

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06

北京时间10月4日下午17:45,2023年诺贝尔化学奖揭晓:蒙吉·巴文迪(Moungi Bawendi)、路易斯·布鲁斯(Louis Brus)和阿列克谢·叶基莫夫(Alexei Ekimov)获奖,以表彰他们对量子点的发现与合成所作的贡献。(for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots)。


1. What do quantum dots' colors signify?

a) The duration of the chemical reaction they catalyze

b) The age of the quantum dots

c) The amount of light they absorb

d) The size of the particles

2. What is implied about the utilization of quantum dots?

a) They can only be used in the field of medicine.

b) They are mainly employed for aesthetic purposes.

c) Their application extends to multiple fields.

d) Their use is restricted due to the technology's infancy.


Trio wins Nobel Prize in chemistry for work on quantum dots, used in electronics and medical imaging


Three scientists based in the U.S. won the Nobel Prize in chemistry Wednesday for their work on quantum dots — tiny particles just a few atoms in diameter that can release very bright colored light and whose applications in every day life include electronics and medical imaging.

Moungi Bawendi, of MIT; Louis Brus, of Columbia University; and Alexei Ekimov, of Nanocrystals Technology Inc., were honored for their work with the particles that “have unique properties and now spread their light from television screens and LED lamps,” according to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which announced the award in Stockholm.

“They catalyze chemical reactions and their clear light can illuminate tumor tissue for a surgeon,” the academy said.

Quantum dots' electrons have constrained movement, which affects how they absorb and release visible light, allowing for very bright colors.

The dots are nanoparticles that glow blue, red, or green when illuminated or exposed to light. The color they emit depends on the size of the particles. Larger dots shine red, and smaller dots shine blue. The color change is due to how electrons act differently in more or less confined spaces.

While physicists had predicted these color-change properties as early as the 1930s, creating quantum dots of specific controlled sizes was not possible in the lab for another five decades.

In a highly unusual leak, Swedish media reported the names of the winners before the prize was announced.

“There was a press release sent out for still unknown reasons. We have been very active this morning to find out exactly what happened,” Hans Ellegren, the secretary-general of the academy, said during the news conference where the award was announced. “This is very unfortunate and we deeply regret what happened.”

The academy, which awards the physics, chemistry and economics prizes, asks for nominations a year in advance from thousands of university professors and other scholars around the world.

A committee for each prize then discusses candidates in a series of meetings throughout the year. At the end of the process, the committee presents one or more proposals to the full academy for a vote. The deliberations, including the names of nominees other than the winners, are kept confidential for 50 years.

Ekimov, 78, and Brus, 80, are early pioneers of the technology recognized Wednesday, while Bawendi, 62, is credited with revolutionizing the production of quantum dots “resulting in almost perfect particles. This high quality was necessary for them to be utilized in applications,” the academy said.

Bawendi told the news conference that he was “very surprised, sleepy, shocked, unexpected and very honored.”

“The community realized the implications in the mid 90s, that there could potentially be some real world applications,” Bawendi said.

Asked about the leak, he said he didn't know about the prize until he was called by the academy.

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Trio wins Nobel Prize in chemistry for work on quantum dots, used in electronics and medical imaging


Three scientists based in the U.S. won the Nobel Prize in chemistry Wednesday for their work on quantum dots — tiny particles just a few atoms in diameter that can release very bright colored light and whose applications in every day life include electronics and medical imaging.



trio /ˈtriːəʊ/ 表示“三人小组;三件一套;三合一”,英文解释为“A trio is a group of three people together, especially musicians or singers, or a group of three things that have something in common.”


quantum /ˈkwɒn.təm/ 表示“量子”,英文解释为“the smallest amount or unit of something, especially energy”如:quantum theory 量子理论。


dot /dɒt/ 1)表示“小圆点”,英文解释为“a very small round mark”举个🌰:The full stop at the end of this sentence is a dot. 这个句子末尾的句号是一个小圆点。

