

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13

近日,“Bed rotting”(腐烂在床上)成为一种新的“生活方式”,在国外社交媒体平台上火了。

“Bed rotting”,可以理解为在床上“摆烂”、“躺尸”?就是整天躺床上,什么也不想干,刷刷手机,吃吃零食,看看电视...


1. What is implied by the term "bed rotting" according to the article?

A. It refers to an unhealthy sleeping habit.

B. It suggests a new form of self-care popular among the young generation.

C. It implies a physically debilitating condition.

D. It is synonymous to having a lazy day.

2. Based on the article, what is the suggested alternative to "bed rotting"?

A. To seek professional mental health services.

B. To engage in activities that one personally finds relaxing and energizing. C. To adopt a regular exercise routine.

D. To limit screen time and other digital distractions.

3. According to Dr. Jessica Gold, what is a crucial factor in coping with the urge to "bed rot"?

A. Realizing the reasons behind this urge and turning to other coping skills.

B. Strictly limiting the time spent in bed.

C. Consulting with a psychiatrist immediately.

D. Filling the day with engaging activities to distract from the urge.


Bed rotting: TikTok’s latest trend reveals the toxic side of self-care

From: CNN

After working another weekend shift, Dr. Jessica Gold returned home feeling burned out and succumbed to her urge to watch TV and sleep most of the day.

As Gen Z would say, she was bed rotting.

Gold is one of the many TikTok users who weighed in on the latest viral self-care term, in which users post videos of themselves tucked under layers of blankets, oftentimes with a phone or snack in hand.

The phrase describes staying in bed all day by choice, thereby “rotting” there, according to Gold, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

“I think it is OK to do if you need it,” she said, “and I have let myself do it, as long as you understand why you are doing it and turn to other coping skills as well.”

Bed rotting is similar to having a lazy day, but it’s “more of an immobile term, with less activity,” Gold said.

During a lazy day, you could still engage in activities that you find fun and relaxing while possibly spending time with friends and family, she said.

Check in with your mental health

At first glance, there is likely a lot of good that can come from slowing down to recharge, refresh and reset, said psychologist Simon A. Rego, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and chief of psychology and director of psychology training at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.

However, balance is important for well-being, he said. Spending too much time lying in bed can disrupt your mood and increase stress, said Rego, who is also director of the CBT Training Program at Montefiore.

“Be mindful and avoid overdoing it, no matter how good it may feel in the moment,” he said.

Lounging in bed for more than a day or two is concerning and could point to different mental health issues, Gold said.

“The urge to rot in bed all day, especially if it happens more and more, is likely about something more than just catching up on sleep or needing a day to do nothing, but avoiding the feelings, stress or pain of being awake,” she said.

This sort of behavior has been linked to symptoms of depression and anxiety, among other mental health illnesses, Gold added.

Your sleep hygiene may be at risk

Bed rotting could be affecting more than just your mental health — it could also have a negative impact on your sleep.

From a sleep science perspective, “bed rotting is exactly the opposite of what we want people to do,” said Kelly Glazer Baron, associate professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

The bed should only be used for sleep, not for activities such as watching television, working or eating, she said.

As a general guideline, if you are not asleep within 30 minutes of getting into bed or are awake for more than 20 minutes during the night, you should get out of bed, Baron said.

If you want to relax somewhere comfortable, opt for a couch or comfy chair, she recommended.

“Having fatigue after a long day is normal, but if it is interfering with your work, social life or other important activities, then it is a good idea to discuss your symptoms with a doctor,” she said.

Activities beyond bed rotting

Bed rotting can allow you to isolate yourself, ignore your feelings, and possibly prevent you from participating in self-care activities that can help you, Gold said.

Recharging activities can energize us and “better prepare us for the inevitable stressors we face daily,” Rego said.

But don’t feel pressured to participate in an activity that someone else finds relaxing, he said, because one person’s “activity may be a chore to another.” Instead, learn coping skills that you want to do and think of them like hobbies, Gold said.

Some options include hanging out with a friend, exercising or practicing mindfulness, she said.

If you don’t want to leave the house, try reading a book or journaling instead of watching television, Gold said.

It may also be beneficial to talk to a therapist, she said. Therapy can help you learn new coping skills, get to the root cause of your bed rotting and determine if there is some mental health issue going on, Gold said.

