

LearnAndRecord 2023-02-22


上野千鹤子(Chizuko Ueno)是谁?著名社会学家,日本研究女性解放理论的女性主义者,Women’s Action Network(NPO)理事长。


注:致辞原文为日语,中英文译文均为Women’s Action Network官网提供,并非一一对应,仅供参考。


1. Why are there lower admittance rates for female applicants than male applicants?

2. Why do women hesitate to say they are students at the University of Tokyo?

3. have a inquiring mind是什么意思?

4. 上野千鹤子认为,大学的使命是什么?


The University of Tokyo 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address by Chizuko Ueno

From: Women’s Action Network

Translated by Eriko Miyake

Congratulations on your entrance to the University of Tokyo. You are here because you won a fierce competition of entrance examinations.

The current reality of female students

You probably have no doubt that the entrance examination you took was administered in a fair manner. If it had been done in an unfair way, you would be furious. However, last year, it was revealed that Tokyo Medical University manipulated the admissions processes and discriminated against female and ronin (high school graduates who wait for another chance to enter university) applicants by deliberately lowering their entrance exam scores.

Based on the Education Ministry’s investigation of all 81 medical schools in Japan, on the average, the acceptance rate of male applicants was 1.2 times higher than that of female applicants, indicating difficulties for female applicants to gain admittance. The admittance rate of male applicants over female applicants for the previously mentioned Tokyo Medical University was 1.29. The rate of Juntendo University was 1.67, which was the highest, and some private universities such as Showa University, Nihon University, and Keio University were higher than Tokyo Medical University.

Those universities with a rate below 1.0 (1.0 meaning equal admittance rates between male and female applicants), where female applicants found it easier to enter than male applicants, were national medical schools in rural areas such as Tottori University, Shimane University, Tokushima University, and Hirosaki University. For comparison, the admittance rate of male applicants over female applicants for the medical school of the University of Tokyo was 1.03, which is lower than the average, but higher than 1.0. How would you interpret this figure? Statistics are important, because studies are done based on statistical results.

Why are there lower admittance rates for female applicants than male applicants? Is it because male applicants have higher exam scores? An Education Ministry official who disclosed the results of the medical school investigation gave the following comments: “No other department or faculty is as favorable towards male applicants. In science, engineering and humanities departments, female admittance rates are often higher than males.” That means the admittance rate of male applicants over female applicants is below 1.0 in all departments except medicine. The fact that the Department of Medicine exceeds the rate of 1.0 (where male applicants found it easier to enter than female applicants) indicates the need for clarification.

In fact, various statistical data indicates female applicants have higher standard scores than male applicants. Firstly, female applicants tend to decide on the universities they will apply to early in advance to avoid doing ronin. Secondly, female students’ ratio of entering the University of Tokyo has remained below 20%. Female students’ ratio in 2019 is 18.1% which is fewer than last year. Since the normal distribution of standard scores, statistically, show no differences between men and women, female applicants who apply to the University of Tokyo are brighter than male applicants. Thirdly, there is a gender gap in the university entrance rates. The 2016 school basic survey shows men’s rate is 55.6% and women’s rate is 48.2%, which is 7 points lower than men’s. This is not a difference in exam scores. This 7 points difference is because of parents’ gender discrimination in educational investment, thinking “sons should go to university, and daughters should go to junior colleges.”

Recently, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai, visited Japan and spoke about the importance of girls’ education. Is it important for Pakistan and not for Japan? In Women’s Studies, the degradation of girls’ aspirations, by saying things like “after all, you are a girl” or “girls won’t succeed no matter what” is known as the cooling down effect. Malala’s father was asked, “How did you raise your daughter?” He answered, “I tried not to break her wings.” Indeed, every child is given wings, and yet many girls have experienced having theirs broken.

What kind of campus life awaits new students at the University of Tokyo? Male students of the University of Tokyo are popular at joint parties with other universities. I heard female students of the University of Tokyo say the following if men asked, “which university do you go to?” Women respond, “a university … in … Tokyo.” Acording to them, if they mention “the University of Tokyo,” male students would feel threatened. While male students can be proud of being students at the University of Tokyo, why do women hesitate to say they are? Because a man’s value correlates with his exam results but a woman’s value does not correlate with her exam results. Girls are expected to be “kawaii” since they are young. Well, what values does “kawaii” have? It includes being loved, being chosen, and being protected by giving assurances of not intimidating men. Therefore, women try to hide their successes or being a student at the University of Tokyo.

