

LearnAndRecord 2023-01-13

听说今天考研英语二翻译题考了「William Wordsworth」。

William Wordsworth,威廉·华兹华斯,英国浪漫主义诗人。据百度百科,其诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力地推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义运动的发展,其诗句“朴素生活,高尚思考(plain living and high thinking)”被作为牛津大学基布尔学院的格言。


1. Who was William Wordsworth?

2. What are the benefits of poetry?

3. posthumously是什么意思?


The power of poetry

From: The Week Junior

April 2020

On 7 April, the 250th anniversary of the birth of William Wordsworth, one of the UK’s most influential poets, will be marked. In the late 18th century, Wordsworth became famous for his poems about nature. He was one of the founders of a movement called Romanticism, which celebrated the wonders of the natural world.

Poetry is powerful. Its energy and rhythm can capture a reader, transport them to another world and make them see things differently. Through carefully selected words and phrases, poems can be dramatic, funny, beautiful, moving and inspiring.

No one knows for sure when poetry began but it has been around for thousands of years, even before people could write. It was a way to tell stories and pass down history. It is closely related to song and even when written it is usually created to be performed out loud. Poems really come to life when they are recited. This can also help with understanding them too, because the rhythm and sounds of the words become clearer.

Who Was William Wordsworth?

From: Biography.com

Poet William Wordsworth worked with Samuel Taylor Coleridge on Lyrical Ballads (1798). The collection, which contained Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey," introduced Romanticism to English poetry. Wordsworth also showed his affinity for nature with the famous poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud." He became England's poet laureate in 1843, a role he held until his death in 1850.

Early Life

Poet William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. Wordsworth’s mother died when he was 7, and he was an orphan at 13. Despite these losses, he did well at Hawkshead Grammar School — where he wrote his first poetry — and went on to study at Cambridge University. He did not excel there, but managed to graduate in 1791.

Wordsworth had visited France in the midst of the French Revolution. On a return trip to France the next year, he fell in love with Annette Vallon. However, the declaration of war between England and France in 1793 separated the two. Left adrift and without income in England, Wordsworth was influenced by radicals such as William Godwin.

Young Poet

In 1795, Wordsworth received an inheritance that allowed him to live with his sister, Dorothy. That same year, Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The two became friends, and together worked on Lyrical Ballads (1798). The volume contained poems such as Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey," and helped Romanticism take hold in English poetry.

The same year that Lyrical Ballads was published, Wordsworth began writing The Prelude, an epic autobiographical poem that he would revise throughout his life (it was published posthumously in 1850). While working on The Prelude, Wordsworth produced other poetry, such as "Lucy." He also wrote a preface for the second edition of Lyrical Ballads; it described his poetry as being inspired by powerful emotions and would come to be seen as a declaration of Romantic principles.

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The power of poetry

From: The Week Junior

April 2020

On 7 April, the 250th anniversary of the birth of William Wordsworth, one of the UK’s most influential poets, will be marked. In the late 18th century, Wordsworth became famous for his poems about nature. He was one of the founders of a movement called Romanticism, which celebrated the wonders of the natural world.

4月7日是英国最具影响力的诗人之一威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)250周年诞辰纪念日。18世纪末,华兹华斯因其关于自然的诗作而闻名。他是一场名为浪漫主义运动的创始人之一,该运动颂扬自然世界的奇迹。


Romanticism /rəʊˈmæn.tɪ.sɪ.zəm/ 表示“浪漫主义,浪漫主义派(18世纪晚期到19世纪早期的艺术、音乐和文学创作风格,特点是刻画自然的美,强调人类情感的重要性)”,英文解释为“a style of art, music, and literature, popular in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, that deals with the beauty of nature and human emotions”

Poetry is powerful. Its energy and rhythm can capture a reader, transport them to another world and make them see things differently. Through carefully selected words and phrases, poems can be dramatic, funny, beautiful, moving and inspiring.



rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/ 1)表示“(尤指自然界中的)规则变化,规律,节律”,英文解释为“a regular pattern of change, especially one that happens in nature”如:the rhythm of the seasons 四季的交替。

2)表示“(音乐、诗歌和舞蹈的)节奏,韵律,节律”,英文解释为“a strong pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that is used in music, poetry, and dancing”举个🌰:

He beat out a jazz rhythm on the drums. 他击出爵士乐节奏的鼓点。


1)表示“短语”,英文解释为“a group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence”。

2)表示“说法;用语;警句”,英文解释为“a short group of words that are often used together and have a particular meaning”

No one knows for sure when poetry began but it has been around for thousands of years, even before people could write. It was a way to tell stories and pass down history. It is closely related to song and even when written it is usually created to be performed out loud. Poems really come to life when they are recited. This can also help with understanding them too, because the rhythm and sounds of the words become clearer.



