

LearnAndRecord 2022-11-06


前天,柯林斯词典公布2022年度十大热词,类似于「躺平/摆烂」的quiet quitting一词也登上了榜单。

Quiet quitting,宁静辞职、无声离职、在职躺平、在职离职,不是指不出任何声音辞去工作,而是准时上班后,在工作期间只进行自己应该做的事情,工作时间完结就准时下班,不再为公司加班,放弃升职加薪的机会。

1. What is 'quiet quitting'?
2. 文中四位年轻人(Gabrielle Judge、Alex Bauer、Nikki Miles、Matt Spielman)对「quiet quitting」的态度分别如何?
A. Positive.
B. Negative.
C. Ambiguous.
3. 怎么表达「副业」?

Who Is Quiet Quitting For?

The New York Times

Aug. 23, 2022

“I recently learned about this term called ‘quiet quitting’ where you’re not outright quitting your job, but you’re quitting the idea of going above and beyond,” says Zaiad Khan, a TikTok user with over 10,000 followers, in a soothing voice, juxtaposed with a video of the New York City subway. “You are still performing your duties, but you are no longer subscribing to the hustle culture mentally that work has to be our life.”

Clayton Farris, a TikTok user with 48,000 followers, who posted about the trend days later, says in his own video: “I don’t stress and internally rip myself to shreds.”

The phrase went mainstream from there. “If Your Co-Workers Are ‘Quiet Quitting,’ Here’s What That Means,” read a headline in a Wall Street Journal article on Aug. 12. The Guardian went with: “Quiet Quitting: Why Doing the Bare Minimum at Work Has Gone Global.” The term was defined and redefined. For some, it was mentally checking out from work. For others, it became about not accepting additional work without additional pay.

Many people feel perplexed: Why do you need a term to describe something as ordinary as going to work and doing your job, even if it’s not well? Some people feel validated for never raising their hands at work, or judged because they actually like being overachievers.

Then there are those who are envious: They wish they could quietly quit, but believe they could never get away with it because of their race or gender. (There are also some professions that make it less easy. Who wants their doctor or child’s teacher to take the easy way out?)

Gabrielle Judge, 25, who works in customer success for a tech company and lives in Denver, sees people on social media talking about quietly quitting without any regard for how it affects others. “Some people are taking quiet quitting as in passive aggressively withdrawing, and that doesn’t win for everyone,” she said. “It isn’t always about you. You’re on a team, you’re in a department.”

Still, she supports communicating healthy boundaries, as long as it’s done responsibly. “I’m all about balance,” she said. “As long as our work is being done, and we don’t need each other, we can do whatever.”

Alex Bauer, 26, a material handler in a book warehouse in Appleton, Wis., said that her first thought “when I heard about quiet quitting was, ‘Oh God, that’s me. It’s been something I’ve been practicing, but I didn’t have a name for it up until now.”

Ms. Bauer started her job — she works eight-hour shifts five days a week — four months ago. She chose it because it wouldn’t require her to commit emotional energy. “To be given a list of so many things to do and tick them off one by one, it’s fulfilling,” she said. “I like the go-go-go, but I don’t have anxiety attacks. I am good at my job, but then I go home and don’t think about it.” She even has a side business: editing short stories, mostly in the fantasy genre.

In previous roles she worked in restaurants where she had to cook under pressure and manage kitchen staff who regularly called in sick. “You couldn’t check out of that kind of job. You had to keep going at a certain pace, or you will fall behind,” she said. “I got so burnt out, I got physically sick. I thought I had Covid because I couldn’t walk from the front to the back of the restaurant without seeing spots.”

She’s excited that the rest of the world has caught up to her way of thinking, rather than judging her desire to work a more simple job. “It’s validating,” she said. “It’s very refreshing to approach a job like I do, and it’s really nice to see there is a growing movement around something I do.”

Nikki Miles, 34, works as a human resource specialist for an entertainment company in Austin, Texas. “When I first read about quiet quitting I thought it was ridiculous,” she said.

Ms. Miles knows what it is like to work hard at her job. “I am a bit of a perfectionist,” she said. “I get these ideas, and I run with them.” She is especially interested in projects involving diversity, equity and inclusion, and she is helping her company develop better policies and programs.

But she has never understood people who make additional work for themselves, especially if it is outside their job description, just to look good or gain attention at work. “I am going to do my job, and do it well, and do things that actually interest me,” she said. “But besides that, I am already underpaid, so I am definitely not going to take on more.”

