

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13



1. Which statement best describes the reaction of the crowd during the incident?

A. The crowd was highly critical of the fan’s actions.

B. The crowd expressed excitement and amusement.

C. The crowd was silent and showed no reaction.

D. The crowd was worried about the security of the players.

2. What additional information does the second article provide that is not present in the first article?

A. The fan was wearing an Argentina jersey during the incident.

B. The fan managed to high-five one of the goalkeepers.

C. The fan criticized the security measures.

D. Chinese state media covered the incident widely.


Chinese fan runs onto the field to hug Messi during controversial Beijing match


During the highly-anticipated Australia v. Argentina friendly match in Beijing on Thursday, an enthusiastic Chinese fan stormed the field in an attempt to hug soccer legend Lionel Messi.

Video from the game shows the unidentified fan rush up and embrace Messi, while being chased all over the field by security. The crowd in the stadium can be heard shouting Chinese phrases that sort of translate to "Awesome!" and "Badass!"

The invader managed to high-five one of the goalies before finally being apprehended by security, but did not lose his gleeful smile even as he was being carried out.

In an interview with Messi’s fan club, he apologized for his behavior, while criticizing the security measures.

"Of course, I also hope to use my negative case to tell the security personnel that your security work is not competent and gave me such an opportunity," he said. "There will be many international competitions in Beijing in the future. I hope you will improve your security capabilities."

Chinese state media widely covered "Messi mania," with the Global Times tabloid reporting that fans from across the country had flocked to Beijing just to get a glimpse of the soccer star.

The tabloid also reported that hotel prices near the stadium have soared to over $1,000 USD per night, and scams claiming to give fans an opportunity to meet Messi have proliferated in recent days.

In Argentina, many see the match as an economic incentive to boost business ties with China. Combined with another upcoming friendly match against Indonesia's national team in Jakarta, the Argentina Football Association will ultimately pocket $6 million USD for the matches, La Nacion newspaper reports.

But the association is also hoping to finalize a deal to open two Football Technological Institutes in China's Guangxi and Jiangsu provinces, the paper reports, which will employ the same coaching methods used in Buenos Aires.

Moment a pitch invader breaks through guards and rushes onto the pitch to hug Lionel Messi during Socceroos' Beijing game - before slamming security for being useless

From: Daily Mail

A football fan managed to meet his idol Lionel Messi in the flesh in China - but how he went about it has raised security concerns.

The supporter burst onto the pitch at the Workers' Stadium in Beijing and hugged his hero while wearing the iconic Argentina number 10 jersey.

In comical scenes, he went onto high-five goalkeeper Emi Martinez before eventually being nabbed by security during the friendly against the Socceroos.

Footage shows the man being carried away from the venue.

The pitch invader later apologised for his conduct - but not before criticising security for being slow to act.

'I hope to use my negative case to tell the security personnel that your security work is not competent and gave me such an opportunity,' he said.

'There will be many international competitions in Beijing in the future. I hope you will improve your security capabilities.'

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Chinese fan runs onto the field to hug Messi during controversial Beijing match


During the highly-anticipated Australia v. Argentina friendly match in Beijing on Thursday, an enthusiastic Chinese fan stormed the field in an attempt to hug soccer legend Lionel Messi.

周四,在北京举行的备受瞩目的澳大利亚对阵阿根廷友谊赛中,一位热情的中国球迷冲进球场,试图拥抱足球巨星利昂内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi)。


Highly-anticipated表示“备受期待的”,英文解释为“eagerly expected by many people”举个🌰:The highly-anticipated final season of the TV show is set to premiere next week. 这部电视节目备受期待的最后一季将于下周首播。


enthusiastic /ɪnˌθjuːzɪˈæstɪk/ 表示“热心的;热情的;热衷的”,英文解释为“showing enthusiasm”举个🌰:You don't seem very enthusiastic about the party - don't you want to go tonight? 你好像对这个聚会不怎么热情—你今晚不想去了吗?


