

LearnAndRecord 2022-11-03

北京时间10月10日下午17:45,2022年诺贝尔经济学奖揭晓:本·伯南克(Ben S. Bernanke)、道格拉斯·戴蒙德(Douglas W. Diamond)、菲利普·迪布维格(Philip H. Dybvig)获奖,以表彰他们对银行和金融危机的研究。

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2022 was awarded to Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond, Philip H. Dybvig "for research on banks and financial crises".


1. 什么是maturity transformation?
2. 怎么表达「动荡」?
3. 戴蒙德提出了什么建议?


Nobel Economics Prize Goes to Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig for Research on Financial Crises

From: The New York Times

The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded on Monday to Ben S. Bernanke, the former Federal Reserve chair, and two other academics for their research into banks and financial crises.

Douglas W. Diamond, an economist at the University of Chicago, and Philip H. Dybvig at Washington University in St. Louis won the prize alongside Mr. Bernanke, who is now at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

Mr. Bernanke in 1983 wrote a paper that broke ground in explaining that bank failures can propagate a financial crisis rather than simply being a result of the crisis.

Mr. Diamond and Mr. Dybvig the same year wrote a paper on the risks inherent in maturity transformation, the process of turning short-term borrowing into long-term lending. Mr. Diamond also wrote about how banks monitor their borrowers, noting that knowledge about borrowers disappears upon bank failures, extending the consequences of the upheaval.

“The laureates have provided a foundation for our modern understanding of why banks are needed, why they’re vulnerable, and what to do about it,” said John Hassler, an economist at the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University and a member of the prize committee.

Mr. Diamond spoke by phone at the news conference announcing the prize. Asked whether he had any warnings for banks and governments today, at a time when markets have been in turmoil as central banks around the world raise interest rates to fight rapid inflation, Mr. Diamond said that financial crises become worse when people begin to lose faith in the stability of the system.

“In periods when things happen unexpectedly — like, I think many people are surprised how rapidly nominal interest rates have gone up around the world — that can be something that sets off fears in the system,” he said. “The best advice is to be prepared, for making sure that your part of the banking sector is both perceived to be healthy, and to stay healthy, and respond in a measured and transparent way to changes in monetary policy.”

But he added that the world is better prepared for any financial upheaval now than it was during the financial crisis in 2008, because “recent memories of that crisis” and regulatory improvements have made the banking system less vulnerable. He noted, however, that the vulnerabilities that he and Mr. Dybvig have identified extend beyond banks, and can bubble up in other parts of the financial system, like insurance firms or mutual funds.

The economics award, among the highest honors in the field, is not, technically, a Nobel Prize. It is called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel because it wasn’t among the original categories that Alfred Nobel set out in his will in 1895. It is funded by Sweden’s central bank and has been given out only since 1969, though the Nobel committee promotes it and lists it on its website.

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Nobel Economics Prize Goes to Ben Bernanke, Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig for Research on Financial Crises

From: The New York Times

The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded on Monday to Ben S. Bernanke, the former Federal Reserve chair, and two other academics for their research into banks and financial crises.

周一,诺贝尔经济学奖被授予美联储(The Federal Reserve)前主席本·伯南克(Ben S. Bernanke)和另外两位学者,以表彰他们对银行和金融危机的研究。


memorial /məˈmɔː.ri.əl/ 表示“用以纪念的,纪念性的;追悼的”,英文解释为“done to remember a person or people who have died”举个🌰:

The memorial garden is dedicated to those who died in the accident.


the Federal Reserve

the Federal Reserve /ˌfed.ər.əl rɪˈzɜːv/ 表示“美国联邦储备系统(简称美联储,即美国中央银行)”,英文解释为“the central bank of the US”

Douglas W. Diamond, an economist at the University of Chicago, and Philip H. Dybvig at Washington University in St. Louis won the prize alongside Mr. Bernanke, who is now at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

芝加哥大学经济学家道格拉斯·戴蒙德(Douglas W. Diamond)和圣路易斯华盛顿大学的菲利普·迪布维格(Philip H. Dybvig)与现供职于华盛顿布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)的伯南克一同获奖。

Mr. Bernanke in 1983 wrote a paper that broke ground in explaining that bank failures can propagate a financial crisis rather than simply being a result of the crisis.


break ground

表示“破土,动工;开辟道路;开拓天地”,英文解释为“to begin work on a building project; to begin digging in the ground”

📍break fresh/new ground表示“开辟新天地,创新;作出新发现”,英文解释为“to do or discover something new”举个🌰:

This recovery technique breaks new ground.



propagate /ˈprɒpəˌɡeɪt/ 表示“传播,散播;宣传”,英文解释为“to spread opinions, lies, or beliefs among a lot of people”举个🌰:

Such lies are propagated in the media.