She’s confused by this trend that in her view simply consists of people putting their foot down … to do their job.

“It means that the expectation is for you to do more than the company actually compensates you for, and that will work out well for you,” she said. “That doesn’t make sense to me. You do the work you are compensated for, and if you want to go above and beyond, good for you, but that shouldn’t be a requirement.”

“This is the most worthless term,” she added.

Matt Spielman, a career coach in New York City and author of the book “Inflection Points: How to Work and Live With Purpose,” understands why some people may want to scale back at work. “If somebody really is burnt out or at the end of his or her rope or having personal issues, I think dialing the knob back from 10 to 7 or 6 or 5 makes sense,” he said.

He believes the urge is stronger with remote work. “With remote work it is far easier to feel less involved, less part of a team, and it’s easier for managers to break up with employees and vice versa,” he said. “There are fewer boundaries of when work starts and when work stops.”

But he worries about people engaging in quiet quitting as a means of getting revenge on a company. “Quiet quitting seems very passive aggressive,” he said. “If somebody is burnt out, there should be a candid conversation about that, and it should be both ways. Just saying, ‘I am going to do the absolute minimum because I am entitled to it or I have issues’ — it doesn’t really help anybody.”

Above all, Mr. Spielman believes that quiet quitting prevents people from finding jobs they love, which provide them with a sense of meaning and belonging.

“You work four, five, six, sometimes seven days a week,” he said. “There is no sadder thing to waste all this time in your life trying not to enjoy and be engaged and being excited in the work you are doing.”

- ◆ -



Who Is Quiet Quitting For?


The New York Times

Aug. 23, 2022

“I recently learned about this term called ‘quiet quitting’ where you’re not outright quitting your job, but you’re quitting the idea of going above and beyond,” says Zaiad Khan, a TikTok user with over 10,000 followers, in a soothing voice, juxtaposed with a video of the New York City subway. “You are still performing your duties, but you are no longer subscribing to the hustle culture mentally that work has to be our life.”

“我最近了解到一个叫做‘躺平’(quiet quitting)的说法,它的意思是,虽然没有直接离职,但放弃了努力进取的想法,”在一段以纽约市地铁为背景的视频中,有上万关注者的TikTok用户扎伊亚德·汗(Zaiad Khan)用舒缓的声音说道。“你仍在履行职责,但你心里不再认同工作就是生活的全部这种奋斗文化。”


作形容词,表示“完全的,彻底的”,英文解释为“Outright means complete and total.”作副词,表示“彻底,完全;立刻;当场”,举个🌰:

She had failed to win an outright victory.



失眠吗?这6个小建议助你睡得香文中出现过,soothing /ˈsuːðɪŋ/ 表示“安慰的,使人平静的”,英文解释为“making you feel calm”举个🌰:

I put on some nice soothing music.



juxtapose /ˌdʒʌk.stəˈpəʊz/ 表示“把(不同的事物)并置,把…并列”,英文解释为“to put things that are not similar next to each other”举个🌰:

The exhibition juxtaposes Picasso's early drawings with some of his later works.


subscribe to sth

subscribe /səbˈskraɪb/ 表示“赞同,支持(观点、信仰、理论等)”,英文解释为“to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory”举个🌰:

He subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.



hustle /ˈhʌs.əl/ 表示“充满活力的行动;忙碌;熙熙攘攘”,英文解释为“energetic action”举个🌰:

The team showed a lot of determination and hustle.


Clayton Farris, a TikTok user with 48,000 followers, who posted about the trend days later, says in his own video: “I don’t stress and internally rip myself to shreds.”

几天后,有4.8万关注者的TikTok用户克莱顿·法里斯(Clayton Farris)就这个热议话题发表了视频,他在视频中说:“我不给自己压力,也不会在内心折磨自己。”

tear/rip sb/sth to shreds

tear/rip sb/sth to shreds 1)表示“猛烈抨击,将…批得体无完肤”,英文解释为“to strongly criticize a person or something they do, think, or say”举个🌰:

The critics tore his performance to shreds.


2)表示“严重伤害;严重损坏”,英文解释为“to damage someone or something badly”举个🌰:

My trousers were torn to shreds when I fell off my bike.


