

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06



1. Which statement accurately captures the primary goal behind Kweichow Moutai's collaboration with Luckin Coffee?

a. To expand Luckin Coffee's store portfolio.

b. To create an affordable luxury drink for the masses.

c. To rejuvenate Moutai's brand image among younger consumers.

d. To introduce the culture of drinking coffee in China.

2. Based on the articles, which strategy has NOT been used by Moutai to engage with younger consumers?

a. Opening dedicated cafes for coffee and alcohol drinks.

b. Testing bubble tea and coffee options with a Moutai add-on.

c. Collaborating with dairy companies to introduce new products.

d. Introducing alcohol-infused snacks and desserts.


China's Moutai, Luckin launch alcohol-tinged latte to woo young Chinese consumers

From: Reuters

Kweichow Moutai and coffee brand Luckin Coffee on Monday launched in China a latte advertised as containing the fiery Chinese spirit baijiu, as the Chinese luxury liquor maker aims to pull in more younger consumers.

The 38 yuan ($5.23) "sauce-flavoured latte", which Luckin discounted to 19 yuan on the first day of sales, was one of the most discussed topics on Chinese social media platform Weibo, with several users saying they had placed orders.

Moutai, known as the national liquor of China, is a potent, colourless spirit that is usually served at banquets in China, and drinkers say that the flavour and aroma of Kweichow Moutai's version are similar to soy sauce. The companies said the latte alcohol content was lower than 0.5 per cent of its volume.

The launch comes amid a slowing economy and as Kweichow Moutai, whose alcohol sells at an average market guide price of 1,499 yuan, has been looking for ways to be more accessible and pull in a new generation of users. The company, based in China's southwestern Guizhou province, also launched a baijiu-infused ice cream last year.

Chinese social media users posted videos of themselves picking up cups of the drink and being told by sales staff that they should not drive after drinking it. By Monday afternoon in Beijing, the app showed buyers would need to wait for more than an hour to pick up their drinks, up from the usual few minutes.

Independent food industry analyst Zhu Danpeng said the collaboration would most likely benefit both brands.

"Moutai and Luckin are the leading enterprises in the domestic liquor and coffee sectors, respectively," Zhu said. "On the one hand, Moutai accelerates its brand rejuvenation through cooperation with Luckin and on the other hand, for Luckin, its cooperation with Moutai also helps to improve its comprehensive strength and brand tone in the coffee industry."

Luckin has been aggressively expanding its store portfolio in China after surviving an accounting fraud scandal in 2020 that forced it to withdraw from the Nasdaq exchange and brought it to the brink of collapse.

Moutai and Luckin cause a stir with unexpected collaboration

From: Dao Insights

Luckin Coffee, best known for its low prices and hyper convenient collection service, is upgrading its brand image by collaborating with Moutai Kweichow, one of China's top liquor brands.

According to unofficial images of the campaign circulating on social media, the exclusive co-branded “liquor latte” is set to drop on September 4.  Given the ongoing price war being waged in China's coffee market, which has seen the average price of a cup of coffee plummet to 9.9 RMB (1.4 USD), consumers are curious as to how the campaign will strike the balance between premiumisation and remaining competitive.

The campaign has prompted jokes about the potential outcome of combining coffee and alcohol in one product, with remarks like “drunk and alert at the same time” and “can I drive a car after drinking this?” filling comments sections under relevant posts on Xiaohongshu and Weibo. Netizens also joked about Luckin's penchant for boundary-pushing collaborations, coming up with their own predictions for the next collaboration, such as “Luckin x Chongqing hot pot soup base”.

While Luckin looks to add prestige to its brand image, Moutai hopes to connect more with younger consumers. The past 18 months have seen Moutai push alcohol-flavoured snacks to new limits, with the most notable example being Moutai Ice Cream launched in partnership with the dairy giant Mengniu in May 2022.

The collaboration with Luckin is reportedly not Moutai's first experimentation with coffee. Since June, the brand has been testing the waters at its ice cream stores in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chongqing, with online menus revealing a huge range of bubble tea and coffee, with the option of a 2ml Moutai add-on.

