

LearnAndRecord 2023-01-23



1. 什么是蓝环章鱼?
2. venom,antivenom是什么意思?anti-前缀有什么含义?
4. a no-no是什么意思?


A blue-ringed octopus bite is rare but potentially deadly. Here's what you need to know

From: ABC Science

13 Dec 2020

Aaron Hodgson was collecting shells on a beach just south of Newcastle with his two young daughters when something unforgettable happened.

He was holding a bunch of shells in his hand when he felt a slight sucking sensation on his finger, which made him flick the shells back into the water.

And that's when he saw it — a tiny blue-ringed octopus, which had been hiding in the shells and had just given him a bite.

Five minutes later, Aaron was hit by nausea and stomach cramps, and it felt like his chest was being flushed with cold water on the inside.

Then his vision went blurry, his heart started pumping hard, he felt faint and he thought he was going to die.

Aaron couldn't move or talk, not even to comfort his distressed children, and just had to focus on surviving.

He ended up in hospital for the rest of the day and it took the best part of a week for him to fully recover from the bite.

Months later he's having to see a psychologist as a result of the event.

"I've been having nightmares about it since," Aaron says. "I've got like PTSD with a big octopus crawling on my face suffocating me in the night. It's pretty weird."

And his three-year-old daughter has been particularly affected.

"Any time I close my eyes and I'm not in bed, she tries to come over and wake me up because that's how I was on the beach.

"She gets really worried when I go in the water," says Aaron who is a keen surfer.

But it could have been a lot worse.

Bites potentially deadly, but very rare

Mr Hodgson copped what turned out to be a mild dose of blue-ringed octopus venom, which contains a highly dangerous chemical called tetrodotoxin that paralyses muscles.

Like other octopuses, blue-ringed octopuses have a beak, and their venom is secreted from its salivary glands.

In the worst case, a dose of the venom can shut down muscles such as those that keep you breathing and cause death within 30 minutes.

Strangely, though, victims remain completely conscious throughout paralysis.

"They can hear, they can understand everything you're saying, but they cannot respond," says venom expert Jamie Seymour from James Cook University.

There is currently no antivenom. Those bitten need urgent medical help and may need artificial respiration until the effects of the venom subside.

But the good news is that only a couple of people are bitten each year in Australia, and only a handful of deaths due to blue-ringed octopuses have ever been documented worldwide.

So where do they hang out and how do you avoid them?

Blue-ringed octopuses are common all around Australia's coastline.

"But unless you're looking for them, encounters tend to be rare," Professor Seymour says.

This is because the animals are very vulnerable to predators and hide during the day, tucking themselves behind rocks or, as Mr Hodgson discovered, among shells.

They can also hide in discarded bottles and cans in the water, so be wary of collecting these.

It's also a good idea to be careful when exploring rock pools and not disturb them too much.

Octopuses come out at night to hunt so if you're doing a bit of nocturnal swimming, keep an eye out then too.

How do I know if I've found one and what do I do?

With a body just several centimetres wide, a blue-ringed octopus can look really cute, especially when they start showing off their stunning iridescent blue markings.

But beware: this is a sign they are feeling threatened and might inject you with venom, as Mr Hodgson learnt the hard way.

Most of the time, blue-ringed octopuses look sandy-coloured to help them blend in with their environment, but they put on flashing displays of colour to warn off predators.

There are three main described species of blue-ringed octopus, which vary in their blue markings — one species has lines as well as rings — and fancy patterns.

You might have seen the documentary My Octopus Teacher which shows a human having a lot of physical contact with a large species of octopus in South Africa.

But when it comes to blue-ringed octopus, this is a definite no-no.

If you see one, look, don't touch — just admire it from a distance. And certainly don't try and eat a live octopus.

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A blue-ringed octopus bite is rare but potentially deadly. Here's what you need to know

From: ABC Science

13 Dec 2020

Aaron Hodgson was collecting shells on a beach just south of Newcastle with his two young daughters when something unforgettable happened.