2)表示“(互联网、电子邮件地址或某些计算机文件所使用的句号的口语形式)点”,英文解释为“the spoken form of a full stop in an internet or email address, or some computer files”如:- What's the web address? - www dot learnandrecord dot com". 那个网址是什么? www.learnandrecord.com

📍乔布斯有一句经典的话,You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. 你无法把点滴与未来联系,只能通过回顾才能看见。所以你必须相信过去的点滴能够串联未来。


particle /ˈpɑː.tɪ.kəl/ 表示“微粒,粒子”,英文解释为“an extremely small piece of matter”举个🌰:Electrons are atomic particles. 电子是原子粒子。


atom /ˈæt.əm/ 表示“原子”,英文解释为“the smallest unit of any chemical element, consisting of a positive nucleus surrounded by negative electrons. Atoms can combine to form a molecule”举个🌰:A molecule of carbon dioxide (CO2) has one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms. 二氧化碳(CO2)分子是由一个碳原子和两个氧原子构成的。


表示“直径;对径”,英文解释为“a straight line going from one side of a circle or any other round object to the other side, passing through the centre”举个🌰:The dome is 42.3 metres in diameter. 这个穹顶直径为42.3米。


📍radius:a straight line between the centre of a circle and any point on its outer edge; the length of this line 半径(长度)

Moungi Bawendi, of MIT; Louis Brus, of Columbia University; and Alexei Ekimov, of Nanocrystals Technology Inc., were honored for their work with the particles that “have unique properties and now spread their light from television screens and LED lamps,” according to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which announced the award in Stockholm.

麻省理工学院蒙吉·巴文迪(Moungi Bawendi)、哥伦比亚大学的路易斯·布鲁斯(Louis Brus)和纳米晶体技术公司(Nanocrystals Technology Inc.)的阿列克谢·叶基莫夫(Alexei Ekimov)因其在“具有独特性质的粒子上的贡献而获奖,这些粒子如今已广泛应用于电视屏幕和LED灯中,发挥着重要的光学作用,”瑞典皇家科学院在斯德哥尔摩宣布此奖项。

“They catalyze chemical reactions and their clear light can illuminate tumor tissue for a surgeon,” the academy said.



美式 catalyze 英式 catalyse /ˈkæt.əl.aɪz/ 表示“催化”,英文解释为“to make a chemical reaction happen or happen more quickly by acting as a catalyst”举个🌰:It was thought that only proteins could catalyse reactions in cells. 过去曾认为只有蛋白质才能催化细胞内的反应。


illuminate /ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/ 1)表示“照亮”,英文解释为“To illuminate something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible.”举个🌰:No streetlights illuminated the street. 一盏照亮街道的路灯也没有。

2)表示“阐明”,英文解释为“If you illuminate something that is unclear or difficult to understand, you make it clearer by explaining it carefully or giving information about it.”举个🌰:Instead of formulas and charts, the two instructors use games and drawings to illuminate their subject. 这两位教师用游戏和图画而不是公式和图表来阐明他们的题旨。

3)形容词:illuminating,表示“富有启发性的”,举个🌰:It would be illuminating to hear the views of the club vice-chairman. 听听俱乐部副主席的观点或许会有启发。

🎬电影《哈利·波特与混血王子》(Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)中的台词提到:And I thought perhaps you could illuminate me. 或许您可以指点我一下。


美式 tumor 英式 tumour /ˈtʃuː.mər/ 表示“肿瘤;肿块”,英文解释为“a mass of diseased cells that might become a lump or cause illness”


surgeon /ˈsɜː.dʒən/ 表示“外科医生”,英文解释为“a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations”

Quantum dots' electrons have constrained movement, which affects how they absorb and release visible light, allowing for very bright colors.



electron /iˈlek.trɒn/ 表示“电子”,英文解释为“an extremely small piece of matter with a negative electrical charge”


表示“限制;约束;束缚”,英文解释为“to control and limit something”举个🌰:The company's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward. 公司领导缺乏发展眼光限制了公司的进步。

The dots are nanoparticles that glow blue, red, or green when illuminated or exposed to light. The color they emit depends on the size of the particles. Larger dots shine red, and smaller dots shine blue. The color change is due to how electrons act differently in more or less confined spaces.



