

LearnAndRecord 2023-01-15



1. nugget是什么意思?
2. 吃什么可以补充水分?
3. Steer clear of是什么意思?


9 Nutrition Tips for the New Year

From: The New York Times

WELL is taking a look at our coverage of food and nutrition over the past year and reflecting on what we have learned about eating (and drinking). Here are some of our favorite nuggets of healthy wisdom.

1. Chia seeds deserve a place in your diet.

The superpowered seeds found their way into puddings, pretzels, jams and TikTok trends in 2022 as chia — once again — rose to popularity. Experts say chia seeds have earned their hype: They’re packed with fiber and rich in antioxidants. You can add a tablespoon of seeds to a smoothie or soak them in plant milk to make a snack.

2. You don’t need to throw out all the berries.

A single mold-coated strawberry might look gross, but unless the other berries in the box have visible signs of spores, you can keep them in the fridge — just make sure to double-check that they’re fuzz-free before you eat them.

3. You can feel better about that morning coffee.

Researchers found that people who drank 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day, even with a teaspoon of sugar, were up to 30 percent less likely to die during the study period than those who didn’t drink coffee — another reason to justify reaching for your first (or second, or third) mug.

4. Natural wine may not actually be better for you.

There’s little research to back up claims that natural wine leads to improved gut health, and a hangover is a hangover whether you’re drinking a natural wine or the conventional stuff.

5. Foods can help hydrate you.

You don’t need to rely solely on water to replenish fluids; your favorite fruits and vegetables are also great sources of hydration. Reach for melons, strawberries, oranges, grapes, cucumber or celery.

6. Limit the amount of processed meats you eat.

The occasional hot dog won’t wreck your health, but processed meats have been linked to cancer, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Plant-based alternatives are a safer bet, but they’re not all equal: Find an option that’s as minimally processed as possible.

7. Make whole grains a staple.

Most Americans aren’t eating enough of them, but you can go against the grain by incorporating these high-fiber foods, like oats or corn, into your diet. A slice of whole wheat bread, a half cup of cooked oatmeal and three cups of popped popcorn, in combination, would satisfy the recommended daily requirement for whole grains.

8. Swap your afternoon tea for matcha.

This bright green tea powder is ubiquitous, and while there isn’t definitive research to show it’s a health food, matcha may have some benefits, including providing abundant antioxidants and plenty of caffeine.

9. Steer clear of sticky snacks.

Dried fruit, candy, gummies — these foods can lodge in your teeth and the spaces between them, allowing sugar to linger in your mouth and fuel bacterial growth. There are, however, some steps you can take to ward off tooth decay, including chewing sugar-free gum and gulping down a sugary drink instead of sipping it throughout the day.

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9 Nutrition Tips for the New Year


From: The New York Times

WELL is taking a look at our coverage of food and nutrition over the past year and reflecting on what we have learned about eating (and drinking). Here are some of our favorite nuggets of healthy wisdom.



1)表示“新闻报道”,英文解释为“the reporting of news and sport in newspapers and on the radio and television”,如:media/newspaper/press coverage 媒体/报纸/报刊的报道。

2)表示“(书、课程学习、电视等的)信息范围,信息质量”,英文解释为“the range or quality of information that is included in a book or course of study, on television, etc.”,如:magazines with extensive coverage of diet and health topics 包含大量饮食与健康话题的杂志。

3)表示“提供的数量;覆盖范围”,英文解释为“the amount of sth that sth provides; the amount or way that sth covers an area”。


nugget /ˈnʌɡ.ɪt/ 表示“有价值的小东西;有用的想法(或事实);至理名言”,英文解释为“something that a person has said or written that is very true or very wise”如:a nugget of information/truth 有价值的消息/事实。

1. Chia seeds deserve a place in your diet. 奇亚籽应该在饮食中占有一席之地。

The superpowered seeds found their way into puddings, pretzels, jams and TikTok trends in 2022 as chia — once again — rose to popularity. Experts say chia seeds have earned their hype: They’re packed with fiber and rich in antioxidants. You can add a tablespoon of seeds to a smoothie or soak them in plant milk to make a snack.