熟词僻义,1)表示“突袭;攻占”,英文解释为“to attack a place or building by entering suddenly in great numbers”举个🌰:Police stormed the building and captured the gunman. 警察突袭那栋楼房,抓获了持枪歹徒。

2)表示“气呼呼地疾走;闯;冲”,英文解释为“to go somewhere quickly and in an angry, noisy way”举个🌰:She stormed into my office waving a newspaper. 她挥舞着一张报纸怒气冲冲地闯进我的办公室。

📍2021年1月特朗普支持者闯入美国国会后,各大媒体多用了storm一词,比如《华盛顿邮报》1月7日头版头条标题:Trump mob storms Captial.

📍顺便再回顾下,标题中用词,mob表示“暴民,乱民”,英文解释为“a large, angry crowd, especially one that could easily become violent”。


1)表示“传说;传奇故事”,英文解释为“a story from ancient times about people and events, that may or may not be true; this type of story”;

2)表示“(尤指某领域中的)传奇人物”,英文解释为“a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people”,如:a jazz/tennis legend 爵士乐/网球的传奇人物。

3)表示“(对图画、地图、硬币等的)说明,图例”,英文解释为“the words written on or next to a picture, map, coin, etc. that explain what it is about or what the symbols on it mean”

Video from the game shows the unidentified fan rush up and embrace Messi, while being chased all over the field by security. The crowd in the stadium can be heard shouting Chinese phrases that sort of translate to "Awesome!" and "Badass!"



表示“(名字)未知的,不明的,保密的”,英文解释为“whose name is not known or is being kept secret”举个🌰:Police are investigating the death of an unidentified man whose body was found yesterday. 昨天发现的一具无名男尸,警方正在调查该案件。


1)表示“短语”,英文解释为“a group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence”。

2)表示“说法;用语;警句”,英文解释为“a short group of words that are often used together and have a particular meaning”


badass /ˈbæd.æs/ 作名词,1)表示“能人;狠角色;好东西(指令人羡慕或印象深刻的人或物)”,英文解释为“someone or something that you admire or find impressive”举个🌰:This car is pure badass. 这辆车太牛了。

2)表示“坏人,坏蛋”,英文解释为“a bad or slightly frightening person”

作形容词,1)表示“(指令人羡慕或印象深刻的人或物)厉害的,很好的”,英文解释为“used to describe someone or something you admire or find impressive”举个🌰:You look badass! 你看起来超级棒!

2)表示“坏的;粗野的;蛮横的”,英文解释为“used to refer to a bad or slightly frightening person”如:badass drug dealers 可恶的毒贩。

The invader managed to high-five one of the goalies before finally being apprehended by security, but did not lose his gleeful smile even as he was being carried out.



表示“入侵者,侵略者;闯入者”,英文解释为“an army or country that uses force to enter and take control of another country”。


high-five /ˌhaɪ ˈfaɪv/ 表示“举手击掌”,英文解释为“to give someone a high five”举个🌰:As the show ended, he high-fived his friends. 演出结束时,他和朋友们举手击掌相庆。


非正式用法 goalie = goalkeeper /ˈɡəʊlˌkiː.pər/ 表示“守门员”,英文解释为“(in some sports) the player who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring”


apprehend /ˌæp.rɪˈhend/ 1)表示“逮捕;拘捕”,英文解释为“to catch and arrest someone who has not obeyed the law”举个🌰:The police have finally apprehended the killer. 警察终于抓住了凶手。

2)表示“领会;理解;懂得”,英文解释为“to understand something”


gleeful /ˈɡliː.fəl/ 表示“高兴的,兴奋的,欣喜的”,英文解释为“happy, excited, or pleased”如:a gleeful smile/shout 欢快的笑容/喊叫。

In an interview with Messi's fan club, he apologized for his behavior, while criticizing the security measures.


"Of course, I also hope to use my negative case to tell the security personnel that your security work is not competent and gave me such an opportunity," he said. "There will be many international competitions in Beijing in the future. I hope you will improve your security capabilities."



competent /ˈkɒm.pɪ.tənt/ 表示“有能力的;能干的;称职的”,英文解释为“able to do something well”如:a competent rider/cook 能干的骑手/厨师。

Chinese state media widely covered "Messi mania," with the Global Times tabloid reporting that fans from across the country had flocked to Beijing just to get a glimpse of the soccer star.



