

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06

今天,国际检测机构(ITA)官方公布,亚运会冠军球队菲律宾男篮的贾斯汀·布朗利(Justin Brownlee),羧基四氢大麻酚(Carboxy-THC)检测呈阳性。与此同时,亚军球队约旦男篮的萨米·布扎伊(Sami Bzai)也未能通过检测。



1. Which body is responsible for conducting the anti-doping test on Justin Brownlee?

a) Philippine Olympic Committee

b) Olympic Council of Asia

c) World Anti-Doping Agency

d) International Testing Agency

2. Which of the following is not part of the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport's future actions regarding the case?

a) Sanctioning the team

b) Verifying the B-sample

c) Loss of points

d) Disqualification from an event


Justin Brownlee's positive doping result: What we know so far and what happens next

From: ESPN

Barely a week after Gilas Pilipinas captured a historic gold medal at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Filipino fans woke up on a Friday the 13th to grim news.

Justin Brownlee -- who played the hero in Gilas' thrilling wins over Iran and China in the knockout stages -- has failed an anti-doping test conducted by the International Testing Agency (ITA), which was mandated by the Olympic Council of Asia to independently handle areas of the anti-doping program at the Asian Games.

What exactly happened?

In a press release issued late Thursday night, the ITA reported that "a sample collected from basketball player Justin Brownlee from the Philippines has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for Carboxy-THC, a specified Prohibited Substance, according to the Prohibited List of the World Anti-Doping Agency".

The article further adds that the sample was collected by the ITA on Oct. 7, a day after Gilas beat Jordan for the gold medal, and that Brownlee had already been informed of the finding. Brownlee, who is currently in the United States, has the right to request for an analysis of his B-sample.

Afterwards, the matter will be referred to the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CASS ADD) for adjudication under the OCA Anti-Doping Rules.

Nine other Asian Games athletes, including Philippine cyclist Ariana Patrice Evangelista and Jordanian basketball player Sami Bzai, also returned adverse findings.

Evangelista, who tested positive for erythropoietin, has been provisionally suspended and has denied taking the substance, which is a performance enhancer. Bzai, meanwhile, tested positive for dehydrochloromethyl-testosterone metabolite, an anabolic steroid.

In an online interview on Friday, Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) president Abraham Tolentino said, he had already discussed the matter with the Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas (SBP), whose officials explained to him that Brownlee had been on medication to manage his nagging injuries and that was what likely caused the adverse finding.

There was no indication during the interview, though, on what type of medication Brownlee was taking.

Is Gilas' gold medal in danger of being revoked?

According to Tolentino, no.

In a press release, the POC president cites Article 11.2 of the Anti-Doping Rule of the International Olympic Committee that states under "Consequences of Team Sports" that "If more than two members of a team in a Team Sport are found to have committed an anti-doping violation, the CAS ADD may impose an appropriate sanction on the team (e.g., loss of points, disqualification from a competition or event) as provided in the relevant International Federation, in addition to any consequences imposed upon the individual Athletes committing the antidoping violation".

So going by this statement, unless two other Gilas players return adverse findings, the gold stays with Gilas.

Neither the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee nor the OCA has issued a statement on the matter.

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Justin Brownlee's positive doping result: What we know so far and what happens next

From: ESPN

Barely a week after Gilas Pilipinas captured a historic gold medal at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Filipino fans woke up on a Friday the 13th to grim news.



Filipino /ˌfɪl.ɪˈpiː.nəʊ/ 表示“菲律宾人;菲律宾语”,英文解释为“a person from the Philippines;an official language of the Philippines”


1)表示“严酷的;令人沮丧的”,英文解释为“A situation or piece of information that is grim is unpleasant, depressing, and difficult to accept.”举个🌰:There was further grim news yesterday. 昨天有更令人沮丧的新闻。

2)表示“(地方)阴沉的”,英文解释为“A place that is grim is unattractive and depressing in appearance.”举个🌰:The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement. 这个城市也许一开始沉闷,但它有一种活力和激情。


…, Filipino fans woke up on a Friday the 13th to grim news.

