

LearnAndRecord 2023-07-03






1. According to the article, what is the role of love from an evolutionary perspective?

A. Love was an emotional adaptation to promote survival.

B. Love evolved as a mechanism for promoting artistic and creative expression.

C. Love was designed to facilitate communication between individuals.

D. Love is a recent phenomenon that evolved with advanced societies.

2. Which statement best describes the concept of "companionate love" as it is presented in the article?

A. It involves intense feelings of passion and longing for someone.

B. It is a complex emotion combining emotional intimacy, commitment and deep attachment.

C. It usually subsides over the course of a romantic relationship.

D. It is the initial phase of most romantic relationships.


What is love?

From: The Conversation

July 14, 2020

From songs and poems to novels and movies, romantic love is one of the most enduring subjects for artworks through the ages. But what about the science?

Historical, cultural and even evolutionary evidence suggests love existed during ancient times and across many parts of the world. Romantic love has been found to exist in 147 of 166 cultures looked at in one study.

The complexity of love has much to do with how people experience it differently and how it can change over time.

Like, love, or 'in love'?

Psychological research over the past 50 years has investigated the differences between liking someone, loving someone and being “in love”.

Liking is described as having positive thoughts and feelings towards someone and finding that person's company rewarding. We often also experience warmth and closeness towards the people we like. In some instances we choose to be emotionally intimate with these people.

When we love someone we experience the same positive thoughts and experiences as when we like a person. But we also experience a deep sense of care and commitment towards that person.

Being “in love” includes all the above but also involves feelings of sexual arousal and attraction. However, research into people's own views of love suggests that not all love is the same.

Passionate vs companionate love

Romantic love consists of two types: passionate and companionate love. Most romantic relationships, whether they be heterosexual or same sex, involve both these parts.

Passionate love is what people typically consider being “in love”. It includes feelings of passion and an intense longing for someone, to the point they might obsessively think about wanting to be in their arms.

The second part is known as companionate love. It's not felt as intensely, but it's complex and connects feelings of emotional intimacy and commitment with a deep attachment toward the romantic partner.

How does love change over time?

Research looking at changes in romantic love over time typically finds that although passionate love starts high, it declines over the course of a relationship.

There are various reasons for this.

As partners learn more about each other and become more confident in the long-term future of the relationship, routines develop. The opportunities to experience novelty and excitement can also decline. This can cause passionate love to subside.

Although a reduction in passionate love is not experienced by all couples, various studies report approximately 20-40% of couples experience this downturn. Of couples who have been married in excess of ten years, the steepest downturn is most likely to occur over the second decade.

Life events and transitions can also make it challenging to experience passion. People have competing responsibilities which affect their energy and limit the opportunities to foster passion. Parenthood is an example of this.

In contrast, companionate love is typically found to increase over time.

Although research finds most romantic relationships consist of both passionate and companionate love, it's the absence or reductions in companionate love, moreso than passionate love, that can negatively affect the longevity of a romantic relationship.

But what's the point of love?

Love is an emotion that keeps people bonded and committed to one another. From an evolutionary psychology perspective, love evolved to keep the parents of children together long enough for them to survive and reach sexual maturity.

The period of childhood is much longer for humans than other species. As offspring rely on adults for many years to survive and to develop the skills and abilities needed for successful living, love is especially important for humans.

Without love, it's difficult to see how the human species could have evolved.

A biological foundation too

Not only is there an evolutionary foundation to love, love is rooted in biology. Neurophysiological studies into romantic love show that people who are in the throes of passionate love experience increased activation in brain regions associated with reward and pleasure.

In fact, the brain regions activated are the same as those activated by cocaine.

Interestingly, these brain regions are not activated when thinking about non-romantic relationships such as friends. These findings tell us that liking someone is not the same as being in love with someone.

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What is love?