亚伦·霍奇森(Aaron Hodgson)和他的两个小女儿在纽卡斯尔南部的海滩上收集贝壳时,发生了一件令人难忘的事情。


1)表示“(任何物体的)外壳,壳体”,英文解释为“any structure that forms a hard outer frame”如:the body shell of a car 车身外壳;

2)表示“(人的)表面性格,表面人格,表面感情,外表”,英文解释为“the outer layer of sb's personality; how they seem to be or feel”举个🌰:

She had developed a shell of indifference. 她养成一副冷漠的外表。

He was holding a bunch of shells in his hand when he felt a slight sucking sensation on his finger, which made him flick the shells back into the water.



bunch /bʌntʃ/ 表示“串;束;扎”,英文解释为“a number of things of the same type fastened together or in a close group”如:a bunch of flowers/grapes/bananas/keys 一束花/一串葡萄/一串香蕉/一串钥匙。


suck /sʌk/ 表示“吸;吮吸;咂,啜”,英文解释为“to pull in liquid or air through your mouth without using your teeth, or to move the tongue and muscles of the mouth around something inside your mouth, often in order to dissolve it”举个🌰:

I tried sucking (on) a mint to stop myself coughing. 我试着咂一块薄荷糖来止咳。


1)表示“轰动;哗然;引起轰动的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“very great surprise, excitement, or interest among a lot of people; the person or the thing that causes this surprise”举个🌰:

The band became a sensation overnight. 一夜之间,这支乐队名声大振。

📍此前,戳爷Troye Sivan被传已分手数月?文中出现过,pop sensation可以理解为“流行巨星”,“流行天王”。还有,63岁中国爷爷成油管网红文中标题就是Master carpenter's ancient Chinese skills are a YouTube sensation.

2)作可数名词,还可以表示“感觉;知觉”,英文解释为“a feeling that you get when sth affects your body”,如:a tingling/burning sensation 刺痛/烧灼的感觉。

3)作不可数名词,可以表示“感觉能力;知觉能力”,英文解释为“the ability to feel through your sense of touch”,举个🌰:

She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms. 她的两条胳膊好像完全失去知觉了。

🎬电影《困在爱中》(Stuck in Love)中的台词提到:I was overcome by the oddest sensation. 我像是被一种怪异的冲动(感觉)驱使着。


flick /flɪk/ 表示“(迅速)轻击,轻弹,轻拍,轻拂”,英文解释为“to move or hit something with a short sudden movement”举个🌰:

He carefully flicked the loose hairs from the shoulders of his jacket. 他仔细地把落在上衣肩上的头发轻轻弹掉。

And that's when he saw it — a tiny blue-ringed octopus, which had been hiding in the shells and had just given him a bite.



octopus /ˈɒk.tə.pəs/ 表示“章鱼”,英文解释为“a sea creature with a soft, oval body and eight tentacles (= long parts like arms)”

Five minutes later, Aaron was hit by nausea and stomach cramps, and it felt like his chest was being flushed with cold water on the inside.



nausea /ˈnɔːzɪə, -sɪə/ 表示“恶心,呕吐感”,英文解释为“”举个🌰:the feeling that you have when you think you are going to vomit (= bring food up from your stomach through your mouth)


📍sickness表示“恶心;呕吐”,英文解释为“the feeling that you are about to bring up food from your stomach, or the act of bringing food up”。


cramp表示“痉挛,抽筋(常出现在大量运动后)”,英文解释为“a sudden painful tightening in a muscle, often after a lot of exercise, that limits movement”举个🌰:

Several runners needed treatment for cramp and exhaustion.


📍女航天员在太空来例假了怎么办?文中提到 cramps 复数,可以直接表示“(女性经期的)腹绞痛”,英文解释为“pains in the lower stomach caused by a woman's period”

Then his vision went blurry, his heart started pumping hard, he felt faint and he thought he was going to die.



blurry /ˈblɜːrɪ/ 1)表示“模糊不清的”,英文解释为“without a clear outline; not clear”,如:a blurry picture 模糊的照片。

2)表示“不清楚的,不确定的”,英文解释为“not clear and definite”举个🌰:

The law in this area is blurry. 这一领域的法律模糊不清。


faint /feɪnt/ 表示“(光、声、味)微弱的,不清楚的”,英文解释为“that cannot be clearly seen, heard or smelt”如:a  faint glow/glimmer/light 微弱的光亮/闪光/光举个🌰:

We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road. 他们沿路走远时我们听见他们的说话声逐渐模糊。

📍feel faint 表示“虚弱无力;感到眩晕;快要晕倒似的”,英文解释为“to feel weak, as if you are about to become unconscious”举个🌰:

She felt faint with hunger. 她饿得头昏眼花。

Aaron couldn't move or talk, not even to comfort his distressed children, and just had to focus on surviving.