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China's Moutai, Luckin launch alcohol-tinged latte to woo young Chinese consumers

From: Reuters

Kweichow Moutai and coffee brand Luckin Coffee on Monday launched in China a latte advertised as containing the fiery Chinese spirit baijiu, as the Chinese luxury liquor maker aims to pull in more younger consumers.

周一,贵州茅台(Kweichow Moutai)与咖啡品牌瑞幸咖啡(Luckin Coffee)在中国联合推出了一款含有烈性白酒的拿铁咖啡。这是这家中国奢侈白酒制造商旨在吸引更多年轻消费者的尝试。


latte /ˈlæteɪ/ 表示“热牛奶咖啡;拿铁咖啡”,英文解释为“a hot drink made from espresso (= strong coffee) and warm milk”


表示“(尤指为了销售某物)登广告,做广告,宣传;公布;征聘”,英文解释为“to make something known generally or in public, especially in order to sell it”举个🌰:We advertised our car in the local newspaper. 我们在当地报纸上登了广告出售我们的轿车。


fiery /ˈfaɪərɪ/ 1)表示“火红的;火一般的”,英文解释为“bright red, like fire”,如:a fiery sky/sunset 火红的天空/落日余晖。

2)表示“(食物)辣的”,英文解释为“Fiery food causes a strong burning feeling in the mouth.”如:a fiery chilli sauce 辣味十足的辣椒酱。

3)表示“充满激情的;激烈的;火爆的”,英文解释为“showing very strong feeling”如:a fiery temper 火爆的脾气。


spirit也可以表示“烈酒”,英文解释为“a strong alcoholic drink”举个🌰:I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits. 我不喝威士忌(whisky)和白兰地(brandy),也不喝其他烈性酒。


liquor /ˈlɪkə/ 表示“白酒,烈酒”,英文解释为“strong alcoholic drink”。

The 38 yuan ($5.23) "sauce-flavoured latte", which Luckin discounted to 19 yuan on the first day of sales, was one of the most discussed topics on Chinese social media platform Weibo, with several users saying they had placed orders.



sauce /sɔːs/作名词,可以指“调味汁;酱”(a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour),本身也有“讨厌的话(或举动);无礼的话(或举动)”的含义(talk or behaviour that is annoying or lacking in respect)。


-flavoured / -fleɪ.vəd/ 表示“有…味的”,英文解释为“tasting of the thing stated”如:orange-flavoured chocolate 橙味巧克力,mint-flavoured sweets 薄荷糖。

Moutai, known as the national liquor of China, is a potent, colourless spirit that is usually served at banquets in China, and drinkers say that the flavour and aroma of Kweichow Moutai's version are similar to soy sauce. The companies said the latte alcohol content was lower than 0.5 per cent of its volume.



potent /ˈpəʊtənt/ 表示“强有力的,强大的;有效力的”,英文解释为“very powerful, forceful, or effective”举个🌰:This is a very potent drug and can have unpleasant side-effects. 该药效力很强,副作用也不小。


表示“(正式的)宴会”,英文解释为“a large formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches in honour of someone”。

soy sauce

soy sauce /ˌsɔɪ ˈsɔːs/ 表示“酱油”,英文解释为“a strong-tasting, dark brown liquid made from fermented soya beans and used especially in Chinese and Japanese cooking”


volume /ˈvɒl.juːm/ 1)表示“总数;总量;总额”,英文解释为“the number or amount of something in general”举个🌰:It's the sheer volume of traffic in the city that is causing the problems. 造成这些问题的就是城里的交通流量。

2)表示“容积;体积;容量”,英文解释为“the amount of space that is contained within an object or solid shape”举个🌰:Which of these bottles do you think has the greater volume? 你认为这些瓶子中哪个容积最大?

