

LearnAndRecord 2022-11-06



提到「电子羽绒服」,网友评论最多的就是韩剧《请回答1988》(Reply 1988)了,今天刚好是《请回答1988》开播七周年纪念日,我们就一起来看看。


1. go-to是什么意思?
2. 怎么表达「三角恋」?
3. What makes Reply 1988 a Korean classic?


Reply 1988: What Makes it the Classic Go-To K-Drama


OCT 08, 2022

Directed by Shin Won-Ho, Reply 1988 is one of the most well-known and loved K-Dramas of all time, that released in 2015. This heartfelt, jolly show tells the neighborhood story of five friends who have been together since their childhood. Perhaps the most crucial part of the story line is the time it is set in. 1988 was a huge year for South Korea, as the Olympics were bound to take place in the year. There was extreme excitement and anticipation in the air as many hoped to participate in the festivities.

The friends in the series are Duk-Sun (Hyeri), Jung-Hwan (Ryoo Joon-Yeol), Sun-Woo (Ko Gyung-Pyo), Dong-Ryong (Lee Dong-Hwi), and Taek (Park Bo-Gum). Taek is an internationally recognized Go player at the time, who seems to be the most introverted on the group. This group of friends reflects some of the most wholesome, crazy, and outright hilarious energy throughout the show. The most interesting dynamic in the group of friends is Duk-Sun being the only girl in the gang; thus she does not give up a chance to bat an eye on the four guys who could be potential suitors.

Reply 1988 is the third installment of the Reply anthology and, is the best one out of three. The show became an instant hit the year it came out. This show induces excitement, suspense, humor, and the beauty of family and friendships. Let’s discover some of the reasons that make Reply 1988 a Korean classic.

Power of the Ajummas

Other than the friendship between the five children, another friendship thrives through the four mothers in the show. Their friendship is the essence of the show, showing the simpleness of life for average people and the bond between friends, families, and neighbors. They also add a layer of comedy with their meet-ups in the alley and prepping food together. They keep the neighborhood lively and always come forward to take care of Taek and his father as he lost his mother at a young age.

Academic Perils

Among other very integral themes of the show, the side theme of academic pressure on the friends to enter a good university is effectively executed. This show explores the different kids of academic capabilities of children and the pressure of academic excellence in the South Korean society. Though most of it is represented in a fun and lighthearted manner, it does not change the intensity of the situation and makes the audience feel for these children. They specifically show this through Duk-Sun and Dong-Ryong, who struggle excessively with studies. To prove it to themselves, they try to bury themselves in books, to the point that Duk-Sun regards her first stress nosebleed as a success.

Love Triangle

This development in the show is something nobody expected as the series continued. As the show goes on, a love triangle develops between Duk-Sun, Taek, and Jung-Hwan. Jung-Hwan starts to develop feelings for Duk-Sun unexpectedly while Duk-Sun is fawning over Sun-Woo. However, Jung-Hwan never really says anything to her, keeping the audience in confusion over who Duk-Sun’s husband is in the future. The husband turns out to be Taek, and Jung-Hwan forfeits the love and care of his friend. The element of a love triangle added a coming-of-age feel to Reply 1988 without making it overly romantic for it to become a romantic comedy. The audience felt their heart break along with Jung-Hwan when Taek tells him he likes Duk-Sun. It also adds a good element of mystery and suspense around Duk-Sun.

The Neighborhood

The houses and the dark and dusty alley way all of these friends live in is an accurate description of the simple way of life in the '80s. All houses are emotionally connected to each other, making the viewers invested in the story line. A repetitive shot showing the connectivity of the neighborhood is the early morning clean up of the street and distribution of newspapers.

A small alley in the eighties being the epicenter of all sorts of chaotic and familial bonds which makes the show very heartwarming and homely. Fans of the show often see themselves living in the same simple, pre-modern time in South Korea.

Economic Issues

Last but not the least, another factor successfully pulled off in the show is showing the wealth disparity and economic issues faced by middle class people at the time in South Korea. The creators of the show do this through Duk-Sun’s and Sun-Woo’s families. Duk-Sun’s father struggles to keep the family afloat as times progress, and his job can now be performed by a machine. With the education of three children and a house to run, the family cuts down a lot of things. Similarly, Sun-Woo’s mother is a single mom trying to manage the household herself until she faces issues with her mother-in-law. These issues were extremely common in the time of economic development in South Korea as the country was moving towards modernity.

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Reply 1988: What Makes it the Classic Go-To K-Drama


OCT 08, 2022

Directed by Shin Won-Ho, Reply 1988 is one of the most well-known and loved K-Dramas of all time, that released in 2015. This heartfelt, jolly show tells the neighborhood story of five friends who have been together since their childhood. Perhaps the most crucial part of the story line is the time it is set in. 1988 was a huge year for South Korea, as the Olympics were bound to take place in the year. There was extreme excitement and anticipation in the air as many hoped to participate in the festivities.