熟词僻义,1)表示“给…保险,承保”,英文解释为“to protect someone against loss, damage, accident, or having something stolen, by having insurance”举个🌰:Does your travel insurance cover you against/for the loss or theft of cash? 你的旅行保险能为你的现金丢失或失窃提供保险补偿吗?

2)表示“足够支付”,英文解释为“to be enough money to pay for something”举个🌰:The selling price barely covered the cost of the raw materials. 销售价刚刚够抵付原材料费。

3)表示“报道”,英文解释为“to report the news about a particular important event”


mania /ˈmeɪ.ni.ə/ 1)表示“狂热;热衷”,英文解释为“a very strong interest in something that fills a person's mind or uses up all their time”举个🌰:So why your sudden mania for exercise? 你为什么突然热衷于锻炼了?

2)表示“痴迷;…狂;…癖”,英文解释为“a state in which someone directs all their attention to one particular thing”举个🌰:Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania. 凡高患有严重的被害妄想症。

3)表示“躁狂症”,英文解释为“a state of extreme physical and mental activity, often involving a loss of judgment and periods of euphoria”。


tabloid /ˈtæblɔɪd/ 表示“通俗小报”,英文解释为“(sometimes disapproving) a newspaper of this size with short articles and a lot of pictures and stories about famous people, often thought of as less serious than other newspapers”举个🌰:The story made the front page in all the tabloids. 这件事成了所有小报的头版新闻。

flock to

表示“成群结队地去,蜂拥而至”,英文解释为“if people flock to a place, they go there in large numbers because something interesting or exciting is happening there”举个🌰:People have been flocking to the exhibition. 看展览的人络绎不绝。


glimpse一词在iOS 14来了!文中出现过Apple just offered a glimpse at how the experience of using an iPhone is about to change.

1)表示“一瞥;一见”,英文解释为“an occasion when you see something or someone for a very short time”举个🌰:He caught a glimpse of her in the crowd. 他一眼瞥见她在人群里。

2)表示“短暂的感受(或领会/体验)”,英文解释为“a quick idea or understanding of what something is like”举个🌰:This biography offers a few glimpses of his life before he became famous. 这部传记展示了他成名前的一些生活情况。

📺英剧《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)第一季中的台词提到:I've given you a glimpse, Sherlock, just a teensy glimpse. 我给过你暗示 夏洛克 一点点提示/只字片语。

The tabloid also reported that hotel prices near the stadium have soared to over $1,000 USD per night, and scams claiming to give fans an opportunity to meet Messi have proliferated in recent days.



1)表示“急剧增加”,英文解释为“If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal.”举个🌰:Shares soared on the New York stock exchange. 纽约证券交易所股票暴涨。

2)表示“高飞,翱翔”,英文解释为“If something such as a bird soars into the air, it goes quickly up into the air.”举个🌰:If you're lucky, a splendid golden eagle may soar into view. 幸运的话,一只金色雄鹰会跃入视线。

3)作动词,表示“升空;升腾”,英文解释为“to rise quickly and smoothly up into the air”举个🌰:The rocket soared (up) into the air. 火箭升空。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析受疫情影响的旅游业的文章中提到:Soaring incomes in China explain part of the increase. 这一增长的部分原因是中国人收入猛增。


表示“骗局;欺诈,诈骗”,英文解释为“A scam is an illegal trick, usually with the purpose of getting money from people or avoiding paying tax.”举个🌰:They believed they were participating in an insurance scam, not a murder. 他们认为他们只是在参与保险骗局,而不是谋杀。


proliferate /prəˈlɪf.ər.eɪt/ 表示“激增,扩散”,英文解释为“to increase a lot and suddenly in number”举个🌰:Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years. 在过去的10年里,小型企业大量涌现。

In Argentina, many see the match as an economic incentive to boost business ties with China. Combined with another upcoming friendly match against Indonesia's national team in Jakarta, the Argentina Football Association will ultimately pocket $6 million USD for the matches, La Nacion newspaper reports.

