

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06

当地时间11月29日,美国前国务卿亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)去世,享年100岁。


1. How was Kissinger's approach to diplomacy often characterized?

A) As idealistic and focused on global unity.

B) As ultrarealist, sometimes at the expense of democratic values.

C) As strictly non-interventionist.

D) As predominantly focused on economic diplomacy.

2. How did Kissinger's foreign policy views affect his actions toward smaller nations during the Cold War?

A) He focused on promoting democracy in these countries.

B) He prioritized economic aid over political intervention.

C) He advocated for their independence from great powers.

D) He often regarded them as pawns in the greater battle.


Henry Kissinger Is Dead at 100; Shaped U.S. Cold War History

From: The New York Times

Henry A. Kissinger, the scholar-turned-diplomat who engineered the United States' opening to China, negotiated its exit from Vietnam, and used cunning, ambition and intellect to remake American power relationships with the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, sometimes trampling on democratic values to do so, died on Wednesday, according to a statement that was posted to his official website. He was 100.

He died at his home in Connecticut.

Few diplomats have been both celebrated and reviled with such passion as Mr. Kissinger. Considered the most powerful secretary of state in the post-World War II era, he was by turns hailed as an ultrarealist who reshaped diplomacy to reflect American interests and denounced as having abandoned American values, particularly in the arena of human rights, if he thought it served the nation's purposes.

He advised 12 presidents — more than a quarter of those who have held the office — from John F. Kennedy to Joseph R. Biden Jr. With a scholar's understanding of diplomatic history, a German-Jewish refugee's drive to succeed in his adopted land, a deep well of insecurity and a lifelong Bavarian accent that sometimes added an indecipherable element to his pronouncements, he transformed almost every global relationship he touched.

At a critical moment in American history and diplomacy, he was second in power only to President Richard M. Nixon. He joined the Nixon White House in January 1969 as national security adviser and, after his appointment as secretary of state in 1973, kept both titles, a rarity. When Nixon resigned, he stayed on under President Gerald R. Ford.

Mr. Kissinger's secret negotiations with what was then still called Red China led to Nixon's most famous foreign policy accomplishment. Intended as a decisive Cold War move to isolate the Soviet Union, it carved a pathway for the most complex relationship on the globe, between countries that at Mr. Kissinger's death were the world's largest (the United States) and second-largest economies, completely intertwined and yet constantly at odds as a new Cold War loomed.

He drew the Soviet Union into a dialogue that became known as détente, leading to the first major nuclear arms control treaties between the two nations. With his shuttle diplomacy, he edged Moscow out of its standing as a major power in the Middle East, but failed to broker a broader peace in that region.

Over years of meetings in Paris, he negotiated the peace accords that ended the American involvement in the Vietnam War, an achievement for which he shared the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize. He called it “peace with honor,” but the war proved far from over, and critics argued that he could have made the same deal years earlier, saving thousands of lives.

Within two years, North Vietnam had overrun the American-backed South. It was a humiliating end to a conflict that from the beginning Mr. Kissinger had doubted the United States could ever win.

But by the time that interval was over, Americans had given up on the Vietnam project, no longer convinced that the United States' strategic interests were linked to that country's fate.

As was the case with Vietnam, history has judged some of his Cold War realism in a harsher light than it was generally portrayed at the time. With an eye fixed on great power rivalry, he was often willing to be crudely Machiavellian, especially when dealing with smaller nations that he often regarded as pawns in the greater battle.

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Henry Kissinger Is Dead at 100; Shaped U.S. Cold War History

From: The New York Times

Henry A. Kissinger, the scholar-turned-diplomat who engineered the United States' opening to China, negotiated its exit from Vietnam, and used cunning, ambition and intellect to remake American power relationships with the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, sometimes trampling on democratic values to do so, died on Wednesday, according to a statement that was posted to his official website. He was 100.



