

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06




1. Based on the article, which factor had the LEAST influence on the Nobel Foundation's final decision about invitations?

a. Feedback from the general public.

b. Statements by the Ukrainian foreign ministry spokesperson.

c. Opinions expressed by the Swedish prime minister.

d. The practices of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

2. Which of the following words is a synonym for "glitzy" as used in the text?

a. simplistic  b. modest

c. dull   d. glamorous


Nobel Foundation reverses decision to invite Russian ambassador to awards

From: The Guardian

The Nobel Foundation has reversed its decision to invite ambassadors from Russia and Belarus to this year's Nobel awards ceremony in Stockholm after the invitation sparked anger.

In 2022, the Nobel Foundation, which organises the annual Nobel prize ceremony and banquet in Stockholm, decided not to invite the Russian and Belarusian ambassadors to the awards event because of the war in Ukraine.

It made the same decision regarding the Iranian envoy over the country's crackdown on protests.

The Swedish foundation said on Thursday that it was returning to its previous practice of inviting ambassadors from all countries represented in Sweden. This sparked a wave of angry reactions, with several Swedish politicians saying they would boycott this year's Nobel prize ceremony.

On Saturday the foundation said Thursday's decision had been based on a belief “that it is important and right to reach out as widely as possible with the values and messages that the Nobel prize stands for”. It noted, however, that the strong reactions “completely overshadowed this message”.

“We, therefore, choose to repeat last year's exception to regular practice – that is, to not invite the ambassadors of Russia, Belarus and Iran to the Nobel prize award ceremony in Stockholm.”

Last year, the Norwegian Nobel Institute still invited all ambassadors to the peace prize ceremony it organises in Oslo, and the foundation said this would be the case again.

The decision to once again invite the Russian and Belarusian representatives sparked ire in Sweden and abroad, Agence-France Presse reported.

The Ukrainian foreign ministry spokesperson, Oleg Nikolenko, wrote on Facebook that the foundation should support efforts to isolate Russia and Belarus as “millions of Ukrainians suffer from an unprovoked war and the Russian regime is not punished for its crimes”.

The Swedish prime minister, Ulf Kristersson, also said he disagreed with the foundation's decision. “I would not have done it if I were handling invites to an award ceremony and I understand that it upsets many people in both Sweden and Ukraine,” he told AFP.

Several prominent Swedish politicians, including the leaders of the centre, green, left and liberal parties, said they would boycott the event over the Russian ambassador's presence.

The glitzy event is held each year in Stockholm on 10 December, the anniversary of the death in 1896 of the award's founder, Alfred Nobel, when laureates in the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and economics receive their awards from King Carl XVI Gustaf.

This year's Nobel prize winners will be announced in early October.

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Nobel Foundation reverses decision to invite Russian ambassador to awards

From: The Guardian

The Nobel Foundation has reversed its decision to invite ambassadors from Russia and Belarus to this year's Nobel awards ceremony in Stockholm after the invitation sparked anger.



1)表示“失败;挫折”,英文解释为“a defeat or failure”举个🌰:They suffered a serious military reverse. 他们遭受了一次重大的军事失败。也可以表示“相反的情况(或事物);对立面”,英文解释为“the opposite of what has been suggested”

2)作动词,表示“(使)反向;(使)倒转;彻底改变;推翻”,英文解释为“to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite”举个🌰:The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes. 新经理希望能够扭转公司江河日下的状况。


ambassador /æmˈbæs.ə.dər/ 表示“大使”,英文解释为“an important official who works in a foreign country representing his or her own country there, and who is officially accepted in this position by that country”


Belarus /ˌbel.əˈruːs/ 表示“白俄罗斯”,英文解释为“a country in eastern Europe”


spark表示“引发”,英文解释为“If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening.”举个🌰:My teacher organized a unit on computer science that really sparked my interest. 我的老师编排了一个关于计算机科学的单元,它真正激发了我的兴趣。