在阿根廷,许多人将这场比赛视为促进与中国商业关系的经济刺激。据《国家报》(La Nacion)报道,加上即将在雅加达与印尼国家队进行的另一场友谊赛,阿根廷足球协会将最终从这些比赛中获得600万美元的收入。


表示“激励;刺激;鼓励”,英文解释为“something that encourages you to do sth”举个🌰:There is no incentive for people to save fuel. 没有使人们节约燃料的鼓励办法。


可以作名词也可以作动词,表示“改善;提高;增强;推动”,英文解释为“to improve or increase something”举个🌰:The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices. 剧院设法通过降低票价来增加观众数量。

📍“佩洛西有病还是先治病吧”文中提到be boosted,get boosted用来指打了加强针(疫苗),也有说booster shot/booster dose.


pocket /ˈpɒk.ɪt/ 作名词,表示“衣袋,口袋,兜”,英文解释为“a small bag for carrying things in, made of cloth and sewn into the inside or onto the outside of a piece of clothing”如:a jacket/trouser/coat pocket 夹克衫/裤子/外衣口袋。

作动词,表示“保留(钱)作为收益”,英文解释为 “to keep (money) for oneself as profit”举个🌰:After the successful event, the organizer managed to pocket a substantial amount of money from ticket sales. 在成功举办活动后,组织者通过门票销售获得了一大笔钱作为收益。

也可以表示“窃取,侵吞,把…据为己有”,英文解释为“to take something for yourself, especially dishonestly”举个🌰:I'll tell them I sold it for £20, not £25, then I can pocket the rest. 我要告诉他们我卖了20英镑而不是25英镑,这样我就可以把余下的钱据为己有。

But the association is also hoping to finalize a deal to open two Football Technological Institutes in China's Guangxi and Jiangsu provinces, the paper reports, which will employ the same coaching methods used in Buenos Aires.



finalize /ˈfaɪ.nəl.aɪz/ 表示“把(计划、日期等)最后定下”,英文解释为“to make a final and certain decision about a plan, date, etc.”举个🌰:We'll finalize the details later. 细节我们稍后再定。


熟词僻义,表示“使用,利用”,英文解释为“If you employ certain methods, materials, or expressions, you use them.”举个🌰:The group will employ a mix of tactics to achieve its aim. 该团体将运用混合策略来实现其目标。


But the association is also hoping to finalize a deal to open two Football Technological Institutes in China's Guangxi and Jiangsu provinces, the paper reports, which will employ the same coaching methods used in Buenos Aires.

📍这个句子很简单,找出主干:But the association is also hoping to finalize a deal. 而“the paper reports”是一个插入语,表示这个信息是由报纸报道的。“which will employ the same coaching methods used in Buenos Aires”是一个定语从句,修饰“Football Technological Institutes”,说明这些学院将采用与布宜诺斯艾利斯相同的指导方法。

📍仿写:But the company is also planning to launch a series of smart home products in Europe and Asia, the CEO announced, which will integrate seamlessly with the existing IoT ecosystem. 正如首席执行官所宣布的,该公司还计划在欧洲和亚洲推出一系列智能家居产品,这些产品将与现有的物联网生态系统无缝集成。

Moment a pitch invader breaks through guards and rushes onto the pitch to hug Lionel Messi during Socceroos' Beijing game - before slamming security for being useless

From: Daily Mail

A football fan managed to meet his idol Lionel Messi in the flesh in China - but how he went about it has raised security concerns.

一名足球迷在中国近距离见到了偶像利昂内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi),但他的做法引发了人们对安全问题的担忧。


pitch /pɪtʃ/ 作名词 1)表示“投球”,英文解释为“a throw in a baseball game”如:a good/bad pitch 质量好/差的投球。

2)表示“运动场地;(尤指)足球场”,英文解释为“an area painted with lines for playing particular sports, especially football”如:a football/hockey/cricket pitch 足球/曲棍球/板球赛场。

