

LearnAndRecord 2022-12-29



2. elation是什么意思?
3. 由「乙类甲管」调整为「乙类乙管」怎么表达?


China to Drop Covid Quarantine for Incoming Travelers

From: The New York Times

China on Monday announced that travelers from overseas would no longer be required to enter quarantine upon arrival, in one of the country’s most significant steps toward reopening since the coronavirus pandemic began.

From Jan. 8, incoming travelers will be required to show only a negative polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R., test within 48 hours before departure, China’s National Health Commission said. Limitations on the number of incoming flights will also be eased.

China will also allow its citizens to resume traveling abroad for leisure in an “orderly” fashion, officials said.

The end to the international Covid quarantine was part of a broader announcement on Monday that China would downgrade its classification of the coronavirus. Previously, the government treated Covid-19 as a Category A infectious disease, on par with cholera or the bubonic plague. Going forward, Covid will be treated as a Category B disease, which includes AIDS and bird flu.

On social media platforms, users greeted the news with a mix of disbelief and elation. Some celebrated the fact that Chinese students studying overseas would be able to return more easily to visit their families. In the minutes after the announcement, Chinese news media reported, searches for international plane tickets on one travel platform soared.

China to Open Borders as Covid-19 Cases Rise

From: The Wall Street Journal

Chinese health authorities plan to lift Covid-19 quarantine requirements on international arrivals early next month, taking one of the country’s biggest steps to ease restrictions since the pandemic began even as case numbers remain high.

From Jan. 8, China will scrap all quarantine measures for Covid-19, including requirements for inbound visitors, both foreigners and Chinese nationals, according to the National Health Commission.

The commission late Monday issued a plan to stop treating Covid-19 as a “Class A” infectious disease, which calls for stringent control measures, and downgrade the management of the virus to “Class B,” which requires more basic treatment and prevention. The Wall Street Journal reported last month that China was weighing such a move, which would give it room to further loosen public-health measures.

The change means people traveling to China from abroad will need to have only a negative Covid-19 test within 48 hours to be allowed into the country, the NHC said. International arrivals will no longer be required to be tested on arrival or undergo quarantine—a major step toward opening up for the country.

The commission in its statement pledged to facilitate foreigners’ visits to China, including those for business, studying and family reunions, and to provide visa assistance.

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China to Drop Covid Quarantine for Incoming Travelers

From: The New York Times

China on Monday announced that travelers from overseas would no longer be required to enter quarantine upon arrival, in one of the country’s most significant steps toward reopening since the coronavirus pandemic began.



剑桥词典2020年度词汇:quarantine /ˈkwɒrənˌtiːn/.

1)作名词,表示“隔离,检疫”,英文解释为“If a person or animal is in quarantine, they are being kept separate from other people or animals for a set period of time, usually because they have or may have a disease that could spread.”举个🌰:

She was sent home and put in quarantine. 她被送回家实施隔离。

2)作动词,表示“对…进行隔离”,英文解释为“If people or animals are quarantined, they are stopped from having contact with other people or animals. If a place is quarantined, people and animals are prevented from entering or leaving it.”举个🌰:

Dogs have to be quarantined for six months before they'll let them in. 狗必须被隔离6个月后他们才会放它们进来。

From Jan. 8, incoming travelers will be required to show only a negative polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R., test within 48 hours before departure, China’s National Health Commission said. Limitations on the number of incoming flights will also be eased.



PCR全称polymerase chain reaction,表示“聚合酶链反应”,英文解释为“a technique for rapidly producing many copies of a fragment of DNA for diagnostic or research purposes”,核酸检测一般指的就是PCR检测。

China will also allow its citizens to resume traveling abroad for leisure in an “orderly” fashion, officials said.



