

LearnAndRecord 2022-11-03




Chinese billionaire Richard Liu settles US rape allegation


Chinese billionaire and JD.com founder Richard Liu agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by a former University of Minnesota student who alleged he raped her in her Minneapolis apartment after a night of dinner and drinks with wealthy Chinese executives in 2018, attorneys for both sides announced late Saturday.

A settlement amount was not disclosed.

Richard Liu, who stepped down as the CEO of Beijing-based e-commerce company JD.com this year amid increased government scrutiny of China’s technology industry, has denied raping the woman, Jingyao Liu, and prosecutors never filed criminal charges. A joint statement from attorneys for both sides called the encounter “a misunderstanding.”

“The incident between Ms. Jingyao Liu and Mr. Richard Liu in Minnesota in 2018 resulted in a misunderstanding that has consumed substantial public attention and brought profound suffering to the parties and their families,” the joint statement said. “Today, the parties agreed to set aside their differences, and settle their legal dispute in order to avoid further pain and suffering caused by the lawsuit.”

The settlement was announced just two days before the civil trial was set to begin Monday in a Minneapolis courtroom. On Friday, a jury of seven men and five women were picked to hear the case.

Richard Liu is a celebrity in China, part of a generation of entrepreneurs who created the country’s internet, e-commerce, mobile phone and other technology industries since the late 1990s. Forbes estimated his wealth at $10.9 billion on Saturday.

Jingyao Liu alleges the attack happened in 2018 while Richard Liu was in Minneapolis for a weeklong residency in the University of Minnesota’s doctor of business administration China program, geared toward high-level executives in China.

Jingyao Liu, a Chinese citizen, was at the university on a student visa and was a volunteer in the program at the time. The Associated Press does not generally name people alleging sexual assault, but Jingyao Liu has agreed to be identified publicly.

Jingyao Liu was 21 and Richard Liu was in his mid-40s at the time, the lawsuit said. They are not related.

Richard Liu, also known as Liu Qiangdong, was arrested on suspicion of felony rape in August 2018, but prosecutors said the case had “profound evidentiary problems” and declined to file criminal charges.

Jingyao Liu sued Richard Liu and JD.com in 2019, alleging sexual assault and battery, along with false imprisonment.

The case drew widespread attention at a time when the #MeToo movement was gaining traction in China. Richard Liu’s supporters and opponents waged an aggressive public relations campaigns on Chinese social media.

Jingyao Liu said in her lawsuit that she had to withdraw from classes in fall 2018 and seek counseling and treatment. Her attorney said she has since graduated but has post-traumatic stress disorder. She sought compensatory as well as punitive damages from Richard Liu.

Her lawsuit said she was seeking more than $50,000, a standard figure that must be listed in Minnesota if a plaintiff intends to seek any larger amount. She was expected to ask a jury to award much more.

On the night of the alleged attack, according to the lawsuit, Richard Liu and other executives went to a Japanese restaurant in Minneapolis and one of the men invited Jingyao Liu at Richard Liu’s request.

She felt coerced to drink as the powerful men toasted her, and Richard Liu said she would dishonor him if she did not join in, her lawsuit claimed.

According to text messages reviewed by The Associated Press and Jingyao Liu’s interviews with police, she said that after the dinner Richard Liu pulled her into a limousine and groped her despite her protests. She said he raped her at her apartment. At one point, she texted a friend: “I begged him don’t. But he didn’t listen.”

Her friend notified police, who went to her apartment. Jingyao Liu told one officer, “I was raped but not that kind of rape,” according to police. When asked to explain, she changed the subject and said Richard Liu was famous and she was afraid. She told the officer that the sex was “spontaneous” and she did not want police to get involved.

Police said they released Richard Liu because “it was unclear if a crime had actually taken place.” In a later interview with an investigator, Richard Liu said the sex was consensual and the woman “enjoyed the whole process very much.”

Jingyao Liu told a police sergeant that she wanted to talk with Richard Liu’s attorney and threatened to go to the media if she did not, according to police. Richard Liu’s former attorney recorded the phone call, in which Jingyao Liu said she didn’t want the case to be in the newspaper and “I just need payment money and apology and that’s all.”