There was a case that a group of five male students in the Department of Engineering and a graduate school of the University of Tokyo sexually abused female students from private universities. Three of the perpetrators were expelled from the university, and two male students were suspended from the university. Based on this case, a writer called Kaoruko Himeno wrote a novel titled Because she is stupid [Kanojyo wa atama ga waruikara], and a symposium was held on campus about the theme of the book in 2018. “Because she is stupid” is an actual phrase used by one of the perpetrators during the investigation. When you read this novel, you will understand how male students of the University of Tokyo are looked upon by others in society.

I heard the University of Tokyo has a fraternity club that admits participation to female students only from other universities excluding those of the University of Tokyo. When I was a university student many years ago, a similar fraternity club existed. I am astonished such a fraternity club is still going after half a century. In March 2019, the Director of the Office for Gender Equality/Executive Vice President at the University of Tokyo warned that the exclusion of University of Tokyo female students goes against egalitarian principles that the University of Tokyo Charter advocates.

Schools that you belong to are supposedly egalitarian communities. There are no gender differences in standard score competition. However, hidden gender discrimination already begins before you enter university. When you go out into the real world, more outright gender discrimination awaits you. Unfortunately, the University of Tokyo is no exception.

At the University of Tokyo, female students are approximately 20% of undergraduates, 25% in master’s programs, and 30.7% in doctoral programs. When they step into academia, among scholars, women are 18.2% among assistant professors, 11.6% among associate professors, and only 7.8% among professors. This percentage is lower than those of women politicians in Parliament. Women deans are one out of fifteen, and there has been no woman president to this date.

As a pioneer in Women’s Studies

The academic field of studying gender relations such as mentioned previously emerged about 40 years ago. It was called Women’s Studies. The field was later incorporated into a newly formed Gender Studies. When I was a university student, the academic field called Women’s Studies didn’t exist. Since it didn’t exist, we created it. The field of Women’s Studies was born outside academia, and it is now included as an academic field. When I joined the faculty of the University of Tokyo a quarter century ago, I was the third woman faculty member to be hired in the Faculty of Letters. Then, I started teaching Women’s Studies. Once we started women's studies, the world was full of enigmas.

Why are men supposed to work outside and why are women supposed to do housework? What is “a housewife” and what does “a housewife” do? What material did women use in the past when sanitary napkins and tampons had not yet been produced? Did LGBTQ people exist in the history of Japan? Since nobody had researched these topics, there was hardly any existing literature in academic fields. Therefore, whatever subject you researched, you were able to become a pioneer and an expert in the field. Nowadays, you can obtain a degree from the University of Tokyo based on research on housewives, or girls’ comics, or sexuality. That is because we cultivated these new academic fields, and struggled to develop them. What kept motivating me was my insatiable inquiring mind and my anger against social injustice.

Venture can be initiated in academia. Some academic fields decay, while some areas newly emerge. In that sense, initiating Women’s Studies was a venture. In addition to Women’s Studies, new academic fields emerged such as Environmental Studies, Information Studies, and Disability Studies. Changing times demanded such research activities.

A University that is open to change and diversity

Let me remind you that the University of Tokyo is an institution that is open to change and diversity. The proof is that the University hired a person like me and invited me to give a speech on this stage. The University of Tokyo is the second national university that hired faculty members such as Zainichi Korean (a second-generation Korean resident living in Japan), Kang Sang-jung, and a world-renowned architect with only a high school diploma, Tadao Ando, or a person with multiple disabilities, Satoshi Fukushima.

You came here selected by entrance examinations. It is said that five million yen is allocated annually from the national budget to one University of Tokyo student. A wonderful educational environment awaits you for the next four years. I guarantee the richness of the environment because I once taught here.

You all studied very hard up to this point, expecting that such hard work to be rewarded. However, as I mentioned about unfair medical school entrance examination at the beginning, an unjust society awaits, where hard work won’t always be rewarded. And what you thought was a reward for your hard work was not the result of your own efforts only but was due to the favorable environment you had. The reason why you think your hard work is being rewarded is that people around you have encouraged you, supported you, have given you a helping hand, and recognized and admired what you have accomplished. In this world, there are people who are not rewarded even if they try very hard, or those who are unable to make efforts, or those who would destroy their health and mind by working too hard. Also, there are people whose drive is dampened even before they try because of negative comments or thoughts like “You won’t succeed no matter what!” or “After all, nobody believes in me.”