3)表示“卷;册”,英文解释为“one in a set of related books”也可以表示“书”,英文解释为“a book”如:如:a volume of poetry 一本诗集,举个🌰:She took a slim volume down from the shelf. 她从书架上取下一本很薄的书。

4)表示“音量;音量调节钮”,英文解释为“the level of sound produced by a television, radio, etc., or the switch or other device controlling this”举个🌰:Could you turn the volume down, please, I'm trying to sleep. 你能把音量调低些吗?我要睡觉。

The launch comes amid a slowing economy and as Kweichow Moutai, whose alcohol sells at an average market guide price of 1,499 yuan, has been looking for ways to be more accessible and pull in a new generation of users. The company, based in China's southwestern Guizhou province, also launched a baijiu-infused ice cream last year.



infuse /ɪnˈfjuːz/在医学上的“输注(药物等)”,英文解释为“to slowly put a drug or other substance into a person's vein”;infuse本身还有“使充满(某种感觉);向…灌输(某一品质,某一特性);使具有,注入(特性)”,英文解释为“to fill something or someone with a particular feeling or quality  be infused with sth”举个🌰:Her books are infused with humour and wisdom. 她的书充满了幽默和智慧。

也可表示“泡(茶);泡制(草药)”,英文解释为“If you infuse a drink or it infuses, you leave substances such as tea leaves or herbs in hot water so that their flavour goes into the liquid.”举个🌰:Allow the tea to infuse for five minutes. 让茶泡5分钟。

Chinese social media users posted videos of themselves picking up cups of the drink and being told by sales staff that they should not drive after drinking it. By Monday afternoon in Beijing, the app showed buyers would need to wait for more than an hour to pick up their drinks, up from the usual few minutes.


Independent food industry analyst Zhu Danpeng said the collaboration would most likely benefit both brands.

独立食品产业分析师朱丹蓬(Zhu Danpeng)表示,此次合作很可能对两个品牌都有利。

"Moutai and Luckin are the leading enterprises in the domestic liquor and coffee sectors, respectively," Zhu said. "On the one hand, Moutai accelerates its brand rejuvenation through cooperation with Luckin and on the other hand, for Luckin, its cooperation with Moutai also helps to improve its comprehensive strength and brand tone in the coffee industry."



表示“部门,领域,行业”,英文解释为“a part of an area of activity, especially of a country's economy”。

📍sector一词在政府工作报告中也是个高频词,如:the financial sector 表示金融业/财经界;heavy-polluting sectors 表示重污染行业;deepen reforms in key sectors 深化重点领域改革;the insurance sector 表示保险业。


accelerate /əkˈsel.ə.reɪt/ 表示“(使)加快,(使)增速;促进;提前,(促使)早日发生”,英文解释为“to happen or make something happen sooner or faster”举个🌰:They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops. 他们使用特殊的化学品来刺激农作物生长。


rejuvenation  /rɪˌdʒuːvəˈneɪʃn/ 表示“更新;复苏;复壮;回春作用”,英文解释为“the action or process of giving new energy or vigor to something.”


1)表示“风格;基调,格调;气氛”,英文解释为“the general mood or main qualities of something”举个🌰:I didn't like the jokey tone of the article - I thought it was inappropriate. 我不喜欢这篇文章的搞笑风格——我觉得这不恰当。

2)表示“色调;明暗;影调”,英文解释为“a form or degree of a colour”,如:warm tones of brown and yellow 棕色和黄色这种暖色调。

Luckin has been aggressively expanding its store portfolio in China after surviving an accounting fraud scandal in 2020 that forced it to withdraw from the Nasdaq exchange and brought it to the brink of collapse.



aggressively /əˈɡres.ɪv.li/ 1)表示“好斗地;富于攻击性地;挑衅地”,英文解释为“in an angry and violent way”举个🌰:Small children often behave aggressively. 小孩经常会表现得好斗。

2)表示“进取地;有侵略性地”,英文解释为“in a determined and forceful way in order to achieve success or win”举个🌰:They played more aggressively in the second half. 他们在下半场打得更有攻击性。


portfolio /pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ/ 很久没出现了,很早之前在88岁股神巴菲特日喝5罐可乐一文中出现过:Even though Apple stock is a major part of Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio, Buffett still uses a flip phone that he showed off on CNN. 表示“(某人或某公司持有的)有价证券组合,投资组合”(a group of stock s owned by a particular person or compan),如:an investment portfolio 投资组合。

