

LearnAndRecord 2022-12-25






China’s Latest Rocket Sends New Crew to Finish Tiangong Space Station

From: The Wall Street Journal

China launched a rocket from Inner Mongolia, putting three more astronauts into space to meet its existing three-person crew in-orbit and take over final construction of the Tiangong space station.

The Shenzhou-15 spacecraft departed from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert Tuesday evening local time and moved swiftly toward its destination. As the flight passed a series of checks, the astronauts flashed smiles and a thumbs-up at the in-cabin cameras, showing the effects of near zero-gravity with the flick of a pen.

The three astronauts already onboard the space station, from the Shenzhou-14 mission, will spend a week transitioning duties to the newly arrived crew before returning to Earth—making it China’s first in-orbit handover. The Shenzhou-15 crew—astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu—will live in orbit for six months to finish building the space station, including setting up all its scientific equipment. The crew will conduct more than 40 scientific experiments in space science, space medicine and space technology.

During a press conference on Monday, Ji Qiming, the spokesman for China’s manned space engineering office, said the Shenzhou-15 mission would complete the construction phase of the space station and begin the first phase of its use and development as a base for space exploration and scientific research.

The in-orbit crew handover will also test the capacity of the space station’s systems to support a larger group onboard, Yang Yuguang, a professor from China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Ltd., a state-owned aerospace and defense manufacturer, told China’s English-language state broadcaster CGTN.

The completion of Tiangong, which means “Heavenly Palace” in Mandarin Chinese, marks both a feat of China’s space program and a symbolic achievement in Beijing’s ambitions to become a world-leading science and technology power.

It represents a comeback for China after its astronauts were effectively banned from participating in the International Space Station by a U.S. law in 2011. The move fueled Beijing’s efforts to deepen its aerospace investments and develop its own independent space-research facility. With the ISS set to retire in 2030, Tiangong—which is designed to be operational for at least 10 years—could become the only space station left.

Mr. Ji told journalists that the space station was made possible through the contributions of thousands of institutions and several hundred thousand scientists and researchers across the country, as well as China’s own breakthroughs in technologies. “The development of the project has always adhered to self reliance and independent innovation,” he said.

The achievement comes as the U.S. seeks to contain China’s technological advancement.

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China’s Latest Rocket Sends New Crew to Finish Tiangong Space Station


From: The Wall Street Journal

China launched a rocket from Inner Mongolia, putting three more astronauts into space to meet its existing three-person crew in-orbit and take over final construction of the Tiangong space station.

中国从内蒙古(Inner Mongolia)发射了一枚火箭,将三名航天员送入太空,与现有的三名在轨航天员会合,并将接管天宫空间站的最终建设工作。


1)作名词,表示“全体船员;全体机务人员”,英文解释为“The crew of a ship, an aircraft, or a spacecraft is the people who work on and operate it.”举个🌰:

The mission for the crew of the space shuttle is essentially over. 航天飞机全体机务人员的使命基本完成。

2)作名词,表示“一组工作人员”,英文解释为“A crew is a group of people with special technical skills who work together on a task or project.”如:a two-man film crew making a documentary 一个制作纪录片的两人摄制组。

3)作动词,表示“当船员;充当…的船员”,英文解释为“If you crew a boat, you work on it as part of the crew.”举个🌰:

This neighbour crewed on a ferryboat. 这位邻居在一艘渡船上当船员。


1)表示“(天体等运行的)轨道”,英文解释为“a curved path followed by a planet or an object as it moves around another planet, star, moon, etc.”

2)表示“(人、组织等的)影响范围,势力范围”,英文解释为“an area that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with or is able to influence”如:to come/fall/be within sb's orbit 进入/落入/属于某人的势力范围。

The Shenzhou-15 spacecraft departed from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert Tuesday evening local time and moved swiftly toward its destination. As the flight passed a series of checks, the astronauts flashed smiles and a thumbs-up at the in-cabin cameras, showing the effects of near zero-gravity with the flick of a pen.



表示“出发,动身,启程”,英文解释为“to go away or leave, especially on a journey”举个🌰:

The plane departs at 6 a.m. 那架飞机早晨6点钟起飞。


flash /flæʃ/ 1)表示“(使)闪耀,(使)闪光”,英文解释为“to shine brightly and suddenly, or to make something shine in this way”举个🌰:

Stop flashing that light in my eyes! 别拿那个手电筒晃我的眼睛了!

2)表示“(快速)出示,显示”,英文解释为“to show something for a short time”举个🌰:

He flashed a smile and offered to buy me a drink. 他笑了一下,提出请我喝一杯。


表示“竖起大拇指;赞成,接受”,英文解释为“used to show approval of something”举个🌰:

She checked the hall, then gave the others a thumbs-up. 她查看了一下大厅,然后冲其他人竖了一下大拇指。


1)常见含义表示“重力;地球引力”,英文解释为“the force that attracts objects in space towards each other, and that on the earth pulls them towards the centre of the planet, so that things fall to the ground when they are dropped如:the laws of gravity 万有引力定律,物理课上学的g=9.8还是g=10你还记得吗?