Mr. Diamond and Mr. Dybvig the same year wrote a paper on the risks inherent in maturity transformation, the process of turning short-term borrowing into long-term lending. Mr. Diamond also wrote about how banks monitor their borrowers, noting that knowledge about borrowers disappears upon bank failures, extending the consequences of the upheaval.

同年,戴蒙德和迪布维格撰写了一篇关于期限转换(maturity transformation)内在风险的论文,期限转换是将短期借款转变为长期借贷的过程。戴蒙德还写了一篇关于银行如何监控借款人的文章,指出一旦银行倒闭,对借款人的了解就不复存在,扩大了动荡的后果。



inherent /ɪnˈher.ənt/ /ɪnˈhɪə.rənt/ 表示“内在的;固有的,生来就有的”,英文解释为“existing as a natural or basic part of something”举个🌰:

There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport.



maturity /məˈtʃʊə.rə.ti/ 1)表示“发育成熟,长成”,英文解释为“the state of being completely grown physically”举个🌰:

How long does it take for the chicks to grow to maturity?


2)表示“(心智)成熟;成熟阶段;完善的状态”,英文解释为“the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult;a very advanced or developed form or state”

3)表示“(保险合同或投资)到期,开始有回报”,英文解释为“the time when an insurance agreement or investment becomes ready to be paid”举个🌰:

The investment reaches maturity after ten years.



表示“监视;检查;跟踪调查”,英文解释为“to watch and check sth over a period of time in order to see how it develops, so that you can make any necessary changes”举个🌰:

Each student's progress is closely monitored.



1)表示“扩大;扩展;使增加长度”,英文解释为“to add to something in order to make it bigger or longer”举个🌰:

We have plans to extend our house (= to make it bigger).


2)表示“延长,使延期”,英文解释为“to make something last longer”举个🌰:

The bar has recently extended its opening hours (= made them longer).


3)表示“伸,伸出,伸开;展开”,英文解释为“to stretch something out”举个🌰:

He extended his hand as a greeting (= held out his hand for someone to shake it).


4)extend /ɪkˈstend/ 表示“伸展,延伸;延续”,英文解释为“to reach, stretch, or continue”举个🌰:

The Sahara Desert extends for miles.



upheaval /ʌpˈhiː.vəl/ 表示“剧变;激变;动乱;动荡”,英文解释为“a big change that causes a lot of confusion, worry and problems”如:a period of emotional upheaval 情绪波动很大的时期。

📍2020年8月《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述卡车业文章的标题就叫:The trucking industry is in the midst of upheaval—and hype 卡车运输业正在经历剧变,以及炒作。

“The laureates have provided a foundation for our modern understanding of why banks are needed, why they’re vulnerable, and what to do about it,” said John Hassler, an economist at the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University and a member of the prize committee.

斯德哥尔摩大学国际经济研究所经济学家、诺贝尔奖委员会成员约翰·哈斯勒(John Hassler)说:“获奖者为我们现代理解为什么需要银行、为什么它们容易受到攻击以及如何应对提供了基础。”


laureate /ˈlɔːrɪɪt/ 表示“荣誉获得者;获奖者”,英文解释为“a person who has been given an official honour or prize for sth important they have achieved”,如:a Nobel laureate 诺贝尔奖获得者。


表示“易受伤的;易受影响(或攻击)的;脆弱的”,英文解释为“able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked”举个🌰:

I felt very vulnerable, standing there without any clothes on.



Mr. Diamond spoke by phone at the news conference announcing the prize. Asked whether he had any warnings for banks and governments today, at a time when markets have been in turmoil as central banks around the world raise interest rates to fight rapid inflation, Mr. Diamond said that financial crises become worse when people begin to lose faith in the stability of the system.



turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ 表示“混乱;骚乱;动乱”,英文解释为“Turmoil is a state of confusion, disorder, uncertainty, or great anxiety.”举个🌰:

She lived through the turmoil of the French Revolution.