由申源浩(Shin Won-Ho)执导、于2015年上映的《请回答1988》(Reply 1988)是有史以来最著名、最受喜爱的韩剧之一。这部感人至深的欢乐剧讲述了五个从小就在一起的朋友的邻里故事。也许故事情节中最关键的部分是它设定的时间。1988年对韩国来说是重要的一年,因为奥运会将在这一年举行。空气中弥漫着极度的兴奋和期待,许多人希望参加这一盛会。


表示“(为解决某个问题或做某件事情的)必找的(人);(为找到某件物品或服务的)必去的(地方);极其可靠的(修饰人/物);被广泛游览的(修饰地点)”,英文解释为“used to describe the best person to deal with a particular problem or do a particular thing, or the best place to get a particular thing or service”,如:团队里的智囊/扛把子,就可以说 the go-to guy in the team,举个🌰:

He was the company's go-to guy for new ideas.



heartfelt /ˈhɑːt.felt/ 表示“衷心的,诚挚的”,英文解释为“strongly felt and sincere”如:heartfelt relief 由衷的宽慰。


jolly /ˈdʒɒl.i/ 表示“兴高采烈的,快活的;令人愉快的,惬意的”,英文解释为“happy and smiling;enjoyable, energetic, and entertaining”如:a jolly smile/manner/mood 开心的微笑/兴高采烈的样子/愉快的心情,a jolly occasion 令人愉快的场合。


1)bound /baʊnd/ 作动词,表示“跳跃;跳动;跳跃着前进”,英文解释为“to move quickly with large jumping movements”

2)bound作形容词 表示“去…的;准备前往…的;开往…的”,英文解释为“If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it.”,通常用法:be bound for,举个🌰:
The train was bound for Hangzhou.


🍸本次列车终点站广兰路,到浦东国际机场方向的乘客请在广兰路换乘。The terminal station is Guanglan Road. You can transfer to the train bound for Pudong International Airport at Guanglan Road.
3)be bound to表示“一定会;很可能会”,英文解释为“certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth”举个🌰:

There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.



复数,表示“庆祝活动”,英文解释为“the parties, meals, and other social activities with which people celebrate a special occasion”举个🌰:

Come in and join the festivities!


📍festivity作不可数名词时,表示“欢庆;欢乐”,英文解释为“a situation in which people are happy and celebrating”。

The friends in the series are Duk-Sun (Hyeri), Jung-Hwan (Ryoo Joon-Yeol), Sun-Woo (Ko Gyung-Pyo), Dong-Ryong (Lee Dong-Hwi), and Taek (Park Bo-Gum). Taek is an internationally recognized Go player at the time, who seems to be the most introverted on the group. This group of friends reflects some of the most wholesome, crazy, and outright hilarious energy throughout the show. The most interesting dynamic in the group of friends is Duk-Sun being the only girl in the gang; thus she does not give up a chance to bat an eye on the four guys who could be potential suitors.



表示“围棋”,英文解释为“a game for two players in which stones are placed on a board marked with a grid, the object being to capture territory on the board”


introverted /ˈɪntrəvɜːtɪd/ 表示“内向的;不喜欢交往的”,英文解释为“Introverted people are quiet and shy and find it difficult to talk to other people.”


表示“有益的;有益健康的;有道德的;有良好道德影响的”,英文解释为“good for you, and likely to improve your life either physically, morally, or emotionally;morally good; having a good moral influence”举个🌰:

He looks like a nice, wholesome young man.



作副词,表示“彻底,完全;立刻;当场”,英文解释为“completely or immediately”举个🌰:

I think cigarette advertising should be banned outright.


作形容词,表示“完全的,彻底的”,英文解释为“Outright means complete and total.”举个🌰:

She had failed to win an outright victory.



hilarious /hɪˈleriəs/ 表示“令人捧腹大笑的;非常滑稽的,引人发笑的”,英文解释为“If something is hilarious, it is extremely funny and makes you laugh a lot.”举个🌰:

We thought it was hilarious when we first heard about it.



1)表示“犯罪团伙;黑帮”,英文解释为“a group of criminals who work together”如:a gang of armed robbers 武装抢劫团伙。

2)表示“一群朋友;(朋友的)一伙,一帮”,英文解释为“a group of friends”举个🌰:

I've made friends at my new school, but I miss the old gang.


bat an eye

表示“眉目传情;挤眉弄眼;眨一下眼睛(表示惊讶)”,英文解释为“To open and close your eyes quickly, in a way that is supposed to be attractive; To react in any slight way; to respond; to care.”

