

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06

今天,谷歌首页的涂鸦(Google Doodle)处出现了一位华人的面孔,你知道他是谁吗?

张任谦(Victor Peter Chang),澳大利亚华裔心脏外科医生,现代心脏移植手术先驱,出生于1936年11月21日,今天是他诞辰87周年纪念日。



1. What was one of Victor Chang's key contributions to cardiology?

A) Inventing a method for non-invasive heart surgery.

B) Developing an artificial heart valve and assist device.

C) Creating the first synthetic blood for transfusions.

D) Discovering a new drug for heart disease treatment.

2. What lasting impact did Victor Chang have on the medical field posthumously?

A) The establishment of a heart disease prevention program.

B) The creation of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute.

C) A worldwide campaign for heart health awareness.

D) The introduction of new medical education curricula.


Who is Dr Victor Chang, pioneering surgeon being honoured by Google Doodle

From: The Independent

Google is celebrating Chinese-Australian surgeon Victor Chang on his birth anniversary for his revolutionary work pioneering modern heart transplants.

On Tuesday, Google commemorated Chang with a Doodle that featured a sketch of the gifted heart surgeon with an animated pulse rate in the background.

Chang is remembered as a trailblazer in the field of cardiovascular surgery and transplantation.

One of his most significant contributions to cardiology includes developing an artificial heart valve and an artificial heart assist device that are used worldwide in severe heart conditions.

Chang's artificial heart valve offered a notable cost advantage compared to earlier models, enhancing its global accessibility for use in critical lifesaving procedures.

In 1984, the doctor led a team of surgeons who successfully performed a heart transplant on a teenage girl Fiona Coote, who became Australia's youngest heart transplant survivor at the age at of 14.

She continued to remain well 38 years after her surgery.

In the same year, Chang founded the National Heart Transplant Program at St Vincent's Hospital, which has continued to perform surgeries.

He was born on 21 November 1936 in Shanghai, China and had later moved to Australia. He, however, died under tragic circumstances, after he was shot dead on 4 July 1991 at the age of 55 in a failed extortion attempt.

Chang's contributions to the medical field have been widely acknowledged in Australia.

He was bestowed with the country's highest award, the Companion of the Order of Australia, in 1986.

He was voted as the “Australian of the Century” at the country's edition of the People's Choice Awards in 1999.

The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute was established in 1994 and bears his name in a tribute to his legacy.

The institute remains dedicated in its commitment to discovering cures, preventive measures, and diagnostic tools for cardiovascular diseases.

“A caring surgeon and humanitarian, Chang was passionate about the power of discovery,” it says on its website.

“He had a bold vision to establish a world-class medical research institute, knowing that while he could save hundreds of lives through surgery, he could save thousands more through research.”

Chang's tragic death had sent shockwaves through the medical community and the public.

Chang went on to study and practice around the world before returning to Australia.

He received training in cardiothoracic surgery at the Mayo Clinic and in the UK after graduating from Sydney University with Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees.

Chang had developed a love for the medical profession at an early age after his mother died from breast cancer.

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Who is Dr Victor Chang, pioneering surgeon being honoured by Google Doodle

From: The Independent

Google is celebrating Chinese-Australian surgeon Victor Chang on his birth anniversary for his revolutionary work pioneering modern heart transplants.

在华裔澳大利亚外科医生张任谦(Victor Chang)的诞辰纪念日,谷歌(Google)对他开创现代心脏移植领域的革命性工作表示敬意。


surgeon /ˈsɜː.dʒən/ 表示“外科医生”,英文解释为“a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations”


revolutionary /ˌrev.əˈluː.ʃən.ər.i/ 表示“革命的,革命性的”,英文解释为“involved in or relating to a revolution”


表示“(尤指器官的)移植”,英文解释为“a medical operation in which a new organ is put into someone's body”如:a liver/kidney transplant 肝脏/肾脏移植。

On Tuesday, Google commemorated Chang with a Doodle that featured a sketch of the gifted heart surgeon with an animated pulse rate in the background.



commemorate /kəˈmem.ə.reɪt/表示“纪念;缅怀”,英文解释为“To commemorate an important event or person means to remember them by means of a special action, ceremony, or specially created object.”举个🌰:A statue has been built to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the poet's birthday. 为纪念诗人百年诞辰建起了一尊雕像。


Google Doodle是谷歌于节日和其他纪念日在主页上展示的定制版谷歌Logo.