...-turned-...,字面意思也是很好理解,xxx转变为xxx的,turned可以解释为“...出身的”(someone who has done one job and then does something completely different),比如,English-teacher-turned-founder of ...英语老师出身的xxx公司创始人,an actor turned politician 演员出身的政治家,a housewife turned author 家庭主妇出身的作家。


diplomat /ˈdɪp.lə.mæt/ 表示“外交官”,英文解释为“A diplomat is a senior official who discusses affairs with another country on behalf of his or her own country, usually working as a member of an embassy.”


cunning /ˈkʌn.ɪŋ/ 1)表示“狡猾的,狡诈的”,英文解释为“Cunning people are clever at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people, or things that are cleverly made for a particular purpose.”如:a cunning plan/ploy 诡诈的计划/花招;

2)表示“吸引人的,迷人的”,英文解释为“pretty and attractive”如:a cunning little child/puppy/kitten 逗人喜爱的小孩/小狗/小猫。


trample /ˈtræm.pəl/ 1)表示“踩,践踏”,英文解释为“to step heavily on something or someone, causing damage or injury”举个🌰:Somebody trampled all over my flowerbeds! 有人把我的花坛全部踩坏了!

2)表示“侵犯,无视(尊严)”,英文解释为“to act without any respect for someone or something”

He died at his home in Connecticut.


Few diplomats have been both celebrated and reviled with such passion as Mr. Kissinger. Considered the most powerful secretary of state in the post-World War II era, he was by turns hailed as an ultrarealist who reshaped diplomacy to reflect American interests and denounced as having abandoned American values, particularly in the arena of human rights, if he thought it served the nation's purposes.



revile /rɪˈvaɪl/ 表示“谩骂;辱骂;痛斥”,英文解释为“to criticize someone strongly, or say unpleasant things to or about someone”举个🌰:The judge was reviled in the newspapers for his opinions on rape. 这位法官因其对强奸的观点被报纸骂了个狗血喷头。


hail /heɪl/ 1)表示“招呼,呼喊”,英文解释为“to call someone in order to attract their attention”举个🌰:Shall we hail a taxi? 我们要叫出租车吗?

2)hail sb/sth as sth 表示“把…称赞为,把…誉为”,英文解释为“to describe sb/sth as being very good or special, especially in newspapers, etc.”举个🌰:The conference was hailed as a great success. 会议被称颂为一次巨大的成功。





表示“谴责;指责;斥责”,英文解释为“to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc.”举个🌰:The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money. 这项工程被斥责为挥霍公款,令人愤慨。

📍名词:denouncement /di'naunsmənt/,表示“谴责;指责;告发;痛骂;公开抨击”,英文解释为“a public act of denouncing;A charging of someone with a misdeed”;


denouement /deɪˈnuːmɒn/ 表示“(戏剧、小说等的)结局,收场;(事情的)结果”(the end of a play, book, etc., in which everything is explained or settled; the end result of a situation)

📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:But if you tell Granny I said so, I'll denounce you as a liar. 但你要是敢把我的话告诉奶奶 我就说你撒谎。


arena /əˈriːnə/ 表示“(体育比赛或表演用的)场地,竞技场,剧场;斗争场所;竞争舞台;活动场所”,英文解释为“a large, flat area surrounded by seats used for sports or entertainment”如:an Olympic/a sports arena 奥运会/运动会比赛场地,the international arena 国际舞台。

He advised 12 presidents — more than a quarter of those who have held the office — from John F. Kennedy to Joseph R. Biden Jr. With a scholar's understanding of diplomatic history, a German-Jewish refugee's drive to succeed in his adopted land, a deep well of insecurity and a lifelong Bavarian accent that sometimes added an indecipherable element to his pronouncements, he transformed almost every global relationship he touched.



adopted /əˈdɒp.tɪd/ 1)表示“(被)领养的,(被)收养的”,英文解释为“An adopted child has been legally taken by another family to be taken care of as their own child.”举个🌰:They've got two adopted children and one of their own. 他们有两个领养的孩子和一个亲生的。

2)表示“移居的”,英文解释为“An adopted country is one where someone chooses to live although they were not born there.”举个🌰:Spain is his adopted country. 西班牙是他移居的国家。

📍the adopted land 移居之地,指移民或流亡者选择并定居下来的新家园。


indecipherable /ˌɪn.dɪˈsaɪ.fər.ə.bəl/ 表示“难辨认的;难懂的”,英文解释为“unable to be read or understood”举个🌰:Her handwriting is virtually indecipherable. 她的笔迹几乎难以辨认。

