

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06





1. What was the main purpose of using Google Glass in the experiment?

a) To determine the social class of pedestrians.

b) To test a new technology for research.

c) To record what the wearers noticed while walking.

d) To monitor how often participants looked at their surroundings.

2. The article suggests that the behavior of wealthy people ignoring others is __.

a) a result of their upbringing.

b) a deliberate act of superiority.

c) unintentional and culturally rooted.

d) mainly because they find others non-threatening.


China's renowned online sales influencer, Li Jiaqi, known as the "Lipstick King" with nearly 76 million followers on Alibaba's Taobao Live, faced backlash after criticizing viewers who commented on the price of an eyebrow pen during a live-stream.

Responding to a viewer's remark about the product's cost, Li insinuated that those finding it expensive might not be working hard enough. His remarks sparked widespread indignation on social media, with many calling his comments snobbish and insensitive, especially to the working class.

Early Monday, Li issued an apology, acknowledging his inappropriate comments and promising to manage his emotions better in the future.

Rich People Really Do Ignore You When You Walk Past

From: Science Alert

Psychologists have found evidence that wealthy people pay less attention to those around them compared to people of lower social status.

The findings back up what many of us have already suspected - rich people don't view the rest of us as threatening or potentially rewarding, so they basically just ignore us.

"Across field, lab, and online studies, our research documents that other humans are more likely to capture the attention of lower-class individuals than the attention of higher-class individuals," said team leader Pia Dietze, from New York University.

"Like other cultural groups, social class affects information processing in a pervasive and spontaneous manner."

It's important to note right off the bat that the team isn't saying that rich people willingly ignore the rest of the world. Instead, they think that the behaviour is a fundamentally rooted, culturally ingrained psychological phenomenon that's known as 'motivational relevance'.

In other words, we pay more visual attention to people and things that might benefit or harm us – and for rich people, that's not those in lower social classes.

To test this hypothesis, the team performed a series of experiments. First, they gathered 61 pedestrians in New York City and outfitted them with Google Glass, after asking them a series of questions to gauge what social class they identified with.

The participants were told that they were just there to test the technology, and were asked to simply walk down the street. The team then analysed the video footage captured to see what things around them – specifically, other people – they were noticing. 

"The results indicated that social class didn't seem to play a role in how many times Glass wearers looked at other people," the team explains.

"But social class was associated with how much time they spent looking at passers-by: participants who categorised themselves as being in a higher social class spent less time looking at other people than those who placed themselves in a lower social class."

To back up this initial experiment, the team conducted another. This time, 393 online participants were asked to view alternating pairs of images. Each of the images contained a face and several objects. The team then asked the participants – after alternating the images – if anything in them had changed.

They found that those in higher social classes took longer than those in lower classes to point out that the faces changed on the screen, meaning that they weren't paying as much attention to the faces compared to those in lower social classes.

The team says this strengthens their hypothesis that those in lower social classes looked longer and paid closer attention to those around them, compared to higher class individuals that would have less psychological motivation to do so.

The experiment also showed that wealthy people weren't aware they were ignoring people. Instead, it was a behaviour that seems to be culturally ingrained – but there's still a lot of research needed to understand how this happens.

It's important to note that the participants self-reported their social class, which could have skewed the results. And while using Google Glass for research is interesting, people most likely look around differently while wearing it, especially for the first time, so we have to take the results with a grain of salt.

But as the researchers note, investigating how we relate to each other based on our social standing could lead to invaluable insights into the social issues that come with that. 

"Our work contributes to a growing knowledge base around the influence of social class background on psychological functioning," said Dietze.

"The more we know about the effect of social class differences, the better we can address widespread societal issues - this research is just one piece of the puzzle."

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China's renowned online sales influencer, Li Jiaqi, known as the "Lipstick King" with nearly 76 million followers on Alibaba's Taobao Live, faced backlash after criticizing viewers who commented on the price of an eyebrow pen during a live-stream.



表示“有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的”,英文解释为“famous and respected”举个🌰:She is renowned for her patience. 她的耐心是出了名的。


字面上的意思就是影响者,有影响力的人,柯林斯词典中的解释分为两种,一个就是字面上的意思:any person or thing that exerts an influence;另一种解释为:a person who uses social media to promote lifestyle choices, commercial products, etc to his or her followers. 利用社交媒体向自己的粉丝推广或推荐产品和服务的人,就是类似于现在网络中的“网红、博主”,或者说关键意见领袖,Key Opinion Leader,KOL.


