
五一的堵 逐渐离谱

LearnAndRecord 2023-07-03



1. Which of the following best describes the reaction of some Chinese citizens to the large crowds during the holiday?

A) Disbelief and confusion

B) Fear and anxiety

C) Excitement and enthusiasm

D) Apathy and disinterest

2. What is the purpose of the state media and provincial law enforcement authorities issuing warnings on Weibo?

A) To inform tourists about the availability of accommodations.

B) To promote ethical business practices among bed-and-breakfast owners.

C) To reduce the number of travelers during the holiday.

D) To encourage travelers to book accommodations through official channels.


Goodbye Covid: tourists mob China’s most popular attractions during Labor Day

From: CNN

From the Great Wall to Shanghai’s waterfront Bund, China’s most famous destinations are being mobbed during the Labor Day holiday by throngs of domestic tourists who are traveling again in huge numbers after the country ended three years of strict pandemic controls.

More than 240 million holidaymakers are expected to travel within or outside China's mainland during the five-day break that began on Saturday, state media CCTV reported Monday, an increase of more than 20% from pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

Beijing received nearly 2 million tourists on the first day of the holiday, double the number from last year, according to the Beijing Cultural and Tourism Department.

In Shanghai, over 7 million tourists arrived in the city for the weekend, according to Shanghai Travel Data. Tickets to Shanghai Disneyland have been sold out until May 3, its website showed.

Police in the city of Xi’an, home to the terracotta warriors, have warned tourists to stay away from a busy shopping street sandwiched between two popular heritage sites.

On Saturday, China Railway logged a record 19.7 million railway trips with a predicted figure on Sunday of 18 million trips.

The sheer size of the crowds traveling across the nation has baffled some citizens.

“Why are there so many people? I can’t even get McDonald’s,” one internet user wrote on China’s Twitter-like Weibo.

Also known as the May Day holiday, the Labor Day break is one of three major annual holidays in China. The boom in tourism is likely to boost the Chinese economy.

Growth got off to a solid start in 2023, with the economy expanding by 4.5% in the first quarter, as consumers went on a spending spree that is continuing with the current holiday.

Mysterious cancelations

Chinese travel booking website Trip.com reported domestic bookings alone had risen by 700% compared to last year, when many restaurants and retailers were shut and travel was complicated due to the pandemic.

Accommodation was selling out this year weeks ahead of the holiday, pushing up prices, according to state media.

And there have been complaints of scalping.

Due to the high demand, according to state media, many Chinese tourists who had booked their accommodations early at low prices were later told to cancel their reservations, forcing them to have to book again at higher prices.

A wide range of excuses was given, they reported, with internet users taking to popular Chinese social media sites such as Weibo and Xiaohongshu to complain about their plight.

One user said on Xiaohongshu, an Instagram-like app, that she booked a place in Tianjin, a coastal city in northern China, for 1,777 yuan ($257) for five days.

Not long after she saw online that the price had soared by almost double, she was told by the owner that her booking had been canceled because of a Covid outbreak.

“But later that night, I went on to Meituan to check,” she wrote, referring to a online booking platform. “The place is still available.”

The situation has prompted state media and provincial law enforcement authorities to issue warnings on Weibo, the equivalent of Twitter in China.

“The unscrupulous practice of these bed-and-breakfasts is ugly,” said an opinion piece posted on the social media platform by state media People’s Daily.

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Goodbye Covid: tourists mob China’s most popular attractions during Labor Day

From: CNN

From the Great Wall to Shanghai’s waterfront Bund, China’s most famous destinations are being mobbed during the Labor Day holiday by throngs of domestic tourists who are traveling again in huge numbers after the country ended three years of strict pandemic controls.



作名词,表示“暴民,乱民”,英文解释为“a large, angry crowd, especially one that could easily become violent”。

作动词,表示“(人群)围住,围聚”,英文解释为“to come together around someone in a crowd to express admiration, interest, or anger”举个🌰:They were mobbed by fans when they arrived at the theatre. 他们到达剧院时,被影迷们团团围住。


waterfront /ˈwɔː.tə.frʌnt/ 表示“(城镇的)滨水区,水边地”,英文解释为“a part of a town that is next to an area of water such as a river or the sea ”举个🌰:She owns a popular tourist restaurant on the town's waterfront. 她在该镇的滨水区有一家颇受欢迎的旅游餐馆。


表示“(印度和远东)堤岸;码头”,英文解释为“in India and the Far East an embankment; dyke”


throng /θrɒŋ/ 表示“人群;群众”,英文解释为“a crowd or large group of people”举个🌰:A huge throng had gathered around the speaker. 演讲者周围聚集了一大群人。