I hope you won’t focus your efforts only to win the game for yourself. I hope you will use your gifted talents and favorable environment to help those who are less fortunate, and do not denigrate them. And I hope you live your life by accepting who you are even with your weaknesses and by helping and supporting each other. Women’s Studies was born out of a women’s movement called feminism. Feminist thought does not insist that women should behave like men or the weak should become the powerful. Rather, feminism asks that the weak be treated with dignity as they are.

The value of learning at the University of Tokyo

The world that awaits you is one where existing theories do not apply. It is a world that is unknown and unpredictable. Until now, you sought knowledge that was tested with correct answers. From now on, you are entering a world filled with questions that have no correct answers. We need diversity within the university because new values emerge through interactions among different cultures and systems. You don’t have to limit yourself within the boundaries of this university. The University of Tokyo has agreements with many universities abroad and provides opportunities to participate in local projects. Seek the unknown, and go out into a different world. Don’t fear different cultures. You can survive wherever people live.

I would like you to acquire skills and knowledge to be able to survive wherever you are; whether that be a world where the reputation of the University of Tokyo has no meaning or a world where you are lowered to the status of a refugee. I believe that the value of learning at university is not to acquire existing knowledge but to acquire knowledge to produce new knowledge that is yet unknown. Knowledge to create new knowledge is called meta-knowledge. The mission of this university is to help you acquire such meta-knowledge.

Welcome to the University of Tokyo.

April 12, 2019

Chief Director, Women’s Action Network, Certified NPO

Chizuko Ueno

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The University of Tokyo 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address by Chizuko Ueno

平成31年(2019年)东京大学本科新生开学典礼 致辞

From: Women’s Action Network

Congratulations on your entrance to the University of Tokyo. You are here because you won a fierce competition of entrance examinations.



matriculation /məˌtrɪk.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/ 表示“注册入学;入学仪式”,英文解释为“the process of formally becoming a student at a university or college, or the ceremony at which this happens”


表示“激烈的;狂热的”,英文解释为“Fierce feelings or actions are very intense or enthusiastic, or involve great activity.”举个🌰:

Consumers have a wide array of choices and price competition is fierce. 消费者的选择面很广,价格竞争也很激烈。

The current reality of female students 女生所处的现实

You probably have no doubt that the entrance examination you took was administered in a fair manner. If it had been done in an unfair way, you would be furious. However, last year, it was revealed that Tokyo Medical University manipulated the admissions processes and discriminated against female and ronin (high school graduates who wait for another chance to enter university) applicants by deliberately lowering their entrance exam scores.



administration应该都不陌生,administer作动词,用来表示“管理,治理”(to manage the work or money of a company or organization),或者是表示“执行,实施;给予”,英文解释为“to provide or organize something officially as part of your job”举个🌰:

It is not the job of the police to administer justice; that falls to the courts. 司法不是警方的职责,而是法院的职责。

此外,还有熟词僻义,指的是“施用(药物),给予(治疗),派发(药物)”,英文解释为“to give someone a medicine or medical treatment”举个🌰:

Painkillers were administered to the boy. 已给那个男孩服了止痛药。


furious /ˈfjʊə.ri.əs/ 表示“极其生气的,怒不可遏的”,英文解释为“extremely angry”举个🌰:

I was late and he was furious with me. 我迟到了,他冲我大发脾气。


1)表示“操纵,控制”,英文解释为“to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly”举个🌰:
Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media. 她在整个职业生涯中非常成功地控制了媒体。

2)表示“(用手)操纵,控制”,英文解释为“to control something using the hands”举个🌰:
The wheelchair is designed so that it is easy to manipulate. 轮椅设计得很容易用手控制。

📍rig表示“(采取不正当的手段)操纵;对…做手脚”,英文解释为“to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed”举个🌰:
He said the election had been rigged. 他说选举被人操纵了。

📍在故意改低女生成绩 东京医科大学被曝操控男女录取比例一文中,纽约时报的标题就用了rig这个词:Japanese Medical School Accused of Rigging Admissions to Keep Women Out. 操纵录取结果 rig admissions.


discriminate /dɪˈskrɪm.ɪ.neɪt/ 1)表示“歧视;区别对待”,英文解释为“to treat a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their skin colour, sex, sexuality, etc.”