The phrase went mainstream from there. “If Your Co-Workers Are ‘Quiet Quitting,’ Here’s What That Means,” read a headline in a Wall Street Journal article on Aug. 12. The Guardian went with: “Quiet Quitting: Why Doing the Bare Minimum at Work Has Gone Global.” The term was defined and redefined. For some, it was mentally checking out from work. For others, it became about not accepting additional work without additional pay.

此后这句话就变成了主流。8月12日,《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)发表文章《如果你的同事在‘躺平’,这样做是什么意思》。卫报(The Guardian)的标题则是《躺平:为什么以最低限度完成工作成为全球趋势》。这个词被定义、再定义。对一些人来说,这是在精神上退出工作。对于其他人来说,它变成了如果没有额外报酬就不接受额外工作。


1)表示“短语”,英文解释为“a group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence”。

2)表示“说法;用语;警句”,英文解释为“a short group of words that are often used together and have a particular meaning”

bare minimum

表示“最低限度的,最少量的”,英文解释为“the least possible amount”举个🌰:

She eats only the bare minimum to stay alive.



表示“给(尤指单词)下定义;说明,解释”,英文解释为“to say what the meaning of something, especially a word, is”举个🌰:

Before I answer your question, could you define your terms a little more (= explain what you mean by the words you have used)?


Many people feel perplexed: Why do you need a term to describe something as ordinary as going to work and doing your job, even if it’s not well? Some people feel validated for never raising their hands at work, or judged because they actually like being overachievers.



作形容词,表示“困惑的;迷惑不解的”,英文解释为“confused and anxious because you are unable to understand sth; showing this”如:a perplexed expression 困惑的表情。



1)表示“(尤指经检查后)批准,认可,使生效”,英文解释为“to make something officially acceptable or approved, especially after examining it”举个🌰:It is a one-year course validated by London's City University.


2)表示“证实…是对的”,英文解释为“to prove that something is correct”举个🌰:

He feels that today's economic problems validate his opposition to the policy.


Then there are those who are envious: They wish they could quietly quit, but believe they could never get away with it because of their race or gender. (There are also some professions that make it less easy. Who wants their doctor or child’s teacher to take the easy way out?)



envious /ˈen.vi.əs/ 表示“羡慕的;忌妒的”,英文解释为“wishing you had what another person has”举个🌰:

I'm very envious of your new coat - it's beautiful.


the easy way out

表示“(在困难的情况下)最容易的办法”,英文解释为“what is easiest in a difficult situation”举个🌰:

As soon as things got difficult he took the easy way out.


Gabrielle Judge, 25, who works in customer success for a tech company and lives in Denver, sees people on social media talking about quietly quitting without any regard for how it affects others. “Some people are taking quiet quitting as in passive aggressively withdrawing, and that doesn’t win for everyone,” she said. “It isn’t always about you. You’re on a team, you’re in a department.”



passive /ˈpæs.ɪv/ 表示“被动的,消极的;顺从的”,英文解释为“not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing other people to be in control”举个🌰:

He's very passive in the relationship.



aggressively /əˈɡres.ɪv.li/ 1)\)表示“好斗地;富于攻击性地;挑衅地”,英文解释为“in an angry and violent way”举个🌰:

Small children often behave aggressively.


2)表示“进取地;有侵略性地”,英文解释为“in a determined and forceful way in order to achieve success or win”举个🌰:

They played more aggressively in the second half.



表示“抽回;取回;提取;撤回;撤离;退出;移回”,英文解释为“to take or move out or back, or to remove”举个🌰:

She had to withdraw from the competition because of a leg injury.


Still, she supports communicating healthy boundaries, as long as it’s done responsibly. “I’m all about balance,” she said. “As long as our work is being done, and we don’t need each other, we can do whatever.”


Alex Bauer, 26, a material handler in a book warehouse in Appleton, Wis., said that her first thought “when I heard about quiet quitting was, ‘Oh God, that’s me. It’s been something I’ve been practicing, but I didn’t have a name for it up until now.”


Ms. Bauer started her job — she works eight-hour shifts five days a week — four months ago. She chose it because it wouldn’t require her to commit emotional energy. “To be given a list of so many things to do and tick them off one by one, it’s fulfilling,” she said. “I like the go-go-go, but I don’t have anxiety attacks. I am good at my job, but then I go home and don’t think about it.” She even has a side business: editing short stories, mostly in the fantasy genre.



