

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-16



1. stump speech, by-election是什么意思?


3. deplorable是什么意思?


Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Unhurt, Resumes Campaigning After Bomb Scare

From: TIME

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida resumed election campaigning on Saturday after a smoke bomb was allegedly thrown at an event he attended in central Japan, weeks before he hosts the Group of Seven world leaders for a summit.

A 24-year-old man has been arrested for obstruction on suspicion he threw a pipe-like object at a venue in the western prefecture of Wakayama where Kishida had been about to give a speech at around 11:30 a.m., Kyodo News said, citing sources close to the investigation. Kishida was evacuated unharmed from the site, and later resumed his schedule of speeches for the day. One police officer was slightly injured, Kyodo said.

The event has chilling echoes of the fatal shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a stump speech ahead of last year's upper house elections. Five by-elections are set to be held next weekend, including in the constituency left vacant by Abe's death.

The incident also calls into question security arrangements for the G-7 summit to be held in May in Kishida's home town of Hiroshima, as well as related ministerial meetings all over the country.

“We are now holding elections, which are the most important thing for our country,” Kishida said in a speech broadcast by NHK following the incident. “With your help, I want to push through with this important election to the end.”

Support for the premier has been buoyed in recent weeks by his visit to Ukraine, as well as progress toward reconciliation in a long-running feud with South Korea. That's renewed speculation that he might call a general election in the coming months if the by-elections and summit both go smoothly.

Showing fortitude in the face of the latest incident could bolster Kishida and his party in the by-elections, an analyst said.

“Continuing with his campaign speeches will be well received by voters,” said Shigenobu Tamura, a political analyst who previously worked for Kishida's main ruling Liberal Democratic Party. “They will appreciate him continuing with his duties regardless of what might happen to him.”

The premier was touring a fishing port in support of an LDP candidate and was about to address a crowd when the incident occurred. Video shown by broadcaster TBS on its website showed a young man with a backpack being tackled and held down by a group of people, followed by the sound of an explosion and screams, while smoke spread across the area.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters that police were looking into the motive and background of the suspected perpetrator. He added that he had instructed them to be thorough in protecting VIPs ahead of the summit.

Security had already been a high priority for the G-7 summit set for May 19-21 following the shock of last year's assassination. G-7 ministers are also having meetings on the northern island of Hokkaido and in the resort town of Karuizawa this weekend.

A representative of the Wakayama police department declined to comment to Bloomberg News.

Ruling and opposition politicians condemned the incident. Hiroshi Moriyama, the election chair of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said on NHK that it was deplorable for such a thing to happen during elections, the foundation of democracy. “It's an unforgivable act of violence,” he said.

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Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Unhurt, Resumes Campaigning After Bomb Scare

From: TIME

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida resumed election campaigning on Saturday after a smoke bomb was allegedly thrown at an event he attended in central Japan, weeks before he hosts the Group of Seven world leaders for a summit.

日本首相岸田文雄(Fumio Kishida)周六恢复了竞选活动,此前据称有人向他在中部地区参加的一场活动上投掷了烟雾弹,几周后他将主持七国集团领导人峰会。


1)表示“(中断后)继续,重新开”,英文解释为“If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause.举个🌰:

Normal services will be resumed in the spring. 春天将恢复正常服务。

2)表示“恢复;重新回到,重返(某地或某位置)”,英文解释为“If you resume a place or position that you have left for a period of time, you return to it.”如:to resume your post/job 重返工作岗位 举个🌰:

Please resume your seats, as the performance will continue in two minutes. 请大家回到自己的座位上去,两分钟后演出继续。


表示“从事活动;开展运动;发起运动”,英文解释为“to organize a series of activities to try to achieve something”举个🌰:

They've been campaigning for years to get him out of prison. 多年来为了让他出狱他们一直在积极活动。


表示“被说成地,(尤指在证据不足的情况下)被指控地”,英文解释为“used when something illegal or wrong is said to have been done, but has not been proved”举个🌰:

His van allegedly struck the two as they were crossing a street. 据称,他的货车在这两个人过马路时撞上了他们。

A 24-year-old man has been arrested for obstruction on suspicion he threw a pipe-like object at a venue in the western prefecture of Wakayama where Kishida had been about to give a speech at around 11:30 a.m., Kyodo News said, citing sources close to the investigation. Kishida was evacuated unharmed from the site, and later resumed his schedule of speeches for the day. One police officer was slightly injured, Kyodo said.



