

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06

近日,一项最新研究表明,每天至少走4000步可显著降低早逝风险,且走得步数越多,影响越大。该研究发表于《欧洲预防心脏病学杂志》(European Journal of Preventive Cardiology)。


1. What point is Dr. Ibadete Bytyçi trying to make about the study’s findings on walking more than 20,000 steps?

A. The results are conclusive and should be widely accepted.

B. More studies need to be conducted for confirmation.

C. The health benefits of such a high step count are undeniable.

D. Most people are already walking these amounts daily.

2. The phrase “insufficient physical activity” (paragraph 7) can best be replaced with which of the following?

A. Inadequate exercise

B. Limited movement

C. Incomplete workouts

D. Short-term exertion

3. Based on Prof. Banach’s closing statement, what can be inferred about the relationship between pharmacological treatments and lifestyle changes?

A. Lifestyle changes are always more effective than pharmacological treatments.

B. Pharmacological treatments can replace the need for lifestyle changes.

C. Both can be tailored to individual needs for optimum health benefits.

D. Intensive exertion has been proven beneficial by several studies.


World's largest study shows the more you walk, the lower your risk of death, even if you walk fewer than 5,000 steps

From: EurekAlert

The number of steps you should walk every day to start seeing benefits to your health is lower than previously thought, according to the largest analysis to investigate this.

The study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology today (Wednesday), found that walking at least 3967 steps a day started to reduce the risk of dying from any cause, and 2337 steps a day reduced the risk of dying from diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease).

However, the new analysis of 226,889 people from 17 different studies around the world has shown that the more you walk, the greater the health benefits. The risk of dying from any cause or from cardiovascular disease decreases significantly with every 500 to 1000 extra steps you walk. An increase of 1000 steps a day was associated with a 15% reduction in the risk of dying from any cause, and an increase of 500 steps a day was associated with a 7% reduction in dying from cardiovascular disease.

The researchers, led by Maciej Banach, Professor of Cardiology at the Medical University of Lodz, Poland, and Adjunct Professor at the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, found that even if people walked as many as 20,000 steps a day, the health benefits continued to increase. They have not found an upper limit yet.

“Our study confirms that the more you walk, the better,” says Prof. Banach. “We found that this applied to both men and women, irrespective of age, and irrespective of whether you live in a temperate, sub-tropical or sub-polar region of the world, or a region with a mixture of climates. In addition, our analysis indicates that as little as 4,000 steps a day are needed to significantly reduce deaths from any cause, and even fewer to reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease.”

There is strong evidence that a sedentary lifestyle may contribute to an increase in cardiovascular disease and a shorter life. Studies have shown that insufficient physical activity affects more than a quarter of the world's population. More women than men (32% versus 23%), and people in higher income countries compared to low-income countries (37% versus 16%) do not undertake a sufficient amount of physical activity. According to World Health Organization data, insufficient physical activity is the fourth most frequent cause of death in the world, with 3.2 million deaths a year related to physical inactivity.

Dr Ibadete Bytyçi from the University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo, senior author of the paper, says: “Until now, it's not been clear what is the optimal number of steps, both in terms of the cut-off points over which we can start to see health benefits, and the upper limit, if any, and the role this plays in people's health. However, I should emphasise that there were limited data available on step counts up to 20,000 a day, and so these results need to be confirmed in larger groups of people.”

This meta-analysis is the first not only to assess the effect of walking up to 20,000 steps a day, but also to look at whether there are any differences depending on age, sex or where in the world people live.

The studies analysed by the researchers followed up participants for a median (average) of seven years. The mean (average) age was 64, and 49% of participants were female.  

In people aged 60 years or older, the size of the reduction in risk of death was smaller than that seen in people aged younger than 60 years. In the older adults, there was a 42% reduction in risk seen in those who walked between 6,000 and 10,000 steps a day, while there was a 49% reduction in risk in younger adults who walked between 7,000 and 13,000 steps a day.

Prof. Banach says: “In a world where we have more and more advanced drugs to target specific conditions such as cardiovascular disease, I believe we should always emphasise that lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, which was a main hero of our analysis, might be at least as, or even more effective in reducing cardiovascular risk and prolonging lives. We still need good studies to investigate whether these benefits may exist for intensive types of exertion, such as marathon running and iron man challenges, and in different populations of different ages, and with different associated health problems. However, it seems that, as with pharmacological treatments, we should always think about personalising lifestyle changes.”

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World's largest study shows the more you walk, the lower your risk of death, even if you walk fewer than 5,000 steps

From: EurekAlert

The number of steps you should walk every day to start seeing benefits to your health is lower than previously thought, according to the largest analysis to investigate this.


The study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology today (Wednesday), found that walking at least 3967 steps a day started to reduce the risk of dying from any cause, and 2337 steps a day reduced the risk of dying from diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease).