From: The Conversation

July 14, 2020

From songs and poems to novels and movies, romantic love is one of the most enduring subjects for artworks through the ages. But what about the science?



enduring /ɪnˈdʒʊə.rɪŋ/ 表示“持久的;持续的”,英文解释为“existing for a long time”如:the enduring appeal of cartoons 卡通片经久不衰的魅力。

Historical, cultural and even evolutionary evidence suggests love existed during ancient times and across many parts of the world. Romantic love has been found to exist in 147 of 166 cultures looked at in one study.



1)表示“进化的”,英文解释为“relating to the way in which living things develop over millions of years”

2)表示“演变的;逐步发展的”,英文解释为“involving a gradual process of change and development”

The complexity of love has much to do with how people experience it differently and how it can change over time.


Like, love, or 'in love'? 喜欢,爱,还是“恋爱”?

Psychological research over the past 50 years has investigated the differences between liking someone, loving someone and being “in love”.


Liking is described as having positive thoughts and feelings towards someone and finding that person's company rewarding. We often also experience warmth and closeness towards the people we like. In some instances we choose to be emotionally intimate with these people.



熟词僻义,《天鹅湖》何罪之有?文中,company表示“剧团;演出团;歌舞团”,英文解释为“a group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together”举个🌰:She's in the National Theatre Company. 她是皇家国立剧团的演员。

还可以表示“作伴;陪伴;同伴”,英文解释为“the fact of being with a person or people, or the person or people you are with”举个🌰:I just enjoy her company. 有她陪伴我感到很愉快。


表示“亲密的;有性关系的;宜于密切关系的”,英文解释为“having, or being likely to cause, a very close friendship or personal or sexual relationship”如:intimate relationships 亲密关系,举个🌰:The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere. 这家餐厅的氛围很怡人。

When we love someone we experience the same positive thoughts and experiences as when we like a person. But we also experience a deep sense of care and commitment towards that person.



commitment /kəˈmɪt.mənt/ 表示“忠诚;投入;奉献;承诺,保证,诺言”,英文解释为“a willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something”如:her commitment to the company 她对公司的奉献。

Being “in love” includes all the above but also involves feelings of sexual arousal and attraction. However, research into people's own views of love suggests that not all love is the same.


Passionate vs companionate love 热情之爱 vs 伴侣之爱

Romantic love consists of two types: passionate and companionate love. Most romantic relationships, whether they be heterosexual or same sex, involve both these parts.



passionate /ˈpæʃ.ən.ət/ 表示“情绪激昂的,热情的”,英文解释为“having very strong feelings or emotions”如:a passionate speech 热情洋溢的演讲


companionate是一个形容词,通常用来形容那种基于深厚友谊、互相尊重和生活中的共享经验的爱。它指的是一种深沉、稳定的爱情,这种爱情常常在长期的恋爱关系或婚姻中体现出来。英文解释为“Companionate love refers to a type of love that is characterized by deep friendship, mutual respect, and shared experiences. It's usually a calm, stable kind of love seen in long-term relationships and marriages.”举个🌰:

Despite the ups and downs we've been through, our companionate love has always kept us going. 尽管我们经历过许多起伏,但是我们的伴侣之爱始终让我们保持前进。


heterosexual /ˌhet.ər.əˈsek.ʃu.əl/ 表示“异性恋者”,英文解释为“a person who is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex”

Passionate love is what people typically consider being “in love”. It includes feelings of passion and an intense longing for someone, to the point they might obsessively think about wanting to be in their arms.



long作动词,表示“渴望…;渴望做…”,通常用法long for sth/long to do sth,英文解释为“to want something very much”举个🌰:She longed to see him again. 她很想再见到他。


obsessively /əbˈses.ɪv.li/ 表示“痴迷地,迷恋地;过分投入地”,英文解释为“in a way that involves thinking about something or someone, or doing something, too much or all the time”

The second part is known as companionate love. It's not felt as intensely, but it's complex and connects feelings of emotional intimacy and commitment with a deep attachment toward the romantic partner.



