

LearnAndRecord 2022-12-06

近日,美国歌手“侃爷”坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)的推特账号疑似发布含有“纳粹标志”的图片再次被冻结。


1. rambling是什么意思?
2. run afoul of是什么意思?


Kanye West’s Twitter account has been suspended after Elon Musk says it violated rule against incitement to violence

From: CNN

Kanye West’s Twitter account was suspended early Friday morning after Elon Musk said it violated the platform’s rules on inciting violence.

“I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended,” Musk tweeted in a reply.

CNN could not confirm which specific tweet prompted West’s suspension. However, earlier in the evening, West — who has legally changed his name to Ye — tweeted an altered image of the Star of David with a swastika inside.

The tweet follows a series of antisemitic comments made by West in recent months, which have destroyed business deals in which the musician was involved — such as a partnership with Adidas.

In late October, West addressed the antisemitic comments — as well as what he’s said about George Floyd’s death and Black Lives Matter — in a rambling 16-minute video shared by WmgLab Records on YouTube and seemingly recorded at some point after Adidas ended its business relationship with him.

In the video, West did not apologize for his antisemitic remarks but seemed to try to distance himself from any “hate group.”

“I have no association to any hate group,” West said as he closed his remarks in prayer. “If any hate happens upon any Jewish person, it is not associated (gestures to himself) because I am demanding that everyone walk in love.”

CNN has previously reported that several people who were once close to West said that he has long been fascinated by Adolf Hitler — and once wanted to name an album after the Nazi leader. A business executive who worked for West told CNN that the artist created a hostile work environment, in part through his “obsession” with Hitler.

This is not the first time West has run afoul of Twitter. In October, before Musk completed the deal to buy the social media platform, Twitter locked West’s account over an antisemitic tweet.

Kanye West Suspended From Twitter After Swastika Tweet

From: The Wall Street Journal

Twitter Inc. again suspended Kanye West’s account after the musician and designer posted a swastika in a tweet that the social-media platform’s owner, Elon Musk, said violated its rules.

Mr. West, who now legally goes by Ye and had recently returned from a previous Twitter suspension, on Thursday posted a picture of a swastika merged with the Star of David.

Asked on Twitter by a user to “fix Kanye please,” Mr. Musk replied: “I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.”

Mr. West’s account then began displaying a message saying it was suspended, with no tweets visible.

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Kanye West’s Twitter account has been suspended after Elon Musk says it violated rule against incitement to violence

From: CNN

Kanye West’s Twitter account was suspended early Friday morning after Elon Musk said it violated the platform’s rules on inciting violence.

周五早上,在埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)表示坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)的推特账号违反了该平台关于煽动暴力的规定后,坎耶·韦斯特的推特账号被冻结。


1)表示“(因犯错而)暂令停职;暂令停学;暂令停止参加活动”,英文解释为“If someone is suspended from work, school, etc., they are temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity because of having done something wrong.”举个🌰:

He was suspended for four games after arguing with the referee. 跟裁判发生争执之后,他被停赛4场。

2)表示“暂停”,英文解释为“If you suspend something, you delay it or stop it from happening for a while or until a decision is made about it”举个🌰:

The union suspended the action this week. 工会本周暂停了这一行动。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述英国房价上涨的文章中提到:Britain has temporarily suspended stamp duty, a tax on buying houses. 英国已经暂停征收购房印花税。

3)表示“悬挂”,英文解释为“to hang”举个🌰:

The builders worked on wooden platforms, suspended by ropes from the roof of the building. 建筑工人站在用绳子从房顶上吊下来的木制平台上作业。


表示“鼓动,煽动”,英文解释为“to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent”举个🌰:

She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their teachers. 她因煽动同学反对老师而被开除。

“I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended,” Musk tweeted in a reply.



表示“煽动鼓动”,英文解释为“If someone is accused of incitement to violent or illegal behaviour, they are accused of encouraging people to behave in that way.”


CNN could not confirm which specific tweet prompted West’s suspension. However, earlier in the evening, West — who has legally changed his name to Ye — tweeted an altered image of the Star of David with a swastika inside.



作名词,1)表示“(计算机屏幕上的)提示符(显示计算机已经准备好接受指令)”,英文解释为“a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready to receive your instructions”

2)表示“(给演员的)提词,提白”,英文解释为“words that are spoken to an actor who has forgotten what he or she is going to say during the performance of a play”

作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:
His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. 他的讲话激起了人群中一男子的愤怒。

📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。


表示“(使)改变,更改,改动”,英文解释为“to become different; to make sb/sth different”举个🌰:

We've had to alter some of our plans.


🎬电影《大侦探福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Holmes)中的台词提到:that will alter the very course of the world. 足以改变世界的力量。

Star of David

Star of David /ˌstɑː.r əv ˈdeɪ.vɪd/ 表示“大卫之星,六角星(犹太教的标志)”,英文解释为“a star with six points that represents Judaism”


swastika  /ˈswɒs.tɪ.kə/ 表示“卐字饰;万字饰;印度的一种吉祥标志,同时也曾是德国纳粹党的党徽”,英文解释为“A swastika is a symbol in the shape of a cross with each arm bent over at right angles. It is used in India as a good luck sign, but it was also used by the Nazis in Germany as their official symbol.”