此外,portfolio还有多个不同含义:1) 表示“公事包,文件夹;画夹”(a large flat case used especially for carrying pictures, documents etc)。

2) 表示“部长(大臣)的职责”(the work that a particular government official is responsible for),如:the foreign affairs portfolio 外交部长职责。

3)表示“(艺术家、摄影师等的)作品选集”(a set of pictures or other pieces of work that an artist, photographer etc has done)。

4)表示“(公司或机构提供的)系列产品,系列服务”(the range of products or services offered by a particular company or organization),如:a portfolio of wines 系列葡萄酒。


1)表示“欺诈罪;欺骗罪”,英文解释为“the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally”;

2)表示“骗子;行骗的人”,英文解释为“a person who pretends to have qualities, abilities, etc. that they do not really have in order to cheat other people”。



表示“抽回;取回;提取;撤回;撤离;退出;移回”,英文解释为“to take or move out or back, or to remove”举个🌰:She had to withdraw from the competition because of a leg injury. 她因伤只好退出了比赛。


brink /brɪŋk/ 1)表示“(峭壁、崖的)边缘”,英文解释为“the edge of a cliff or other high area”举个🌰:She was standing right on the brink of the gorge. 她就站在峡谷的边缘。

2)表示(新的、危险的,或令人兴奋的处境的)边缘,初始状态”,英文解释为“if you are on the brink of sth, you are almost in a very new, dangerous or exciting situation”,如:on the brink of collapse / war / death / disaster 濒于崩溃 / 战争 / 死亡 / 灾难。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述外国企业在印度投资的文章中提到:In an epic tale of value-destruction, the company now teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, weighing on Vodafone Group, its British corporate parent. 经历了如此漫长而悲壮的价值毁灭故事,该公司现在濒临破产边缘,也拖累了英国母公司沃达丰集团(Vodafone Group)。

Moutai and Luckin cause a stir with unexpected collaboration

From: Dao Insights

Luckin Coffee, best known for its low prices and hyper convenient collection service, is upgrading its brand image by collaborating with Moutai Kweichow, one of China's top liquor brands.



hyper /ˈhaɪ.pər/ 前缀,表示“超出,过度”,英文解释为“having too much of a quality”如:hyperactive 过分活跃的,hypercritical 吹毛求疵的,hypersensitive 过分敏感的。

According to unofficial images of the campaign circulating on social media, the exclusive co-branded “liquor latte” is set to drop on September 4.  Given the ongoing price war being waged in China's coffee market, which has seen the average price of a cup of coffee plummet to 9.9 RMB (1.4 USD), consumers are curious as to how the campaign will strike the balance between premiumisation and remaining competitive.



circulate有“(使)循环;(使)流通;(使)传递;(使)散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰:Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems. 有关他财务困难的谣言开始流传开来。

🎬电影《拉瑞·克劳》(Larry Crowne)中的台词提到:If gossip of this nature were to circulate, 如果这种性质的八卦流传开来,


exclusive /ɪkˈskluː.sɪv/ 1)表示“昂贵的;高档的;豪华的”,英文解释为“expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class”,如:an exclusive private club 豪华私人俱乐部。

2)表示“专用的,专有的;独有的,独占的”,英文解释为“limited to only one person or group of people”,如:an exclusive interview 独家采访,举个🌰:This room is for the exclusive use of guests. 这个房间是专供客人使用的。


「Drop」这个词有一种常见的熟词僻义,就是指「发布」、「推出」或者「发行」。例如,在音乐行业中,"drop"经常用来表示音乐人或乐队发布新专辑。这种用法相当于"release"或"put out"。例如,"Drake just dropped a new album yesterday"就是说"Drake 刚刚在昨天发布了一张新专辑"。

类似地,在时尚界,"drop"也可以用来描述某些时尚品牌发布新产品线或合作系列。例如,"Supreme is dropping a new collaboration with Nike next week"表示"Supreme 下周将与耐克推出一款新联名系列"。