A recording of the phone call was expected to be played as evidence at trial. Surveillance videos from the restaurant, the restaurant’s exterior and the halls of the woman’s apartment complex were also expected to be played for jurors.

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Chinese billionaire Richard Liu settles US rape allegation


Chinese billionaire and JD.com founder Richard Liu agreed to settle a lawsuit filed by a former University of Minnesota student who alleged he raped her in her Minneapolis apartment after a night of dinner and drinks with wealthy Chinese executives in 2018, attorneys for both sides announced late Saturday.

中国亿万富翁、京东创始人刘强东(Richard Liu)与一名前明尼苏达大学学生的律师团队周六晚些时候共同宣布,案件双方已达成和解。该学生此前指控刘强东在2018年与富有的中国高管共进晚餐和喝酒后,在她明尼阿波利斯的公寓里强奸了她。


表示“提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)”,英文解释为“to present sth so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with”如:to file for divorce 提交离婚申请书,to file a claim/complaint/petition/lawsuit 提出索赔/申诉;呈交诉状;提起诉讼。


表示“断言,指称,声称”,英文解释为“to state sth as a fact but without giving proof举个🌰:
The prosecution alleges (that) she was driving carelessly.


executive /ɪɡˈzek.jə.tɪv/ 表示“(尤指商业机构中的)行政主管,经理;(公司或组织的)执行委员会,领导层”,英文解释为“someone in a high position, especially in business, who makes decisions and puts them into action;a group of people who run a business or an organization”


attorney /əˈtɜːnɪ/ 表示律师”,英文解释为“In the United States, an attorney or attorney-at-law is a lawyer.”比如我们可以说a prosecuting attorney,即“公诉律师”。



A settlement amount was not disclosed.



settlement /ˈset.əl.mənt/ 表示“庭外和解;庭外和解费”,英文解释为“an arrangement to end a disagreement involving a law having been broken, without taking it to a law court, or an amount of money paid as part of such an arrangement”举个🌰:

They reached an out-of-court settlement.



表示“公开,公布;透露,揭露”,英文解释为“to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden”举个🌰:
The company has disclosed profits of over £200 million.

Richard Liu, who stepped down as the CEO of Beijing-based e-commerce company JD.com this year, has denied raping the woman, Jingyao Liu, and prosecutors never filed criminal charges. A joint statement from attorneys for both sides called the encounter “a misunderstanding.”


step down

step down等同于step aside,表示“退位”,英文解释为“If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place.”举个🌰:
He has decided to step down as captain of the team.

📍quit,除了退出,离开的含义,也有:辞去(工作);辞职,的含义(If you quit, or quit your job, you choose to leave it.)举个🌰:
He quit his job as an office boy.

📺美剧《恋爱手册》(A To Z)中的台词提到:Quit my job and then ask him out? 辞职然后约他出去?

📍resign 1)表示“辞职”,英文解释为“If you resign from a job or position, you formally announce that you are leaving it.举个🌰:
He resigned his position last month.

2)表示“使屈从”,英文解释为“If you resign yourself to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it because you realize that you cannot change it.”举个🌰:
Jane and I resigned ourselves to yet another summer without a boat.


1)表示“公诉人;检察官”,英文解释为“a public official who charges sb officially with a crime and prosecutes them in court”,如:the public/state prosecutor 公诉人;州检察官。

2)表示“原告律师;控方律师”,英文解释为“a lawyer who leads the case against a defendant in court”。

“The incident between Ms. Jingyao Liu and Mr. Richard Liu in Minnesota in 2018 resulted in a misunderstanding that has consumed substantial public attention and brought profound suffering to the parties and their families,” the joint statement said. “Today, the parties agreed to set aside their differences, and settle their legal dispute in order to avoid further pain and suffering caused by the lawsuit.”



substantial /səbˈstæn.ʃəl/ 表示“大的;可观的;价值巨大的;重大的”,英文解释为“large in size, value, or importance”举个🌰:
The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.


set aside

1)表示“把…搁在一边;暂缓处理”,英文解释为“to ignore or not think about a particular fact or situation while considering a matter举个🌰:
Setting aside the question of cost, what do you think of the idea in principle?

2)表示“拨出,留出(金钱或时间)”,英文解释为“to save something, usually money or time, for a special purpose”举个🌰:
I set aside half an hour every evening to learn Japanese.
He had some money in an account that he'd set aside for his kids.