A Google Doodle is a special, temporary alteration of the logo on Google's homepages intended to commemorate holidays, events, achievements, and notable historical figures.

doodle /ˈduː.dəl/ 表示“(心不在焉或心烦时)随手乱画”,英文解释为“to draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else or when you are bored”举个🌰:She'd doodled all over her textbooks. 她在课本上到处随手乱画。


feature 1)作名词,原意表示“特色;特征;特点,功能”,英文解释为“something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing”,此前在iOS 14来了!文中就出现了多次的feature,介绍iOS 14各种新功能,新特点,举个🌰:Which features do you look for when choosing a car? 你挑选轿车时要着重哪些特点?

2)feature = feature film表示“(电影)故事片,正片”,英文解释为“a film that is usually 90 or more minutes long”

3)feature作动词,表示“以…为特色;由…主演;以…为主要组成”,英文解释为“to include a particular person or thing as a special feature”,作动词往往可以理解为“有...”(功能/特色),举个🌰:Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. 小册子列举的多家旅馆都有周末假日特别优待。The film features Cary Grant as a professor. 这部电影由卡里·格兰特饰演一位教授。

📍在英文歌中会经常看到这种说法,xxxa feat. xxxb,此处feat.实际上就是feature的缩写,大概意思是歌曲中穿插另外一个人的演唱或表演,xxxa和xxxb共同演绎,合作演出。据百度百科,feat.的是后面这个歌手(或者组合)他在这首单曲里面或者这张专辑里面并不是主角,前面那个人才是这首歌的灵魂或者主人。


sketch作名词除了“素描,概述”的含义,也可以指“幽默短剧;滑稽小品”,英文解释:A sketch is a short humorous piece of acting, usually forming part of a comedy show.

Chang is remembered as a trailblazer in the field of cardiovascular surgery and transplantation.



trailblazer /ˈtreɪlˌbleɪ.zər/ 表示“先驱;开拓者;开路的人”,英文解释为“A trailblazer is a person who is the leader in a particular field, especially a person who does a particular thing before anyone else does.”

📍2016到2020,从双语「新年贺词」看变化中提到:这些成就是全国各族人民撸起袖子干出来的,是新时代奋斗者挥洒汗水拼出来的。These achievements are all thanks to the hard work of people from all of China's ethnic groups, who are the trail-blazers of the new era.


cardiovascular /ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjʊlə/ 表示“心血管的”,英文解释为“Cardiovascular means relating to the heart and blood vessels.”举个🌰:Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. 吸烟会严重增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。


transplantation /ˌtræn.splaːnˈteɪ.ʃən/ 表示“器官移植”,英文解释为“taking body tissues from one body and placing them in another body or in another part of the same body”如:bone marrow transplantation 骨髓移植。

One of his most significant contributions to cardiology includes developing an artificial heart valve and an artificial heart assist device that are used worldwide in severe heart conditions.



cardiology /ˌkɑː.diˈɒl.ə.ɡi/ 表示“心脏病学”,英文解释为“the study and treatment of medical conditions of the heart”


artificial /ˌɑː.tɪˈfɪʃ.əl/表示“人造的,人工的;仿造的”,英文解释为“made by people, often as a copy of something natural”如:clothes made of artificial fibres 人造纤维面料的服装。


valve /vælv/ 表示“阀;活门;(心脏或血管的)瓣膜”,英文解释为“a device that opens and closes to control the flow of liquids or gases, or a similar structure in the heart and the veins that controls the flow of blood”举个🌰:The valve failed to open/close. 阀门打不开/关不上了。

Chang's artificial heart valve offered a notable cost advantage compared to earlier models, enhancing its global accessibility for use in critical lifesaving procedures.



notable /ˈnəʊ.tə.bəl/ 表示“显要的;显著的;值得注意的”,英文解释为“important and deserving attention, because of being very good or interesting”如:a notable collection of rare plants 一批引人注目的奇花异草。


accessibility /əkˌses.əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ 表示“易得到;易触及;可访问性”,英文解释为“the fact of being able to be reached or obtained easily”举个🌰:Two new roads are being built to increase accessibility to the town centre. 两条新路正在修建中,以便更快更便捷地到达市中心。


1)表示“程序;步骤;常规”,英文解释为“a set of actions that is the official or accepted way of doing something”举个🌰:The company has new procedures for dealing with complaints. 公司采取了新程序处理投诉事宜。

2)表示“医疗处理;手术”,英文解释为“a medical operation”举个🌰:It's a routine/standard surgical procedure. 这是一个普通的外科手术。

In 1984, the doctor led a team of surgeons who successfully performed a heart transplant on a teenage girl Fiona Coote, who became Australia's youngest heart transplant survivor at the age at of 14.