表示“亲密;密切;关系密切;暧昧关系”,英文解释为“the state of having a close personal relationship with sb”。也可以表示“亲昵的言行;性关系”,英文解释为“things that are said or done only by people who have a close relationship with each other”。


attachment /əˈtætʃ.mənt/ 1)表示“深厚的感情;喜爱,爱慕”,英文解释为“a feeling of love or strong connection to someone or something”举个🌰:At university I formed a strong attachment to one of my tutors. 上大学时,我和一位导师建立了很深厚的感情。

2)表示“依恋”,英文解释为“a feeling of love and need for another person, for example for a mother by her child”举个🌰:Secure attachment is believed to be important for healthy development. 安全感据信是改善健康的重要因素。

3)表示“附件;附属物;附加设备”,英文解释为“an extra piece of equipment that can be added to a machine”举个🌰:This food processor has a special attachment for grinding coffee. 这个食品加工器附有一个专门用来研磨咖啡的装置。

How does love change over time? 爱如何随着时间的推移而改变?

Research looking at changes in romantic love over time typically finds that although passionate love starts high, it declines over the course of a relationship.


There are various reasons for this.


As partners learn more about each other and become more confident in the long-term future of the relationship, routines develop. The opportunities to experience novelty and excitement can also decline. This can cause passionate love to subside.



1)表示“惯例,常规;例行公事”,英文解释为“a usual or fixed way of doing things”举个🌰:There's no set/fixed routine at work - every day is different. 工作内容不固定——每天都不同。

2)表示“(表演中)一套固定的动作,固定的一套噱头,固定的表演节目;(演出中的)一套动作,一系列笑话(等)”,英文解释为“a regular series of movements, jokes, or similar things used in a performance”如:a dance routine a dance routine 一套舞蹈动作。


表示“减弱;平息”,英文解释为“If a feeling or noise subsides, it becomes less strong or loud.”举个🌰:The pain had subsided during the night. 那疼痛在晚间已减轻了。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述贝佐斯的文章中提到:One question is whether the digital surge will subside. 一个问题是这轮数字化浪潮会否退去。

Although a reduction in passionate love is not experienced by all couples, various studies report approximately 20-40% of couples experience this downturn. Of couples who have been married in excess of ten years, the steepest downturn is most likely to occur over the second decade.



表示“衰退,渐入低迷”,英文解释为“a reduction in the amount or success of something, such as a country's economic activity”。

Life events and transitions can also make it challenging to experience passion. People have competing responsibilities which affect their energy and limit the opportunities to foster passion. Parenthood is an example of this.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“转变;过渡”,英文解释为“a change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens”举个🌰:The health-care system is in transition at the moment. 医疗保健制度目前正在变革中。


foster /ˈfɒs.tər/ 作动词,表示“鼓励;促进;培养”,英文解释为“to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings”举个🌰:I'm trying to foster an interest in classical music in my children. 我正努力培养我的孩子们对古典音乐的兴趣。

作形容词,表示“(在有限的一段时间内)(所)收养的,(所)代养的”,英文解释为“used to refer to someone or something connected with the care of children, usually for a limited time, by someone who is not the child's legal parent”如:a foster care/home/child/mother 非亲代养/寄养家庭/代养的孩子/养母。

In contrast, companionate love is typically found to increase over time.


Although research finds most romantic relationships consist of both passionate and companionate love, it's the absence or reductions in companionate love, moreso than passionate love, that can negatively affect the longevity of a romantic relationship.



absence /ˈæb.səns/ 1)表示“不存在;缺乏”,英文解释为“the fact of not existing”举个🌰:He drew attention to the absence of concrete evidence against the defendant. 他使大家注意到,可以证明被告有罪的确凿证据并不存在。

2)表示“缺席;缺勤;不在场”,英文解释为“the fact of not being where you are usually expected to be”举个🌰:A new manager was appointed during/in her absence. 她不在的时候任命了一位新经理。