此外,"drop"在互联网和科技领域中也经常被用来描述新产品的发布。例如,"Apple just dropped the latest version of its iPhone"表示"苹果公司刚刚发布了最新版本的iPhone"。



作名词,表示“工资,工钱,报酬”,此处作动词,表示“发动(战争);组织,筹备(活动)”,英文解释为“to fight a war or organize a series of activities in order to achieve something”举个🌰:They've been waging a long campaign to change the law. 他们为修改这一法律已组织发起了一场持久的运动。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇介绍拉美电商平台美卡多的文章中提到:The biggest is Amazon, against which his firm has waged a costly battle in Mexico. 最大的威胁来自亚马逊,美卡多与它在墨西哥展开了一场较量,代价高昂。


plummet /ˈplʌmɪt/ 此前在《纽约时报》这头版,“爆表”了...文中提到过,表示“(数量、比率、价格)暴跌”,英文解释为“If an amount, rate, or price plummets, it decreases quickly by a large amount.”举个🌰:In Tokyo share prices have plummeted for the sixth successive day. 在东京,股价已经是连续第6天暴跌了。

瑞幸咖啡怎么了?文中也出现过,CNBC的标题Shares of China's Luckin Coffee plummet 80% after investigation finds COO fabricated sales就用到了plummet这个词。

📍类似的表达「暴跌」的词有:tank,sink,plunge, slump,欢迎补充。

strike a balance

表示“(在争论中)找到折中办法,求得平衡”,英文解释为“If you strike a balance between two things, you accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side.”举个🌰:It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity. 问题在于要在产品质量和生产率之间求得适当的平衡。


premiumisation /ˌpriː.mi.ə.maiˈzeɪ.ʃən/ 是一个商业术语,指的是品牌或产品向高端、高质量或高价值方向的转变。这通常涉及改进产品的质量、包装或营销策略,以吸引那些愿意为高质量或独特性付更高价格的消费者。

The campaign has prompted jokes about the potential outcome of combining coffee and alcohol in one product, with remarks like “drunk and alert at the same time” and “can I drive a car after drinking this?” filling comments sections under relevant posts on Xiaohongshu and Weibo. Netizens also joked about Luckin's penchant for boundary-pushing collaborations, coming up with their own predictions for the next collaboration, such as “Luckin x Chongqing hot pot soup base”.

此次活动引起了人们对于一款既含咖啡又含酒精的饮品可能带来的效果的调侃,在小红书和微博的相关帖子下都有如“既能醉又能醒”、“喝完这个还能开车吗?”这样的留言。网友们还调侃瑞幸喜欢突破界限的合作,纷纷猜测下一次合作会是“瑞幸 x 重庆火锅汤底”。


作名词,1)表示“(计算机屏幕上的)提示符(显示计算机已经准备好接受指令)”,英文解释为“a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready to receive your instructions”

2)表示“(给演员的)提词,提白”,英文解释为“words that are spoken to an actor who has forgotten what he or she is going to say during the performance of a play”

3)作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. 他的讲话激起了人群中一男子的愤怒。

📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。

4)作动词,表示“(尤指)给(演员)提词”,英文解释为“to help someone, especially an actor, to remember what they were going to say or do”举个🌰:I forgot my line and had to be prompted. 我忘词了,只好让人提词。


penchant /ˈpen.tʃənt/ 表示“偏好,倾向,嗜好”,英文解释为“If someone has a penchant for something, they have a special liking for it or a tendency to do it.”如:a stylish woman with a penchant for dark glasses. 一位对墨镜有特别喜好的时髦女子。

While Luckin looks to add prestige to its brand image, Moutai hopes to connect more with younger consumers. The past 18 months have seen Moutai push alcohol-flavoured snacks to new limits, with the most notable example being Moutai Ice Cream launched in partnership with the dairy giant Mengniu in May 2022.



prestige /prɛˈstiːʒ/ 1)作名词,表示“威信;声望;威望”,英文解释为“the respect and admiration that sb/sth has because of their social position, or what they have done”举个🌰:There is a lot of prestige attached to owning a car like this. 拥有这样一部汽车会显得很气派。