今天(周三)发表在《欧洲预防心脏病杂志》(European Journal of Preventive Cardiology)上的研究发现,每天至少走3967步可降低死于任何原因的风险,而每天走2337步则可降低因心脏和血管疾病(心血管疾病)死亡的风险。


cardiology /ˌkɑː.diˈɒl.ə.ɡi/ 表示“心脏病学”,英文解释为“the study and treatment of medical conditions of the heart”


cardiovascular /ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjʊlə/ 表示“心血管的”,英文解释为“Cardiovascular means relating to the heart and blood vessels.”举个🌰:Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. 吸烟会严重增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。

blood vessel

blood vessel /ˈblʌd ˌves.əl/ 表示“血管”,英文解释为“any of the tubes through which blood flows in the body”

However, the new analysis of 226,889 people from 17 different studies around the world has shown that the more you walk, the greater the health benefits. The risk of dying from any cause or from cardiovascular disease decreases significantly with every 500 to 1000 extra steps you walk. An increase of 1000 steps a day was associated with a 15% reduction in the risk of dying from any cause, and an increase of 500 steps a day was associated with a 7% reduction in dying from cardiovascular disease.


The researchers, led by Maciej Banach, Professor of Cardiology at the Medical University of Lodz, Poland, and Adjunct Professor at the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, found that even if people walked as many as 20,000 steps a day, the health benefits continued to increase. They have not found an upper limit yet.

由波兰罗兹医科大学心脏病学教授、约翰霍普金斯大学医学院Ciccarone心血管疾病预防中心客座教授马谢伊·巴纳赫(Maciej Banach)带领的研究人员发现,即使人们每天步行多达2万步,对健康的益处也在不断增加。他们还没有找到上限。

adjunct professor

表示“兼职教授,客座教授,副教授”,An adjunct professor is a type of academic appointment in higher education who does not work at the establishment full-time.

📍adjunct /ˈædʒ.ʌŋkt/ 表示“附属物;附件”,英文解释为“something added or connected to a larger or more important thing”举个🌰:I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies. 我希望学了这门计算机课程后,会使其他科目的学习如虎添翼。

“Our study confirms that the more you walk, the better,” says Prof. Banach. “We found that this applied to both men and women, irrespective of age, and irrespective of whether you live in a temperate, sub-tropical or sub-polar region of the world, or a region with a mixture of climates. In addition, our analysis indicates that as little as 4,000 steps a day are needed to significantly reduce deaths from any cause, and even fewer to reduce deaths from cardiovascular disease.”



irrespective /ˌɪr.ɪˈspek.tɪv/ 表示“不考虑地,不顾地”,英文解释为“without considering; not needing to allow for”举个🌰:The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins. 这项法律不分族裔,适用于所有人。


temperate /ˈtem.pər.ət/ 表示“(气候)温带的,温和的”,英文解释为“(of weather conditions) neither very hot nor very cold”如:a temperate climate 温和的气候。


表示“热带的;来自热带的;产于热带的”,英文解释为“coming from, found in or typical of the tropics”如:tropical fish 热带鱼。

There is strong evidence that a sedentary lifestyle may contribute to an increase in cardiovascular disease and a shorter life. Studies have shown that insufficient physical activity affects more than a quarter of the world's population. More women than men (32% versus 23%), and people in higher income countries compared to low-income countries (37% versus 16%) do not undertake a sufficient amount of physical activity. According to World Health Organization data, insufficient physical activity is the fourth most frequent cause of death in the world, with 3.2 million deaths a year related to physical inactivity.



sedentary /ˈsed.ən.tər.i/ 表示“需要久坐的;缺乏锻炼的,少活动的”,英文解释为“involving little exercise or physical activity”如:a sedentary job/occupation 久坐的工作/职业。


versus /ˈvɜːsəs/ 经常看到缩写vs,vs.或者是单单一个v,就是指的versus /ˈvɜːsəs/,表示“(比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对,与…相比”,英文解释为“used to compare two different ideas, choices, etc.”如:private education versus state education 私立教育与公共教育相比,举个🌰:It is France versus Brazil in the final. 决赛是法国队对巴西队。


1)表示“(开始)做,承担,从事(尤指耗时或困难之事)”,英文解释为“to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult”举个🌰:Students are required to undertake simple experiments. 要求学生们做些简单的实验。

2)undertake to do表示“承诺,允诺,答应”,英文解释为“to promise that you will do something”举个🌰:She undertook not to publish the names of the people involved. 她答应不公布有关人员的名字。

Dr Ibadete Bytyçi from the University Clinical Centre of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo, senior author of the paper, says: “Until now, it's not been clear what is the optimal number of steps, both in terms of the cut-off points over which we can start to see health benefits, and the upper limit, if any, and the role this plays in people's health. However, I should emphasise that there were limited data available on step counts up to 20,000 a day, and so these results need to be confirmed in larger groups of people.”