Moreso是一个非正式的词,通常用于口语,它的意思相当于more或even more,表示一种更高程度的比较。在某些语境中,它可以被解释为especially或particularly。举个🌰:

He was tired, moreso from the long journey than from the work. 他很累,更多的是来自长途旅行,而不是工作。

需要注意的是,因为moreso不是正式英语中的单词,因此在正式的写作或公开演讲中,建议使用more so或even more。


longevity /lɒnˈdʒev.ə.ti/ 表示“长寿,长命,持久”,英文解释为“living for a long time”举个🌰:To what do you attribute your longevity? 你的长寿归功于哪些因素?

But what's the point of love? 但,爱有什么意义呢?

Love is an emotion that keeps people bonded and committed to one another. From an evolutionary psychology perspective, love evolved to keep the parents of children together long enough for them to survive and reach sexual maturity.



表示“(思考问题的)角度,观点,想法”,英文解释为“a particular way of considering something”举个🌰:Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject. 她的态度为这一问题提供了新的视角。


maturity /məˈtʃʊə.rə.ti/ 1)表示“发育成熟,长成”,英文解释为“the state of being completely grown physically”举个🌰:How long does it take for the chicks to grow to maturity? 小鸡多长时间才能长大?

2)表示“(心智)成熟;成熟阶段;完善的状态”,英文解释为“the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult;a very advanced or developed form or state”

3)表示“(保险合同或投资)到期,开始有回报”,英文解释为“the time when an insurance agreement or investment becomes ready to be paid”举个🌰:The investment reaches maturity after ten years. 这项投资10年后开始获得回报。

The period of childhood is much longer for humans than other species. As offspring rely on adults for many years to survive and to develop the skills and abilities needed for successful living, love is especially important for humans.



species /ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ 表示“(动植物的)种,物种”,英文解释为“a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and can breed with each other”举个🌰:Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area. 这一地区有上百种昆虫。


表示“(人的)后代,子女,子嗣”,英文解释为“a person's children”举个🌰:His sister came over on Saturday with all her offspring. 他的姐姐星期六带着她的一大群子女过来串门。

Without love, it's difficult to see how the human species could have evolved.


A biological foundation too 爱也有生物学基础

Not only is there an evolutionary foundation to love, love is rooted in biology. Neurophysiological studies into romantic love show that people who are in the throes of passionate love experience increased activation in brain regions associated with reward and pleasure.



throes /θrəʊz/, in the throes of sth 表示“处于…的困境之中;处于…的苦难中;处于…的动荡时期”,英文解释为“experiencing or doing something that is difficult, unpleasant, or painful”举个🌰:He's in the throes of a mid-life crisis that makes him pretty hard to live with. 他正处于中年危机的痛苦时期,很难与他一起生活。

In fact, the brain regions activated are the same as those activated by cocaine.



表示“可卡因,古柯碱”,英文解释为“a drug used in medicine to prevent pain and also used illegally, often in the form of a white powder that is breathed in through the nose”

Interestingly, these brain regions are not activated when thinking about non-romantic relationships such as friends. These findings tell us that liking someone is not the same as being in love with someone.


- 今日要点 -

  • Liking: Positive thoughts, feelings
  • Love: Deep care, commitment
  • In Love: Sexual arousal, attraction
  • Passionate Love: Intense longing, obsession
  • Companionate Love: Emotional intimacy, commitment, attachment
  • Changes over time: Passionate love declines, Companionate love increases
  • Essential for human bonding, child-rearing
  • Activates reward, pleasure centers in brain

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- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In the throes of passionate love, a heterosexual couple started a company, committing to the enduring task of fostering offspring. From an evolutionary perspective, this intimate bond ensured species longevity. Cocaine addiction threatened their intimate commitment, but maturity and routine helped transition from obsessive attachment. As the fervor subsided, they faced a downturn, but absence of passion allowed for the evolution of companionate love, deepening their intimacy, and promoting relationship stability.
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