your chance to figure out your own personal “mission statement.” She says this is the critical time to figure out who you are and what you stand for.

临床心理学家、《快乐单身守则》(How to Be Single and Happy)一书的作者珍妮·泰兹博士认为单身是你找出自己人生“宗旨”的机会。她说这是弄清楚你是谁以及你代表什么的关键时刻。

mission statement

表示“(公司、慈善机构、政府部门等的)宗旨说明,职责声明”,英文解释为“a short written description of the aims of a business, charity, government department, or public organization”

“When we’re not in a relationship we really have some time to get clear about what matters to us and what we value,” she explains.


And that is the time when you can recalibrate and reflect on lessons learned from past relationships. “Being single is the perfect time to reassess who you are and where you want to be in life,” says Winter. “What changes do you want to make? You now have the time and the ability to focus on the one consistent factor that will create the change you’re seeking– yourself.”



recalibrate /ˌriːˈkæl.ɪ.breɪt/ 表示“重新调整(看法、期望等)”,英文解释为“to change the way you do or think about something”举个🌰:

You need to recalibrate your expectations.



reassess /ˌriː.əˈses/ 表示“重新考虑;再次评价;重新评定”,英文解释为“to think again about something in order to decide if you should change the way you feel about it or deal with it”举个🌰:

I've reassessed the situation and decided to stay.


· It can be the best-case scenario 这可能是最好的情况

Being in a relationship isn’t always the optimal choice for everyone. “If we think of three options, one option is to be happy when you’re single, another option is to be unhappy in a relationship, and another option is to be unhappily single,” says Dr. Taitz. “Being single and happy seems like the only viable option for someone who’s looking for love and is not finding it.”



表示“最优的,最佳的;优化的”,英文解释为“best; most likely to bring success or advantage举个🌰:
A mixture of selected funds is an optimal choice for future security and return on investment.

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述量化交易的文章中提到:It requires algorithms that first establish and then fine-tune the optimal period over which to do the sorting. 这需要通过算法来确定并微调出一个最优的筛选期。


viable /ˈvaɪ.ə.bəl/ 1)表示“能生长发育的;可以存活的”,英文解释为“able to continue to exist as or develop into a living being”

2)表示“可以实施的;可望成功的”,英文解释为“able to work as intended or able to succeed”举个🌰:

In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.


In order to truly become happily single, Dr. Taitz suggests practicing mindfulness. “So much of happiness has to do with living in the present moment,” she says. And doing this will enrich enrich other aspects of your life, too.



表示“正念认知”,英文解释为“the practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm”。

“You can strengthen your friendships, you can get clear on what’s important to you—you have a lot of freedom. You can design your best day,” Dr. Taitz says. “If you’re spending your single time ruminating about how you’re going to meet someone or what’s wrong with you, you miss that opportunity.”


· It’s a chance to become financially responsible 这是一个在经济上负责任的机会

One of the perks people often attribute to relationships is the ability for both partners to share responsibilities and financial burdens. But experts say that being single can actually incentivize you to be more frugal and financially independent.



1)表示“(因工作而享有的)补贴,津贴,额外待遇”,英文解释为“an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job”举个🌰:
A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job.

2)表示“好处,有利条件”,英文解释为“an advantage”举个🌰:

Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks of living in Hangzhou.



incentivize /ɪnˈsen.tɪ.vaɪz/ 表示“刺激,激励”,英文解释为“to make someone want to do something”举个🌰:
We need to incentivize our sales managers to achieve these targets.


表示“节俭的;朴素的;(食物)简单的,廉价”,英文解释为“careful when using money or food, or (of a meal) cheap or small in amount”如:a frugal lifestyle 节俭的生活方式。

“Sometimes when you’re single and don’t share expenses with someone else, you push yourself to advance and to be resourceful because you’re not relying on someone else to cover your expenses,” says Andrea Syrtash, relationship expert and author of He’s Just Not Your Type (And That’s a Good Thing). “This can be a great thing for your career and life.”

“有时候,当你单身,不与他人分担费用时,你会促使自己进步,变得更机敏,因为你不依赖别人来支付你的费用,”恋爱专家、《他不是你喜欢的类型(这是一件好事)》一书的作者安德里亚·西尔塔什(Andrea Syrtash)说。“这对你事业和生活来说都是一件好事。”


resourceful /rɪˈzɔː.sfəl/ 表示“机敏的;足智多谋的”,英文解释为“skilled at solving problems and making decisions on your own”举个🌰:

She's a very resourceful manager.


· You can make self-care a priority 你可以把照顾自我放在首位

“Partnership can be wonderful,” Winter says. “We have someone with whom to share our ups and downs, as they do with us. But when we’re single, we’re required to focus on the areas of our lives that need attention.”


ups and downs

ups and downs 字面上是“上上下下”,意思就是“起起伏伏,兴衰,沉浮”,英文解释为“alternating periods of good and bad fortune, high and low spirits, etc”举个🌰:
Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that.