📍纽约时报(The New York Times)一篇讲述我们需要感恩,但不一定在感恩节的文章中提到:After all, if there’s a day on which the benefits of gratitude are maximized, surely it’s the national holiday set aside for the purpose of expressing that emotion. 毕竟,如果某一天感恩的好处被最大化,那这一天一定会是为了表达这种感情而专门设置的国家节日。

3)表示“撤销,驳回(判决)”,英文解释为“If a judge or court sets aside a previous decision or judgment, they state that it does not now have any legal effect, usually because they consider it to have been wrong.”举个🌰:
The Court of Appeal set aside his conviction.

📍还是纽约时报(The New York Times)一篇讲述孙杨禁赛八年裁决被撤销的文章中提到:The global antidoping body said in an emailed statement that it was aware of the Swiss federal court's decision to set aside Sun's ban. 全球反兴奋剂机构在一份电子邮件声明中表示,它已悉知瑞士联邦法院撤销孙杨禁赛令的决定。

The settlement was announced just two days before the civil trial was set to begin Monday in a Minneapolis courtroom. On Friday, a jury of seven men and five women were picked to hear the case.



1)奥运会裁判是怎么选出来的?文中出现表示“(竞赛的)裁判团,评判委员会”,英文解释为“a group of people chosen to decide the winner of a competition”。

2)此处表示“陪审团”,英文解释为“a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide if a person is guilty or not guilty, or if a claim has been proved”如:members of the jury 陪审团成员。

Richard Liu is a celebrity in China, part of a generation of entrepreneurs who created the country’s internet, e-commerce, mobile phone and other technology industries since the late 1990s. Forbes estimated his wealth at $10.9 billion on Saturday.



entrepreneur /ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr/ 表示“企业家,创业者”,英文解释为“someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity”举个🌰:

He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in property.


Jingyao Liu alleges the attack happened in 2018 while Richard Liu was in Minneapolis for a weeklong residency in the University of Minnesota’s doctor of business administration China program, geared toward high-level executives in China.



1)熟词僻义,表示“(艺术家、作家、音乐家为某机构工作的)驻留时间,驻留期”,英文解释为“the period of time that an artist, a writer or a musician spends working for a particular institution ”

2)表示“居住;居住权”,英文解释为“Someone's residency in a particular place, especially in a country, is the fact that they live there or that they are officially allowed to live there.”举个🌰:
He applied for Canadian residency.

gear sth to/towards sb/sth

gear sth to/towards sb/sth 表示“使适合于…;使与…相适应”,英文解释为“to design or organize something so that it is suitable for a particular purpose, situation, or group of people”举个🌰:

Most public places are simply not geared to the needs of people with disabilities.


Jingyao Liu, a Chinese citizen, was at the university on a student visa and was a volunteer in the program at the time. The Associated Press does not generally name people alleging sexual assault, but Jingyao Liu has agreed to be identified publicly.

刘婧尧是中国公民,持学生签证在该校学习,当时是该项目的志愿者。美联社(The Associated Press)一般不透露指控性侵的受害者名字,但刘婧尧已同意公开身份。

Jingyao Liu was 21 and Richard Liu was in his mid-40s at the time, the lawsuit said. They are not related.



熟词僻义,表示“有亲戚关系的;有亲缘关系的;属同一家族的”,英文解释为“If people are related, they belong to the same family.”举个🌰:

She claims she is related to royalty.


Richard Liu, also known as Liu Qiangdong, was arrested on suspicion of felony rape in August 2018, but prosecutors said the case had “profound evidentiary problems” and declined to file criminal charges.



表示“怀疑;嫌疑”,英文解释为“a feeling or belief that someone has committed a crime or done something wrong举个🌰:
"I'm arresting you on suspicion of illegally possessing drugs," said the police officer.


felony /ˈfel.ə.ni/ 表示“重罪”,英文解释为“In countries where the legal system distinguishes between very serious crimes and less serious ones, a felony is a very serious crime such as armed robbery.”举个🌰:

He pleaded guilty to two felonies.


Jingyao Liu sued Richard Liu and JD.com in 2019, alleging sexual assault and battery, along with false imprisonment.



