

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-16

近日,美国加州大学尔湾分校(University of California, Irvine)的生物学家们在如何抵御高脂肪饮食造成的有害影响方面取得了一项关键发现。或许在不久的将来,有了它,每个人或都能实现高脂饮食自由,吃再多也不怕胖了。


1. ward off是什么意思?

2. obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease分别指什么?

3. What are the key findings?


Study shows how to prevent a high-fat diet from throwing metabolism out of whack

From: Science Daily

Eating lots of fats increases the risk of metabolic disorders, but the mechanisms behind the problem have not been well understood. Now, University of California, Irvine biologists have made a key finding about how to ward off harmful effects caused by a high-fat diet. Their study appears in Nature Communications.

The UC Irvine research centered on a protein complex called AMPK, which senses the body's nutrition and takes action to keep it balanced. For example, if AMPK detects that glucose is low, it can boost lipid breakdown to produce energy in its place. Scientists have known that consuming high amounts of fat blocks AMPK's activity, leading the metabolism to go out of balance. However, until now, how cells block this mechanism has not been widely examined, especially in live models.

The UCI biologists decided to investigate, believing an AMPK component called SAPS3 serves a significant role. They eliminated SAPS3 from the genome of a group of mice and fed them meals with a 45 percent fat content. The results were startling even to the research team.

"Removing the SAPS3-inhibiting component freed the AMPK in these mice to activate, allowing them to maintain a normal energy balance despite eating a large amount of fat," said Mei Kong, professor of molecular biology & biochemistry and the study's corresponding author. "We were surprised by how well they maintained normal weight, avoiding obesity and development of diabetes."

The discovery could eventually lead to a new way to approach metabolism-related conditions. "If we block this inhibition activity, we could help people reactivate their AMPK," said first author Ying Yang, a project scientist in the Kong lab. "It could help in overcoming disorders such as obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease and others. It's important to recognize how important normal metabolic function is for every aspect of the body."

The researchers are working on developing molecules that could inhibit SAPS3 and restore the metabolism's balance. They plan to next study SAPS3's role in other conditions with disturbed metabolic systems, such as cancer and aging.

The discovery comes as metabolic-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes continue to rise. More than half of the global population is expected to be overweight or obese by 2035, compared to 38 percent in 2020, according to the World Obesity Federation. The number of people worldwide with diabetes is expected to rise to 578 million by 2030, up 25 percent from 2019, reports the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

Support for the project was provided by the National Institutes of Health and the American Cancer Society.

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Study shows how to prevent a high-fat diet from throwing metabolism out of whack

From: Science Daily

Eating lots of fats increases the risk of metabolic disorders, but the mechanisms behind the problem have not been well understood. Now, University of California, Irvine biologists have made a key finding about how to ward off harmful effects caused by a high-fat diet. Their study appears in Nature Communications.

摄入大量脂肪会增加代谢紊乱的风险,但这一问题背后的机制尚未得到很好的理解。现在,加州大学尔湾分校(University of California, Irvine)的生物学家们在如何抵御高脂肪饮食造成的有害影响方面取得了一项关键发现。他们的研究成果发表在《自然·通讯》(Nature Communications)上。


metabolic /ˌmɛtəˈbɒlɪk/ 表示“新陈代谢的”,英文解释为“Metabolic means relating to a person's or animal's metabolism.”举个🌰:

People who have inherited a low metabolic rate will gain weight. 因遗传而新陈代谢速度慢的人会发胖。


1)表示“混乱,凌乱,杂乱无章”,英文解释为“a state of untidiness or lack of organization”举个🌰:

he whole office was in a state of disorder. 整个办公室里凌乱不堪。

2)表示“失调,紊乱”,英文解释为“an illness of the mind or body”如:a blood disorder 血液失调。

ward sb/sth off

表示“避开;阻止;挡住”,英文解释为“to prevent someone or something unpleasant from harming or coming close to you”举个🌰:

In the winter I take vitamin C to ward off colds. 冬天我服用维生素C以预防感冒。

The UC Irvine research centered on a protein complex called AMPK, which senses the body's nutrition and takes action to keep it balanced. For example, if AMPK detects that glucose is low, it can boost lipid breakdown to produce energy in its place. Scientists have known that consuming high amounts of fat blocks AMPK's activity, leading the metabolism to go out of balance. However, until now, how cells block this mechanism has not been widely examined, especially in live models.