1)表示“(中断后)继续,重新开”,英文解释为“If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause.举个🌰:

Normal services will be resumed in the spring. 春天将恢复正常服务。

2)表示“恢复;重新回到,重返(某地或某位置)”,英文解释为“If you resume a place or position that you have left for a period of time, you return to it.”如:to resume your post/job 重返工作岗位 举个🌰:

Please resume your seats, as the performance will continue in two minutes. 请大家回到自己的座位上去,两分钟后演出继续。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情之下学生上课问题的文章中提到复课就用的resume classes:As well as letting final-year secondary-school students facing exams resume classes, Denmark has also begun to reopen crèches and primary schools. 丹麦除了让面临毕业考试的中学毕业班复课外,还开始逐步重开幼儿园和小学。

The end to the international Covid quarantine was part of a broader announcement on Monday that China would downgrade its classification of the coronavirus. Previously, the government treated Covid-19 as a Category A infectious disease, on par with cholera or the bubonic plague. Going forward, Covid will be treated as a Category B disease, which includes AIDS and bird flu.



downgrade表示“(使)降级;(使)降职;贬低;轻视”,英文解释为“to reduce someone or something to a lower rank or position, or to cause something to be considered less important or valuable”举个🌰:

My job's been downgraded to that of ordinary editor. 我已经被降为普通编辑了。


📍degrade作动词,表示“降低…身份;侮辱…的人格;使受屈辱”,英文解释为:to show or treat sb in a way that makes them seem not worth any respect or not worth taking seriously,举个🌰:

This poster is offensive and degrades women. 这张海报冒失无礼,有辱女性尊严。

📍degrade还可以表示“降解,自然分解”,英文解释为“(of a substance) to change into a more simple chemical structure”

on (a) par with

on (a) par with sb/sth 表示“和…同样,不相上下,不分伯仲”,英文解释为“the same as or equal to someone or something”


cholera /ˈkɒlərə/ 表示“霍乱”,英文解释为“Cholera is a serious disease that often kills people. It is caused by drinking infected water or by eating infected food.

bubonic plague

bubonic plague /bjuːˌbɒn.ɪk ˈpleɪɡ/ 表示“腺鼠疫;腹股沟淋巴结鼠疫”,英文解释为“a very infectious disease spread by rats, causing swelling, fever, and usually death. In the 14th century it killed half the people living in Europe.”

On social media platforms, users greeted the news with a mix of disbelief and elation. Some celebrated the fact that Chinese students studying overseas would be able to return more easily to visit their families. In the minutes after the announcement, Chinese news media reported, searches for international plane tickets on one travel platform soared.



表示“不相信,怀疑”,英文解释为“the feeling of not being able to believe that something is true or real”举个🌰:

His response was one of complete disbelief. 他的反应是完全不相信。


elation /iˈleɪ.ʃən/ 表示“兴高采烈;喜气洋洋;欢欣鼓舞”,英文解释为“a state of extreme happiness or excitement”举个🌰:

There's a sense of elation at having completed a race of such length. 跑完那么长距离的赛程,欢欣之情会油然而生。


1)表示“急剧增加”,英文解释为“If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal.”举个🌰:

Shares soared on the New York stock exchange. 纽约证券交易所股票暴涨。

2)表示“高飞,翱翔”,英文解释为“If something such as a bird soars into the air, it goes quickly up into the air.”举个🌰:

If you're lucky, a splendid golden eagle may soar into view. 幸运的话,一只金色雄鹰会跃入视线。

3)作动词,表示“升空;升腾”,英文解释为“to rise quickly and smoothly up into the air”举个🌰:

The rocket soared (up) into the air. 火箭升空。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析受疫情影响的旅游业的文章中提到:Soaring incomes in China explain part of the increase. 这一增长的部分原因是中国人收入猛增

China to Open Borders as Covid-19 Cases Rise

From: The Wall Street Journal

Chinese health authorities plan to lift Covid-19 quarantine requirements on international arrivals early next month, taking one of the country’s biggest steps to ease restrictions since the pandemic began even as case numbers remain high.



1)早在2020年「武汉解封」冬已尽,春来兮!文中CNN的标题「China lifts 76-day lockdown on Wuhan as city reemerges from coronavirus crisis」就有提到有提到lift ... lockdown,lift作动词,表示「解除,撤销,停止」,英文解释为:to remove or end restrictions,如:to lift a ban 解除禁令。

2)表示“举起,提起,抬起,吊起”,英文解释为“to move something from a lower to a higher position”举个🌰:
Could you help me lift this table, please? 你能帮我抬一下桌子吗?

From Jan. 8, China will scrap all quarantine measures for Covid-19, including requirements for inbound visitors, both foreigners and Chinese nationals, according to the National Health Commission.