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Bed rotting: TikTok's latest trend reveals the toxic side of self-care

From: CNN

After working another weekend shift, Dr. Jessica Gold returned home feeling burned out and succumbed to her urge to watch TV and sleep most of the day.

又一次周末换班后,杰西卡·戈尔德医生(Dr. Jessica Gold)她感到身心俱疲,想看电视,想睡上大半天。


作名词,表示“班;轮班;轮班工作时间”,英文解释为“a period of time worked by a group of workers who start work as another group finishes”,如:to be on the day/night shift at the factory 在工厂上日班/夜班,to work an eight-hour shift 按每班八小时轮班工作,working in shifts 轮班工作。

burned out

表示“极度劳累;疲劳过度”,英文解释为“extreme tiredness usually caused by working too much”。


succumb /səˈkʌm/ 1)表示“屈从,屈服;放弃抵抗;承认失败”,英文解释为“to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat”举个🌰:I'm afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cake. 我还是没顶住诱惑,吃了一块蛋糕。

2)表示“病死;生病;受病痛折磨”,英文解释为“to die or suffer badly from an illness”举个🌰:Thousands of cows have succumbed to the disease in the past few months. 过去几个月里,几千头奶牛都得了这种病。


As Gen Z would say, she was bed rotting.


Gen Z

Gen Z /ˌdʒen ˈzed/ 表示“Z世代(Generation Z的缩写,指1990年代后期和2000年代前期出生的人)”,英文解释为“short for Generation Z : a way of referring to the group of people who were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s.”

Gen X /ˌdʒen ˈeks/ 表示“X世代(Generation X的缩写,指1960和1970年代出生的人)”,英文解释为“short for Generation X : a way of referring to the group of people who were born in the 1960s and 1970s.”

millennial /mɪˈlen.i.əl/ 表示“2000年左右出生的人,千禧世代”,英文解释为“a person who was born around the time of the millennium, that is around the year 2000”


可以作名词,也可作动词,表示“(使)腐败;(使)腐烂;(使)腐朽”,英文解释为“to (cause something to) decay”举个🌰:The fruit had been left to rot on the trees. 水果无人采摘,烂在了树上。


📍stop the rot表示“制止事态的恶化”,英文解释为“to take action against something bad, before it spreads and becomes worse”举个🌰:We must try to stop the rot before the whole school is corrupted. 我们一定要在整个学校都被毁掉之前采取行动。

Gold is one of the many TikTok users who weighed in on the latest viral self-care term, in which users post videos of themselves tucked under layers of blankets, oftentimes with a phone or snack in hand.


weigh in

此前在“我不能呼吸了”美国警察暴力执法致黑人死亡文中出现过,表示“(在讨论、辩论等中)发表有分量的意见,发挥作用”,英文解释为“to join in a discussion, an argument, an activity, etc. by saying sth important, persuading sb, or doing sth to help”举个🌰:We all weighed in with our suggestions. 我们都提出了建议。

📺美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)第6季第5集中谢尔顿就说到:Care to weigh in? 可以理解为想参与讨论,想说点什么吗(To put your opinion into a matter or situation),字幕组将其解释为:有何高见?

📺还是《生活大爆炸》第7季第9集中提到:Can I weigh in here? 所以我能插一句吗?

📺还有如第7季第21集中也提到了:And yet you get to weigh in. 可是你还有话语权啊。


表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week. 以下是本周十大病毒式传播的视频。

📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.


1)表示“把(衣服等的末端)塞进”,英文解释为“to push a loose end of a piece of clothing or material into a particular place or position, especially to make it tidy or comfortable”举个🌰:Should I tuck my shirt into my trousers? 我应该把衬衫下摆塞进裤子里吗?

2)表示“把…夹入;把…藏入;把…塞入”,英文解释为“to put something into a safe or convenient place”举个🌰:She had a doll tucked under her arm. 她把玩具娃娃夹在胳膊下。

3)表示“使蜷缩,使收缩”,英文解释为“to hold part of your body in a particular position”举个🌰:Stand up straight, tuck your tummy in and tuck your bottom under. 站直了,收腹提臀。

The phrase describes staying in bed all day by choice, thereby “rotting” there, according to Gold, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

根据圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院(Washington University School of Medicine)精神病学助理教授杰西卡·戈尔德的说法,这个词描述的是人们选择一整天躺在床上,从而“腐烂”在床上。


1)表示“短语”,英文解释为“a group of words that is part of, rather than the whole of, a sentence”。

2)表示“说法;用语;警句”,英文解释为“a short group of words that are often used together and have a particular meaning”


psychiatry /saɪˈkaɪətrɪ/ 表示“精神病学”,英文解释为“Psychiatry is the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of mental illness.”