📍not bat an eye/eyelid 表示“眼睛都不眨一下;面不改色”,英文解释为“to show no sign of surprise or worry when something unexpected happens”举个🌰:

She told him she'd spent all her savings but he didn't bat an eyelid.



表示“求婚者,追求者”,英文解释为“a man who wants to marry a particular woman”举个🌰:

It's the story of a young woman who can't make up her mind which of her many suitors she should marry.


Reply 1988 is the third installment of the Reply anthology and, is the best one out of three. The show became an instant hit the year it came out. This show induces excitement, suspense, humor, and the beauty of family and friendships. Let’s discover some of the reasons that make Reply 1988 a Korean classic.



instalment/installment 表示“(小说分期连载的)一节;(分期付款的)一期;(报刊上连载故事的)一集;一部分”,英文解释为“An instalment of a story or plan is one of its parts that are published or carried out separately one after the other.”举个🌰:

The next instalment of this four-part series deals with the impact of the war on the continent of Africa.



anthology /ænˈθɒlədʒɪ/ 表示“(艺术作品的)选集;(常指)精选集”,英文解释为“a collection of poems, stories, etc. that have been written by different people and published together in a book”。


表示“(唱片、电影或戏剧的)成功;很受欢迎的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“If a CD, film, or play is a hit, it is very popular and successful.举个🌰:

The song became a massive hit in 2019.



表示“悬念,焦虑,担心”,英文解释为“the feeling of excitement or nervousness that you have when you are waiting for something to happen and are uncertain about what it is going to be”举个🌰:

She kept him in suspense for several days before she said that she would marry him.


Power of the Ajummas 中年女性的力量

Other than the friendship between the five children, another friendship thrives through the four mothers in the show. Their friendship is the essence of the show, showing the simpleness of life for average people and the bond between friends, families, and neighbors. They also add a layer of comedy with their meet-ups in the alley and prepping food together. They keep the neighborhood lively and always come forward to take care of Taek and his father as he lost his mother at a young age.



韩语里对中年女性的概称。Ajumma (Korean: 아줌마), sometimes spelled ajoomma, is a Korean word for a married, or middle-aged woman. It comes from the Korean word ajumeoni (Korean: 아주머니). (Wikipedia)


thrive /θraɪv/ 表示“茁壮成长;兴旺,繁荣”,英文解释为“to grow, develop, or be successful”举个🌰:

His business thrived in the years before the war.



alley/alleyway 表示“小街;小巷,胡同”,英文解释为“a narrow road or path between buildings”。


prep /prep/ 表示“准备”,英文解释为“to prepare something”举个🌰:

Prepping your vegetables for a whole week in advance is a great way to save time and energy in the kitchen.


Academic Perils 学业问题

Among other very integral themes of the show, the side theme of academic pressure on the friends to enter a good university is effectively executed. This show explores the different kids of academic capabilities of children and the pressure of academic excellence in the South Korean society. Though most of it is represented in a fun and lighthearted manner, it does not change the intensity of the situation and makes the audience feel for these children. They specifically show this through Duk-Sun and Dong-Ryong, who struggle excessively with studies. To prove it to themselves, they try to bury themselves in books, to the point that Duk-Sun regards her first stress nosebleed as a success.



peril /ˈperəl/表示“巨大的危险;险情,险境”,英文解释为“great danger, or something that is very dangerous”。


integral /ˈɪn.tɪ.ɡrəl/ 表示“构成整体所必需的”,英文解释为“necessary and important as a part of a whole”举个🌰:

He's an integral part of the team and we can't do without him.



intensity /ɪnˈten.sə.ti/ 1)表示“强烈;剧烈”,英文解释为“the quality of being felt strongly or having a very strong effect”举个🌰:

The explosion was of such intensity that it was heard five miles away.


2)表示“(感情或看法的)强烈;认真;全情投入”,英文解释为“the quality of being very serious and having strong emotions or opinions”举个🌰:

The intensity of their relationship was causing problems.


bury yourself in sth

表示“沉浸于”,英文解释为“to give all your attention to something”举个🌰:

Since her marriage ended, she has buried herself in her work.



nosebleed /ˈnəʊz.bliːd/ 表示“鼻出血”,英文解释为“an occasion when blood comes out of a person's nose”举个🌰:

She gets/has a lot of nosebleeds.