表示“通货膨胀”,英文解释为“a general, continuous increase in prices”如:high/low inflation 高/低通货膨胀。

“In periods when things happen unexpectedly — like, I think many people are surprised how rapidly nominal interest rates have gone up around the world — that can be something that sets off fears in the system,” he said. “The best advice is to be prepared, for making sure that your part of the banking sector is both perceived to be healthy, and to stay healthy, and respond in a measured and transparent way to changes in monetary policy.”

“在出乎意料的事情发生之际——比如,我认为许多人对全球名义利率(nominal interest rates)上升的速度感到惊讶——这可能会在系统中引发恐慌,”他说。“最好的建议是做好准备,确保你所在的银行业既被认为是健康的,又能保持健康发展,并以审慎和透明的方式对货币政策的变化做出反应。”


nominal /ˈnɒm.ɪ.nəl/ 1)表示“名义上的;有名无实的”,英文解释为“in name or thought but not in fact or not as things really are”举个🌰:

She's the nominal head of our college - the real work is done by her deputy.


2)表示“(金额)微不足道的,象征性的”,英文解释为“A nominal amount of money is very small compared to an expected price or value.”如:a nominal sum/charge 象征性的一笔款项/一点费用。

set sth. off

1)表示“引起,引发(常指一系列事件)”,英文解释为“to cause an activity or event, often a series of events, to begin or happen”举个🌰:
The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious criticism.

2)表示“使发出巨响;使爆炸,引爆”,英文解释为“to cause a loud noise or explosion, such as that made by a bomb or an alarm (= a warning sound) to begin or happen”举个🌰:
Terrorists set off a bomb in the city centre.


1)表示“感知,察觉,注意到,意识到”,英文解释为“to see something or someone, or to notice something that is obvious举个🌰:
He perceived a tiny figure in the distance.

2)表示“认为;看待;视为”,英文解释为“to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something”举个🌰:
How do the French perceive the British?

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述比特币的文章中提到:Scarcity is a trait of many things that are perceived to have value. 稀缺性正是许多被视为有价值的事物共有的特征。


measured /ˈmeʒ.əd/ 表示“慎重的,经仔细考虑的,有分寸的”,英文解释为“careful and controlled, or not fast”举个🌰:

Her response to their criticism was calm and measured.


But he added that the world is better prepared for any financial upheaval now than it was during the financial crisis in 2008, because “recent memories of that crisis” and regulatory improvements have made the banking system less vulnerable. He noted, however, that the vulnerabilities that he and Mr. Dybvig have identified extend beyond banks, and can bubble up in other parts of the financial system, like insurance firms or mutual funds.

但他补充说,与2008年金融危机期间相比,世界现在对任何金融动荡都有了更好的准备,因为“最近对那次危机的记忆”和监管的改善已经使银行系统不那么脆弱。然而,他指出,他和迪布维格发现的脆弱性超出了银行的范围,可能会在金融系统的其他部分,如保险公司或互惠基金(mutual funds)中出现。

bubble up

表示“升到液体表面;变得明显,涌现,翻腾”,英文解释为“to rise to the surface or become obvious”举个🌰:

She laughs, a tinkling musical child’s laugh, bubbling up out of her.


Interesting ideas about education and healthcare are bubbling up all over the country.


The economics award, among the highest honors in the field, is not, technically, a Nobel Prize. It is called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel because it wasn’t among the original categories that Alfred Nobel set out in his will in 1895. It is funded by Sweden’s central bank and has been given out only since 1969, though the Nobel committee promotes it and lists it on its website.

诺贝尔经济学奖是该领域的最高荣誉之一,严格来说,它不是诺贝尔奖。它被称为瑞典中央银行纪念阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔经济学奖,因为它不属于阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Nobel)在1895年遗嘱中列出的最初类别。尽管诺贝尔委员会推广了该奖项并在其网站上列出,但该奖项是由瑞典中央银行资助,直到1969年才开始颁发。


除了表示“在技术上,技术性能方面”,英文解释为“in a way that relates to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry”如:technically advanced weapons 技术先进的武器,还可以指“事实上,严格说来;根据确切意义地;严格按照事实地”,英文解释为“according to an exact understanding of rules, facts, etc.”举个🌰:

Technically (speaking) , the two countries are still at war.



熟词僻义,这里作为名词表示“遗嘱”,英文解释为“a legal document that says who you want your money and property to be given to after you die”举个🌰:
Have you made a will yet?

- 今日盘点 -

the Federal Reserve
break ground
set sth. off
bubble up









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