🎬电影《星际迷航》(Star Trek)中的台词提到:Captain, we're caught in the gravity well. It's got us. 舰长 我们被引力井吸住了,它吸住我们了。

2)表示“严重性”,英文解释为“extreme importance and a cause for worry”,可以替换seriousness,举个🌰:
Punishment varies according to the gravity of the offence. 处罚根据罪行的严重程度而有所不同。

3)表示“严肃;庄严”,英文解释为“serious behaviour, speech or appearance”举个🌰:
They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law. 他们被要求在法庭上表现出应有的严肃态度。


flick /flɪk/ 表示“(迅速)轻击,轻弹,轻拍,轻拂”,英文解释为“to move or hit something with a short sudden movement”举个🌰:

He carefully flicked the loose hairs from the shoulders of his jacket. 他仔细地把落在上衣肩上的头发轻轻弹掉。

The three astronauts already onboard the space station, from the Shenzhou-14 mission, will spend a week transitioning duties to the newly arrived crew before returning to Earth—making it China’s first in-orbit handover. The Shenzhou-15 crew—astronauts Fei Junlong, Deng Qingming and Zhang Lu—will live in orbit for six months to finish building the space station, including setting up all its scientific equipment. The crew will conduct more than 40 scientific experiments in space science, space medicine and space technology.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“转变;过渡”,英文解释为“a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens”举个🌰:

The health-care system is in transition at the moment. 医疗保健制度目前正在变革中。


表示“(控制权或责任的)移交”,英文解释为“the giving of control of or responsibility for something to someone else”举个🌰:

The United Nations is to supervise the handover of the prisoners of war. 联合国将监督战俘的移交事宜。

During a press conference on Monday, Ji Qiming, the spokesman for China’s manned space engineering office, said the Shenzhou-15 mission would complete the construction phase of the space station and begin the first phase of its use and development as a base for space exploration and scientific research.


The in-orbit crew handover will also test the capacity of the space station’s systems to support a larger group onboard, Yang Yuguang, a professor from China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Ltd., a state-owned aerospace and defense manufacturer, told China’s English-language state broadcaster CGTN.

国有航天防务制造商中国航天科工集团有限公司(China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation Ltd.)的教授杨宇光告诉用英语播音的国家广播电视台中国国际电视台(CGTN),乘组在轨交接班也将测试空间站系统支持更多航天员驻留的能力。


aerospace /ˈeə.rə.speɪs/ 表示“航空航天工业的;航空航天器制造的”,英文解释为“producing or operating aircraft or spacecraft”。

The completion of Tiangong, which means “Heavenly Palace” in Mandarin Chinese, marks both a feat of China’s space program and a symbolic achievement in Beijing’s ambitions to become a world-leading science and technology power.



feat表示“功绩;技艺;武艺;功绩;英勇事迹”,英文解释为“If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a feat, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement.”如:to perform/attempt/achieve astonishing feats 表演惊人的技艺;争取/取得惊人的功绩,举个🌰:

The tunnel is a brilliant feat of engineering. 这条隧道是工程方面的光辉业绩。

📍be no easy feat 不容易,非易事。类似的还有be no small feat/ be no mean feat可以理解为“是了不起的成就,绝非易事”,英文解释为:to be a great achievement,举个🌰:

Getting the job finished in under a week was no mean feat. 一周内就把这项任务完成了,真了不起。

🎬电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:by performing what he calls an impossible feat. 在这里上演他所谓不可能的奇迹。


表示“使用象征的;作为象征的;象征性的”,英文解释为“containing symbols, or being used as a symbol”举个🌰:

The dove is symbolic of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。

It represents a comeback for China after its astronauts were effectively banned from participating in the International Space Station by a U.S. law in 2011. The move fueled Beijing’s efforts to deepen its aerospace investments and develop its own independent space-research facility. With the ISS set to retire in 2030, Tiangong—which is designed to be operational for at least 10 years—could become the only space station left.



1)表示“复辟;复出;东山再起;再度流行并变得时髦;再度获得成功”,英文解释为“an attempt to become famous, powerful, or important again after a period of being much less famous, etc.”举个🌰:

She's trying to make a comeback with her first album for 20 years. 她想凭借自己20年来的第一张专辑东山再起。

2)表示“(对批评迅速作出的)反驳,回应”,英文解释为“a quick reply to a critical remark”。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述经济学观点的文章中提到:But an interest in culture remained—and indeed is now making a comeback. 但对文化的兴趣并未消失,实际上如今它又东山再起了。


表示“加剧;增加;加强;刺激;激起”,英文解释为“To fuel a situation means to make it become worse or more intense.”如:to fuel speculation/rumours/fears 引起猜测/谣传/恐惧,举个🌰:

The result will inevitably fuel speculation about his future. 该结果将不可避免地加剧人们对他的前途的猜测。

Mr. Ji told journalists that the space station was made possible through the contributions of thousands of institutions and several hundred thousand scientists and researchers across the country, as well as China’s own breakthroughs in technologies. “The development of the project has always adhered to self reliance and independent innovation,” he said.



reliance /rɪˈlaɪ.əns/ 表示“依赖,依靠;信任,信赖”,英文解释为“the state of depending on or trusting in something or someone”举个🌰:

The region's reliance on tourism is unwise. 这一地区依赖旅游业谋发展是不明智的。

The achievement comes as the U.S. seeks to contain China’s technological advancement.



1)表示“防止…蔓延(或恶化)”,英文解释为“to prevent sth harmful from spreading or getting worse”如:to contain an epidemic 防止流行病的蔓延。

2)表示“控制,克制,抑制(感情)”,英文解释为“to keep your feelings under control”举个🌰:
She was unable to contain her excitement. 她无法抑制内心的激动。

🎬电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)中的台词提到:That's why our mission was to contain it. 所以我们的主要任务是控制它。

📍类似的一个词,restrain表示“阻止,制止;遏制”(to control the actions or behaviour of someone by force, especially in order to stop them from doing something, or to limit the growth or force of something)举个🌰:
She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself. 她气得几乎都控制不住自己。

📍类似的短语:keep/ get sth under control,举个🌰:
You should learn to keep your temper under control. 你应该学会控制自己的脾气。

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