作名词,表示“班;轮班;轮班工作时间”,英文解释为“a period of time worked by a group of workers who start work as another group finishes”,如:to be on the day/night shift at the factory 在工厂上日班/夜班,to work an eight-hour shift 按每班八小时轮班工作,working in shifts 轮班工作。

tick sth off

1)表示“在(清单上)勾掉,做标记(表示已完成这件事)”,英文解释为“to put a mark beside an item in a list to show that you have dealt with it”举个🌰:

That's one more action point that we can tick off.


2)表示“快速报出;列举”,英文解释为“to name items in a list”举个🌰:

She ticked off two reasons for saying no.



fantasy /ˈfæn.tə.si/ 1)表示“魔幻故事;奇幻文学”,英文解释为“a story or type of literature that describes situations that are very different from real life, usually involving magic”举个🌰:

His preferred reading was horror stories and fantasy.


2)表示“幻想;想象”,英文解释为“a pleasant situation that you enjoy thinking about but is unlikely to happen, or the activity of imagining things like this”


genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/ 表示“(尤指艺术的)风格,类型,体裁”,英文解释为“a style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics”举个🌰:

What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?


In previous roles she worked in restaurants where she had to cook under pressure and manage kitchen staff who regularly called in sick. “You couldn’t check out of that kind of job. You had to keep going at a certain pace, or you will fall behind,” she said. “I got so burnt out, I got physically sick. I thought I had Covid because I couldn’t walk from the front to the back of the restaurant without seeing spots.”


burn (yourself) out

burn (yourself) out 表示“把(自己)累垮”,英文解释为“to be forced to stop working because you have become ill or very tired from working too hard”举个🌰:

Stop working so hard - you'll burn yourself out.


📍burnout 表示“极度劳累;疲劳过度”,英文解释为“extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much”如:employees complaining of/suffering burn-out 抱怨/感到极度劳累的员工。

📍根据世界卫生组织,职业过劳(Occupational burnout)是一种由慢性工作压力导致的症候群,症状包含“精神耗尽、对工作的心理距离增加、对工作的负面感觉、以及工作效率的减少”。职业过劳不被归类为一种医学疾病。

She’s excited that the rest of the world has caught up to her way of thinking, rather than judging her desire to work a more simple job. “It’s validating,” she said. “It’s very refreshing to approach a job like I do, and it’s really nice to see there is a growing movement around something I do.”


Nikki Miles, 34, works as a human resource specialist for an entertainment company in Austin, Texas. “When I first read about quiet quitting I thought it was ridiculous,” she said.



表示“愚蠢的;荒唐的;可笑的”,英文解释为“stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at”举个🌰:

Do I look ridiculous in this hat?


Ms. Miles knows what it is like to work hard at her job. “I am a bit of a perfectionist,” she said. “I get these ideas, and I run with them.” She is especially interested in projects involving diversity, equity and inclusion, and she is helping her company develop better policies and programs.



表示“多样性,多样化”,英文解释为“the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people”举个🌰:

Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country?



equity /ˈek.wɪ.ti/  1)表示“(公司的)股本,股票值;股票”,英文解释为“the value of a company, divided into many equal parts owned by the shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided”举个🌰:

He sold his equity in the company last year.


2)表示“公平;公正”,英文解释为“the situation in which everyone is treated fairly and equally”如:a society based on equity and social justice 建立在公平公正和社会正义基础之上的社会。

📍private equity (PE) 私募股权;私人股本。据百度百科介绍,PE也就是私募股权投资,从投资方式角度看,是指通过私募形式对私有企业,即非上市企业进行的权益性投资,在交易实施过程中附带考虑了将来的退出机制,即通过上市、并购或管理层回购等方式,出售持股获利。


1)表示“把…包括(在内)”,英文解释为“the act of including someone or something as part of a group, list, etc., or a person or thing that is included”举个🌰:

She is being considered for inclusion in the Olympic team.


2)表示“不排斥任何群体,包容”,英文解释为“the idea that everyone should be able to use the same facilities, take part in the same activities, and enjoy the same experiences, including people who have a disability or other disadvantage”。

But she has never understood people who make additional work for themselves, especially if it is outside their job description, just to look good or gain attention at work. “I am going to do my job, and do it well, and do things that actually interest me,” she said. “But besides that, I am already underpaid, so I am definitely not going to take on more.”


job description

表示“工作职责说明,职务描述”,英文解释为“a list of the responsibilities that you have and the duties that you are expected to perform in your work”

📍找工作时可能会看到,「JD如下:...」指的就是job description,工作职责,岗位要求。还有经常提到的「HC充足」,HC指的就是Head Count的缩写,字面意思人头数,即招聘名额。

She’s confused by this trend that in her view simply consists of people putting their foot down … to do their job.


put your foot down

put your foot down 1)表示“利用…的权力制止”,英文解释为“to use your authority to stop something happening”举个🌰:

When she started borrowing my clothes without asking, I had to put my foot down.