表示“阻碍;阻止,阻挠;妨碍”,英文解释为“behaviour or actions that prevent something from happening or working correctly”举个🌰:

They were charged with obstruction of the police/of justice (= preventing the police/law courts from doing their jobs). 他们被指控妨碍警方执行公务/司法公正。


表示“怀疑;嫌疑”,英文解释为“a feeling or belief that someone has committed a crime or done something wrong举个🌰:
"I'm arresting you on suspicion of illegally possessing drugs," said the police officer. 警官说:“你涉嫌非法持有毒品,我将拘捕你。”


表示“(法、意、日等国的)地方行政区域;省;县;辖区”,英文解释为“an area of local government in some countries, for example France, Italy and Japan”。

📍2019年政府工作报告中提到,“三区三州”用的是“three regions and three prefectures”,原句:加大“三区三州”等深度贫困地区脱贫攻坚力度, We will intensify poverty alleviation in areas of extreme poverty like the "three regions and three prefectures,"


evacuate /ɪˈvæk.ju.eɪt/ 表示“疏散; 使…撤离”,英文解释为“To evacuate someone means to send them to a place of safety, away from a dangerous building, town, or area.”举个🌰:

They were planning to evacuate the ten officials still in the country. 他们当时在计划将仍在那个国家的10位官员撤离。

The event has chilling echoes of the fatal shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during a stump speech ahead of last year's upper house elections. Five by-elections are set to be held next weekend, including in the constituency left vacant by Abe's death.

这一事件让人不寒而栗。去年参议院选举前,日本前首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)在竞选演说中被枪杀。下周末将举行5个议席的补选,包括安倍晋三去世后空缺的选区。


chilling /ˈtʃɪl.ɪŋ/ 表示“令人恐惧的,令人不寒而栗的”,英文解释为“frightening”如:a chilling tale 令人毛骨悚然的故事。


作动词,表示“重复,附和;使产生似曾相识的感觉”,英文解释为“If you echo someone's words, you repeat them or express agreement with their attitude or opinion.举个🌰:

Their views often echo each other. 他们的见解常常彼此附和。

作名词,1)表示“回声,回音,回响”,英文解释为“a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff”举个🌰:

The echoes of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds. 他的尖叫声在洞中回荡了好几秒钟。

2)表示“十分相似的东西;如出一辙的事物;仿效”,英文解释为“a detail that is similar to and makes you remember something else”举个🌰:

There are echoes of Mozart in her first piano compositions. 她最早创作的钢琴曲有些地方模仿了莫扎特。

stump speech

stump speech /ˈstʌmp ˌspiːtʃ/ 表示“(政客去各处的巡回)政治演讲,竞选演说”,英文解释为“a speech that a politician makes in different places in order to get political support”举个🌰:

He is travelling to swing states delivering his stump speech. 他正前往摇摆州发表竞选演说。


by-election /ˈbaɪ.ɪˌlek.ʃən/ 表示“(英国议员的)补缺选举,补选”,英文解释为“in the UK, an election that happens at a different time from a main election, to choose a Member of Parliament to replace one who has died or left his or her job”


constituency /kənˈstɪtʃ.u.ən.si/ 表示“选区的选民”,英文解释为“the people who live and can vote in a particular area”也可以表示“选区”,英文解释为“one of the official areas of a country that elects someone to represent it in a parliament or legislature”如:a rural/urban constituency 乡村/城市选区。


表示“空缺的”,英文解释为“If a job or position is vacant, no one is doing it or in it at present, and people can apply for it.”举个🌰:

The position of director has been vacant for some time. 主管的职位已经空缺一段时间了。

The incident also calls into question security arrangements for the G-7 summit to be held in May in Kishida's home town of Hiroshima, as well as related ministerial meetings all over the country.


call into question

表示“引起对…的怀疑,使怀疑”,英文解释为“to cause doubts about something”举个🌰:

His honesty has never been called into question. 他的诚实从未受到过怀疑。

“We are now holding elections, which are the most important thing for our country,” Kishida said in a speech broadcast by NHK following the incident. “With your help, I want to push through with this important election to the end.”