At a critical moment in American history and diplomacy, he was second in power only to President Richard M. Nixon. He joined the Nixon White House in January 1969 as national security adviser and, after his appointment as secretary of state in 1973, kept both titles, a rarity. When Nixon resigned, he stayed on under President Gerald R. Ford.



rarity /ˈreə.rə.ti/ 表示“罕见的东西(或人);稀有,罕见”,英文解释为“something that is very unusual, or the quality of being very unusual”举个🌰:Diamonds are valuable because of their rarity. 钻石贵重是因为它很稀有。

Mr. Kissinger's secret negotiations with what was then still called Red China led to Nixon's most famous foreign policy accomplishment. Intended as a decisive Cold War move to isolate the Soviet Union, it carved a pathway for the most complex relationship on the globe, between countries that at Mr. Kissinger's death were the world's largest (the United States) and second-largest economies, completely intertwined and yet constantly at odds as a new Cold War loomed.



isolate /ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/ 表示“隔离;孤立;分离”,英文解释为“to separate something from other things with which it is connected or mixed;to keep a person or animal separate from other people or animals by putting them in a different place”举个🌰:A high wall isolated the house from the rest of the village. 一堵高墙将这栋房子与村庄的其他部分隔离开来。


carve /kɑːv/ 1)原意表示“雕刻”,英文解释为“to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone, wood, etc.”举个🌰:He carved her name on a tree. 他将她的名字刻在了树上。

2)carve sth (out) (for yourself)可以表示“艰苦创业;奋斗取得(事业、名声等)”,英文解释为“to work hard in order to have a successful career, reputation, etc.”举个🌰:She has carved a place for herself in the fashion world. 她已在时装界谋得一席之地。


intertwine /ˌɪn.təˈtwaɪn/ 表示“(使)缠结,(使)缠绕在一起;(使)紧密关联”,英文解释为“to twist or be twisted together, or to be connected so as to be difficult to separate”举个🌰:The town's prosperity is inextricably intertwined with the fortunes of the factory. 这座城镇的繁荣与这家工厂的兴盛有着密不可分的联系。

be at odds

表示“与…不合;与…意见不一致;与…相矛盾”,英文解释为“to disagree”举个🌰:They're at odds over the funding of the project. 他们在向该项计划提供资金方面存在分歧。


1)表示“(令人惊恐地)隐约显现;赫然耸现”,英文解释为“to appear as a large, often frightening or unclear shape or object”举个🌰:Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon. 天边隐约出现了一团团的乌云。

2)表示“(不希望或不愉快的事情)阴森地逼近”,英文解释为“If a worrying or threatening situation or event is looming, it seems likely to happen soon.”举个🌰:The threat of renewed civil war looms ahead. 新一轮内战的威胁在逼近。

He drew the Soviet Union into a dialogue that became known as détente, leading to the first major nuclear arms control treaties between the two nations. With his shuttle diplomacy, he edged Moscow out of its standing as a major power in the Middle East, but failed to broker a broader peace in that region.



détente /deɪˈtɒnt/ 表示“(国家间关系的)缓和,缓解”,英文解释为“an improvement in the relationship between two countries that in the past were not friendly and did not trust each other”举个🌰:The talks are aimed at furthering détente between the two countries. 会谈旨在进一步缓和两国间的关系。


表示“条约;协定”,英文解释为“a written agreement between two or more countries, formally approved and signed by their leaders”如:a peace treaty 和平条约。

shuttle diplomacy

shuttle diplomacy /ˈʃʌt.əl dɪˌpləʊ.mə.si/ 表示“穿梭外交”,英文解释为“discussions between two or more countries, in which someone travels between the different countries, talking to the governments involved, carrying messages, and suggesting ways of dealing with problems”


edge sb/sth out

1)表示“逐渐将(某人)排挤出去”,英文解释为“to gradually force someone to leave their job or an area of activity”举个🌰:She was edged out of the company by the new director. 新上任的经理一步步把她排挤出了公司。