熟词僻义,除了表示“电池”,此处在法律上“殴打罪;暴力行为,殴打”,英文解释为“the crime of attacking sb physically”,如:be charged with battery 被指控犯了殴打罪。

📍2019年刘强东案中的起诉书中有这么一句话,This action arises out of a sexual assault and battery that caused damages of more than Fifty Thousand Dollar ($50,000.00), exclusive of costs and interest and therefore within the jurisdictional requirements of this Court.

📍assault and battery表示“殴打和侵犯人身(罪);袭击和暴力伤害(罪)”,英文解释为“the crime of threatening to harm sb and then attacking them physically”;


false imprisonment

false imprisonment /ˌfɒls ɪmˈprɪz.ən.mənt/ 表示“非法拘禁,非法拘留”,英文解释为“the limiting of someone's freedom without the authority or right to do so”举个🌰:

He brought civil proceedings against the police for false imprisonment.


The case drew widespread attention at a time when the #MeToo movement was gaining traction in China. Richard Liu’s supporters and opponents waged an aggressive public relations campaigns on Chinese social media.



1)表示“拖拉,牵引;牵引力”,英文解释为“the pulling of a heavy load over a surface, or the power used in this”;

2)表示“(观点或产品等)变得流行(或被接受)”,英文解释为“the fact of an idea, product, etc. becoming popular or being accepted”举个🌰:
In our digital age, it takes less time for new words and phrases to gain traction than it did in the past.


作名词,表示“工资,工钱,报酬”,此处作动词,表示“发动(战争);组织,筹备(活动)”,英文解释为“to fight a war or organize a series of activities in order to achieve something”举个🌰:
They've been waging a long campaign to change the law.

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇介绍拉美电商平台美卡多的文章中提到:The biggest is Amazon, against which his firm has waged a costly battle in Mexico. 最大的威胁来自亚马逊,美卡多与它在墨西哥展开了一场较量,代价高昂。

Jingyao Liu said in her lawsuit that she had to withdraw from classes in fall 2018 and seek counseling and treatment. Her attorney said she has since graduated but has post-traumatic stress disorder. She sought compensatory as well as punitive damages from Richard Liu.


post-traumatic stress disorder

表示创伤后应激障碍”,英文解释为“a mental condition in which a person suffers severe anxiety and depression after a very frightening or shocking experience, such as an accident or a war.

📍创伤后应激障碍( post-traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)是指个体经历、目睹或遭遇到一个或多个涉及自身或他人的实际死亡,或受到死亡的威胁,或严重的受伤,或躯体完整性受到威胁后,所导致的个体延迟出现和持续存在的精神障碍。(百度百科)


compensatory /ˌkɒmpenˈseɪtəri/ 表示“补偿的;补偿性的”,英文解释为“measures are designed to help people who have special problems or disabilities.”


punitive /ˈpjuːnɪtɪv/表示“惩罚性的;刑罚的;处罚的”,英文解释为“intended as punishment举个🌰:
There are calls for more punitive measures against people who drink and drive.

Her lawsuit said she was seeking more than $50,000, a standard figure that must be listed in Minnesota if a plaintiff intends to seek any larger amount. She was expected to ask a jury to award much more.



📍plaintiff /ˈpleɪn.tɪf/ 表示“起诉人,原告”,英文解释为“someone who brings a legal action against another person in a court of law”;

📍defendant表示“被告”,英文解释为“the person in a court of law who has been accused of doing something illegal”;

On the night of the alleged attack, according to the lawsuit, Richard Liu and other executives went to a Japanese restaurant in Minneapolis and one of the men invited Jingyao Liu at Richard Liu’s request.


She felt coerced to drink as the powerful men toasted her, and Richard Liu said she would dishonor him if she did not join in, her lawsuit claimed.



coerce /kəʊˈɜːs/ 表示“胁迫;迫使”,英文解释为“to force someone to do something they do not want to do by threatening them”举个🌰:
The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession.


1)作名词,表示“烤面包片,吐司”,英文解释为“sliced bread made warm, crisp (= hard enough to break), and brown by being put near a high heat”如:a slice of toast 一块烤面包片;

2)作名词,表示“祝酒;干杯”,英文解释为“an expression of good wishes or respect for someone that involves holding up and then drinking from a glass of alcohol, especially wine, after a short speech举个🌰:
Champagne corks popped and the guests drank a toast to the happy couple.