Support for the premier has been buoyed in recent weeks by his visit to Ukraine, as well as progress toward reconciliation in a long-running feud with South Korea. That's renewed speculation that he might call a general election in the coming months if the by-elections and summit both go smoothly.



premier作名词,“(尤用于新闻报道)首相,总理;(加拿大的)省总理,地区总理”;作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:

He's one of the nation's premier scientists. 他是该国最重要的科学家之一。


buoy /bɔɪ/ 1)表示“支持;使更成功”,英文解释为“to support something and make it more successful”举个🌰:

House prices have been buoyed (up) in the area by the possibility of a new factory opening. 因为可能有一家新工厂在此开设,所以该地区的房价一直居高不下。

2)表示“鼓舞;鼓励,使…更自信”,英文解释为“to make someone feel happier or more confident about a situation”举个🌰:

She was buoyed (up) by the warm reception her audience gave her. 观众们热烈的欢迎使她倍受鼓舞。


reconciliation /ˌrek.ənˌsɪl.iˈeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“和解;和好;修好”,英文解释为“a situation in which two people or groups of people become friendly again after they have argued”举个🌰:

It took hours of negotiations to bring about a reconciliation between the two sides. 双方谈了好几个小时才达成和解。


feud /fjuːd/ 表示“夙怨;世仇;长期争斗”,英文解释为“an argument that has existed for a long time between two people or groups, causing a lot of anger or violence”如:a family feud 家族世仇。

📺英剧《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)中的台词提到:This petty feud between us is simply childish. 相比之下我们的小恩小怨不过儿戏。


1)表示“给…展期,延长…的期限;更新,更换”,英文解释为“to arrange for an agreement or official document to continue for a further period of time”举个🌰:

I need to renew my passport this year. 今年我需要办理护照换发。

2)表示“重新开始”,英文解释为“to begin doing something again”举个🌰:

She renewed her efforts to escape. 她再次企图逃跑。

🎬电影《傲慢与偏见》(Pride & Prejudice)中的台词提到:I shall not renew the sentiments which were so disgusting to you. 我不会再提起令你极度厌恶的感情。


speculation /ˌspek.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/  1)表示“推测;猜测;推断”,英文解释为“the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts举个🌰:

There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign. 人们纷纷推测她将辞职。

2)表示“投机,投机买卖”,英文解释为“the act of speculating in order to make a profit”

Showing fortitude in the face of the latest incident could bolster Kishida and his party in the by-elections, an analyst said.



fortitude /ˈfɔː.tɪ.tʃuːd/ 表示“勇气,坚韧,刚毅”,英文解释为“courage over a long period”举个🌰:

I thought she showed remarkable fortitude during that period. 我认为她在那段时期表现出了惊人的勇气。


bolster /ˈbəʊl.stər/ 表示“支撑;加固;提高;改善;加强”,英文解释为“to improve sth or make it stronger”如:to bolster sb's confidence/courage/morale 增加某人的信心/勇气/士气,举个🌰:

Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence. 提前降低利率的希望增强了信心。

🎬电影《塞尔拉·伯格斯是废柴》(Sierra Burgess Is a Loser)中的台词提到:I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how to bolster my resume. 想问问 对提升我的简历你有没有什么意见?

“Continuing with his campaign speeches will be well received by voters,” said Shigenobu Tamura, a political analyst who previously worked for Kishida's main ruling Liberal Democratic Party. “They will appreciate him continuing with his duties regardless of what might happen to him.”

“继续进行他的竞选演讲将受到选民的欢迎,”曾在岸田文雄所在执政党自民党工作的政治分析人士田村重信(Shigenobu Tamura)说,“他们将欣赏他无论遭遇什么事情都会坚持履行职责。”

The premier was touring a fishing port in support of an LDP candidate and was about to address a crowd when the incident occurred. Video shown by broadcaster TBS on its website showed a young man with a backpack being tackled and held down by a group of people, followed by the sound of an explosion and screams, while smoke spread across the area.