2)作形容词,表示“名贵的;贵重的;讲究派头的”,英文解释为“admired and respected because it looks important and expensive”如:a prestige car 豪华的汽车。


表示“显要的;显著的;值得注意的”,英文解释为“important and deserving attention, because of being very good or interesting”如:a notable collection of rare plants 一批引人注目的奇花异草。


dairy /ˈdeə.ri/ 1)表示“牛奶场,乳品场,制酪场;牛奶公司,奶制品公司”,英文解释为“a place on a farm where milk and cream are kept and cheese and butter are made, or a company that supplies milk and products made from milk”。

2)表示“奶制品的,乳品”,英文解释为“foods that are made from milk, such as cream, butter, and cheese”如:a dairy-free diet 不吃奶制品的饮食结构。

📍diary表示“日记,日志”(a book in which you record your thoughts or feelings or what has happened each day)。


giant表示“巨头,大公司”,英文解释为“Giant is often used to refer to any large, successful business organization or country.”如:Japanese electronics giant, Sony 日本的电子业巨头——索尼公司。


📍mogul /ˈməʊɡəl/表示“(尤指新闻、影视界的)大人物;大亨”,英文解释为“A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry.”如:an international media mogul一位国际传媒大亨。

📍magnate /ˈmæɡneɪt, -nɪt/ 表示“大亨,巨头”,英文解释为“a rich and powerful person in industry or business”。

📍tycoon /taɪˈkuːn/ 表示“巨头,大亨(工商界)”,英文解释为“someone who is successful in business or industry and has a lot of money and power”如:property tycoon 房地产大亨。

📍conglomerate /kənˈglɒmərɪt/ 表示“联合大公司;企业集团”,英文解释为“A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.”如:the world's second-largest media conglomerate 世界第二大传媒集团。

📍behemoth /ˈbiːhɪmɒθ/ 表示“巨头(指规模庞大、实力雄厚的公司或机构)”,英文解释为“a very big and powerful company or organization”。

📍titan表示“巨人;巨头”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as a titan of a particular field, you mean that they are very important and powerful or successful in that field.”

The collaboration with Luckin is reportedly not Moutai's first experimentation with coffee. Since June, the brand has been testing the waters at its ice cream stores in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Chongqing, with online menus revealing a huge range of bubble tea and coffee, with the option of a 2ml Moutai add-on.


test the water(s)

表示“试探(人们对某事的意见)”,英文解释为“to find out what people's opinions of something are before you ask them to do something”


表示“揭露;泄露;透露”,英文解释为“to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret”举个🌰:He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians. 他因为向俄国人泄密而被监禁。


add-on /ˈæd.ɒn/ 表示“附加物;附加装置;(尤指正式计划、制度、协议等的)附加部分,附加项目”,英文解释为“an extra part that is added, especially to an officially organized plan, system, agreement, etc.”举个🌰:Legal expenses cover is often sold as an add-on to household insurance policies. 诉讼费用险经常作为家庭财产保险的附加险出售。

- 词汇盘点 -

latte、 advertise、 fiery、 spirit、 liquor、 sauce、 -flavoured、 potent、 banquet、 soy sauce、 volume、 infuse、 sector、 accelerate、 rejuvenation、 tone、 aggressively、 portfolio、 fraud、 withdraw、 brink、 hyper、 circulate、 exclusive、 drop、 wage、 plummet、 strike a balance、 premiumisation、 prompt、 penchant、 prestige、 notable、 dairy、 giant、 test the water(s)、 reveal、 add-on

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

The dairy giant, noted for its premiumisation, aggressively advertised its new product: a fiery, spirit-infused latte. This potent liquor-flavoured drink, a mix of rejuvenating soy sauce and exclusive sauces, prompted a huge volume in sales. However, when a fraud in their portfolio was revealed, they had to withdraw, causing their wages to plummet. The giant was on the brink of bankruptcy. To strike a balance, they tested the waters with a notable banquet, showcasing a prestige add-on. The sector saw this as their attempt to circulate a hyper-exclusive tone, accelerating the brand's rejuvenation.
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