2)表示“区分,区别;分辨,辨别”,英文解释为“to be able to see the difference between two things or people”



I'm sure he says these things deliberately to annoy me. 我敢肯定他是故意说这些来气我的。

2)表示“不慌不忙地,从容地”,英文解释为“slowly and carefully”举个🌰:

Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one. 她平静从容地把他的西服一件一件剪成碎片。

Based on the Education Ministry’s investigation of all 81 medical schools in Japan, on the average, the acceptance rate of male applicants was 1.2 times higher than that of female applicants, indicating difficulties for female applicants to gain admittance. The admittance rate of male applicants over female applicants for the previously mentioned Tokyo Medical University was 1.29. The rate of Juntendo University was 1.67, which was the highest, and some private universities such as Showa University, Nihon University, and Keio University were higher than Tokyo Medical University.


Those universities with a rate below 1.0 (1.0 meaning equal admittance rates between male and female applicants), where female applicants found it easier to enter than male applicants, were national medical schools in rural areas such as Tottori University, Shimane University, Tokushima University, and Hirosaki University. For comparison, the admittance rate of male applicants over female applicants for the medical school of the University of Tokyo was 1.03, which is lower than the average, but higher than 1.0. How would you interpret this figure? Statistics are important, because studies are done based on statistical results.



1)表示“诠释;说明”,英文解释为“to explain the meaning of sth”举个🌰:
The students were asked to interpret the poem. 学生们被要求诠释那首诗的意义。

2)表示“把…理解为;领会”,英文解释为“to decide that sth has a particular meaning and to understand it in this way ”举个🌰:
The data can be interpreted in many different ways. 这份资料可以从多方面解读。

3)表示“演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色)”,英文解释为“to perform a piece of music, a role in a play, etc. in a way that shows your feelings about its meaning”举个🌰:
He interpreted the role with a lot of humour. 他把这个角色演得十分幽默。

4)表示“翻译,口译”(to change what someone is saying into another language)。

Why are there lower admittance rates for female applicants than male applicants? Is it because male applicants have higher exam scores? An Education Ministry official who disclosed the results of the medical school investigation gave the following comments: “No other department or faculty is as favorable towards male applicants. In science, engineering and humanities departments, female admittance rates are often higher than males.” That means the admittance rate of male applicants over female applicants is below 1.0 in all departments except medicine. The fact that the Department of Medicine exceeds the rate of 1.0 (where male applicants found it easier to enter than female applicants) indicates the need for clarification.



表示“公开,公布;透露,揭露”,英文解释为“to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden”举个🌰:
The company has disclosed profits of over £200 million. 这家公司已公布其利润超过两亿英镑。


表示“超过,超出(数量);超越(规定的范围)”,英文解释为“to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit”举个🌰:

The final cost should not exceed ¥100. 最终的花费不应超出100元。


clarification /ˌklær.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“阐明,说明”,英文解释为“an explanation or more details that makes something clear or easier to understand”举个🌰:Some further clarification of your position is needed. 还需进一步阐明你的立场。

In fact, various statistical data indicates female applicants have higher standard scores than male applicants. Firstly, female applicants tend to decide on the universities they will apply to early in advance to avoid doing ronin. Secondly, female students’ ratio of entering the University of Tokyo has remained below 20%. Female students’ ratio in 2019 is 18.1% which is fewer than last year. Since the normal distribution of standard scores, statistically, show no differences between men and women, female applicants who apply to the University of Tokyo are brighter than male applicants. Thirdly, there is a gender gap in the university entrance rates. The 2016 school basic survey shows men’s rate is 55.6% and women’s rate is 48.2%, which is 7 points lower than men’s. This is not a difference in exam scores. This 7 points difference is because of parents’ gender discrimination in educational investment, thinking “sons should go to university, and daughters should go to junior colleges.”



表示“比率;比例”,英文解释为“the relationship between two groups of people or things that is represented by two numbers showing how much larger one group is than the other”举个🌰:

The school has a very high teacher-student ratio. 这所学校的师生比例很高。

junior college

junior college /ˌdʒuː.ni.ə ˈkɒl.ɪdʒ/ 表示“两年制专科学校,大专”,英文解释为“a college in the US where students study for two years”

Recently, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai, visited Japan and spoke about the importance of girls’ education. Is it important for Pakistan and not for Japan? In Women’s Studies, the degradation of girls’ aspirations, by saying things like “after all, you are a girl” or “girls won’t succeed no matter what” is known as the cooling down effect. Malala’s father was asked, “How did you raise your daughter?” He answered, “I tried not to break her wings.” Indeed, every child is given wings, and yet many girls have experienced having theirs broken.