1984年,张医生带领团队成功为14岁的少女菲奥娜·库特(Fiona Coote)进行了心脏移植手术,她成为澳大利亚最年轻的心脏移植幸存者。

She continued to remain well 38 years after her surgery.


In the same year, Chang founded the National Heart Transplant Program at St Vincent's Hospital, which has continued to perform surgeries.


He was born on 21 November 1936 in Shanghai, China and had later moved to Australia. He, however, died under tragic circumstances, after he was shot dead on 4 July 1991 at the age of 55 in a failed extortion attempt.



extortion /ɪkˈstɔː.ʃən/ 表示“勒索”,英文解释为“the act of getting something, especially money, by force or threats”举个🌰:He was found guilty of obtaining the money by extortion. 他因勒索钱财而入罪。

Chang's contributions to the medical field have been widely acknowledged in Australia.


He was bestowed with the country's highest award, the Companion of the Order of Australia, in 1986.

他于1986年被授予澳大利亚最高荣誉——澳大利亚同伴勋章(Companion of the Order of Australia, AC)。


bestow /bɪˈstəʊ/ 表示“授予;给予;赠给”,英文解释为“To bestow something on someone means to give or present it to them.”举个🌰:The United States bestowed honorary citizenship upon England's World War II prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill. 美国授予了二战期间的英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士荣誉公民的称号。

He was voted as the “Australian of the Century” at the country's edition of the People's Choice Awards in 1999.


The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute was established in 1994 and bears his name in a tribute to his legacy.



cardiac /ˈkɑː.di.æk/ 表示“心脏的;心脏病的”,英文解释为“of the heart or heart disease”


bear /beər/ 1)表示“忍受;容忍;经受;承担”,英文解释为“to accept, tolerate, or endure something, especially something unpleasant”举个🌰:The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well. 当时压力一定很大,但她挺过来了。

2)表示“具有,带有”,英文解释为“to have or continue to have something”举个🌰:Their baby bears a strong resemblance to its grandfather. 他们的宝宝长得非常像他爷爷。The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces. 上面刻有他名字的石匾被砸得粉碎。

3)熟词僻义,表示“生(孩子);结(果实);开(花)”,英文解释为“to give birth to young, or (of a tree or plant) to give or produce fruit or flowers”举个🌰:She had borne three children by the time she was 30. 她到30岁时已经生了3个孩子。


legacy /ˈleɡ.ə.si/ 1)表示“遗产,遗赠”,英文解释为“money or property that you receive from someone after they die”举个🌰:An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy. 一位堂兄留给她一小笔遗产。

2)表示“历史遗产,遗留物”,英文解释为“something that is a part of your history or that remains from an earlier time”举个🌰:The Greeks have a rich legacy of literature. 希腊人有丰富的文学遗产。

📍2022年政府工作报告Part 18中提到了这个词:用好北京冬奥会遗产。We will make the most of the legacy of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

The institute remains dedicated in its commitment to discovering cures, preventive measures, and diagnostic tools for cardiovascular diseases.


“A caring surgeon and humanitarian, Chang was passionate about the power of discovery,” it says on its website.



passionate /ˈpæʃ.ən.ət/ 表示“情绪激昂的,热情的”,英文解释为“having very strong feelings or emotions”如:a passionate speech 热情洋溢的演讲。

“He had a bold vision to establish a world-class medical research institute, knowing that while he could save hundreds of lives through surgery, he could save thousands more through research.”


Chang's tragic death had sent shockwaves through the medical community and the public.



shock wave /ˈʃɒk ˌweɪv/ 表示“(对惊人的消息或不幸事件的)激烈反应”,英文解释为“a very strong reaction that spreads through a group of people when something surprising or bad happens”举个🌰:The assassination of the president sent shock waves across the world. 总统被刺杀的消息震惊了全世界。

Chang went on to study and practice around the world before returning to Australia.


He received training in cardiothoracic surgery at the Mayo Clinic and in the UK after graduating from Sydney University with Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees.

在悉尼大学获得医学学士和外科学士学位后,他在妙佑医疗国际(Mayo Clinic)和英国接受了心胸外科手术培训。

Chang had developed a love for the medical profession at an early age after his mother died from breast cancer.


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Google commemorated the revolutionary surgeon and cardiology trailblazer with a Doodle featuring her sketch. Her pioneering work in cardiovascular transplantation, notably the artificial valve procedure, bestowed shockwaves in cardiac care, making transplantation more accessible. Her legacy bears a passionate commitment to medical advancement.
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