作动词,pitch /pɪtʃ/ 表示“竭力劝说”,英文解释为“to try to persuade someone to do something”举个🌰:She pitched her idea to me over a business lunch. 她在一次吃工作午餐时竭力向我游说她的想法。



slam /slæm/ 1)表示“(使)重重撞上,(使)砰地关上”,英文解释为“to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise”举个🌰:The wind made the door/window slam (shut). 风吹过来门/窗户砰地关上了。

2)表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie." 该享有盛名的电影制片人猛烈抨击这些说法,称其为“无耻谎言。”

📍类似的,还有condemn,blast,speak out against.

in the flesh

表示“当面;活生生地”,英文解释为“in real life, and not on TV, in a film, in a picture, etc.”举个🌰:I've seen her perform on television, but never in the flesh. 我见过她在电视上表演,但从来没见过本人。

The supporter burst onto the pitch at the Workers' Stadium in Beijing and hugged his hero while wearing the iconic Argentina number 10 jersey.



表示“偶像的;图符的;象征性的;非常出名的,受欢迎的”,英文解释为“An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something.”举个🌰:He gained iconic status following his death. 他死后成了偶像级人物。

In comical scenes, he went onto high-five goalkeeper Emi Martinez before eventually being nabbed by security during the friendly against the Socceroos.

滑稽的是,在这场对阵澳大利亚国家队的友谊赛中,他还与门将埃米·马丁内斯(Emi Martinez)击掌,最终被保安抓住。


comical /ˈkɒm.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“古怪可笑的;滑稽的”,英文解释为“funny in a strange or silly way”举个🌰:He looked so comical in that hat. 他戴着那顶帽子看上去真滑稽。


nab /næb/ 表示“抢夺,猛然抓住;抓获,逮捕(罪犯)”,英文解释为“to take something suddenly, or to catch or arrest a criminal”举个🌰:Undercover police officers nabbed the men at the airport. 便衣警察在机场将那些人逮捕。


"Socceroos" 是澳大利亚国家足球队的昵称。这个名称是由“Soccer”(足球)和“Aussie”(澳大利亚人的俚语)的“roos”部分(来自kangaroos,即袋鼠,是澳大利亚的国家象征)组合而成的。这个昵称用于表示对澳大利亚国家足球队的支持和亲切。

Footage shows the man being carried away from the venue.



footage 表示“(描述某一事件的)片段镜头”,英文解释为“Footage of a particular event is a film of it or the part of a film which shows this event.”举个🌰:They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer's festivals. 他们计划独家播放今年夏季节日活动的片断镜头。


📍closed-circuit footage指的是监控录像画面;

📍CCTV:此CCTV非彼CCTV,其中的CC就是Closed Circuit的缩写,TV就是电视Television的缩写。

The pitch invader later apologised for his conduct - but not before criticising security for being slow to act.


'I hope to use my negative case to tell the security personnel that your security work is not competent and gave me such an opportunity,' he said.


- 今日要点 -

  • Event
    • Australia vs Argentina friendly match
  • Fan Incident
    • Stormed field to hug Messi
    • Eventually apprehended
  • Fan's Reaction
    • Apologized and criticized security
  • Messi Mania
    • High interest and scams to meet Messi
  • Security Concerns
    • Raised due to fan’s ease of access

- 词汇盘点 -

highly-anticipated、 enthusiastic、 storm、 legend、 unidentified、 phrase、 badass、 invader、 high-five、 goalie、 apprehend、 gleeful、 competent、 cover、 mania、 tabloid、 flock to、 glimpse、 soar、 scam、 proliferate、 incentive、 boost、 pocket、 finalize、 employ、 pitch、 slam、 in the flesh、 iconic、 comical、 nab、 Socceroos、 footage

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

At a highly-anticipated soccer match, an enthusiastic crowd flocks to glimpse the iconic goalie, a legend known as "The Storm." When an unidentified, comical invader employing the phrase "badass" high-fives the legend in the flesh, a gleeful mania soars. Competent security apprehends the invader, while tabloids proliferate coverage, using this pitch invasion as an incentive to boost sales. Police finalize charges and nab the scam artist, while fans pocket iconic footage of the legend's competent saves and slam the invader's antics.
- 推荐阅读 -
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