在这个句子中,on a Friday the 13th是完全合乎语法的。这里的"the 13th"是一个特定的日期,而"Friday"是这个日期所对应的星期几。在英语中,这样的表达方式是常见的,尤其是当日期或星期几有特殊意义时,比如Friday the 13th(周五的13号)在西方文化中通常被认为是不吉利或不幸的一天。


· 宗教起源:在基督教传统中,耶稣被钉在十字架上的是一个周五,被称为“受难日”。此外,最后的晚餐有13名参与者:耶稣和他的12名门徒。其中,犹大就是第13个坐下的人,他后来背叛了耶稣。

· 历史起源:一些历史学家认为,这一不吉利的传说可能起源于1307年的一个周五,当时法国国王腓力四世下令逮捕并处决骑士团成员,这一事件后来被称为“骑士团的解散”。

· 民间传说和迷信:在许多文化中,数字13和周五都有不吉利的寓意。数字13在西方文化中通常被认为是不吉利的,而周五则被认为是一个不吉利的日子。将两者结合在一起,就形成了一种特别不吉利的日子。

· 文学和流行文化:这一传说也得到了文学作品和电影的进一步推广,尤其是1980年代的恐怖电影系列《十三号星期五》(Friday the 13th),这一系列电影讲述了一个名为贾森·沃尔希斯(Jason Voorhees)的杀手在“十三号星期五”这一天进行屠杀的故事。

Justin Brownlee -- who played the hero in Gilas' thrilling wins over Iran and China in the knockout stages -- has failed an anti-doping test conducted by the International Testing Agency (ITA), which was mandated by the Olympic Council of Asia to independently handle areas of the anti-doping program at the Asian Games.

贾斯汀·布朗利(Justin Brownlee)--菲律宾国家篮球队在淘汰赛阶段惊险战胜伊朗队和中国队的功臣--未能通过国际检测机构(ITA)的反兴奋剂检测。该机构受亚洲奥林匹克理事会的委托,独立负责亚运会反兴奋剂项目的相关事务。


thrilling /ˈθrɪl.ɪŋ/ 表示“令人激动的;惊险的;紧张的”,英文解释为“extremely exciting”举个🌰:The book is a thrilling adventure story. 这是一部情节紧张的冒险小说。


我们说的KO实际上就是knockout的缩写(KO is an abbreviation for knockout),表示“(拳击中的)击倒获胜;击败对手的一击;击倒对手获胜”,英文解释为“a blow that makes an opponent fall to the ground and be unable to get up, so that he or she loses the fight”。

knockout也表示“淘汰赛”,英文解释为“a competition in which only the winners of each stage play in the next stage, until one competitor or team is the final winner”举个🌰:The tournament is a straight knockout. 这次锦标赛是直接淘汰赛。


1)作动词,表示“为…提供兴奋剂;使服用兴奋剂”,英文解释为“to give a person or an animal drugs in order to make them perform better or worse in a competition”举个🌰:They were arrested for doping racehorses. 他们因给参赛马匹服用兴奋剂而被捕。

2)作动词,表示“给…提供安眠药;使服用安眠药”,英文解释为“to give a person or an animal a drug to make them want to sleep”举个🌰:We always have to dope up our cat for long car journeys. 开车长途旅行时我们总是给猫吃安眠药。

3)作名词,表示“兴奋剂”,英文解释为“a drug that is taken by a person or given to an animal to affect their performance in a race or sport”举个🌰:The athlete failed a  dope test (= a medical test showed that he had taken such drugs). 这个运动员未能通过药检。

4)作名词,表示“麻醉剂,毒品(尤指大麻,在美国尤指海洛因)”,英文解释为“a drug that is taken illegally for pleasure, especially cannabis or, in the US,  heroin.”


表示“命令;要求;强制执行;授权”,英文解释为“to order someone to do something”举个🌰:Our delegates have been mandated to vote against the proposal at the conference. 我们的代表受命在会议上对提议投反对票。

What exactly happened? 究竟发生了什么?

In a press release issued late Thursday night, the ITA reported that "a sample collected from basketball player Justin Brownlee from the Philippines has returned an Adverse Analytical Finding for Carboxy-THC, a specified Prohibited Substance, according to the Prohibited List of the World Anti-Doping Agency".

国际检测机构在周四晚间发布的一份新闻稿中称,“从菲律宾篮球运动员贾斯汀·布朗利(Justin Brownlee)身上采集的一份样本出现了羧基四氢大麻酚(Carboxy-THC)阳性检测结果,根据世界反兴奋剂机构的禁用清单,羧基四氢大麻酚(Carboxy-THC)是一种特定禁用物质”。


表示“不利的;负面的;有害的”,英文解释为“having a negative or harmful effect on something”举个🌰:They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism about the changes. 这些变化为他们招致种种负面报道/非难。


analytical /ˌæn.əˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“分析的;善于分析的”,英文解释为“examining or liking to examine things very carefully”举个🌰:He has a very analytical mind. 他善于分析问题。


1)表示“物质;材料”,英文解释为“material with particular physical characteristics”如:an organic/chemical substance 有机/化学物质。

2)表示“重要性;要旨;实质;根据”,英文解释为“importance, seriousness, or relationship to real facts”举个🌰:There is no substance in/to the allegation. 这项指控毫无根据。

The article further adds that the sample was collected by the ITA on Oct. 7, a day after Gilas beat Jordan for the gold medal, and that Brownlee had already been informed of the finding. Brownlee, who is currently in the United States, has the right to request for an analysis of his B-sample.