表示“强烈抵制,集体反对”,英文解释为“a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, for example to sth that has recently changed in society”如:the backlash against xx 对xx的强烈反对。

📺美剧《无耻之徒》(Shameless)第一季中的台词提到:There will be a backlash if people don't stop 字幕组翻译为:如果人们不停止...的话,迟早会出大事。

Responding to a viewer's remark about the product's cost, Li insinuated that those finding it expensive might not be working hard enough. His remarks sparked widespread indignation on social media, with many calling his comments snobbish and insensitive, especially to the working class.



insinuate /ɪnˈsɪn.ju.eɪt/ 表示“含沙射影地说,影射”,英文解释为“to suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true”举个🌰:Are you insinuating (that) I'm losing my nerve? 你是在暗示我胆怯了吗?


spark表示“引发”,英文解释为“If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening.”举个🌰:My teacher organized a unit on computer science that really sparked my interest. 我的老师编排了一个关于计算机科学的单元,它真正激发了我的兴趣。

此前,《后浪》和「青年」文中标题中就用到:Bilibili's May 4th Youth Day video sparks discussion on social media 引发热议。


📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”举个🌰:The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination. 这首诗能够激发起想象力。

📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats. 是金钱驱使这些渔民驾驶单薄的小船冒险出海远航。

🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。

📍trigger表示“发动;引起;触发”,英文解释为“to make sth happen suddenly”举个🌰:Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction. 坚果可以引起严重的过敏反应。


indignation /ˌɪn.dɪɡˈneɪ.ʃən/ 表示“(由错误或不公正的事激起的)愤怒,愤慨”,英文解释为“anger about a situation that you think is wrong or not fair”。


snobbish /ˈsnɒb.ɪʃ/ 表示“势利的;爱虚荣的”,英文解释为“like a snob”举个🌰:He is very snobbish about cars. 他很讲究汽车的档次。


1)表示“(人或其行为)未意识到(他人感受)的;漠不关心的”,英文解释为“not feeling or showing sympathy for other people's feelings, or refusing to give importance to something”举个🌰:The police have been criticized for being insensitive to complaints from the public. 警方因漠视公众的投诉而受到批评。

2)表示“不敏感的;无感觉的”,英文解释为“not showing any reaction to something, or unable to feel something”举个🌰:The protective covering must be insensitive to light and heat. 保护罩必须对光和热不敏感。

Early Monday, Li issued an apology, acknowledging his inappropriate comments and promising to manage his emotions better in the future.


Rich People Really Do Ignore You When You Walk Past

From: Science Alert

Psychologists have found evidence that wealthy people pay less attention to those around them compared to people of lower social status.


The findings back up what many of us have already suspected - rich people don't view the rest of us as threatening or potentially rewarding, so they basically just ignore us.



suspect /səˈspekt/ 表示“怀疑,猜想,认为(某事有可能)”,英文解释为“to think or believe something to be true or probable”举个🌰:So far, the police do not suspect foul play. 目前,警察没有怀疑是谋杀。

"Across field, lab, and online studies, our research documents that other humans are more likely to capture the attention of lower-class individuals than the attention of higher-class individuals," said team leader Pia Dietze, from New York University.

该研究团队负责人、纽约大学的皮娅·迪茨(Pia Dietze)表示:“通过实地、实验室和在线研究,我们的研究表明,相较于较高社会地位的人,较低社会地位的人更容易注意到他人。”

"Like other cultural groups, social class affects information processing in a pervasive and spontaneous manner."



表示“到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的”,英文解释为“Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.”如:the pervasive influence of mobile phones in daily life 手机在日常生活中无处不在的影响。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情带来的影响的文章中提到:But there will also be residual fear, pervasive uncertainty, a lack of innovative fervour and deepened inequalities. 但同时也会有残留的恐惧感、普遍的不确定性、匮乏的创新激情,以及加剧的不平等。


spontaneous /spɒnˈteɪ.ni.əs/ 表示“自发的;非筹划安排的;非勉强的”,英文解释为“happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced”举个🌰:His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand. 他讲的笑话似乎是即兴的,但实际上是事先精心准备好的。

It's important to note right off the bat that the team isn't saying that rich people willingly ignore the rest of the world. Instead, they think that the behaviour is a fundamentally rooted, culturally ingrained psychological phenomenon that's known as 'motivational relevance'.


right off the bat

"right off the bat"是一个俚语,意思是“立刻”、“马上”或“一开始”。在这个句子中,它的意思是“首先”或“首先要指出”。


ingrained /ɪnˈɡreɪnd/ 表示“(观念)根深蒂固的”,英文解释为“(of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change”举个🌰:Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily. 如此根深蒂固的偏见是不容易纠正的。

In other words, we pay more visual attention to people and things that might benefit or harm us – and for rich people, that's not those in lower social classes.


To test this hypothesis, the team performed a series of experiments. First, they gathered 61 pedestrians in New York City and outfitted them with Google Glass, after asking them a series of questions to gauge what social class they identified with.