最近,诺贝尔和平奖得主马拉拉·优素福扎伊到访日本,呼吁“女性教育”的重要性。这对巴基斯坦而言极为重要,然而日本就可以说事不关己吗?“反正是女孩”、“终究是女孩”这样泼冷水、扯后腿的言行,我们称之为“aspiration的cooling down”,即“热望的冷却效应”。马拉拉的父亲在被问及“您是如何培养您的女儿的?”时,如此作答:“我一直小心不要折断她的翅膀。”是啊,孩子们都曾拥有一双美丽的翅膀,可是有多少女孩的翅膀就这样被折断了。


degradation /ˌdeɡ.rəˈdeɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“玷污;损害,危害”,英文解释为“the process in which the beauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoiled”如:environmental degradation 环境恶化;

2)表示“落魄,降低身份;丢脸”,英文解释为“the situation in which people are made to feel they have no value”如:the degradation of being sent to prison 被关进监狱的落泊境况。


aspiration /ˌæs.pɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ 表示“志向,抱负;渴望达到的目标”,英文解释为“something that you hope to achieve”举个🌰:

I've never had any aspirations. 我从来就没什么抱负。

What kind of campus life awaits new students at the University of Tokyo? Male students of the University of Tokyo are popular at joint parties with other universities. I heard female students of the University of Tokyo say the following if men asked, “which university do you go to?” Women respond, “a university … in … Tokyo.” Acording to them, if they mention “the University of Tokyo,” male students would feel threatened. While male students can be proud of being students at the University of Tokyo, why do women hesitate to say they are? Because a man’s value correlates with his exam results but a woman’s value does not correlate with her exam results. Girls are expected to be “kawaii” since they are young. Well, what values does “kawaii” have? It includes being loved, being chosen, and being protected by giving assurances of not intimidating men. Therefore, women try to hide their successes or being a student at the University of Tokyo.



表示“犹豫,踌躇”,英文解释为“to pause before you do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous about it”举个🌰:

"Do you love me?" he asked. She hesitated and then said, "I'm not sure." “你爱我吗?”问道。犹豫了一下,然后说:“我不确定。”


intimidate /ɪnˈtɪm.ɪ.deɪt/ 表示“恫吓,恐吓;威胁”,英文解释为“to frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do”举个🌰:

They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs. 他们因为受到失去工的威胁而被迫同意减薪。

There was a case that a group of five male students in the Department of Engineering and a graduate school of the University of Tokyo sexually abused female students from private universities. Three of the perpetrators were expelled from the university, and two male students were suspended from the university. Based on this case, a writer called Kaoruko Himeno wrote a novel titled Because she is stupid [Kanojyo wa atama ga waruikara], and a symposium was held on campus about the theme of the book in 2018. “Because she is stupid” is an actual phrase used by one of the perpetrators during the investigation. When you read this novel, you will understand how male students of the University of Tokyo are looked upon by others in society.



abuse可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“虐待”,英文解释为“If someone is abused, they are treated cruelly and violently.”,也可以指“侮辱,辱骂,谩骂”(You can say that someone is abused if extremely rude and insulting things are said to them.)或者是“滥用,妄用”(to deliberately use something for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage),举个🌰:

He showed how the rich and powerful can abuse their position. 他揭露了有钱有势的人会如何滥用他们的地位。


perpetrator /ˈpɜːrpətreɪtər/ 表示“作恶者;犯罪者”,英文解释为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)


expel 表示“驱逐;除名;开除”,英文解释为“to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country”举个🌰:

He was expelled from school for bad behaviour. 他因为行为不端被学校开除了。


1)表示“(因犯错而)暂令停职;暂令停学;暂令停止参加活动”,英文解释为“If someone is suspended from work, school, etc., they are temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity because of having done something wrong.”举个🌰:

He was suspended for four games after arguing with the referee. 跟裁判发生争执之后,他被停赛4场。

2)表示“暂停”,英文解释为“If you suspend something, you delay it or stop it from happening for a while or until a decision is made about it”举个🌰:

The union suspended the action this week. 工会本周暂停了这一行动。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述英国房价上涨的文章中提到:Britain has temporarily suspended stamp duty, a tax on buying houses. 英国已经暂停征收购房印花税。

3)表示“悬挂”,英文解释为“to hang”举个🌰:

The builders worked on wooden platforms, suspended by ropes from the roof of the building. 建筑工人站在用绳子从房顶上吊下来的木制平台上作业。


symposium /sɪmˈpəʊ.zi.əm/ 表示“研讨会,论坛,专题讨论会”,英文解释为“an occasion at which people who have great knowledge of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of interest”如:a symposium on European cinema 欧洲电影研讨会。