Afterwards, the matter will be referred to the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CASS ADD) for adjudication under the OCA Anti-Doping Rules.

随后,此事将提交给体育仲裁法庭反兴奋剂部门(Court of Arbitration for Sport, CASS ADD),依照亚洲奥林匹克理事会的反兴奋剂规则进行裁决。


1)表示“部门(如部、处、室、科等)”,英文解释为“a separate part of an army or large organization”如:the sales division 销售部。

2)表示“(体育运动的)级”,英文解释为“a group of teams that play against each other in a particular sport”如:The team plays in one of the lower divisions. 低一级队伍的球员。


表示“仲裁”,英文解释为“the process of solving an argument between people by helping them to agree to an acceptable solution”举个🌰:Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration (= to have the disagreement solved by an arbitrator). 争议双方都同意提请仲裁。

📍CAS:Court of Arbitration for Sport,国际体育仲裁院,又译为国际体育仲裁庭,是一个专门为解决体育纠纷而设立的国际性仲裁机构。


adjudication /əˌdʒuː.dɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“裁判;判决,裁定,裁决”,英文解释为“the act of judging a case, competition, or argument, or of making a formal decision about something”举个🌰:The legality of the transaction is still under adjudication (= being decided) in the courts. 交易的合法性仍在法庭上有待裁决(=正在决定)。

Nine other Asian Games athletes, including Philippine cyclist Ariana Patrice Evangelista and Jordanian basketball player Sami Bzai, also returned adverse findings.

另外,还有九名亚运会运动员,包括菲律宾自行车运动员阿里亚娜·帕特丽斯·伊万杰利斯塔(Ariana Patrice Evangelista)和约旦篮球运动员萨米·布扎伊(Sami Bzai),也查出了阳性检测结果。

Evangelista, who tested positive for erythropoietin, has been provisionally suspended and has denied taking the substance, which is a performance enhancer. Bzai, meanwhile, tested positive for dehydrochloromethyl-testosterone metabolite, an anabolic steroid.

伊万杰利斯塔因促红细胞生成素检测阳性已被暂时停赛,但她否认服用了这种兴奋剂。而布扎伊则是由于检测出了脱氢氯甲基睾酮代谢物(dehydrochloromethyl-testosterone metabolite),这是一种合成代谢类固醇。


形容词provisional,表示“临时的,暂时的,暂定的”,英文解释为“likely or able to be changed in the future”副词provisionally,举个🌰:We accept provisional bookings by phone. 我们接受电话临时预约。


1)表示“(因犯错而)暂令停职;暂令停学;暂令停止参加活动”,英文解释为“If someone is suspended from work, school, etc., they are temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity because of having done something wrong.”举个🌰:He was suspended for four games after arguing with the referee. 跟裁判发生争执之后,他被停赛4场。

2)表示“暂停”,英文解释为“If you suspend something, you delay it or stop it from happening for a while or until a decision is made about it”举个🌰:The union suspended the action this week. 工会本周暂停了这一行动。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述英国房价上涨的文章中提到:Britain has temporarily suspended stamp duty, a tax on buying houses. 英国已经暂停征收购房印花税。

anabolic steroid

anabolic steroid /ˌæn.ə.bɒl.ɪk ˈster.ɔɪd/ 表示“蛋白同化甾类,促蛋白合成类固醇(一种促进肌肉和骨骼生长的人工荷尔蒙,有时被运动员作为兴奋剂违禁使用)”,英文解释为“a hormone (= a chemical made by living cells) that causes muscle and bone growth. Anabolic steroids are sometimes used illegally by athletes competing in sports competitions”

In an online interview on Friday, Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) president Abraham Tolentino said, he had already discussed the matter with the Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas (SBP), whose officials explained to him that Brownlee had been on medication to manage his nagging injuries and that was what likely caused the adverse finding.