She cautions that these areas — such as working out, socializing with friends, taking time to focus on personal aspirations and spending time alone — often get pushed aside in relationships amid our need to assist others. “While single, there’s no distraction that pulls us away from our own self-care and personal development,” she notes.



作名词,表示“谨慎,小心,慎重”,英文解释为“great care and attention”举个🌰:We need to proceed with/exercise caution (= be careful in taking action, making decisions, etc.) 我们必须谨慎行事。

作动词,表示“告诫,提醒”,英文解释为“to warn someone”举个🌰:
The newspaper cautioned its readers against buying shares without getting good advice first.

· You learn to enjoy your own company 学会享受自己的陪伴

Being single doesn’t necessarily need to be synonymous with being lonely. In fact, experts say that you can actually gain an appreciation for time alone.



熟词僻义,《天鹅湖》何罪之有?文中,company表示“剧团;演出团;歌舞团”,英文解释为“a group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together”举个🌰:
She's in the National Theatre Company.

还可以表示“作伴;陪伴;同伴”,英文解释为“the fact of being with a person or people, or the person or people you are with”举个🌰:
I just enjoy her company.


synonymous /sɪˈnɒnɪməs/,表示“同义的,近义的”,英文解释为“having the same meaning”,be synonymous with可以表示“等同于…的”(so closely connected with sth that the two things appear to be the same)举个🌰:
Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness.

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述当今的汽车产业的文章中提到:Long synonymous with hubris and the inept allocation of capital, it needs to look to the future. 长久以来它已经成了傲慢和资本不当配置的代名词。现在,它需要放眼未来。

“It’s liberating to discover that we can enjoy our own company,” says Winter. “Being content in our own company frees us from the need to chase others.”



liberating /ˈlɪb.ər.eɪ.tɪŋ/ 表示“令人感到自由的;令人畅快的;令人自由自在的”,英文解释为“making you feel free and able to behave as you like”举个🌰:

Taking all your clothes off can be a very liberating experience.


When we learn to enjoy being alone, we become more selective about the company we choose—spending time with only those who improve our lives and contribute to our wellbeing, according to Winter.


· Your confidence level can skyrocket 你的自信程度会飙升

“When you’re alone, there’s a strength that almost has to be there,” says Dr. Dardashti. “We tend to sometimes rely on our partners for a lot more than what we need to.” As a result, she says that being single provides an opportunity to tap into one’s inner strengths, which in turn can actually manifest in a greater level of confidence.



动词,表示“剧增;猛涨”,英文解释为“If prices or amounts skyrocket, they suddenly increase by a very large amount.”如:the skyrocketing costs of health care 暴涨的医疗费用。


manifest /ˈmæn.ɪ.fest/ 表示“显示;表现;表明”,英文解释为“to show something clearly, through signs or actions”举个🌰:

The illness first manifested itself in/as severe stomach pains.


Solitude breeds self-reflection, and self-reflection breed’s confidence,” adds Winter. “Absolute solitude is almost impossible when you’re in a partnership. We always have our partner in our thoughts.”



solitude /ˈsɒl.ɪ.tʃuːd/ 表示“独处,独居”,英文解释为“the situation of being alone without other people”如:a life of solitude 独居的生活。


breed的过去式 bred 过去分词 bred,1)表示“(为育种目的)饲养”,英文解释为“to keep animals for the purpose of producing young animals in a controlled way”举个🌰:
Terriers are bred for their fighting instincts.

2)表示“(动物)交配繁殖”,英文解释为“(of animals) to have sex and produce young animals”举个🌰:
The blackbird, like most birds, breeds in the spring.

3)表示“招致,导致”,英文解释为“to cause something to happen, usually something bad”举个🌰:
Favouritism breeds resentment.

And this confidence cultivated in solitude will eventually trickle into all of your relationships.



trickle /ˈtrɪk.əl/ 1)表示“(使)滴,淌,小股流淌”,英文解释为“to flow, or to make sth flow, slowly in a thin stream”举个🌰:

Tears were trickling down her cheeks.


2)表示“(使)慢慢走,缓慢移动”,英文解释为“to go, or to make sth go, somewhere slowly or gradually”举个🌰:

People began trickling into the hall.


“The best relationships occur when you have a good understanding of your needs, wants and values,” says Syrtash. “Being single allows you to focus on these things. Having this confidence and self-awareness will ultimately serve you in all of your relationships, not just romantic ones.”


- 今日盘点 -

a walk in the park














roll with the punches





mission statement










ups and downs


















- 推荐阅读 -





- END -