韦氏词典2020年度词汇:Pandemic. 韦氏词典官方给出的释义为:an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affects a significant proportion of the population. 指的是疾病的爆发,所发生的地域广阔(如多个国家或大洲),通常影响很大一部分人口。

1)作名词,表示“(全国或全球性)流行病;大流行病”,英文解释为“a disease that spreads over a whole country or the whole world”;在新冠肺炎相关语境下,可以直接译成新冠疫情。

2)作形容词,表示“(疾病)大规模流行的,广泛蔓延的”,英文解释为“(of a disease) existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of people, animals, or plants”举个🌰:In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic.在世界上一些地区疟疾仍在大规模流行。


📍epidemic表示“流行病”,英文解释为“a large number of cases of a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community”,如:the outbreak of a flu epidemic 流感的爆发。

More than 240 million holidaymakers are expected to travel within or outside China's mainland during the five-day break that began on Saturday, state media CCTV reported Monday, an increase of more than 20% from pre-pandemic levels in 2019.


Beijing received nearly 2 million tourists on the first day of the holiday, double the number from last year, according to the Beijing Cultural and Tourism Department.


In Shanghai, over 7 million tourists arrived in the city for the weekend, according to Shanghai Travel Data. Tickets to Shanghai Disneyland have been sold out until May 3, its website showed.


Police in the city of Xi’an, home to the terracotta warriors, have warned tourists to stay away from a busy shopping street sandwiched between two popular heritage sites.



terracotta /ˌter.əˈkɒt.ə/ 1)表示“赤陶土”,英文解释为“hard, baked reddish-brown clay”举个🌰:Our kitchen tiles are made from terracotta. 我们厨房的瓷砖是由赤陶土制成的。

2)表示“赤褐色,土红色”,英文解释为“a reddish-brown colour”举个🌰:I've painted my bedroom terracotta. 我把卧室粉刷成了赤褐色。


warrior /ˈwɒr.i.ər/ 表示“(尤指旧时的)武士,勇士”,英文解释为“a soldier, usually one who has both experience and skill in fighting, especially in the past”如:a Samurai warrior 日本武士。


表示“夹住;把…插入(两者之间)”,英文解释为“If you sandwich two things together with something else, you put that other thing between them. If you sandwich one thing between two other things, you put it between them.”举个🌰:Carefully split the sponge ring, then sandwich the two halves together with whipped cream. 小心地切开海绵蛋糕圈,然后在两半中间夹上生奶油。


表示“遗产(指流传下来的具有历史意义的传统、语言、建筑等)”,英文解释为“features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance”。

On Saturday, China Railway logged a record 19.7 million railway trips with a predicted figure on Sunday of 18 million trips.



1)表示“行驶,行进(若干距离或时间)”,英文解释为“to travel a particular distance or for a particular length of time”举个🌰:The pilot has logged 1000 hours in the air. 这位飞行员有1000 小时的飞行记录。

2)表示“正式记录,记载”,英文解释为“to officially record something”举个🌰:The Better Business Bureau has logged more than 100 complaints. 商务改进局已经记录下了100多条投诉。

The sheer size of the crowds traveling across the nation has baffled some citizens.



1)作形容词可以表示“陡峭的;近乎垂直的”,英文解释为“extremely steep; almost vertical”,如:a sheer mountain side 陡峭的山坡;

2)强调“(某物)之重/之大等”,英文解释为:used to emphasize that something is very heavy, large etc. 如:the sheer scope就是用于强调scope,范围之大,举个🌰:The sheer size of the country makes communications difficult. 该国幅员辽阔,造成了通信的困难。

3)也可以解释为“完全的,纯粹的(pure),彻底的”,英文释义:used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except,举个🌰:I'll never forget the look of sheer joy on her face. 我永远也不会忘记她满脸喜悦的神情。


baffle /ˈbæf.əl/ 表示“使困惑,使迷惑”,英文解释为“to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something”举个🌰:She was completely baffled by his strange behaviour. 她完全被他怪异的举动搞糊涂了。

“Why are there so many people? I can’t even get McDonald’s,” one internet user wrote on China’s Twitter-like Weibo.


Also known as the May Day holiday, the Labor Day break is one of three major annual holidays in China. The boom in tourism is likely to boost the Chinese economy.