表示“蛋白质”,英文解释为“one of the many substances found in food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs, that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong”。


1)表示“建筑群;综合大楼”,英文解释为“A complex is a group of buildings designed for a particular purpose, or one large building divided into several smaller areas.”如:a shopping/sports and leisure complex 购物/运动休闲中心,a low-cost apartment complex 一个低价公寓楼群。

2)表示“配合物,络合物;复合体,综合体”,英文解释为“an ion or molecule in which one or more groups are linked to a metal atom by coordinate bond;any loosely bonded species formed by the association of two molecules.”


nutrition /njuːˈtrɪʃ.ən/ 表示“营养物质;营养,滋养;营养学”,英文解释为“the substances that you take into your body as food and the way that they influence your health”举个🌰:

Good nutrition is essential if patients are to make a quick recovery. 病人如果要迅速康复,必须补足营养。


glucose /ˈɡluːkəʊz/ 表示“葡萄糖”,英文解释为“Glucose is a type of sugar that gives you energy.”


可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:
The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。

📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose.


lipid /ˈlɪp.ɪd/ 表示“脂,脂质”,英文解释为“a substance such as a fat, oil, or wax that dissolves in alcohol but not in water and is an important part of living cells”


1)表示“神经衰弱,精神崩溃”,英文解释为“a period of mental illness in which sb becomes very depressed, anxious and tired, and cannot deal with normal life”举个🌰:

She's still recovering from her breakdown. 她精神崩溃后还在恢复中。

2)表示“分解”,英文解释为“the breaking of a substance into the parts of which it is made”如:the breakdown of proteins in the digestive system 蛋白质在消化系统中的分解。


block /blɒk/ 表示“堵塞;阻挡;阻碍”,英文解释为“to prevent movement through something”举个🌰:

A fallen tree is blocking the road. 一棵倒下的树挡住了路。



metabolism /mɪˈtæbəˌlɪzəm/ 表示“新陈代谢”,英文解释为“( biology 生 ) the chemical processes in living things that change food, etc. into energy and materials for growth”举个🌰:
The body's metabolism is slowed down by extreme cold. 严寒可以使身体新陈代谢的速度下降

The UCI biologists decided to investigate, believing an AMPK component called SAPS3 serves a significant role. They eliminated SAPS3 from the genome of a group of mice and fed them meals with a 45 percent fat content. The results were startling even to the research team.



component /kəmˈpəʊ.nənt/ 表示“组成部分;成分;零部件”,英文解释为“a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger”如:television/aircraft/computer components 电视/飞机/计算机零部件。


1)表示“排除;消除;清除”,英文解释为“to remove or take away someone or something”举个🌰:

A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease. 养成健康的饮食习惯有助于消除心脏病诱因。

2)表示“(比赛中)淘汰”,英文解释为“to defeat someone so that they cannot continue in a competition”举个🌰:

He was eliminated in the third round of the competition. 他在第3轮比赛中被淘汰。


genome /ˈdʒiː.noʊm/ 表示“基因组,染色体组”,英文解释为“the complete set of genetic material of a human, animal, plant, or other living thing”


startling /ˈstɑː.təlɪŋ/ 表示“惊人的;令人震惊的”,英文解释为“surprising and sometimes worrying”如:startling results 令人震惊的结果。

"Removing the SAPS3-inhibiting component freed the AMPK in these mice to activate, allowing them to maintain a normal energy balance despite eating a large amount of fat," said Mei Kong, professor of molecular biology & biochemistry and the study's corresponding author. "We were surprised by how well they maintained normal weight, avoiding obesity and development of diabetes."