“I think it is OK to do if you need it,” she said, “and I have let myself do it, as long as you understand why you are doing it and turn to other coping skills as well.”



coping /ˈkəʊ.pɪŋ/ 表示“应对难题;处理麻烦”,英文解释为“the fact of dealing successfully with problems or difficult situations”如:a coping mechanism/strategy 应对机制/应对策略。

Bed rotting is similar to having a lazy day, but it's “more of an immobile term, with less activity,” Gold said.



immobile /ɪˈməʊ.baɪl/ 表示“静止的;无法移动的”,英文解释为“not moving or not able to move”举个🌰:She sat immobile, wondering what to do next. 她一动不动地坐着,寻思着下一步该怎么办。

During a lazy day, you could still engage in activities that you find fun and relaxing while possibly spending time with friends and family, she said.


Check in with your mental health 检查你的心理健康状况

At first glance, there is likely a lot of good that can come from slowing down to recharge, refresh and reset, said psychologist Simon A. Rego, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and chief of psychology and director of psychology training at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)精神病学和行为科学教授、纽约市蒙特菲尔医学中心(Montefiore Medical Center)心理学系主任和心理学培训主任西蒙·雷戈(Simon A. Rego)说,乍一看,放慢脚步休整、养精蓄锐并重新开始可能会带来很多好处。


可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“一瞥,看一眼”,英文解释为“to quickly look at someone or something”举个🌰:She took/cast a glance at her watch. 她看了一下手表。The man glanced nervously at his watch. 那人紧张地看了一眼手表。

However, balance is important for well-being, he said. Spending too much time lying in bed can disrupt your mood and increase stress, said Rego, who is also director of the CBT Training Program at Montefiore.


“Be mindful and avoid overdoing it, no matter how good it may feel in the moment,” he said.


Lounging in bed for more than a day or two is concerning and could point to different mental health issues, Gold said.



lounge /laʊndʒ/ 1)作动词,表示“懒洋洋地坐着;懒散地躺着”,英文解释为“If you lounge somewhere, you sit or lie there in a relaxed or lazy way.”举个🌰:They ate and drank and lounged in the shade.  他们在阴凉处懒洋洋地坐着,又吃又喝。

2)作名词,表示“(酒店、机场、剧院等的)休息厅,等候室”,英文解释为“a room in a hotel, airport, theatre, etc. where people can relax or wait”如:an airport lounge 机场候机厅;

3)表示“客厅,起居室”,英文解释为“the room in a house or apartment that is used for relaxing and entertaining guests in”举个🌰:All the family were sitting in the lounge watching television. 全家人都坐在客厅里看电视。

The urge to rot in bed all day, especially if it happens more and more, is likely about something more than just catching up on sleep or needing a day to do nothing, but avoiding the feelings, stress or pain of being awake,” she said.


This sort of behavior has been linked to symptoms of depression and anxiety, among other mental health illnesses, Gold added.



表示“(疾病的)症状”,英文解释为“any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease”举个🌰:He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache, and so on. 他说他出现了所有常见的感冒症状——高烧、头痛等。

Your sleep hygiene may be at risk 你的睡眠质量岌岌可危

Bed rotting could be affecting more than just your mental health — it could also have a negative impact on your sleep.



hygiene /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ 不可数名词,表示“卫生;保健法”,英文解释为“the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease”,如:food hygiene 食品卫生,personal hygiene 个人卫生。

From a sleep science perspective, “bed rotting is exactly the opposite of what we want people to do,” said Kelly Glazer Baron, associate professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

盐湖城犹他大学(University of Utah)家庭与预防医学副教授凯利·格雷泽·巴伦(Kelly Glazer Baron)说,从睡眠科学的角度来看,“在床上‘腐烂’完全违背了我们的建议。”


表示“(思考问题的)角度,观点,想法”,英文解释为“a particular way of considering something”举个🌰:Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject. 她的态度为这一问题提供了新的视角。

associate professor

associate professor /əˌsəʊ.si.ət prəˈfes.ər/ 表示“副教授”,英文解释为“a teacher of high rank in a college or university who has a lower rank than a professor”

The bed should only be used for sleep, not for activities such as watching television, working or eating, she said.