作动词,boom /buːm/ 表示“增长;迅速发展”,英文解释为“to increase or become successful and produce a lot of money very quickly”举个🌰:The leisure industry is booming. 休闲产业正在蓬勃发展。

作名词,表示“增长,繁荣;增长期,繁荣期”,英文解释为“an increase in something , or a time when something becomes more popular”举个🌰:This year has seen a boom in book sales. 今年图书销售激增。

📍baby boom表示“生育高峰,婴儿潮”,英文解释为“a large increase in the number of babies born among a particular group of people during a particular time”举个🌰:There was a baby boom in the UK and the US after the Second World War. 二战后,英国和美国都出现了一次生育高峰。


可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。

📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose.

Growth got off to a solid start in 2023, with the economy expanding by 4.5% in the first quarter, as consumers went on a spending spree that is continuing with the current holiday.


get off to a good start

be/get off to a good start表示“有好的开端;开门红;顺利开始”,英文解释为“to begin an activity successfully”举个🌰:I didn't get off to a very good start this morning - I'd been at work five minutes and my computer stopped working! 我今天上午刚一开始工作就不顺——才做了5分钟,电脑就死机了!


这届90后最“秃”出:假发套成交数排第一一文中提到双十一购物狂欢节就是用的the shopping spree,spree表示“玩乐,作乐;纵乐”,英文解释为“a short period of time that you spend doing one particular activity that you enjoy, but often too much of it”举个🌰:I went on a drinking/shopping/spending spree on Monday. 我星期一痛痛快快地喝了一通/疯狂采购了一番/挥霍了一番。

Mysterious cancelations 神秘的取消

Chinese travel booking website Trip.com reported domestic bookings alone had risen by 700% compared to last year, when many restaurants and retailers were shut and travel was complicated due to the pandemic.


Accommodation was selling out this year weeks ahead of the holiday, pushing up prices, according to state media.



accommodation /əˌkɒm.əˈdeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“住处;工作场所;停留处”,英文解释为“a place to live, work, stay, etc. in”举个🌰:There's a shortage of cheap accommodation (= places to live). 便宜的住所供不应求。

美式英语中通常复数accommodations,表示“(尤指度假时或供大学生使用的)住宿”,英文解释为“a place to live or stay, especially on holiday or for students at college”

And there have been complaints of scalping.



scalp /skælp/ 1)作名词,表示“头皮”,英文解释为“the skin on the top of a person's head where hair usually grows”如:a dry/oily/itchy scalp 干燥的/油性的/发痒的头皮;

2)表示“(在竞争或竞选中)击败的人,手下败将;(表示某人已被打败或已受到惩罚的)标志”,英文解释为“someone you defeat in a competition or election;a symbol of the fact that sb has been defeated or punished”举个🌰:Although they are expected to take some important scalps in the election, they are unlikely to form the next government. 尽管他们有可能在大选中击败一些重要人物,但是还是不大可能组阁下一届政府。They have claimed some impressive scalps in their bid for the championship. 他们已在夺取冠军的征途上获得显著进展。

3)作动词,scalp /skælp/ 表示“倒卖(戏票等)”,英文解释为“to buy things, such as theatre tickets, at the usual prices and then sell them, when they are difficult to get, at much higher prices”

Due to the high demand, according to state media, many Chinese tourists who had booked their accommodations early at low prices were later told to cancel their reservations, forcing them to have to book again at higher prices.



reservation /ˌrez.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ 1)表示“存疑;保留意见;异议”,英文解释为“a doubt or feeling of not being able to agree with or accept something completely”举个🌰:Workers and employees shared deep reservations about the wisdom of the plan. 对于该规划是否明智,工人和雇主都非常怀疑。

2)表示“预订;预约”,英文解释为“an arrangement in which something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant is kept for you”

3)表示“野生动物保护区;自然保护区;禁猎区”,英文解释为“an area of land in which wild animals are protected”举个🌰:He's the chief warden of a big-game reservation. 他是一个大型动物保护区的管理主任。

A wide range of excuses was given, they reported, with internet users taking to popular Chinese social media sites such as Weibo and Xiaohongshu to complain about their plight.



表示“困境,窘境”,英文解释为“an unpleasant condition, especially a serious, sad, or difficult one”,如:the plight of the poor/homeless 穷人/无家可归者的困难处境。

补充:📍plight作动词,plight one‘s troth表示“答应结婚,订婚;结婚”(to promise to marry someone)。

🎬电影《笔下求生》(Stranger Than Fiction)中的台词提到:lts desperate attempts to escape... only underscore the hopelessness of its plight. 它绝望的挣扎 只能强调它无望的处境。

One user said on Xiaohongshu, an Instagram-like app, that she booked a place in Tianjin, a coastal city in northern China, for 1,777 yuan ($257) for five days.