2)表示“踩油门,加速行驶”,英文解释为“to increase your speed when you are driving”举个🌰:

The road ahead was clear, so I put my foot down.


“It means that the expectation is for you to do more than the company actually compensates you for, and that will work out well for you,” she said. “That doesn’t make sense to me. You do the work you are compensated for, and if you want to go above and beyond, good for you, but that shouldn’t be a requirement.”



compensate /ˈkɒm.pən.seɪt/ 表示“弥补,补偿,抵消”,英文解释为“to provide something good or useful in place of something or to make someone feel better about something that has failed or been lost or missed”举个🌰:

Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood.


“This is the most worthless term,” she added.


Matt Spielman, a career coach in New York City and author of the book “Inflection Points: How to Work and Live With Purpose,” understands why some people may want to scale back at work. “If somebody really is burnt out or at the end of his or her rope or having personal issues, I think dialing the knob back from 10 to 7 or 6 or 5 makes sense,” he said.

马特·斯皮尔曼是纽约市的一名职业发展指导师,著有《拐点——如何带着目标去工作和生活》(Inflection Points: How to Work and Live With Purpose),他理解为什么有些人可能希望缩减工作。他说:“如果某人真的感到倦怠、走投无路或有个人问题,我认为把工作时长从10调到7、6或5是合理的。”

inflection point

示“拐点;转折点”,英文解释为“a time of sudden, noticeable, or important change in an industry, company, market, etc.”

at the end of your rope

英式 at the end of your tether 美式 at the end of your rope 表示“筋疲力尽;一筹莫展”,英文解释为“having no strength or patience left”举个🌰:

By six o'clock after a busy day I'm at the end of my tether.



knob /nɒb/ 表示“球形把手;(机器等的)旋钮”,英文解释为“a round handle, or a small, round device for controlling a machine or electrical equipment”如:a brass door knob 铜质的门把手,举个🌰:

Turn/Twiddle the little knob to adjust the volume.


He believes the urge is stronger with remote work. “With remote work it is far easier to feel less involved, less part of a team, and it’s easier for managers to break up with employees and vice versa,” he said. “There are fewer boundaries of when work starts and when work stops.”


vice versa

表示“反过来也一样,反之亦然”,英文解释为“used to say that what you have just said is also true in the opposite order”举个🌰:

He doesn't trust her, and vice versa (= she also doesn't trust him).


But he worries about people engaging in quiet quitting as a means of getting revenge on a company. “Quiet quitting seems very passive aggressive,” he said. “If somebody is burnt out, there should be a candid conversation about that, and it should be both ways. Just saying, ‘I am going to do the absolute minimum because I am entitled to it or I have issues’ — it doesn’t really help anybody.”



表示“报复;报仇”,英文解释为“something that you do in order to make sb suffer because they have made you suffer”举个🌰:

He swore to  take (his) revenge on  his enemies.



表示“坦率的;坦诚的;直言不讳的”,英文解释为“saying what you think openly and honestly; not hiding your thoughts”如:a candid statement/interview 坦率的陈述/会谈。

🎬电影《白日梦想家》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)中的台词提到:But as we undergothis transition to LIFE online... we wanted to be candid with you... 但由于我们处于"生活"杂志网络化的过渡期...所以我们想明白告诉你们...


entitled /ɪnˈtaɪ.təld/ 表示“有权做…的;为所欲为的”,英文解释为“feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are”举个🌰:

These kids are spoiled, entitled, self-absorbed, and apathetic.


Above all, Mr. Spielman believes that quiet quitting prevents people from finding jobs they love, which provide them with a sense of meaning and belonging.


“You work four, five, six, sometimes seven days a week,” he said. “There is no sadder thing to waste all this time in your life trying not to enjoy and be engaged and being excited in the work you are doing.”


- 今日盘点 -

subscribe to sth
tear/rip sb/sth to shreds
bare minimum
the easy way out
tick sth off
burn (yourself) out
job description
put your foot down
inflection point
at the end of your rope
vice versa









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- END -