As a general guideline, if you are not asleep within 30 minutes of getting into bed or are awake for more than 20 minutes during the night, you should get out of bed, Baron said.


If you want to relax somewhere comfortable, opt for a couch or comfy chair, she recommended.



表示“选择”,英文解释为“If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.”举个🌰:Depending on your circumstances you can opt for one method or the other. 根据自己的情况,你可以选择这种或那种方法。


couch /kaʊtʃ/ 表示“沙发”,相当于sofa.


comfy /ˈkʌm.fi/,comfortable的非正式说法,表示“舒适的”,英文解释为“informal for comfortable”如:a comfy chair 舒适的椅子。


表示“推荐,介绍;建议”,英文解释为“to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or to suggest that a particular action should be done”举个🌰:I can recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce - it's delicious. 我可以向您推荐蘑菇汁鸡肉——这道菜非常可口。

“Having fatigue after a long day is normal, but if it is interfering with your work, social life or other important activities, then it is a good idea to discuss your symptoms with a doctor,” she said.



fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ 表示“疲劳;劳累”,英文解释为“a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise”,如:physical and mental fatigue 身体和精神的疲劳。


表示“妨碍,干扰”,英文解释为“to prevent something from working effectively or from developing successfully”举个🌰:Even a low level of noise interferes withmyconcentration.即使很低的噪声也会分散我的注意力。

Activities beyond bed rotting 在床上“腐烂”以外的活动

Bed rotting can allow you to isolate yourself, ignore your feelings, and possibly prevent you from participating in self-care activities that can help you, Gold said.



表示“隔离;孤立;分离”,英文解释为“to separate something from other things with which it is connected or mixed;to keep a person or animal separate from other people or animals by putting them in a different place”举个🌰:A high wall isolated the house from the rest of the village. 一堵高墙将这栋房子与村庄的其他部分隔离开来。

Recharging activities can energize us and “better prepare us for the inevitable stressors we face daily,” Rego said.



energize /ˈen.ə.dʒaɪz/ 表示“使精力充沛,使有活力;激励,激发”,英文解释为“to make someone feel energetic or eager”举个🌰:I felt very energized after my holiday. 假期过后,我感到精力非常充沛。

But don't feel pressured to participate in an activity that someone else finds relaxing, he said, because one person's “activity may be a chore to another.” Instead, learn coping skills that you want to do and think of them like hobbies, Gold said.



chore /tʃɔːr/ 表示“日常琐事;杂务;乏味的例行工作”,英文解释为“a job or piece of work that is often boring or unpleasant but needs to be done regularly”举个🌰:I'll go shopping when I've done my chores (= done the jobs in or around the house). 我把家务琐事干完后要去购物。

Some options include hanging out with a friend, exercising or practicing mindfulness, she said.


hang out

表示“闲逛;经常出入(某场所);(与某人)厮混”,英文解释为“If you hang out in a particular place or area, you go and stay there for no particular reason, or spend a lot of time there. To spend a lot of time in a place or with someone”举个🌰:I often used to hang out in supermarkets. 我过去常常到超市闲逛。


表示“正念认知”,英文解释为“the practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm”。

If you don't want to leave the house, try reading a book or journaling instead of watching television, Gold said.


It may also be beneficial to talk to a therapist, she said. Therapy can help you learn new coping skills, get to the root cause of your bed rotting and determine if there is some mental health issue going on, Gold said.


- 词汇盘点 -

shift、 burned out、 succumb、 Gen Z、 rot、 weigh in、 viral、 tuck、 phrase、 psychiatry、 coping、 immobile、 glance、 lounge、 symptom、 hygiene、 perspective、 associate professor、 opt、 couch、 comfy、 recommend、 fatigue、 interfere、 isolate、 energize、 chore、 hang out、 mindfulness

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

"Gen Z is shifting," says an associate professor of psychiatry, glancing from his comfy couch. "Many succumb to burnout, weighed down by chores. They're viral but isolated, energetic yet fatigued. Weighing in on the trend, he recommended mindfulness and better hygiene to cope. 'Don't let burnout interfere, or become immobile lounging or tucked on the couch. Opt for a perspective shift, and hang out, it's energizing,' was his phrase."
- 推荐阅读 -
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