这篇论文的主要作者、科索沃普里什蒂纳大学临床中心的伊巴德特·比蒂奇博士(Dr Ibadete Bytyçi)说:“到目前为止,我们还不清楚每天走多少步最佳,包括走到多少步能达到健康效益、上限(如有)是多少步,以及这对人们的健康所起的作用。不过,我要强调的是,每天2万步的数据有限,因此这些结果需要在更大的人群中进行确认。”


表示“最优的,最佳的;优化的”,英文解释为“best; most likely to bring success or advantage”举个🌰:A mixture of selected funds is an optimal choice for future security and return on investment. 同时选择几种基金是确保未来投资安全和投资收益的最佳选择。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述量化交易的文章中提到:It requires algorithms that first establish and then fine-tune the optimal period over which to do the sorting. 这需要通过算法来确定并微调出一个最优的筛选期。


表示“截止点;界限”,英文解释为“a point or limit when you stop sth”举个🌰:Is there a cut-off point between childhood and adulthood? 童年与成年之间有分界线吗?

This meta-analysis is the first not only to assess the effect of walking up to 20,000 steps a day, but also to look at whether there are any differences depending on age, sex or where in the world people live.



A meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies. Meta-analysis can be performed when there are multiple scientific studies addressing the same question, with each individual study reporting measurements that are expected to have some degree of error.(Wikipedia)



assess /əˈses/ 表示“评价;评定;对…估价”,英文解释为“to judge or decide the amount, value, quality, or importance of something”举个🌰:The insurers will need to assess the flood damage. 保险公司需要对洪水造成的损失进行估定。

The studies analysed by the researchers followed up participants for a median (average) of seven years. The mean (average) age was 64, and 49% of participants were female.


In people aged 60 years or older, the size of the reduction in risk of death was smaller than that seen in people aged younger than 60 years. In the older adults, there was a 42% reduction in risk seen in those who walked between 6,000 and 10,000 steps a day, while there was a 49% reduction in risk in younger adults who walked between 7,000 and 13,000 steps a day.


Prof. Banach says: “In a world where we have more and more advanced drugs to target specific conditions such as cardiovascular disease, I believe we should always emphasise that lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, which was a main hero of our analysis, might be at least as, or even more effective in reducing cardiovascular risk and prolonging lives. We still need good studies to investigate whether these benefits may exist for intensive types of exertion, such as marathon running and iron man challenges, and in different populations of different ages, and with different associated health problems. However, it seems that, as with pharmacological treatments, we should always think about personalising lifestyle changes.”



prolong /prəˈlɒŋ/ 表示“延长,拖延”,英文解释为“to make something last a longer time”举个🌰:We were having such a good time that we decided to prolong our stay by another week. 我们过得非常愉快,决定再多呆一个星期。


exertion /ɪɡˈzɜː.ʃən/ 1)表示“尽力;努力;费力”,英文解释为“the use of a lot of mental or physical effort”举个🌰:I get out of breath with any kind of physical exertion. 我一干点体力活就上气不接下气。

2)表示“运用;行使(权威、权力等);施加(影响等)”,英文解释为“the use of something such as authority, power, influence, etc. in order to make something happen”如:the exertion of influence over who was appointed to the job 对于被授予该职位的人施以影响。


pharmacological /ˌfɑːrməkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ 表示“用药物治疗的”,英文解释为“relating to treatment that uses drugs”


personalise / personalize /ˈpɜː.sən.əl.aɪz/ 1)表示“(对某物作改动或标上…)使成为个人专有,使具个人特色”,英文解释为“If you personalize an object, you change it or add to it so that it is obvious that it belongs to or comes from you.”举个🌰:The computer allows you to personalize standard letters by adding a greeting to each one. 电脑允许个人在标准信笺上添加问候语使其更加个人化。

2)表示“使…符合(某人的)特定需求,使个性化”,英文解释为“to make something suitable for the needs of a particular person”举个🌰:She hired a trainer to create a personalized exercise schedule to get her into shape. 她请了一名教练来为她量身定制一个塑身计划。

- 词汇盘点 -

cardiology、 cardiovascular、 blood vessel、 adjunct professor、 irrespective、 temperate、 tropical、 sedentary、 versus、 undertake、 optimal、 cut-off、 meta-analysis、 assess、 prolong、 exertion、 pharmacological、 personalise

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Dr. Lee, an adjunct professor in cardiology, undertook a meta-analysis to assess cardiovascular health in temperate versus tropical regions. Irrespective of location, sedentary lifestyles strained blood vessels. His research sought the optimal cut-off for physical exertion, contrasting pharmacological benefits. He aimed to personalise treatments, prolonging health.
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