🍸比如,G20杭州峰会欢迎宴会上致辞最后提到:Now, please join me in a toast: 现在我提议,大家共同举杯,

🎬电影《爱你,罗茜》(Love, Rosie)中的台词提到:So , please ,everybody , join me in a toast, to the bride and groom. 所以,各位,请和我举起这杯酒,敬我们的新娘和新郎。

We toasted the happy couple.


英式 dishonour 美式 dishonor 表示“使丢脸,使蒙受耻辱;羞辱”,英文解释为“to cause someone or something to lose respect”举个🌰:

He felt that he had dishonoured his country.


According to text messages reviewed by The Associated Press and Jingyao Liu’s interviews with police, she said that after the dinner Richard Liu pulled her into a limousine and groped her despite her protests. She said he raped her at her apartment. At one point, she texted a friend: “I begged him don’t. But he didn’t listen.”



limousine /ˈlɪməˌziːn/ 表示“豪华轿车”,英文解释为“A limousine is a large and very comfortable car. Limousines are usually driven by a chauffeur and often hired for important occasions.”


grope /ɡrəʊp/ 1)原意表示“摸索;(尤指)摸寻,探寻,摸索着前进”,英文解释为“to feel with your hands, especially in order to find or move towards something when you cannot see easily”;

2)也有“摸(某人);(通常指)猥亵”的含义,英文解释为“to touch someone's body in order to get sexual pleasure, usually when the person does not like it”举个🌰:
He groped me as I was going to the bar.

Her friend notified police, who went to her apartment. Jingyao Liu told one officer, “I was raped but not that kind of rape,” according to police. When asked to explain, she changed the subject and said Richard Liu was famous and she was afraid. She told the officer that the sex was “spontaneous” and she did not want police to get involved.



表示“ (正式)通报,通知”,英文解释为“to formally or officially tell sb about sth举个🌰:
Competition winners will be notified by post.


spontaneous /spɒnˈteɪ.ni.əs/ 表示“自发的;非筹划安排的;非勉强的”,英文解释为“happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced举个🌰:
His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.

Police said they released Richard Liu because “it was unclear if a crime had actually taken place.” In a later interview with an investigator, Richard Liu said the sex was consensual and the woman “enjoyed the whole process very much.”



consensual /ˌkɒnˈsen.sju.əl/ 1)表示“一致同意的,经各方同意的”,英文解释为“A consensual approach, view, or decision is one that is based on general agreement among all the members of a group.”举个🌰:

I hope we can work with others in a consensual way.


2)表示“法律上指双方自愿性行为的”,英文解释为“If sexual activity is consensual, both partners willingly take part in it.”如:consensual sex 两厢情愿的性行为。

Jingyao Liu told a police sergeant that she wanted to talk with Richard Liu’s attorney and threatened to go to the media if she did not, according to police. Richard Liu’s former attorney recorded the phone call, in which Jingyao Liu said she didn’t want the case to be in the newspaper and “I just need payment money and apology and that’s all.”



sergeant /ˈsɑː.dʒənt/ 表示“(英国或其他国家的)巡佐;(美国的)警佐”,英文解释为“in the UK and some other countries, a police officer whose rank is above constable and below inspector, or, in the US, a police officer whose rank is below a captain”如:Sergeant Bates/Bill Bates 盖茨警佐/比尔·盖茨警佐。

A recording of the phone call was expected to be played as evidence at trial. Surveillance videos from the restaurant, the restaurant’s exterior and the halls of the woman’s apartment complex were also expected to be played for jurors.



surveillance /sɜːˈveɪləns/ 表示“监视,盯梢”,英文解释为“Surveillance is the careful watching of someone, especially by an organization such as the police or the army.”


表示“建筑群;综合大楼”,英文解释为“A complex is a group of buildings designed for a particular purpose, or one large building divided into several smaller areas.”如:a shopping/sports and leisure complex 购物/运动休闲中心,a low-cost apartment complex 一个低价公寓楼群。


juror /ˈdʒʊə.rər/ 表示“陪审员,陪审团成员”,英文解释为“a member of a jury”

- 今日盘点 -

step down
set aside
gear sth to/towards sb/sth
false imprisonment
post-traumatic stress disorder









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