1)表示“烦乱的,焦虑的,忧虑的”,英文解释为“upset or worried”举个🌰:

She was deeply distressed by the news of his death. 他的死讯让她感到非常忧伤。

2)表示“拮据的,经济困难的”,英文解释为“having problems because of having too little money”举个🌰:

They are taking steps to stimulate business development in (economically) distressed areas of the country. 他们正采取措施促进(经济)困难地区的商业发展。

He ended up in hospital for the rest of the day and it took the best part of a week for him to fully recover from the bite.


Months later he's having to see a psychologist as a result of the event.


"I've been having nightmares about it since," Aaron says. "I've got like PTSD with a big octopus crawling on my face suffocating me in the night. It's pretty weird."



crawl /krɔːl/ 表示“缓慢移动;艰难前行;爬行;匍匐前进”,英文解释为“to move slowly or with difficulty, especially with your body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees”举个🌰:

The child crawled across the floor. 那个孩子爬过了地板。


suffocate /ˈsʌfəˌkeɪt/ 1)表示“束缚,阻止…的发展;遏制”,英文解释为“to prevent something or someone from improving or developing in a positive way”。

2)表示“(使)窒息而死;(使)闷死”,英文解释为“to (cause someone to) die because of not having enough oxygen”。

And his three-year-old daughter has been particularly affected.


"Any time I close my eyes and I'm not in bed, she tries to come over and wake me up because that's how I was on the beach.


"She gets really worried when I go in the water," says Aaron who is a keen surfer.


But it could have been a lot worse.


Bites potentially deadly, but very rare 咬伤可能致命但非常罕见

Mr Hodgson copped what turned out to be a mild dose of blue-ringed octopus venom, which contains a highly dangerous chemical called tetrodotoxin that paralyses muscles.



cop /kɒp/ 作名词,表示“警察”,英文解释为“a police officer ”举个🌰:

There's a cop coming! 警察来了!

作动词,1)可以表示“遭受;忍受”,英文解释为“to receive or suffer sth unpleasant”举个🌰:

He copped all the hassle after the accident. 他在事故发生后各种的罪都受了。

2)表示“注意到”,英文解释为“to notice sth”举个🌰:

Cop a load of this (= Listen to this) ! 听听这一大套!


1)表示“一剂”(a measured amount of something such as medicine),如:a dose of penicillin 一剂青霉素;

2)表示“一些(糟糕或不愉快的事)”,英文解释为“an amount or experience of something, often something bad or unpleasant”举个🌰:

He received a hefty dose of bad news this week. 本周他得到了许多坏消息。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述谷歌的文章中提到:The first route would involve taking a strong dose of managerial medicine to become a more tightly run conglomerate. 第一种解决方法是给它服用一剂管理上的强效药,让它成为管理更严格的企业集团。


venom /ˈvenəm/ 1)表示“(蛇、昆虫等叮咬时分泌的)毒液”,英文解释为“a poisonous liquid that some snakes, insects, etc. produce and can put into another animal's body by biting or stinging”

2)表示“愤恨,痛恨,怨恨”,英文解释为“the expression of feelings of hate or extreme anger”举个🌰:

He was shocked at the sheer venom of her reply. 对于她极度愤恨的回答他感到很震惊。


paralyse /ˈpærəlaɪz/ 1)paralyse /ˈpær.əl.aɪz/ 表示“使麻痹,使瘫痪”,英文解释为“to cause a person, animal, or part of the body to lose the ability to move or feel”举个🌰:

The drug paralyses the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the legs. 这种药物会麻痹神经使得腿部失去知觉或不能活动。

2)表示“使不能正常运作,使陷入瘫痪”,英文解释为“ to make something unable to operate normally举个🌰:

Motor traffic was paralysed in much of the city. 该城市大部分地区的汽车交通陷于停顿。

Like other octopuses, blue-ringed octopuses have a beak, and their venom is secreted from its salivary glands.



beak /biːk/ 表示“(鸟类的)嘴,喙”,英文解释为“the hard, pointed part of a bird's mouth”举个🌰:

Birds use their beaks to pick up food. 鸟用嘴叼食。


secrete /sɪˈkriːt/ 表示“(动植物或其细胞)分泌”,英文解释为“(of animals or plants or their cells) to produce and release a liquid”举个🌰:

Saliva is a liquid secreted by glands in or near the mouth. 唾液是由嘴中或嘴部周围的腺体分泌的一种液体。

salivary gland

salivary gland /səˈlaɪ.vər.i ˌɡlænd/ 表示“唾腺”,英文解释为“one of the glands that produce saliva and release it into the mouth”

In the worst case, a dose of the venom can shut down muscles such as those that keep you breathing and cause death within 30 minutes.