📍seminar /ˈsem.ɪ.nɑːr/ 表示“专题讨论会;研讨会”,英文解释为“an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of people meet to study and discuss something”

I heard the University of Tokyo has a fraternity club that admits participation to female students only from other universities excluding those of the University of Tokyo. When I was a university student many years ago, a similar fraternity club existed. I am astonished such a fraternity club is still going after half a century. In March 2019, the Director of the Office for Gender Equality/Executive Vice President at the University of Tokyo warned that the exclusion of University of Tokyo female students goes against egalitarian principles that the University of Tokyo Charter advocates.



fraternity /frəˈtɜː.nə.ti/ 表示“(有相同职业或兴趣爱好的)群体,集团”,英文解释为“a group of people who have the same job or interest”如:the legal fraternity (= lawyers) 律师界同仁;也可以表示“(美国或加拿大的)男大学生联谊会”,英文解释为“a social organization for male students at an American or Canadian college”


表示“排斥;排除在外”,英文解释为“the act of not allowing someone or something to take part in an activity or to enter a place”如:her exclusion from the list of Oscar nominees 她被排除在奥斯卡奖提名名单之外。


egalitarian /ɪˌɡælɪˈtɛərɪən/ 表示“平等主义的;主张人人平等的”,英文解释为“believing that all people are equally important and should have the same rights and opportunities in life”如:an egalitarian society 奉行平等主义的社会。

Schools that you belong to are supposedly egalitarian communities. There are no gender differences in standard score competition. However, hidden gender discrimination already begins before you enter university. When you go out into the real world, more outright gender discrimination awaits you. Unfortunately, the University of Tokyo is no exception.



作副词,表示“彻底,完全;立刻;当场”,英文解释为“completely or immediately”举个🌰:

I think cigarette advertising should be banned outright. 我认为应该全面禁止香烟广告。

作形容词,表示“完全的,彻底的”,英文解释为“Outright means complete and total.”举个🌰:

She had failed to win an outright victory. 她没能大获全胜。

At the University of Tokyo, female students are approximately 20% of undergraduates, 25% in master’s programs, and 30.7% in doctoral programs. When they step into academia, among scholars, women are 18.2% among assistant professors, 11.6% among associate professors, and only 7.8% among professors. This percentage is lower than those of women politicians in Parliament. Women deans are one out of fifteen, and there has been no woman president to this date.



dean /diːn/ 表示“系主任;学院院长”,英文解释为“an official of high rank in a college or university who is responsible for the organization of a department or departments”举个🌰:

She is the new dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. 她是社会科学院的新任院长。

As a pioneer in Women’s Studies 身为女性学的先驱

The academic field of studying gender relations such as mentioned previously emerged about 40 years ago. It was called Women’s Studies. The field was later incorporated into a newly formed Gender Studies. When I was a university student, the academic field called Women’s Studies didn’t exist. Since it didn’t exist, we created it. The field of Women’s Studies was born outside academia, and it is now included as an academic field. When I joined the faculty of the University of Tokyo a quarter century ago, I was the third woman faculty member to be hired in the Faculty of Letters. Then, I started teaching Women’s Studies. Once we started women's studies, the world was full of enigmas.

研究这些现象的学问诞生于40年前,开始称作“女性学”,之后改称“性别研究”(Gender Studies)。当我还是学生的时候,世上并没有女性学这门学问,于是我们开创了它。女性学诞生于大学之外,而后步入大学之中。25年前,当我赴东京大学任职时,我是文学院第三位女性教师,之后得以在讲台上教授女性学。在我开始女性学研究之后,我发现世间满是未解之谜。


1)表示“包含;将…包括在内”,英文解释为“If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing.”举个🌰:

The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements


2)表示“使并入”,英文解释为“If someone or something is incorporated into a large group, system, or area, they become a part of it.”

🎬电影《草叶》(Leaves of Grass)中的台词提到:We've been wanting to incorporate more philosophy into the curriculum. 我们一直很想在课程中增加更多的哲学课程。


enigma /ɪˈnɪɡ.mə/ 表示“令人费解的事物,令人困惑的事物”,英文解释为“something that is mysterious and seems impossible to understand completely”举个🌰:

She is something of an enigma. 她有点让人捉摸不透。

Why are men supposed to work outside and why are women supposed to do housework? What is “a housewife” and what does “a housewife” do? What material did women use in the past when sanitary napkins and tampons had not yet been produced? Did LGBTQ people exist in the history of Japan? Since nobody had researched these topics, there was hardly any existing literature in academic fields. Therefore, whatever subject you researched, you were able to become a pioneer and an expert in the field. Nowadays, you can obtain a degree from the University of Tokyo based on research on housewives, or girls’ comics, or sexuality. That is because we cultivated these new academic fields, and struggled to develop them. What kept motivating me was my insatiable inquiring mind and my anger against social injustice.