表示“假设,假说”,英文解释为“an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved”举个🌰:Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested. 已经提出了好几种全球变暖的假说。


pedestrian /pɪˈdɛstrɪən/作名词表示“步行者,行人”(a person walking in the street and not travelling in a vehicle),如:pedestrian crossing 人行横道。


作名词,1)表示“全套服装,装束(尤指为某场合或目的)”(a set of clothes that you wear together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose)如:a wedding outfit 一套结婚礼服。

2)表示“组织;公司;团队;军事单位”,英文解释为“an organization, company, team, military unit, etc.”举个🌰:He has recently set up his own research outfit. 他最近建立了自己的研究队伍。

作动词,表示“装备,配备;为…提供设备(或服装)”,英文解释为“to provide someone or something with equipment or clothes”举个🌰:The ambulances have all been outfitted with new radios. 所有救护车都装备了新的无线电收发设备。


gauge /ɡeɪdʒ/ 1)表示“判定,判断(通常指人的感受)”,英文解释为“to make a judgment about something, usually people's feelings”举个🌰:A poll was conducted to gauge consumers' attitudes. 为了摸清消费者的看法,进行了一次民意调查。

2)表示“(尤指用测量仪器)测量,计量,测算”,英文解释为“to calculate an amount, especially by using a measuring device”举个🌰:Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature. 用温度计测量一下温度。

The participants were told that they were just there to test the technology, and were asked to simply walk down the street. The team then analysed the video footage captured to see what things around them – specifically, other people – they were noticing.



footage 表示“(描述某一事件的)片段镜头”,英文解释为“Footage of a particular event is a film of it or the part of a film which shows this event.”举个🌰:They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer's festivals. 他们计划独家播放今年夏季节日活动的片断镜头。


📍closed-circuit footage指的是监控录像画面;📍CCTV:此CCTV非彼CCTV,其中的CC就是Closed Circuit的缩写,TV就是电视Television的缩写。

"The results indicated that social class didn't seem to play a role in how many times Glass wearers looked at other people," the team explains.


"But social class was associated with how much time they spent looking at passers-by: participants who categorised themselves as being in a higher social class spent less time looking at other people than those who placed themselves in a lower social class."



表示“将…分类;把…加以归类”,英文解释为“to put people or things into groups according to what type they are”举个🌰:Participants were categorised according to age. 参加者按年龄分组。


To back up this initial experiment, the team conducted another. This time, 393 online participants were asked to view alternating pairs of images. Each of the images contained a face and several objects. The team then asked the participants – after alternating the images – if anything in them had changed.



alternating /ˈɒl.tə.neɪ.tɪŋ/ 1)表示“交替的”,英文解释为“with first one thing, then another thing, and then the first thing again”如:alternating moods of anger and sadness 愤怒和悲伤的交替情绪;

2)表示“隔天、隔周...发生”,英文解释为“happening every second day, week, etc.”

They found that those in higher social classes took longer than those in lower classes to point out that the faces changed on the screen, meaning that they weren't paying as much attention to the faces compared to those in lower social classes.


The team says this strengthens their hypothesis that those in lower social classes looked longer and paid closer attention to those around them, compared to higher class individuals that would have less psychological motivation to do so.


The experiment also showed that wealthy people weren't aware they were ignoring people. Instead, it was a behaviour that seems to be culturally ingrained – but there's still a lot of research needed to understand how this happens.


It's important to note that the participants self-reported their social class, which could have skewed the results. And while using Google Glass for research is interesting, people most likely look around differently while wearing it, especially for the first time, so we have to take the results with a grain of salt.



skew /skjuː/ 表示“歪曲;曲解;使不公允;影响…的准确性”,英文解释为“to change or influence sth with the result that it is not accurate, fair, normal, etc.”如:to skew the statistics 影响统计数字的准确性。举个🌰:These last-minute changes have skewed the company's results. 这些最后一刻才做出的改变影响了公司的业绩。

take sth with a gain of salt

美式 take sth with a grain of salt 英式 take sth with a pinch of salt 表示“对…半信半疑,对…有所怀疑”,英文解释为“to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true”举个🌰:You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate. 你不能完全相信她的话,她总是喜欢夸大其词。

But as the researchers note, investigating how we relate to each other based on our social standing could lead to invaluable insights into the social issues that come with that.


"Our work contributes to a growing knowledge base around the influence of social class background on psychological functioning," said Dietze.


"The more we know about the effect of social class differences, the better we can address widespread societal issues - this research is just one piece of the puzzle."


- 词汇盘点 -

renowned、 influencer、 backlash、 insinuate、 spark、 indignation、 snobbish、 insensitive、 suspect、 pervasive、 spontaneous、 right off the bat、 ingrained、 hypothesis、 pedestrian、 outfit、 gauge、 footage、 categorise、 alternating、 skew、 take sth with a gain of salt、

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

A renowned influencer faced backlash after insinuating pedestrians wore "snobbish" outfits. This spark of indignation, suspected to be ingrained in pervasive snobbery, led to alternating footage gauging reactions. Critics, however, took the snobbish hypothesis with a grain of salt, noting the skewed categorization.
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