菲律宾奥委会主席亚伯拉罕·托伦蒂诺(Abraham Tolentino)周五在一次线上采访中表示,他已经与菲律宾国家篮球联盟(SBP)讨论过此事,该联盟官员向他解释说,布朗利一直在接受药物治疗,以控制他反复发作的伤病,这很可能是导致检测结果呈阳性的原因。


medication /ˌmed.ɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“药物,药剂”,英文解释为“a medicine, or a set of medicines or drugs, used to improve a particular condition or illness”举个🌰:He is currently on/taking medication for his heart. 目前他正在服用治疗心脏病的药物。


nagging /ˈnæɡ.ɪŋ/ 作形容词,1)表示“抱怨的;指责的”,英文解释为“complaining or criticizing”如:a nagging voice 抱怨声;

2)表示“令人心烦不已的;纠缠不休的”,英文解释为“used to describe an unpleasant feeling that continues for a long period of time”如:nagging doubts/pain 难以消除的疑虑/令人不得安宁的疼痛。

作名词,表示“抱怨;指责”,英文解释为“complaining and criticizing”举个🌰:I got sick of her constant nagging. 我对她没完没了的抱怨感到厌烦。

There was no indication during the interview, though, on what type of medication Brownlee was taking.


Is Gilas' gold medal in danger of being revoked? 菲律宾国家篮球队的金牌会被撤销吗?

According to Tolentino, no.



revoke /rɪˈvəʊk/ 表示“撤销;废除;解除”,英文解释为“to say officially that an agreement, permission, a law, etc. is no longer in effect”举个🌰:They have revoked their original decision to allow development of this rural area. 他们原来决定允许开发这一乡村地区,但现在已经收回成命。

In a press release, the POC president cites Article 11.2 of the Anti-Doping Rule of the International Olympic Committee that states under "Consequences of Team Sports" that "If more than two members of a team in a Team Sport are found to have committed an anti-doping violation, the CAS ADD may impose an appropriate sanction on the team (e.g., loss of points, disqualification from a competition or event) as provided in the relevant International Federation, in addition to any consequences imposed upon the individual Athletes committing the antidoping violation".



1)表示“推行;强制实行”,英文解释为“to officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received”举个🌰:Very high taxes have recently been imposed on cigarettes. 最近对香烟开征很高的税。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析拜登贸易政策的文章中提到:The other matter is what Mr Biden will do with the tariffs imposed by Mr Trump. 另一件事是拜登将如何处理特朗普实施的关税。

2)表示“把(尤指信仰或生活方式)强加于”,英文解释为“to force someone to accept something, especially a belief or way of living”举个🌰:I don't want them to impose their religious beliefs on my children. 我不希望他们把自己的宗教信仰强加给我的孩子们。

3)表示“勉强;打扰,麻烦”,英文解释为“to expect someone to do something for you or spend time with you when they do not want to or when it is not convenient for them”举个🌰:She's always imposing on people - asking favours and getting everyone to do things for her. 她总是强人所难——要人帮忙做这做那。


sanction /ˈsæŋk.ʃən/ 1)常见含义表示“制裁”,英文解释为“an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against a country in order to make it obey international law”举个🌰:Many nations have imposed sanctions on the country. 许多国家都对其进行制裁。

2)表示“(为维护法律或规定而采取的)强硬措施;(对违反法律或规定者进行的)惩罚,处罚”,英文解释为“a strong action taken in order to make people obey a law or rule, or a punishment given when they do not obey”举个🌰:Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom. 没有切实可行的处罚措施,有些教师难以维持课堂秩序。

3)可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“批准;认可”,英文解释为“If someone in authority sanctions an action or practice, they officially approve of it and allow it to be done.”如:sanction the use of force 批准使用武力。


disqualification /dɪˌskwɒl.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“资格的取消”,英文解释为“the act of stopping someone from taking part in a competition or activity, usually because a rule has been broken, or the state of having this happen to you”举个🌰:The fans' bad behaviour has resulted in the disqualification of their team from the championship. 球迷们的不良行为导致他们的球队被取消了参加冠军赛的资格。

So going by this statement, unless two other Gilas players return adverse findings, the gold stays with Gilas.


Neither the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee nor the OCA has issued a statement on the matter.


- 词汇盘点 -

Filipino、 grim、 thrilling、 knockout、 dope、 mandate、 adverse、 analytical、 substance、 division、 arbitration、 adjudication、 provisionally、 suspend、 anabolic steroid、 medication、 nagging、 revoke、 impose、 sanction、 disqualification

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In a thrilling knockout division, a Filipino boxer faced grim, adverse arbitration. Analytical tests found dope, a banned substance. Provisionally suspended, his nagging fear was disqualification. After adjudication, the mandate imposed sanctions, revoking his medication exemption.
- 推荐阅读 -
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