sanitary /ˈsænɪtərɪ/ 作形容词1)表示“清洁的,卫生的,于健康无害的”,英文解释为“clean and not causing any danger to people’s health”,举个🌰:

Often, the camps were not very sanitary. 营地里常常不太卫生。

2)或者是“有关卫生的,与健康有关的”,英文解释为“relating to the ways that dirt, infection, and waste are removed, so that places are clean and healthy for people to live in”,举个🌰:

Diseases were spread through poor sanitary conditions. 疾病因卫生条件很差而传播开来。

sanitary napkin

美式 sanitary napkin = 英式 sanitary towel = 澳大利亚英语 sanitary pad sanitary towel /ˈsæn.ɪ.tər.i ˌtaʊəl/ 表示“卫生巾,月经垫”,英文解释为“a piece of soft material worn by a woman to absorb blood during her period (= blood flow each month)”


tampon /ˈtæmpɒn/ 表示“月经棉塞,卫生棉栓”,英文解释为“a small cylinder of cotton or other material that a woman puts in her vagina to absorb blood during her period”


表示“(尤指儿童看的)连环画杂志,漫画杂志;连环漫画”,英文解释为“a magazine, especially for children, that tells stories through pictures”。


insatiable /ɪnˈseɪʃəbəl, -ʃɪə-/ 表示“(尤指欲望或需求)无法满足的,贪得无厌的”,英文解释为“(especially of a desire or need) too great to be satisfied”举个🌰:

He had an insatiable appetite/desire/hunger for power. 他对权力贪得无厌。


inquiring /ɪnˈkwaɪə.rɪŋ/ 表示“(人的行为)探究求索的,追根问底的;(人的神色)好奇的,探询的”,英文解释为“(of someone's behaviour) always wanting to learn new things, or (of someone's expression) wanting to know something”举个🌰:

You have a very inquiring mind, don't you? 你喜欢刨根问底,对吧?

Venture can be initiated in academia. Some academic fields decay, while some areas newly emerge. In that sense, initiating Women’s Studies was a venture. In addition to Women’s Studies, new academic fields emerged such as Environmental Studies, Information Studies, and Disability Studies. Changing times demanded such research activities.



表示“使开始;发起”,英文解释为“If you initiate something, you start it or cause it to happen.”举个🌰:

They wanted to initiate a discussion on economics. 他们想发起一次关于经济学的讨论。


decay /dɪˈkeɪ/ 表示“腐蚀;(使)衰败,(使)衰弱”,英文解释为“to become gradually damaged, worse, or less; to cause something to do this”举个🌰:

Sugar makes your teeth decay. 糖能引起蛀牙。

A University that is open to change and diversity 充满变化与多样性的大学

Let me remind you that the University of Tokyo is an institution that is open to change and diversity. The proof is that the University hired a person like me and invited me to give a speech on this stage. The University of Tokyo is the second national university that hired faculty members such as Zainichi Korean (a second-generation Korean resident living in Japan), Kang Sang-jung, and a world-renowned architect with only a high school diploma, Tadao Ando, or a person with multiple disabilities, Satoshi Fukushima.

首先声明一下,东京大学是一所充满变化与多样性的大学。能聘用我这样的人,并让我在这里发言便是最好的证明。东京大学里,有国立大学史上第一位在日韩国人 教授——姜尚中,还有首位高中毕业的教授——安藤忠雄,以及盲聋哑三重残疾的福岛智教授。


表示“多样性,多样化”,英文解释为“the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range of different things or people”举个🌰:

Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country? 电视节目能充分反映出这个国家民族和文化的多样性吗?


world-renowned /ˌwɜːld.rɪˈnaʊnd/ 表示“(在某一领域)世界知名的”,英文解释为“famous all over the world in a particular area of activity”举个🌰:

He is a world-renowned expert on food safety. 在食品安全方面,他是一位世界知名的专家。


表示“学位证书;大学文凭”,英文解释为“a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular exam or finished your studies”。

You came here selected by entrance examinations. It is said that five million yen is allocated annually from the national budget to one University of Tokyo student. A wonderful educational environment awaits you for the next four years. I guarantee the richness of the environment because I once taught here.