1)表示“废弃;取消;抛弃;报废”,英文解释为“to cancel or get rid of sth that is no longer practical or useful举个🌰:

They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building. 他们已被迫撤销了建筑新校舍的计划。

2)表示“打架”,英文解释为“to fight with sb”举个🌰:

The bigger boys started scrapping. 年龄较大的男孩打了起来。

📍2019年9月份,经济学人(The Economist)的一篇关于美政府拟撤销奥巴马时期甲烷排放规定的文章中,就以「Energy companies are divided over a plan to scrap methane-emission rules」为题,用到了scrap这个词。

而在引言(unwind Obama-era environmental regulations)中则用unwind来替换scrap这一含义。

📍unwind一词表示“解开;放松”,英文解释为“To undo (a financial arrangement or position) through the neessary legal or financial steps. If you unwind a length of something that is wrapped around something else or around itself, you loosen it and make it straight. You can also say that it unwinds.”举个🌰:

One of them unwound a length of rope from around his waist. 他们中的一个人解开绕在他腰间的一条绳子。


inbound表示“入境的,归本国的,回内地的;到达的;归航的;入站的”,英文解释为“travelling towards a place rather than leaving it”如:inbound flights/passengers 回航班机/乘客。

The commission late Monday issued a plan to stop treating Covid-19 as a “Class A” infectious disease, which calls for stringent control measures, and downgrade the management of the virus to “Class B,” which requires more basic treatment and prevention. The Wall Street Journal reported last month that China was weighing such a move, which would give it room to further loosen public-health measures.

中国国家卫健委周一晚些时候发布了一项将新冠病毒感染由“乙类甲管”调整为“乙类乙管”的计划。“甲管”需要采取严格的防控措施,“乙管”需要进行较为基本的治疗和预防。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)上个月报道称,中国正在权衡这类举动,这将为其进一步放宽公共卫生措施提供空间。


stringent /ˈstrɪndʒənt/ 表示“严格的;严厉的”,英文解释为“very strict and that must be obeyed”,如:stringent air quality regulations 严格的空气质量管理条例。


表示“仔细考虑;权衡;掂量”,英文解释为“to carefully consider, especially by comparing facts or possibilities, in order to make a decision”举个🌰:

She weighed her options.


🎬电影《大地惊雷》(True Grit)中的台词提到:I would have to weigh that. 我得好好想想。

The change means people traveling to China from abroad will need to have only a negative Covid-19 test within 48 hours to be allowed into the country, the NHC said. International arrivals will no longer be required to be tested on arrival or undergo quarantine—a major step toward opening up for the country.



表示“经历,经受(令人不快的事或变化) ”,英文解释为“to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change”举个🌰:

Playing board games is undergoing a revival in popularity. 棋盘游戏正经历着一场复兴。

🎬电影《白日梦想家》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)中的台词提到:But as we undergothis transition to LIFE online... we wanted to be candid with you... 但由于我们处于"生活"杂志网络化的过渡期...所以我们想明白告诉你们...

The commission in its statement pledged to facilitate foreigners’ visits to China, including those for business, studying and family reunions, and to provide visa assistance.



1)作动词,表示“承诺,保证(做某事);保证给予(某物)”,英文解释为“When someone pledges to do something, they promise in a serious way to do it. When they pledge something, they promise to give it.”举个🌰:

He pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can. 他承诺给予支持并提供力所能及的帮助。

2)表示“抵押”,英文解释为“If you pledge something such as a valuable possession or a sum of money, you leave it with someone as a guarantee that you will repay money that you have borrowed.”举个🌰:

He asked her to pledge the house as security for a loan. 他要她抵押房子作为贷款担保。

3)作名词,表示“誓言;诺言;保证”,英文解释为“When someone makes a pledge, they make a serious promise that they will do something.举个🌰:

The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the states of the region. 会议以加快该地区州之间合作的承诺结束。


表示“促进;促使;使便利”,英文解释为“to make something possible or easier”举个🌰:

The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs. 新坡道将方便轮椅进入。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述国内电动车行业的文章中提到:The state also facilitates the roll-out of advanced technical features for the benefit of the public at large. 政府也在提供便利来促进企业推出能造福普罗大众的先进技术功能。


visa /ˈviːzə/ 表示“(护照的)签证”,英文解释为“a stamp or mark put in your passport by officials of a foreign country that gives you permission to enter, pass through or leave their country”如:to apply for a visa 申请签证。

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on (a) par with


bubonic plague





















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