表示“(位于)海岸的;临海的;沿海的”,英文解释为“positioned on, or relating to the coast”如:a coastal town 海滨城镇。

Not long after she saw online that the price had soared by almost double, she was told by the owner that her booking had been canceled because of a Covid outbreak.



1)表示“急剧增加”,英文解释为“If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal.”举个🌰:Shares soared on the New York stock exchange. 纽约证券交易所股票暴涨。

2)表示“高飞,翱翔”,英文解释为“If something such as a bird soars into the air, it goes quickly up into the air.”举个🌰:If you're lucky, a splendid golden eagle may soar into view. 幸运的话,一只金色雄鹰会跃入视线。

3)作动词,表示“升空;升腾”,英文解释为“to rise quickly and smoothly up into the air”举个🌰:The rocket soared (up) into the air. 火箭升空。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析受疫情影响的旅游业的文章中提到:Soaring incomes in China explain part of the increase. 这一增长的部分原因是中国人收入猛增。

“But later that night, I went on to Meituan to check,” she wrote, referring to a online booking platform. “The place is still available.”


The situation has prompted state media and provincial law enforcement authorities to issue warnings on Weibo, the equivalent of Twitter in China.



作名词,1)表示“(计算机屏幕上的)提示符(显示计算机已经准备好接受指令)”,英文解释为“a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready to receive your instructions”

2)表示“(给演员的)提词,提白”,英文解释为“words that are spoken to an actor who has forgotten what he or she is going to say during the performance of a play”

3)作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. 他的讲话激起了人群中一男子的愤怒。

📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。


1)作形容词,表示“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”,英文解释为“equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.”举个🌰:Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles. 八公里约等于五英里。

2)作名词,表示“相等的东西;等量;对应词”,英文解释为“a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equivalent to sth else”。比如,提到Weibo时候会介绍为中国版的Twitter,常见的有几种说法:

🧣Weibo, China's Twitter-like service (SCMP)

🧣Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter (NPR NEWS)

🧣Twitter-like Weibo (Reuters)

🧣Weibo, a Twitter-like platform (NYT)

“The unscrupulous practice of these bed-and-breakfasts is ugly,” said an opinion piece posted on the social media platform by state media People’s Daily.



unscrupulous /ʌnˈskruːpjʊləs/ 表示“不择手段的,不讲道德的;无耻的,不诚实的”,英文解释为“behaving in an unfair or dishonest way”,如:unscrupulous employers 无耻的雇主,unscrupulous merchants  奸商/不法商家。

bed and breakfast

bed and breakfast /ˌbed ən ˈbrek.fəst/ 表示“(私人住宅或小旅馆提供的)住宿和早餐”,英文解释为“a room to sleep in for the night and a morning meal, or a private house or small hotel offering this”举个🌰:There are several bed and breakfast places near the station. 车站附近有几个提供住宿和早餐的地方。

- 今日要点 -


  • Over 240 million holidaymakers expected to travel within/outside of China's mainland during the 5-day break.
  • Domestic bookings increased by 700%, causing accommodation price hikes and complaints of scalping.
  • Popular destinations like Shanghai Disneyland & Great Wall crowded with visitors.
  • Surge in tourism expected to boost China's economy, which had a solid start in 2023.


  • High demand for accommodation/travel could lead to increased COVID cases if proper precautions not taken.
  • Scalping/cancellations at low prices may damage consumer confidence in tourism industry.
  • Rise in tourism could provide much-needed boost to China's economy after years of strict pandemic controls.

- 词汇盘点 -

mob、 waterfront、 bund、 throng、 pandemic、 terracotta、 warrior、 sandwich、 heritage、 log、 sheer、 baffle、 boom、 boost、 get off to a good start、 spree、 accommodation、 scalp、 reservation、 plight、 coastal、 soar、 prompt、 equivalent、 unscrupulous、 bed and breakfast

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Amid the pandemic, a warrior set out on a journey to discover his heritage. He arrived at a coastal town with a bustling waterfront, thronged with tourists. Baffled by the sheer number of people, he searched for accommodation and stumbled upon a quaint bed and breakfast run by an unscrupulous owner who charged him a hefty sum. Undeterred, he explored the town's landmarks, including the famed terracotta warriors at the bund. His plight was forgotten as he indulged in a spree of local sandwiches and logged his experiences in a journal. The boom in tourism had given the town a much-needed boost, prompting plans for more development. Equivalently, the soaring prices left many locals without a scalp. Despite it all, the warrior felt that his journey had gotten off to a good start.
- 推荐阅读 -
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