You all studied very hard up to this point, expecting that such hard work to be rewarded. However, as I mentioned about unfair medical school entrance examination at the beginning, an unjust society awaits, where hard work won’t always be rewarded. And what you thought was a reward for your hard work was not the result of your own efforts only but was due to the favorable environment you had. The reason why you think your hard work is being rewarded is that people around you have encouraged you, supported you, have given you a helping hand, and recognized and admired what you have accomplished. In this world, there are people who are not rewarded even if they try very hard, or those who are unable to make efforts, or those who would destroy their health and mind by working too hard. Also, there are people whose drive is dampened even before they try because of negative comments or thoughts like “You won’t succeed no matter what!” or “After all, nobody believes in me.”



dampen /ˈdæmpən/d 表示“使(尤指兴奋或喜悦之情)平静下来;稳定(情绪);对…泼冷水”,英文解释为“to make feelings, especially of excitement or enjoyment, less strong”举个🌰:

Nothing you can say will dampen her enthusiasm. 不管你说什么她的热情丝毫不减。

2)表示“使潮湿;把…弄潮;使受潮”,英文解释为“to make something slightly wet”举个🌰:

Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun. 雨水打湿了帐篷,午后我们把它放到太阳底下晒。

I hope you won’t focus your efforts only to win the game for yourself. I hope you will use your gifted talents and favorable environment to help those who are less fortunate, and do not denigrate them. And I hope you live your life by accepting who you are even with your weaknesses and by helping and supporting each other. Women’s Studies was born out of a women’s movement called feminism. Feminist thought does not insist that women should behave like men or the weak should become the powerful. Rather, feminism asks that the weak be treated with dignity as they are.



denigrate /ˈden.ɪ.ɡreɪt/ 表示“贬低,诋毁”,英文解释为“to say that someone or something is not good or important”举个🌰:

You shouldn't denigrate people just because they have different beliefs from you. 你不要只是因为信仰不同而贬低他人。


feminism /ˈfem.ɪ.nɪ.zəm/ 表示“女权主义;女权运动”,英文解释为“the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state”

The value of learning at the University of Tokyo 在东京大学求学的价值

The world that awaits you is one where existing theories do not apply. It is a world that is unknown and unpredictable. Until now, you sought knowledge that was tested with correct answers. From now on, you are entering a world filled with questions that have no correct answers. We need diversity within the university because new values emerge through interactions among different cultures and systems. You don’t have to limit yourself within the boundaries of this university. The University of Tokyo has agreements with many universities abroad and provides opportunities to participate in local projects. Seek the unknown, and go out into a different world. Don’t fear different cultures. You can survive wherever people live.


I would like you to acquire skills and knowledge to be able to survive wherever you are; whether that be a world where the reputation of the University of Tokyo has no meaning or a world where you are lowered to the status of a refugee. I believe that the value of learning at university is not to acquire existing knowledge but to acquire knowledge to produce new knowledge that is yet unknown. Knowledge to create new knowledge is called meta-knowledge. The mission of this university is to help you acquire such meta-knowledge.


Welcome to the University of Tokyo.


April 12, 2019

Chief Director, Women’s Action Network, Certified NPO

Chizuko Ueno



上野 千鹤子

(翻译 陸薇薇)

- 今日盘点 -

matriculation、 fierce、 administer、 furious、 manipulate、 discriminate、 deliberately、 interpret、 disclose、 exceed、 clarification、 ratio、 junior college、 degradation、 aspiration、 hesitate、 intimidate、 abuse、 perpetrator、 expel、 suspend、 symposium、 fraternity、 exclusion、 egalitarian、 outright、 dean、 incorporate、 enigma、 sanitary、 sanitary napkin、 tampon、 comic、 insatiable、 inquiring、 initiate、 decay、 diversity、 world-renowned、 diploma、 dampen、 denigrate、 feminism

- Generated By ChatGPT -

Aspiring to matriculate at a prestigious university, the junior college student was eager to interpret the admission requirements. But when he tried to disclose his grades, the dean accused him of deliberately manipulating the ratio. Furious, he protested the discrimination, but was intimidated and suspended for alleged abuse. Hesitating to give up his aspiration, he attended a symposium on egalitarian education where he met a fraternity of world-renowned feminists who fought against the denigration of women. Inspired to initiate change, he founded a movement that exposed the perpetrators of injustice and degraded traditions. Though he faced fierce resistance, his insatiable inquiring mind and comic wit dampened the fear of those who sought to exclude him, and he ultimately earned his diploma with dignity.
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