Love Triangle 三角恋

This development in the show is something nobody expected as the series continued. As the show goes on, a love triangle develops between Duk-Sun, Taek, and Jung-Hwan. Jung-Hwan starts to develop feelings for Duk-Sun unexpectedly while Duk-Sun is fawning over Sun-Woo. However, Jung-Hwan never really says anything to her, keeping the audience in confusion over who Duk-Sun’s husband is in the future. The husband turns out to be Taek, and Jung-Hwan forfeits the love and care of his friend. The element of a love triangle added a coming-of-age feel to Reply 1988 without making it overly romantic for it to become a romantic comedy. The audience felt their heart break along with Jung-Hwan when Taek tells him he likes Duk-Sun. It also adds a good element of mystery and suspense around Duk-Sun.


love triangle

表示“爱情三角;三角恋”,英文解释为“a situation in which two people both love a third person”,也可以说eternal triangle。

ffawn over/on sb

fawn /fɔːn/ over/on sb 表示“奉承,恭维,讨好”,英文解释为“to praise someone too much and give them a lot of attention that is not sincere, in order to get a positive reaction”举个🌰:

I hate waiters who fawn over you.



forfeit /ˈfɔː.fɪt/ 1)表示“(因违规而)丧失,被没收;失去”,英文解释为“to lose the right to do or have something because you have broken a rule”举个🌰:

If you cancel now, you forfeit your deposit.


2)表示“ (尤指为获得别物而) 自愿放弃”,英文解释为“If you forfeit something, you give it up willingly, especially so that you can achieve something else.”举个🌰:

Do you think that they would forfeit profit in the name of safety?


coming of age

coming of age /ˌkʌm.ɪŋ əv ˈeɪdʒ/ 1)表示“成年(到法定年龄,享有选举权)”,英文解释为“Someone's coming of age is the time when that person legally becomes an adult and is old enough to vote.”

2)表示“(人)成熟之时”,英文解释为“the time when someone matures emotionally, or in some other way”

The Neighborhood 邻里关系

The houses and the dark and dusty alley way all of these friends live in is an accurate description of the simple way of life in the '80s. All houses are emotionally connected to each other, making the viewers invested in the story line. A repetitive shot showing the connectivity of the neighborhood is the early morning clean up of the street and distribution of newspapers.



repetitive /rɪˈpet.ə.tɪv/ 表示“(尤指以乏味的方式)重复的,反复的”,英文解释为“involving doing or saying the same thing several times, especially in a way that is boring”如:a repetitive job/task 重复单调的工作/任务。

A small alley in the eighties being the epicenter of all sorts of chaotic and familial bonds which makes the show very heartwarming and homely. Fans of the show often see themselves living in the same simple, pre-modern time in South Korea.



原意表示“(地震)震中;(原子弹爆炸的)中心,爆炸点”,英文解释为“the point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake or atomic explosion”,也用来表示“中心;中枢”,比如“the epicenter of world finance”。

Economic Issues 经济问题

Last but not the least, another factor successfully pulled off in the show is showing the wealth disparity and economic issues faced by middle class people at the time in South Korea. The creators of the show do this through Duk-Sun’s and Sun-Woo’s families. Duk-Sun’s father struggles to keep the family afloat as times progress, and his job can now be performed by a machine. With the education of three children and a house to run, the family cuts down a lot of things. Similarly, Sun-Woo’s mother is a single mom trying to manage the household herself until she faces issues with her mother-in-law. These issues were extremely common in the time of economic development in South Korea as the country was moving towards modernity.


pull sth off

表示“成功做成(困难或出乎意料的事)”,英文解释为“to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected”举个🌰:

The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years.



disparity /dɪˈspærɪtɪ/表示“(尤指不公正的)不同,差异”,英文解释为“a difference between two or more things, especially an unfair one”,如:a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women 男性与女性在工资水平上的差异。


📍parity表示“(尤指薪金、权利或权力的)相同,相等,同等”,英文解释为“the state of being equal, especially having equal pay, rights, or power”举个🌰:

Women workers are demanding parity with their male colleagues.


还可以指两个不同国家的货币单位的“平价,等价”(equality between the units of money from two diffe-rent countries);


We now have gender parity among those who lead our teams around the world, and the highest-ever numbers of women in senior management. 目前在世界各地,我们已在许多团队的领导层中实现性别均等,高级管理层中的妇女人数比以往任何时候都多。

📍在2018年政府工作报告中,居民收入增长和经济增长基本同步;就处理为:Basic parity in personal income growth and economic growth.


afloat /əˈfləʊt/ 1)表示“(在水中)漂浮的”,英文解释为“floating on water”举个🌰:

She spent seven days afloat on a raft.


2)表示“有偿债能力的;经济上周转得开的”,英文解释为“having enough money to pay what you owe”举个🌰:

Many small businesses are struggling to stay/keep afloat.


- 今日盘点 -












bat an eye













bury yourself in sth


love triangle

ffawn over/on sb


coming of age



pull sth off











- END -