chia /ˈtʃiː.ə/ 表示“奇亚(薄荷类植物)”,英文解释为“a plant with small purple flowers”


1) 作名词,表示“大肆的宣传广告;炒作”,英文解释为“Hype is the use of a lot of publicity and advertising to make people interested in something such as a product.”举个🌰:

We are certainly seeing a lot of hype by some companies. 我们的确看到一些公司天花乱坠的广告宣传。

2) 作动词,等同于“hype up”,表示“大肆宣传”,英文解释为“To hype a product means to advertise or praise it a lot.”举个🌰:

The media seems obsessed with hyping up individuals or groups.


📍2020年8月《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述卡车业文章的标题就叫:The trucking industry is in the midst of upheaval—and hype 卡车运输业正在经历剧变,以及炒作


antioxidant /ˌæn.tiˈɒk.sɪ.dənt/ 表示“抗氧化剂,阻氧化剂,防老(化)剂”,英文解释为“a substance that slows down the rate at which something decays because of oxidization”


tablespoon /ˈteɪ.bəl.spuːn/ 表示“大餐匙,大汤匙;一大餐匙的量”,英文解释为“(the amount held by) a large spoon used for measuring or serving food”如:three tablespoons of sugar 3勺糖。


soak /səʊk/ 1)表示“浸湿,把…湿透;(液体)渗入,渗透”,英文解释为“to make something very wet, or (of liquid) to be absorbed in large amounts”举个🌰:

The wind had blown the rain in and soaked the carpet. 雨被风吹进了屋里,打湿了地毯。

2)表示“浸泡,泡”,英文解释为“to leave something in liquid, especially in order to clean it, make it softer, or change its flavour”举个🌰:

Soak the fruit in brandy for a few hours before you add it to the mixture. 先把水果放在白兰地中浸泡几个小时,然后再把它加入混合料中。

2. You don’t need to throw out all the berries. 不需要扔掉所有的莓果。

A single mold-coated strawberry might look gross, but unless the other berries in the box have visible signs of spores, you can keep them in the fridge — just make sure to double-check that they’re fuzz-free before you eat them.



美式 mold 英式 mould /məʊld/ 表示“霉;霉菌”,英文解释为“a soft, green or grey growth that develops on old food or on objects that have been left for too long in warm, wet air”举个🌰:

There was mould on the cheese. 这块奶酪发霉了。


coat作名词,表示“大衣,外套”大家都比较熟悉,此处作动词,因为穿衣服的时候实际上也是在给身体表面“盖上”东西,所以可以引申为“给…涂上一层;(用…)覆盖”的意思,相当于cover,英文解释为“to cover sth with a layer of a substance”,如:cookies thickly coated with chocolate 外面涂有厚厚一层巧克力的曲奇,举个🌰:
A film of dust coated the table. 桌上覆盖着一层灰尘。

🎬电影《天伦之旅》(Stanno Tutti Bene)中的台词提到:l protected it with PVC coating. 但我用聚氯乙烯涂料做保护。


📍此处film也是熟词僻义,表示“薄薄的一层;薄膜”(a thin layer of sth, usually on the surface of sth else),如:a film of dust 一层灰尘。


gross /ɡrəʊs/ 1)表示“极其令人厌恶的,令人恶心的,令人不快的”,英文解释为“extremely unpleasant”

2)表示“(尤指违法行为)严重的,恶劣的,极端的,不能接受的”,英文解释为“(especially in law) unacceptable because clearly wrong”如:gross misconduct/indecency 严重渎职/猥亵,a gross violation of justice 严重违反公平。

gross还可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“总收入为,总共赚得,获得…毛利”,英文解释为“to earn a particular amount of money before tax is paid or costs are taken away”举个🌰:

The film has grossed over $200 million this year. 这部电影今年总收入超过了两亿美元。

🎬电影《皮克斯的故事》(The Pixar Story)中的台词提到:making it the new highest grossing animated film in history. 成为历史上最卖座的动画电影。


spore /spɔːr/ 表示“孢子”,英文解释为“a reproductive cell produced by some plants and simple organisms such as ferns and mushrooms”


fuzz /fʌz/ 表示“绒毛;卷毛;卷发”,英文解释为“a covering of short thin soft hairs, or a mass of tightly curled and often untidy hair”

3. You can feel better about that morning coffee. 早上喝咖啡让你心情舒畅。

Researchers found that people who drank 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day, even with a teaspoon of sugar, were up to 30 percent less likely to die during the study period than those who didn’t drink coffee — another reason to justify reaching for your first (or second, or third) mug.



表示“证明…有理”,英文解释为“To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary.”举个🌰:

No argument can justify a war. 没有任何理由能证明战争有理。


表示“(盛热饮用的)大杯子”,英文解释为“a large cup with straight sides used for hot drinks”举个🌰:

I made myself a large mug of cocoa (= enough to fill a mug) and went to bed. 我为自己冲了一大杯可可饮料,然后钻进了被窝。

4. Natural wine may not actually be better for you. 自然酒实际上可能并不适合你。

There’s little research to back up claims that natural wine leads to improved gut health, and a hangover is a hangover whether you’re drinking a natural wine or the conventional stuff.



gut /ɡʌt/ 作动词,表示“(尤指在烹调前)取出…的内脏”,英文解释为“to remove the inner organs of an animal, especially in preparation for eating it举个🌰:
She gutted the fish and cut off their heads. 她取出鱼的内脏并把鱼头切掉。

作名词,表示“消化道;肠道,肠”,英文解释为“the long tube in the body of a person or animal, through which food moves during the process of digesting food”举个🌰:
Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter. 和蔬菜相比,肉类在消化道中停留的时间更长。


表示“(大量饮酒后的)宿醉,不适反应”,英文解释为“a feeling of illness after drinking too much alcohol”举个🌰:

I had a terrible hangover the next morning. 第二天上午我宿醉反应很强烈。

5. Foods can help hydrate you. 食物可以帮助补水。

You don’t need to rely solely on water to replenish fluids; your favorite fruits and vegetables are also great sources of hydration. Reach for melons, strawberries, oranges, grapes, cucumber or celery.



hydrate /haɪˈdreɪt/ 表示“(身体)补充水分”,英文解释为“to make your body absorb water or other liquid”如:oils that help hydrate your skin 帮助你的皮肤补水的油。


replenish /rɪˈplen.ɪʃ/ 表示“补充;把…再备足;重新装满”,英文解释为“to fill something up again”举个🌰:

Food stocks were replenished by/with imports from abroad. 粮食储备通过从国外进口得到了补充。

6. Limit the amount of processed meats you eat. 限制加工肉类的摄入量。

The occasional hot dog won’t wreck your health, but processed meats have been linked to cancer, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Plant-based alternatives are a safer bet, but they’re not all equal: Find an option that’s as minimally processed as possible.



作动词,表示“破坏;损坏;毁坏;毁灭;毁掉”,英文解释为“wrecksth to damage or destroy sth”举个🌰:

The building had been wrecked by the explosion. 那座楼房被炸毁了。

The weather wrecked all our plans. 天气把我们的计划全都毁了。

7. Make whole grains a staple. 把全谷物作为主食。

Most Americans aren’t eating enough of them, but you can go against the grain by incorporating these high-fiber foods, like oats or corn, into your diet. A slice of whole wheat bread, a half cup of cooked oatmeal and three cups of popped popcorn, in combination, would satisfy the recommended daily requirement for whole grains.



staple表示“基本食物;主食;主要产品;某物的主要部分”(a basic type of food that is used a lot;a main product or part of something),如:a table-top staple 可以理解为饭桌上必备的食物,举个🌰:

Aid workers helped distribute corn, milk and other staples. 救助人员协助分发谷物、牛奶及其他必需的食物。


美式 fiber 英式 fibre /ˈfaɪ.bər/ 表示“(植物或人造物的)纤维,丝”,英文解释为“any of the thread-like parts that form plant or artificial material and can be made into cloth”举个🌰:

The fibres are woven into fabric. 纤维被织成织物。

8. Swap your afternoon tea for matcha. 把下午茶换成抹茶。

This bright green tea powder is ubiquitous, and while there isn’t definitive research to show it’s a health food, matcha may have some benefits, including providing abundant antioxidants and plenty of caffeine.



swap 可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“交换”,英文解释为“If you swap something with someone, you give it to them and receive a different thing in exchange.”举个🌰:

Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly. 下周他们将互换位置,以后将每周换一次。


ubiquitous表示“无所不在的”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as ubiquitous, you mean that they seem to be everywhere.”举个🌰:

Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days. 如今好像到处都是咖啡馆。


📍pervasive表示“到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的”,英文解释为“Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.”如:the pervasive influence of mobile phones in daily life 手机在日常生活中无处不在的影响。

9. Steer clear of sticky snacks. 避免黏牙的零食。

Dried fruit, candy, gummies — these foods can lodge in your teeth and the spaces between them, allowing sugar to linger in your mouth and fuel bacterial growth. There are, however, some steps you can take to ward off tooth decay, including chewing sugar-free gum and gulping down a sugary drink instead of sipping it throughout the day.


steer clear of sb/sth

2023考研英语一阅读Text 4出现的表达,表示“绕开,避开(令人不快或危险的人或事物)”,英文解释为“to avoid someone or something that seems unpleasant, dangerous, or likely to cause problems”举个🌰:

Her speech steered clear of controversial issues. 她的讲话避开了有争议的问题。


lodge /lɒdʒ/ 1)表示“(被)固定,卡住”,英文解释为“to become fixed or stuck somewhere; to make sth become fixed or stuck somewhere”举个🌰:

One of the bullets lodged in his chest. 有一颗子弹嵌在了他的胸部。

2)表示“存放,保管”,英文解释为“to put something in a safe place”举个🌰:

You should lodge a copy of the letter with your solicitor. 你应该将这封信的一份复印件交给律师保管。

3)表示“借宿,借住”,英文解释为“to pay rent to stay somewhere”举个🌰:

She lodged with Mrs RL when she first came to Hangzhou. 她第一次来杭州时借宿在RL太太家里。

4)表示“正式提出(投诉、指控、要求)”,英文解释为“If you lodge a complaint, accusation, or claim, you officially make it.”

📍lodge a complaint/appeal 表示“进行投诉/提出上诉”,英文解释为:to make a formal or official complaint, etc. 举个🌰:

He lodged an appeal with the High Court. 他向高等法院提出上诉。

ward sb/sth off

表示“避开;阻止;挡住”,英文解释为“to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming or coming close to you”举个🌰:

In the winter I take vitamin C to ward off colds. 冬天我服用维生素C以预防感冒。


gulp /ɡʌlp/ 表示“大口地吃(或喝);(因为害怕、吃惊、激动等)倒吸气,喘不过气来”,英文解释为“to eat or drink food or liquid quickly by swallowing it in large amounts, or to make a swallowing movement because of fear, surprise, or excitement”举个🌰:

She gulped down her drink and made a hasty exit. 她大口喝下饮料后急匆匆地出去了。

- 今日盘点 -

coverage、nugget、chia、hype、antioxidant、tablespoon、soak、mold、coat、gross、spore、fuzz、justify、mug、gut、hangover、hydrate、replenish、wreck、staple、fiber、swap、ubiquitous、steer clear of sb/sth、lodge、ward sb/sth off、gulp









- 推荐阅读 -





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