熟词僻义,可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“(尤指足球或曲棍球中)阻截;铲球;(橄榄球中阻截时)擒抱并摔倒(对方持球队员)”,英文解释为“(especially in football or hockey) to try to take the ball from a player in the other team, or (in rugby or American football) to do this by taking hold of the player and making them fall”

hold sb/sth down

hold sb/sth down 表示“把…按住;使…无法动弹”,英文解释为“to keep someone or something in a particular place or position and to stop him, her, or it from moving”举个🌰:

He was struggling so much it took three officers to hold him down. 他挣扎得很凶,用了3名警察才将他制服。

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters that police were looking into the motive and background of the suspected perpetrator. He added that he had instructed them to be thorough in protecting VIPs ahead of the summit.

日本内阁官房长官松野博一(Hirokazu Matsuno)告诉记者,警方正在调查犯罪嫌疑人的动机和背景。他补充说,他已指示警方在峰会前全力保护贵宾。


perpetrator /ˈpɜːrpətreɪtər/ 表示“作恶者;犯罪者”,英文解释为“someone who does something morally wrong or illegal”。

📺美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的片头经典台词就有一句:But victim or perpetrator, if your number is up, we'll find you.(但无论是受害人还是行凶者,只要你的号码被列出来,我们就会找到你。)


thorough /ˈθʌr.ə/ 1)表示“仔细的”,英文解释为“detailed and careful”如:a thorough revision of the manuscript 对手稿的仔细修改。

2)表示“彻头彻尾的;完全的;十足的”,英文解释为“complete, very great, or very much”举个🌰:

It was a thorough waste of time. 这完全是浪费时间。

Security had already been a high priority for the G-7 summit set for May 19-21 following the shock of last year's assassination. G-7 ministers are also having meetings on the northern island of Hokkaido and in the resort town of Karuizawa this weekend.



assassination /əˌsæs.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ 表示“暗杀(名人或重要人物)”,英文解释为“the murder of someone famous or important”如:an assassination attempt 暗杀的企图。


表示“度假胜地;旅游胜地”,英文解释为“a place where many people go for rest, sport, or another stated purpose”,如:a tourist resort 旅游胜地,a holiday resort 度假胜地。

A representative of the Wakayama police department declined to comment to Bloomberg News.


Ruling and opposition politicians condemned the incident. Hiroshi Moriyama, the election chair of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said on NHK that it was deplorable for such a thing to happen during elections, the foundation of democracy. “It's an unforgivable act of violence,” he said.

日本执政党和反对派政客谴责了这一事件。日本执政党自民党选举主席森山裕(Hiroshi Moriyama)在NHK上表示,选举是民主的基础,在选举期间发生这样的事情令人遗憾。“这是不可原谅的暴力行为,”他说。


表示“(通常指出于道义而)谴责,指责”,英文解释为“to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons”举个🌰:

The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice. 人们谴责这一恐怖行径是野蛮和懦弱的行为。

🎬电影《英伦对决》(The Foreigner)中的台词提到:And I condemn these acts of violence, but I can't help you. 对这些暴力行为我表示谴责,但我帮不了你。


deplorable /dɪˈplɔː.rə.bəl/ 表示“非常糟糕的,极其恶劣的”,英文解释为“very bad”举个🌰:

I thought his behaviour was absolutely deplorable. 我认为他的行为极其恶劣。

- 今日盘点 -

resume、campaign、allegedly、obstruction、suspicion、prefecture、evacuate、chilling、echo、stump speech、by-election、constituency、vacant、call into question、premier、buoy、reconciliation、feud、renew、speculation、fortitude、bolster、tackle、hold sb/sth down、perpetrator、thorough、assassination、resort、condemn、deplorable

- Generated By ChatGPT -

During the campaign for premier of the prefecture, a chilling rumor allegedly spread about one of the candidates. Suspicion arose that they were involved in the assassination of a rival politician. The perpetrator was never caught, but the accusation continued to echo throughout the election. In a stump speech, the accused vehemently denied any involvement and called into question the thoroughness of the investigation. Despite attempts to bolster their reputation, the vacant seat ultimately went to their opponent after a by-election was held. The reconciliation of the divided constituency was a long and difficult process, requiring fortitude on all sides to tackle the feud that had erupted. It was eventually decided to evacuate the area and turn it into a resort, condemning the deplorable actions that had taken place there years before.
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「Part 20」2023政府工作报告双语‍注释笔记
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