Strangely, though, victims remain completely conscious throughout paralysis.



表示“有意识的;神志清醒的;有知觉的”,英文解释为“awake, thinking, and knowing what is happening around you”举个🌰:

He's still conscious but he's very badly injured. 他神志还清醒,但伤得很重。

"They can hear, they can understand everything you're saying, but they cannot respond," says venom expert Jamie Seymour from James Cook University.

詹姆斯库克大学(James Cook University)的毒液专家杰米·西摩(Jamie Seymour)说:“他们能听到,能理解你说的一切,但无法做出回应。”

There is currently no antivenom. Those bitten need urgent medical help and may need artificial respiration until the effects of the venom subside.



antivenom /ˌæn.tiˈven.əm/,antivenin的另一种说法,表示“抗毒血清”,英文解释为“an antiserum (= a substance made from blood) that contains antibodies (= proteins produced to fight disease) against a particular poison, especially one found in the bite of a snake, spider, or other animal”

artificial respiration

artificial respiration /ˌɑː.tɪˈfɪʃ.əl res.pɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ 表示“人工呼吸”,英文解释为“the act of forcing air in and out of the lungs of a person who has stopped breathing, using equipment or by blowing into their mouth and pressing their chest”


表示“减弱;平息”,英文解释为“If a feeling or noise subsides, it becomes less strong or loud.”举个🌰:

The pain had subsided during the night. 那疼痛在晚间已减轻了。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述贝佐斯的文章中提到:One question is whether the digital surge will subside. 一个问题是这轮数字化浪潮会否退去

But the good news is that only a couple of people are bitten each year in Australia, and only a handful of deaths due to blue-ringed octopuses have ever been documented worldwide.


So where do they hang out and how do you avoid them? 那么它们在哪里出没,如何避开?

Blue-ringed octopuses are common all around Australia's coastline.


"But unless you're looking for them, encounters tend to be rare," Professor Seymour says.


This is because the animals are very vulnerable to predators and hide during the day, tucking themselves behind rocks or, as Mr Hodgson discovered, among shells.



1)表示“尾随伤害他人者,尾随作案者”,英文解释为“someone who follows people in order to harm them or commit a crime against them”,如:a sexual predator 尾随作案的色魔;

2)表示“捕食性动物,食肉动物”,英文解释为“an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals”。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述病毒引发大流行病的文章中提到:Humans think of themselves as the world's apex predators. 人类自认为是世界上的顶级捕食者


1)表示“把(衣服等的末端)塞进”,英文解释为“to push a loose end of a piece of clothing or material into a particular place or position, especially to make it tidy or comfortable”举个🌰:

Should I tuck my shirt into my trousers? 我应该把衬衫下摆塞进裤子里吗?

2)表示“把…夹入;把…藏入;把…塞入”,英文解释为“to put something into a safe or convenient place”举个🌰:

She had a doll tucked under her arm. 她把玩具娃娃夹在胳膊下。

3)表示“使蜷缩,使收缩”,英文解释为“to hold part of your body in a particular position”举个🌰:

Stand up straight, tuck your tummy in and tuck your bottom under. 站直了,收腹提臀

They can also hide in discarded bottles and cans in the water, so be wary of collecting these.



表示“丢弃”,英文解释为“If you discard something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or need it.”举个🌰:

Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box. 先阅读制造商的说明书再把盒子丢掉。

📺 美剧《黑名单》(The Blacklist)第一季中的台词提到:We use it once, and then we discard them. 我们用一次 就丢掉。


can作名词,熟词僻义,表示“(装食品或饮料的)金属罐”,英文解释为“a metal container in which food or drink is preserved without air”,如:a Coke can 可乐罐。

📍说到can让我想起很有意思的一句英文绕口令:Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你知道什么意思吗?

be wary of

表示“(对待人或事物时)小心的,谨慎的,留神的,小心翼翼的”,英文解释为“careful when dealing with sb/sth because you think that there may be a danger or problem”举个🌰:

She was wary of getting involved with him. 她唯恐和他有牵连。 

📺美剧《迷失》(Lost)中的台词提到:I think you'll find people slightly wary of entering the jungle 我想你会发现 以后人们进丛林会很谨慎的。

It's also a good idea to be careful when exploring rock pools and not disturb them too much.


rock pool

rock pool /ˈrɒk ˌpuːl/ 表示“(海边的)岩石区潮水潭”,英文解释为“a small area of sea water contained by the rocks around it”

Octopuses come out at night to hunt so if you're doing a bit of nocturnal swimming, keep an eye out then too.



nocturnal /nɒkˈtɜː.nəl/ 表示“夜间发生的;夜间活动的;夜间的”,英文解释为“happening in or active during the night, or relating to the night”如:nocturnal wanderings 夜游。

How do I know if I've found one and what do I do? 我怎么知道我找到了蓝环章鱼,那么该怎么办?