“去除抑制因子SAPS3后这些小鼠体内的AMPK得以激活,使它们能够在摄入大量脂肪的情况下保持正常的能量平衡,”该研究的通讯作者、分子生物学和生物化学教授孔梅(Mei Kong)说。“我们对它们保持正常体重、没有导致肥胖症和糖尿病感到非常惊讶。”


表示“阻止;阻碍;抑制”,英文解释为“to prevent sth from happening or make it happen more slowly or less frequently than normal”举个🌰:
A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child. 缺氧可能阻碍胎儿的大脑发育。

表示“使…拘谨;使…有顾忌”,英文解释为“to prevent someone from doing something by making them feel nervous or embarrassed ”举个🌰:
Some workers were inhibited (from speaking) by the presence of their managers. 一些工人在他们的经理面前不敢讲话。


📍molecular /məʊˈlɛkjʊlə/ 表示“分子的”,英文解释为“Molecular means relating to or involving molecules.”,如:the molecular structure of fuel 燃料的分子结构。

📍molecule /ˈmɒl.ɪ.kjuːl/ 表示“分子”,英文解释为“the smallest unit, consisting of a group of atoms, into which a substance can be divided without a change in its chemical nature”


obesity /oʊˈbiːsəti/ 表示“肥胖”,英文解释为“the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health”。


diabetes /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtɪs, -tiːz/ 表示“糖尿病”,英文解释为“a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood.”

The discovery could eventually lead to a new way to approach metabolism-related conditions. "If we block this inhibition activity, we could help people reactivate their AMPK," said first author Ying Yang, a project scientist in the Kong lab. "It could help in overcoming disorders such as obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease and others. It's important to recognize how important normal metabolic function is for every aspect of the body."

这一发现最终可能会带来一种治疗新陈代谢相关疾病的新方法。“如果阻断这种抑制活动,我们可以帮助人们重新激活他们的AMPK,”第一作者、孔梅实验室的项目科学家杨颖(Ying Yang,音译)说。“这可能有助于克服肥胖症、糖尿病、脂肪肝等疾病。认识到正常代谢功能对身体各方面的重要性是很重要的。”

The researchers are working on developing molecules that could inhibit SAPS3 and restore the metabolism's balance. They plan to next study SAPS3's role in other conditions with disturbed metabolic systems, such as cancer and aging.


The discovery comes as metabolic-related diseases such as obesity and diabetes continue to rise. More than half of the global population is expected to be overweight or obese by 2035, compared to 38 percent in 2020, according to the World Obesity Federation. The number of people worldwide with diabetes is expected to rise to 578 million by 2030, up 25 percent from 2019, reports the National Center for Biotechnology Information.



obese /əʊˈbiːs/ 表示“肥胖的,臃肿的”,英文解释为“extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health”举个🌰:

He was not just overweight; he was clinically obese. 他不仅只是体重偏高,而是医学定义上的肥胖。

Support for the project was provided by the National Institutes of Health and the American Cancer Society.

该项目得到了美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)和美国癌症协会(American Cancer Society)的资助。

- 今日盘点 -

metabolic、 disorder、 ward sb/sth off、 protein、 complex、 nutrition、 glucose、 boost、 lipid、 breakdown、 block、 metabolism、 component、 eliminate、 genome、 startling、 inhibit、 molecular、 obesity、 diabetes、 obese

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In the ward, a startling discovery was made. A patient had a rare metabolic disorder caused by a genetic component in their genome. Their body failed to properly breakdown glucose and lipids, leading to obesity and diabetes. To ward off further complications, doctors prescribed a nutrition plan rich in protein and low in complex carbohydrates. They also recommended daily exercise to boost metabolism and eliminate excess fat. Molecular research is being conducted to find an inhibiting block against this disorder.
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