The tweet follows a series of antisemitic comments made by West in recent months, which have destroyed business deals in which the musician was involved — such as a partnership with Adidas.



antisemitic /ˌæn.ti.səˈmɪ.tɪk/ 表示“反犹太主义,排犹主义”,英文解释为“having or showing a strong dislike of Jewish people, or treating them in a cruel and unfair way”如:anti-Semitic propaganda 反犹宣传。

In late October, West addressed the antisemitic comments — as well as what he’s said about George Floyd’s death and Black Lives Matter — in a rambling 16-minute video shared by WmgLab Records on YouTube and seemingly recorded at some point after Adidas ended its business relationship with him.

10月下旬,在WmgLab Records唱片公司分享于YouTube上一段16分钟的冗长视频中,韦斯特谈到了这些反犹太主义言论——以及他对乔治·弗洛伊德之死和“黑人的命也是命”运动所说的话,这段视频似乎是在阿迪达斯终止与他的商业合作后的某个时候录制的。


rambling /ˈræmblɪŋ/ 表示“杂乱无章的;冗长芜杂的;漫无边际的”,英文解释为“too long and confused”如:a long rambling speech 冗长而不着边际的讲话。

🎬电影《像男人一样思考》(Think Like a Man)中的台词提到:I'm rambling, I do that when I get nervous. 我又乱说话了 我紧张时就会这样。

📍作名词:ramble表示“杂乱无章的长篇大论”(a long confused speech or piece of writing)举个🌰:
She went into a long ramble about the evils of television. 她开始东拉西扯地大谈电视的弊端。

In the video, West did not apologize for his antisemitic remarks but seemed to try to distance himself from any “hate group.”


“I have no association to any hate group,” West said as he closed his remarks in prayer. “If any hate happens upon any Jewish person, it is not associated (gestures to himself) because I am demanding that everyone walk in love.”



Jewish /ˈdʒuː.ɪʃ/ 表示“犹太的,犹太教民的”,英文解释为“connected with people whose traditional religion is Judaism”举个🌰:

New York has one of the largest Jewish communities in the world. 纽约市的犹太人社区是世界上最大的犹太社区之一。

CNN has previously reported that several people who were once close to West said that he has long been fascinated by Adolf Hitler — and once wanted to name an album after the Nazi leader. A business executive who worked for West told CNN that the artist created a hostile work environment, in part through his “obsession” with Hitler.

CNN此前报道称,几个曾经与韦斯特关系密切的人说,他长期以来一直对阿道夫·希特勒(Adolf Hitler)很着迷——曾经想以他的名字命名专辑。一名曾为韦斯特工作的企业高管告诉CNN,这位歌手创造了一个充满敌意的工作环境,部分原因是他对希特勒的“痴迷”。


fascinated /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd/ 表示“极感兴趣的;入迷的”,英文解释为“extremely interested”举个🌰:

I was fascinated to hear about his travels in Japan. 我着迷地听他讲他的日本之旅。

🎬电影《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)中的台词提到:Well, Neville, I’m sure we’d all be fascinated to hear what you have to say. 纳威,我可以肯定大家都很想听听你要说的事。


hostile /ˈhɒstaɪl/ 1)friendly 的反义词,表示“怀有敌意的,敌对的,不友善的”英文解释为“angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone, and ready to argue with them”如:a hostile crowd 不友好的人群。

2)表示“艰苦的,恶劣的;不利的”,英文解释为“difficult or not suitable for living or growing”如:hostile weather conditions 恶劣的天气条件。

3)也可以表示“不同意的”(not agreeing with something)。


obsession表示“迷恋,痴迷,着魔”,英文解释为“an extreme unhealthy interest in something or worry about something, which stops you from thinking about anything else”,如:an unhealthy obsession with being thin 对瘦的病态追求。

This is not the first time West has run afoul of Twitter. In October, before Musk completed the deal to buy the social media platform, Twitter locked West’s account over an antisemitic tweet.


run/fall afoul of sth/sb

表示“与…相冲突;与…抵触”,英文解释为“to experience problems, punishment, or harm because you do not obey a rule or disagree with a powerful organization, group, or person”举个🌰:

He was 16 when he first ran afoul of the law. 他在16岁时第一次触犯法律。

Kanye West Suspended From Twitter After Swastika Tweet

From: The Wall Street Journal

Twitter Inc. again suspended Kanye West’s account after the musician and designer posted a swastika in a tweet that the social-media platform’s owner, Elon Musk, said violated its rules.

推特公司(Twitter Inc.)再次暂停了坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West)的账号,此前这位音乐人和设计师在一则推文中发布了一个包含纳粹万字符的图案,Twitter的所有者马斯克(Elon Musk)说这违反了该社交平台的规则。

Mr. West, who now legally goes by Ye and had recently returned from a previous Twitter suspension, on Thursday posted a picture of a swastika merged with the Star of David.


go by the name of sth

go by the name of sth 表示“自称为…”,英文解释为“to give yourself a name that is not your real name”举个🌰:

In the business world he goes by the name of LR. 在商界他使用LR这个假名。

Asked on Twitter by a user to “fix Kanye please,” Mr. Musk replied: “I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.”


Mr. West’s account then began displaying a message saying it was suspended, with no tweets visible.


- 今日盘点 -

Star of David
run/fall afoul of sth/sb
go by the name of sth









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