表示“背诵;朗诵;当众吟诵”,英文解释为“to say a piece of writing aloud from memory, or to publicly say a list of things”

Who Was William Wordsworth? 威廉·华兹华斯是谁?

From: Biography.com

Poet William Wordsworth worked with Samuel Taylor Coleridge on Lyrical Ballads (1798). The collection, which contained Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey," introduced Romanticism to English poetry. Wordsworth also showed his affinity for nature with the famous poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud." He became England's poet laureate in 1843, a role he held until his death in 1850.

诗人威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)与塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)合作创作了《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads,1798年)。这本诗集将浪漫主义引入了英国诗歌,诗集中收录了华兹华斯的《廷腾寺》(Tintern Abbey)。华兹华斯还通过著名诗歌《我似浮云独自游》(I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud)展示了他对自然的喜爱。他于1843年成为英国桂冠诗人,直到1850年去世。


lyrical /ˈlɪr.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“抒情的”,英文解释为“expressing personal thoughts and feelings in a beautiful way”举个🌰:

The book contains lyrical descriptions of the author's childhood. 这本书里有对作者童年的抒情性描写。


ballad /ˈbæləd/ 表示“叙事诗;民歌;民谣;流行情歌”,英文解释为“a song or poem that tells a story;a slow popular song about love”。


abbey /ˈæb.i/ 表示“大修道院;大寺院;大教堂”,英文解释为“a building where monks or nuns live or used to live. Some abbeys are now used as churches”如:Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂。


1)表示“(尤指因为有相同的特征而引起的)情投意合,喜爱,吸引”,英文解释为“a liking or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared characteristics举个🌰:

She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water. 她好像天生就喜欢水。

2)表示“类同;雷同”,英文解释为“a close similarity between two things”举个🌰:

There are several close affinities between the two paintings. 这两幅画有多处非常相似的地方。

poet laureate

poet laureate /ˌpəʊ.ɪt ˈlɒr.i.ət/ 表示“(英国)桂冠诗人”,英文解释为“in the UK, a poet given a special position by the king or queen, who is asked to write poems about important public occasions”

laureate /ˈlɔːrɪɪt/ 表示“荣誉获得者;获奖者”,英文解释为“a person who has been given an official honour or prize for sth important they have achieved”,如:a Nobel laureate 诺贝尔奖获得者。

Early Life 早年生活

Poet William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. Wordsworth’s mother died when he was 7, and he was an orphan at 13. Despite these losses, he did well at Hawkshead Grammar School — where he wrote his first poetry — and went on to study at Cambridge University. He did not excel there, but managed to graduate in 1791.

诗人威廉·华兹华斯于1770年4月7日出生于英国坎伯兰郡的科克茅斯。华兹华斯的母亲在他7岁时去世,他13岁时成为孤儿。尽管如此,他在霍克斯黑德文法学校(Hawkshead Grammar School)表现出色——他在那里写了第一首诗——并进入剑桥大学学习。他在那里表现并不好,于1791年获得学位。


orphan /ˈɔː.fən/ 作动词,表示“使成为孤儿”,作名词,表示“孤儿”,英文解释为“a child whose parents are dead”举个🌰:

The civil war is making orphans of many children. 内战正在使许多孩子成为孤儿。

Wordsworth had visited France in the midst of the French Revolution. On a return trip to France the next year, he fell in love with Annette Vallon. However, the declaration of war between England and France in 1793 separated the two. Left adrift and without income in England, Wordsworth was influenced by radicals such as William Godwin.

华兹华斯曾在1790年法国大革命期间访问过法国。第二年回访法国时,他爱上了安妮特·瓦伦(Annette Vallon)。然而,1793年英法两国宣战,两人被迫分开。华兹华斯在英国漂泊无依,没有收入,受到了威廉·戈德温(William Godwin)等激进分子的影响。

in the midst of

表示“正当…的时候;在…之中;当某事发生时;在某人做某事时”,英文解释为“while sth is happening or being done; while you are doing sth”举个🌰:

She discovered it in the midst of sorting out her father's things.