表示“发出,射出,散发(光、噪声、气味或气体)”,英文解释为“to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas”举个🌰:The alarm emits infrared rays which are used to detect any intruder. 警报器能发出红外线探测闯入者。


confine /kənˈfaɪn/ 表示“把…局限在,限制”,英文解释为“to limit an activity, person, or problem in some way”举个🌰:Let's confine our discussion to the matter in question, please! 请把讨论集中在正题上!

While physicists had predicted these color-change properties as early as the 1930s, creating quantum dots of specific controlled sizes was not possible in the lab for another five decades.


In a highly unusual leak, Swedish media reported the names of the winners before the prize was announced.


“There was a press release sent out for still unknown reasons. We have been very active this morning to find out exactly what happened,” Hans Ellegren, the secretary-general of the academy, said during the news conference where the award was announced. “This is very unfortunate and we deeply regret what happened.”

“出于某些未知原因,一份新闻稿被提前发布。今天早上我们一直在积极调查到底发生了什么,”瑞典皇家科学院秘书长汉斯·埃勒格伦(Hans Ellegren)在新闻发布会上说。“这是非常不幸的,我们深感遗憾。”

The academy, which awards the physics, chemistry and economics prizes, asks for nominations a year in advance from thousands of university professors and other scholars around the world.



表示“提名,推荐”,英文解释为“the act of officially suggesting someone or something for a job, position, or prize”举个🌰:There have been two nominations for the new job. 这项新工作有两位提名人选。


📍nominate 作动词,表示“提名;推荐”,英文解释为“to formally suggest that sb should be chosen for an important role, prize, position, etc.”举个🌰:He was nominated (as) best actor. 他获得了最佳男演员的提名。

📍nominee /ˌnɒmɪˈniː/ 表示“候选人;被提名人”,英文解释为“A nominee is someone who is nominated for a job, position, or award.”如:an Oscar nominee 获得奥斯卡提名的人。

A committee for each prize then discusses candidates in a series of meetings throughout the year. At the end of the process, the committee presents one or more proposals to the full academy for a vote. The deliberations, including the names of nominees other than the winners, are kept confidential for 50 years.



表示“细想;考虑;商议;审议”,英文解释为“the process of carefully considering or discussing sth”举个🌰:After ten hours of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of ‘not guilty’. 经过十小时的商议,陪审团宣告了“无罪”的裁决。

📍2023年政府工作报告「Part 1」中「请予审议」处理为:(ask) for your deliberation and approval;


表示“保密的”,英文解释为“Information that is confidential is meant to be kept secret or private.”举个🌰:She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life. 她指责他们泄露了有关她的私生活的保密信息。

Ekimov, 78, and Brus, 80, are early pioneers of the technology recognized Wednesday, while Bawendi, 62, is credited with revolutionizing the production of quantum dots “resulting in almost perfect particles. This high quality was necessary for them to be utilized in applications,” the academy said.



表示“使发生革命性剧变;在…方面引起突破性变革”,英文解释为“to completely change something so that it is much better”举个🌰:Newton's discoveries revolutionized physics. 牛顿的发现使物理学发生了革命性剧变。

Bawendi told the news conference that he was “very surprised, sleepy, shocked, unexpected and very honored.”


“The community realized the implications in the mid 90s, that there could potentially be some real world applications,” Bawendi said.



1)表示“可能的影响(或作用、结果)”,英文解释为“a possible effect or result of an action or a decision”举个🌰:The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside. 这个地点的开发将会影响周围的乡村。

2)表示“含意;暗指,暗示”,英文解释为“an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly”举个🌰:From what she said, the implication was that they were splitting up. 她的话中暗示他们将要分手。

Asked about the leak, he said he didn't know about the prize until he was called by the academy.


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- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

A trio of surgeons confidentially discussed a nomination for a method that could revolutionize cancer surgery. Using quantum dots, particles with atom-like diameters, they found a way to confine and constrain electrons to emit light, illuminating tumors for better removal. The deliberation revolved around its medical implications.
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