With a body just several centimetres wide, a blue-ringed octopus can look really cute, especially when they start showing off their stunning iridescent blue markings.



1)表示“极有魅力的;绝妙的;给人以深刻印象的”,英文解释为“extremely attractive or impressive举个🌰:
She looks absolutely stunning! 她看上去漂亮极了。

2)表示“令人惊奇万分的;令人震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely surprising or shocking”,如:a stunning defeat 惨败。

🎬 电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:And the stunning revelation that FBI agent Dylan Rhodes ... 还有惊天大揭露联调局特工迪伦·罗兹…

📺 美剧《黑袍纠察队》(The Boys)第一季中的台词提到:Stunning! Absolutely stunning. 惊艳全场,太惊艳了!


iridescent /ˌɪr.ɪˈdes.ənt/ 表示“色彩斑斓的,虹彩的”,英文解释为“showing many bright colours that change with movement”举个🌰:

Her latest fashion collection features shimmering iridescent materials. 她最近推出的时装系列的特色是采用闪闪发亮、色彩斑斓的材料。

But beware: this is a sign they are feeling threatened and might inject you with venom, as Mr Hodgson learnt the hard way.



inject /ɪnˈdʒekt/ 1)表示“投入;增添;引入,带来”,英文解释为“to introduce something new that is necessary or helpful to a situation or process”举个🌰:A large amount of money will have to be injected into the company if it is to survive. 如果要挽救这家公司就必须注入大量资金。

2)表示“(给…)注射(药物等)”,英文解释为“to put a drug or other substance into a person's or an animal's body using a syringe”举个🌰:

Adrenalin was injected into the muscle. 往肌肉里注射了肾上腺素。


📍ingest表示“摄入;食入;咽下”,英文解释为“to take food, drugs, etc. into your body, usually by swallowing”,举个🌰:

The chemicals can be poisonous if ingested. 这些化学制品如果摄入体内可能会引起中毒。


📍digest表示“消化”,英文解释为“when you digest food, or it digests , it is changed into substances that your body can use”,举个🌰:

Humans cannot digest plants such as grass. 人不能消化草类植物。

learn the hard way

表示“吃了苦头才学到,吃了亏才知道,犯了错才学到”,英文解释为“to discover what you need to know through experience or by making mistakes”

Most of the time, blue-ringed octopuses look sandy-coloured to help them blend in with their environment, but they put on flashing displays of colour to warn off predators.



表示“(使)混合,(使)混杂;(使)交融”,英文解释为“to mix or combine together”举个🌰:
Blend the ingredients into a smooth paste. 将这些原料混和成均匀的糊状。

There are three main described species of blue-ringed octopus, which vary in their blue markings — one species has lines as well as rings — and fancy patterns.


You might have seen the documentary My Octopus Teacher which shows a human having a lot of physical contact with a large species of octopus in South Africa.

你可能看过纪录片《我的章鱼老师》(My Octopus Teacher),该片展示了一个人在南非与一种大型章鱼有很多身体接触。

But when it comes to blue-ringed octopus, this is a definite no-no.



definite /ˈdef.ɪ.nət/ 表示“确定的,肯定的;明确的”,英文解释为“fixed, certain, or clear”举个🌰:

She has very definite opinions. 她的意见非常明确。


no-no /ˈnəʊ.nəʊ/ 表示“不合适(或不可接受)的事物;不可干的事;不可接受的行为”,英文解释为“something that is thought to be unsuitable or unacceptable”举个🌰:

We all know that cheating on our taxes is a no-no. 我们都知道偷税漏税是绝对不行的。

If you see one, look, don't touch — just admire it from a distance. And certainly don't try and eat a live octopus.


- 今日盘点 -

shell、 bunch、 suck、 sensation、 flick、 octopus、 nausea、 cramp、 blurry、 faint、 distressed、 crawl、 suffocate、 cop、 dose、 venom、 paralyse、 beak、 secrete、 salivary gland、 conscious、 antivenom、 artificial respiration、 subside、 predator、 tuck、 discard、 can、 be wary of、 rock pool、 nocturnal、 stunning、 iridescent、 inject、 learn the hard way、 blend、 definite、 no-no


- 推荐阅读 -




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