I'm sorry but I'm too busy - I'm in the midst of writing a report.


📍2020年8月《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述卡车业文章的标题就叫:The trucking industry is in the midst of upheaval—and hype 卡车运输业正在经历剧变,以及炒作。


adrift /əˈdrɪft/ 表示“随波逐流的;漫无目的的;漂泊无依的”,英文解释为“If a person is adrift, they do not have a clear purpose in life or know what they want to do.”举个🌰:

He plays a bright, lonely student from New York, adrift in small-town Arizona. 他饰演的角色是一个才华横溢的学生,离开纽约孤身漂泊在偏僻的亚利桑那州。


1)表示“激进的;过激的;极端的”,英文解释为“believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change”举个🌰:

He was known as a radical thinker. 他是个著名的激进思想家。

2)表示“根本的;彻底的,完全的”,英文解释为“relating to the most important parts of something or someone; complete or extreme”举个🌰:

We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures. 我们需要对操作规程进行一些根本性的变革。

作名词,直接表示“激进分子;极端分子”,英文解释为“a person who supports great social and political change”

Young Poet 青年诗人

In 1795, Wordsworth received an inheritance that allowed him to live with his sister, Dorothy. That same year, Wordsworth met Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The two became friends, and together worked on Lyrical Ballads (1798). The volume contained poems such as Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey," and helped Romanticism take hold in English poetry.



inheritance /ɪnˈher.ɪ.təns/ 表示“继承的遗产”,英文解释为“money or objects that someone gives you when they die”


volume /ˈvɒl.juːm/ 1)表示“总数;总量;总额”,英文解释为“the number or amount of something in general”举个🌰:
It's the sheer volume of traffic in the city that is causing the problems.

2)表示“容积;体积;容量”,英文解释为“the amount of space that is contained within an object or solid shape”举个🌰:
Which of these bottles do you think has the greater volume?

3)表示“卷;册”,英文解释为“one in a set of related books”也可以表示“书”,英文解释为“a book”如:如:a volume of poetry 一本诗集,举个🌰:
She took a slim volume down from the shelf. 她从书架上取下一本很薄的书。

take hold

表示“变强;确立地位”,英文解释为“to become strong; to be established”举个🌰:

The economic recovery is just beginning to take hold now. 经济复苏的趋势刚刚开始稳定下来。

The same year that Lyrical Ballads was published, Wordsworth began writing The Prelude, an epic autobiographical poem that he would revise throughout his life (it was published posthumously in 1850). While working on The Prelude, Wordsworth produced other poetry, such as "Lucy." He also wrote a preface for the second edition of Lyrical Ballads; it described his poetry as being inspired by powerful emotions and would come to be seen as a declaration of Romantic principles.

《抒情歌谣集》出版的同一年,华兹华斯开始创作《序曲》(The Prelude),这是一首史诗般的自传体诗歌,他一生都在不断修改(1850年死后出版)。在创作《序曲》的同时,华兹华斯创作了其他诗歌,比如《露西》(Lucy)。他还为《抒情歌谣集》第二版写了序言;序言中称他的诗歌受到强烈情感的启发,并被视为浪漫主义原则的宣言。


prelude /ˈprel.juːd/ 1)表示“序幕,先声,前奏”,英文解释为“something that comes before a more important event or action that introduces or prepares for it”举个🌰:

The changes are seen as a prelude to wide-ranging reforms. 这些变化被视为大范围改革的序幕。

2)表示“序曲;(尤指钢琴)前奏曲”,英文解释为“a short piece of music that introduces the main work”


autobiographical /ˌɔː.təˌbaɪ.əˈɡræf.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“自传的;自传体的”,英文解释为“based on or involving the writer's own life”如:an autobiographical story/novel/poem 自传故事/小说/诗歌。


posthumously /ˈpɒs.tʃə.məs.li/ 表示“死后发生地”,英文解释为“after a person's death”举个🌰:

His last novel was published posthumously. 他的最后一部小说是在死后出版的。


preface /ˈpref.ɪs/ 表示“序言,前言”,英文解释为“an introduction at the beginning of a book explaining its purpose, thanking people who helped the author, etc.”举个🌰:

In his preface, the author says that he took eight years to write the book. 在前言中,作者说他写这本书用了8年。

- 今日盘点 -

poet laureate
in the midst of
take hold









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