此前,《后浪》和「青年」文中标题中就用到:Bilibili's May 4th Youth Day video sparks discussion on social media 引发热议。


📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”举个🌰:The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination. 这首诗能够激发起想象力。

📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats. 是金钱驱使这些渔民驾驶单薄的小船冒险出海远航。

🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。

📍trigger表示“发动;引起;触发”,英文解释为“to make sth happen suddenly”举个🌰:Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction. 坚果可以引起严重的过敏反应。

In 2022, the Nobel Foundation, which organises the annual Nobel prize ceremony and banquet in Stockholm, decided not to invite the Russian and Belarusian ambassadors to the awards event because of the war in Ukraine.



表示“(正式的)宴会”,英文解释为“a large formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches in honour of someone”。

It made the same decision regarding the Iranian envoy over the country's crackdown on protests.



envoy /ˈenvɔɪ/ 表示“使者;代表”,英文解释为“An envoy is someone who is sent as a representative from one government or political group to another.”

The Swedish foundation said on Thursday that it was returning to its previous practice of inviting ambassadors from all countries represented in Sweden. This sparked a wave of angry reactions, with several Swedish politicians saying they would boycott this year's Nobel prize ceremony.



boycott /ˈbɔɪkɒt/ 在类似新闻报道中多次出现,比如韩国小姐集体拒绝赴日比赛一文中的Korea to boycott Miss International 2019;

boycott可作动词也可作名词,意思是“抵制,排斥,拒绝参加”,我国港澳台地区常说的“杯葛”一词即为boycott的音译,英文解释为“to refuse to buy, use or take part in sth as a way of protesting”举个🌰:We boycott all products tested on animals. 我们抵制所有拿动物做试验的产品。

On Saturday the foundation said Thursday's decision had been based on a belief “that it is important and right to reach out as widely as possible with the values and messages that the Nobel prize stands for”. It noted, however, that the strong reactions “completely overshadowed this message”.



表示“使黯然失色;使相形见绌;使扫兴;使蒙上阴影”,英文解释为“to make an event less enjoyable than it should be”举个🌰:News of the accident overshadowed the day's events. 出事的消息给这一天的活动蒙上了阴影。

🎬电影《康斯坦丁》(Constantine)中的台词提到:You mustn't let your faith be overshadowed by guilt. 别让罪恶吞没了你的信念。

“We, therefore, choose to repeat last year's exception to regular practice – that is, to not invite the ambassadors of Russia, Belarus and Iran to the Nobel prize award ceremony in Stockholm.”



表示“一般情况以外的人(或事物);例外”,英文解释为“a person or thing that is not included in a general statement”举个🌰:Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception. 那时候谁都没有很多钱,我也不例外。

📺美剧《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)中的台词提到:Rex and Bree Van de Kamp were no exception. 雷克斯和布里·范德坎普也不例外。

Last year, the Norwegian Nobel Institute still invited all ambassadors to the peace prize ceremony it organises in Oslo, and the foundation said this would be the case again.


The decision to once again invite the Russian and Belarusian representatives sparked ire in Sweden and abroad, Agence-France Presse reported.



ire /aɪə/ 表示“愤怒”,不可数名词,英文解释为“Ire is anger.”举个🌰:Their ire was directed mainly at the company. 他们的愤怒主要针对该公司。

The Ukrainian foreign ministry spokesperson, Oleg Nikolenko, wrote on Facebook that the foundation should support efforts to isolate Russia and Belarus as “millions of Ukrainians suffer from an unprovoked war and the Russian regime is not punished for its crimes”.

