

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-05



1. digital mapping、surveying technology什么意思?


3. lay claim to sth是什么意思?


Japan just found 7,000 islands it didn’t know it had

From: CNN

Japan has recounted its islands – and discovered it has 7,000 more than it previously thought.

Digital mapping by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) recently found there to be 14,125 islands in Japanese territory, more than double the figure of 6,852 that has been in official use since a 1987 report by Japan’s Coast Guard.

However, the GSI this week stressed that the new figure reflected advances in surveying technology and the detail of the maps used for the count – it did not change the overall area of land in Japan’s possession.

It said that while there is no international agreement on how to count islands, it had used the same size criterion as the previous survey 35 years ago.

That entailed counting all naturally occurring land areas with a circumference of at least 100 meters (330 feet).

The new number does not include any artificially reclaimed land.

The islands surrounding Japan have been at the heart of several territorial disputes.

Japan lays claim to the Russian-held southern Kuril islands, which Tokyo calls the Northern Territories, a dispute that dates to the end of World War II, when Soviet troops seized them from Japan.

Meanwhile, Japan and South Korea remain locked in a more than 70-year dispute over the sovereignty of a group of islets known as Dokdo by Seoul and Takeshima by Tokyo in the Sea of Japan, which Korea calls the East Sea.

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Japan just found 7,000 islands it didn’t know it had

From: CNN

Japan has recounted its islands – and discovered it has 7,000 more than it previously thought.


Digital mapping by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) recently found there to be 14,125 islands in Japanese territory, more than double the figure of 6,852 that has been in official use since a 1987 report by Japan’s Coast Guard.



geo-spatial 表示“地理空间的”,英文解释为“relating to information that identifies where particular features are on the earth's surface, such as oceans and mountains”

spatial /ˈspeɪ.ʃəl/ 本身表示“空间的”,英文解释为“relating to the position, area, and size of things”


territory /ˈter.ɪ.tər.i/ 表示“领土;领域;领地;活动范围”,英文解释为“(an area of) land, or sometimes sea, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person”举个🌰:
He was shot down in enemy territory. 他在敌方领土上被击落。

However, the GSI this week stressed that the new figure reflected advances in surveying technology and the detail of the maps used for the count – it did not change the overall area of land in Japan’s possession.



possession /pəˈzeʃ.ən/ 表示“拥有,占有;具有”,英文解释为“the fact that you have or own something”举个🌰:

The possession of large amounts of money does not ensure happiness. 拥有大量金钱并不能保证一定会幸福。

也可以表示“殖民地,托管地;属地”,英文解释为“a country that is ruled by another country”如:a former overseas possession 前海外领地。

It said that while there is no international agreement on how to count islands, it had used the same size criterion as the previous survey 35 years ago.



criterion /kraɪˈtɪərɪən/ 表示“(判断的)标准,准则,原则”,复数形式为criteria,英文解释为“A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide something.”举个🌰:

The most important criterion for entry is that applicants must design and make their own work. 参加的最重要标准就是申请人必须设计并制作自己的作品。

That entailed counting all naturally occurring land areas with a circumference of at least 100 meters (330 feet).



entail /ɪnˈteɪl/ 表示“使必要;牵涉”,英文解释为“to make something necessary, or to involve something”举个🌰:

Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk. 这样的巨额投资必然会有一定的风险。


circumference /səˈkʌmfərəns/ | 表示“圆周;圆周长”,英文解释为“a line that goes around a circle or any other curved shape; the length of this line”举个🌰:

The earth is almost 25 000 miles in circumference. 地球的周长大约为25000英里。

The new number does not include any artificially reclaimed land.



reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/ 1)表示“取回;拿回;收回”,英文解释为“to take back something that was yours”举个🌰:

I reclaimed my suitcase from the lost luggage office. 我从行李寄存处领回了我的手提箱。

2)表示“(对土地等)开垦,开拓,改造”,英文解释为“to make land, such as desert or areas covered by water, suitable for farming or building”

The islands surrounding Japan have been at the heart of several territorial disputes.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,1)表示“对…提出质询;对…表示异议(或怀疑)”,英文解释为“to question whether sth is true and valid”举个🌰:

These figures have been disputed. 有人对这些数字提出了质疑。

2)表示“争论;辩论;争执”,英文解释为“to argue or disagree strongly with sb about sth, especially about who owns sth”举个🌰:

The issue remains hotly disputed. 这个问题至今仍在激烈地辩论中。

3)表示“争夺;竞争”,英文解释为“to fight to get control of sth or to win sth”。

🎬电影《地狱男爵2:黄金军团》(Hellboy II: The Golden Army)中的台词提到:Is there anyone here who would dispute my right? 有人想和我争权吗?

🎬电影《拜见岳父大人3》(Little Fockers)中的台词提到:While I dispute the findings, I appreciate the gesture. 虽然我对结果有质疑 我谢谢你们的好意。

📍in dispute 表示“受到怀疑的”,英文解释为“being doubted”举个🌰:
I don't think her ability is in dispute - what I question is her attitude. 我相信她的能力没有问题,但我怀疑她的态度。

Japan lays claim to the Russian-held southern Kuril islands, which Tokyo calls the Northern Territories, a dispute that dates to the end of World War II, when Soviet troops seized them from Japan.


lay claim to sth

lay claim to sth 表示“声称…归其所有”,英文解释为“to say that you own something”举个🌰:

Two companies have laid claim to the design. 两家公司都声称自己拥有此项设计的所有权。


1)表示“没收;查获”,英文解释为“If the police or other officials seize something, they take possession of it with legal authority.”举个🌰:

Customs officers have seized 10 kilos of heroin. 海关官员查获了10公斤海洛因。

2)表示“抓住;夺过;夺取;攫取;抓获”,英文解释为“to take something quickly and keep or hold it”举个🌰:

I seized his arm and made him turn to look at me. 我抓住他的胳膊,让他转身看着我。

Meanwhile, Japan and South Korea remain locked in a more than 70-year dispute over the sovereignty of a group of islets known as Dokdo by Seoul and Takeshima by Tokyo in the Sea of Japan, which Korea calls the East Sea.


remain locked in

remain locked in / be locked in 1)表示“被…困住,受到…阻碍”,英文解释为“to be prevented from moving by something”举个🌰:

We were locked in traffic for over two hours on the way home. 回家的路上我们因堵车被困了两个多小时。

2)表示“陷入…而停滞不前”,英文解释为“If you are locked in a situation or process, it is impossible for you to escape or make progress from it.”举个🌰:

Both parties wish to avoid being locked in discussions that will resolve nothing. 双方都希望能避免陷入毫无意义的讨论而停滞不前。


sovereignty /ˈsɒvrəntɪ/ 表示“主权,统治权”,英文解释为“the power of a country to control its own government”


islet /ˈaɪ.lət/ 表示“(小)岛”,英文解释为“a small island”

- 今日盘点 -

geospatial、 territory、 possession、 criterion、 entail、 circumference、 reclaim、 dispute、 lay claim to sth、 seize、 remain locked in、 sovereignty、 islet

- Generated By ChatGPT -

Two neighboring countries were in a geospatial dispute over a small islet. The territory in question was of great value, possessing rich fishing grounds and potential oil reserves. Each country laid claim to it, citing historical possession as the criterion. The dispute remained locked in for years, until one day, one country decided to seize the islet by force. The other country reacted with anger and threats to sovereignty. After much international pressure, the two sides agreed to reclaim the islet as a joint fishing ground, with a shared circumference for both countries.
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