2)另一个含义,表示“小胜,险胜”,英文解释为“to do better than another person or company when you are competing against them”举个🌰:Italy edged out France by two points. 意大利队险胜法国队两分。


作名词,broker /ˈbrəʊ.kər/ 表示“经纪人,掮客”,英文解释为“a person who buys and sells foreign money, shares in companies, etc., for other people”如:a commodity/insurance/mortgage broker 商品/保险/抵押经纪人。

作动词,表示“作为经纪人(或中间人)安排(交易、协议等)”,英文解释为“to arrange something such as a deal, agreement, etc. between two or more groups or countries”举个🌰:The diplomats have failed in their attempts to broker a ceasefire. 外交官们促成停火的尝试已告失败。

Over years of meetings in Paris, he negotiated the peace accords that ended the American involvement in the Vietnam War, an achievement for which he shared the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize. He called it “peace with honor,” but the war proved far from over, and critics argued that he could have made the same deal years earlier, saving thousands of lives.



accord /əˈkɔːd/ 表示“(正式的)协议;条约;一致;符合”,英文解释为“(a formal) agreement”举个🌰:The project is completely in accord with government policy. 该项目完全符合政府政策。

Within two years, North Vietnam had overrun the American-backed South. It was a humiliating end to a conflict that from the beginning Mr. Kissinger had doubted the United States could ever win.



overrun /ˌəʊ.vəˈrʌn/ 1)表示“(有害的人或事物)肆虐,横行,泛滥”,英文解释为“If unwanted people or things overrun, they fill a place quickly and in large numbers.”举个🌰:Our kitchen is overrun with cockroaches. 我们的厨房蟑螂横行。

2)表示“超越,超过(尤指完成期限或费用)”,英文解释为“to continue past an intended limit, especially a finishing time or a cost”举个🌰:My evening class overran by ten minutes. 我的夜校课晚下课了10分钟。


humiliating /hjuːˈmɪl.i.eɪ.tɪŋ/ 表示“令人感到耻辱的,丢脸的”,英文解释为“making you feel ashamed or stupid”举个🌰:Losing my job was the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me. 失去工作是我碰到过的最丢脸的事。

But by the time that interval was over, Americans had given up on the Vietnam project, no longer convinced that the United States' strategic interests were linked to that country's fate.


As was the case with Vietnam, history has judged some of his Cold War realism in a harsher light than it was generally portrayed at the time. With an eye fixed on great power rivalry, he was often willing to be crudely Machiavellian, especially when dealing with smaller nations that he often regarded as pawns in the greater battle.



rivalry /ˈraɪ.vəl.ri/ 表示“相互较劲”,英文解释为“a situation in which people, businesses, etc. compete with each other for the same thing”举个🌰:There's fierce rivalry for the job/to get the job. 很多人想要得到这份工作,竞争非常激烈。


pawn /pɔːn/ 可以指“(国际象棋的)兵,卒”,也可以引申表示“被利用的人;走卒”,英文解释为“a person or group whose actions are controlled by more powerful people”举个🌰:The hostages are being used as political pawns. 人质正被用作政治卒子。


📍cipher /ˈsaɪfə/ 表示“为人所利用的小人物;无名小卒;无足轻重的人”,英文解释为“a person or group of people without power, but used by others for their own purposes, or someone who is not important”

- 词汇盘点 -

-turned-、 diplomat、 cunning、 trample、 revile、 hail、 ultrarealist、 denounce、 arena、 adopted、 indecipherable、 rarity、 isolate、 carve、 intertwine、 be at odds、 loom、 détente、 treaty、 shuttle diplomacy、 edge sb/sth out、 broker、 accord、 overrun、 humiliating、 rivalry、 pawn

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

Once a cunning diplomat-turned-ultrarealist, he hailed in arenas where détente seemed indecipherable. Adopting shuttle diplomacy, he intertwined treaties, carving out accords while isolating rivals, brokering deals that edged out competition. Yet, his tactics, often at odds with humility, led to reviled and humiliating overruns, turning him into a pawn in a game of global rivalry, looming large but trampled upon in the arena he once dominated.
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