乌克兰外交部发言人奥列格·尼古连科(Oleg Nikolenko)在Facebook上写道,该基金会应支持孤立俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的努力,因为“数百万乌克兰人遭受无端战争,而俄罗斯政权并未为其罪行受到惩罚”。


表示“隔离;孤立;分离”,英文解释为“to separate something from other things with which it is connected or mixed;to keep a person or animal separate from other people or animals by putting them in a different place”举个🌰:A high wall isolated the house from the rest of the village. 一堵高墙将这栋房子与村庄的其他部分隔离开来。


unprovoked /ˌʌn.prəˈvoʊkt/ 表示“(令人不快的言行)无端的,无缘无故的”,英文解释为“If an unpleasant action or remark is unprovoked, it has not been caused by anything and is therefore unfair.”举个🌰:Her angry outburst was totally unprovoked. 她的暴跳如雷完全是无理取闹。


regime /reɪˈʒiːm/ 1)表示“政府;政权;政体”,英文解释为“a particular government or a system or method of government”举个🌰:The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown. 腐败的旧极权政府被推翻。

2)表示“组织方法;管理体制;体系”,英文解释为“a particular way of operating or organizing a business, etc.”举个🌰:The regime in this office is hard work and more hard work. 该事务所的管理方式是让人努力再努力。


📍regimen /ˈredʒ.ɪ.mən/ 表示“(尤指为了增进健康的)生活规则,养生之道,养生法”,英文解释为“any set of rules about food and exercise that someone follows, especially in order to improve their health”举个🌰:After his heart attack the doctor put him on a strict regimen. 他的心脏病发作后,医生给他制订了严格的生活规则。

The Swedish prime minister, Ulf Kristersson, also said he disagreed with the foundation's decision. “I would not have done it if I were handling invites to an award ceremony and I understand that it upsets many people in both Sweden and Ukraine,” he told AFP.

瑞典首相乌尔夫·克里斯特松(Ulf Kristersson)也表示,他不同意基金会的决定。“如果是我来决定颁奖典礼的邀请,我就不会这样做,我理解这决定让瑞典和乌克兰的许多人感到不悦,”他告诉法新社。

Several prominent Swedish politicians, including the leaders of the centre, green, left and liberal parties, said they would boycott the event over the Russian ambassador's presence.



1)表示“重要的;著名的;杰出的”,英文解释为“important or well known”举个🌰:He played a prominent part in the campaign. 他在这次运动中发挥了重要作用。

2)表示“突出的,显眼的”,英文解释为“Something that is in a prominent position can easily be seen.”举个🌰:New books are displayed in a prominent position on tables at the front of the store. 新书陈列在商店前面桌子上的一个显眼位置。


1)表示“自由开放的,开放的,开明的”,英文解释为“respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour”如:a liberal society/attitude 自由开放的社会/态度。

2)表示“(指政党或国家)自由的,开放的”,英文解释为“(of a political party or a country) believing in or allowing more personal freedom and development towards a fairer sharing of wealth and power within society”

The glitzy event is held each year in Stockholm on 10 December, the anniversary of the death in 1896 of the award's founder, Alfred Nobel, when laureates in the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry, literature and economics receive their awards from King Carl XVI Gustaf.

这一盛大活动每年都于12月10日——诺贝尔奖创始人阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔(Alfred Nobel)1896年逝世纪念日——在斯德哥尔摩举行,届时医学、物理、化学、文学和经济学领域的获奖者将从瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫手中接过他们的奖项。


glitzy /ˈɡlɪtsɪ/ 表示“时髦华丽的;富丽堂皇的;耀眼夺目的”,英文解释为“having a fashionable appearance intended to attract attention”,举个🌰:He celebrated his birthday at a glitzy party there. 他在那为自己举办了一个豪华铺张的生日宴会。


laureate /ˈlɔːrɪɪt/ 表示“荣誉获得者;获奖者”,英文解释为“a person who has been given an official honour or prize for sth important they have achieved”,如:a Nobel laureate 诺贝尔奖获得者。

This year's Nobel prize winners will be announced in early October.


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- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

The unprovoked actions of Belarus's regime sparked ire globally. Prominent liberal laureates, including an ambassador and a glitzy envoy, reversed their decision to attend a banquet, overshadowing the event. This prominent boycott isolated the regime, with the sole exception being a loyal envoy from a neighboring country.
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