
[E269]Malian Government Declares Nationwide State of Emergency

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Malian Government Declares Nationwide State of Emergency


Following last week's attacks in Paris, Friday has once again become a day of rampant[猖獗的;蔓延的;狂暴的;奔放的] massacre[大屠杀;惨败], this time in Mali.


The President of Mali Ibrahim Boubacar Keita declared a national state of emergency[国家紧急状态] from Friday midnight, and also three days of national mourning[三天全国哀悼日].

"Declaring a state of emergency from today, Friday 20th November, starting at midnight. Flags will be at half mast[下半旗(衰悼)] throughout the national territory[国境;整个国家领土内] and in our embassies[大使馆] and consulates[领事馆]. Three days of national mourning, starting from Monday 23rd November."

A U.N. spokesperson[发言人] Stephane Dujarric says the UN peacekeeping mission[维护和平的使命] in Mali has been helping local authorities handle the crisis.

"The Secretary-General[秘书长] condemns[谴责] the horrific terrorist attacks[恐怖袭击] at the Radisson hotel in Bamako[巴马科] which killed an unknown number of civilians[平民,百姓] and injured many more. He expresses his sincere condolences[同情,吊唁] to the government of Mali and the bereaved[刚刚丧失亲人的] families and wishes a speedy recovery[快速恢复] to the wounded victims of this attack. The United Nations peacekeeping mission in Mali has been assisting the Malian authorities in the handling of this crisis."

Early on Friday, seven gunmen entered Radisson Blu hotel, taking hostage[劫持人质] 140 guests of different nationalities as well as some 30 hotel staff[酒店的工作人员].

Some hostages later succeeded in escaping by their own means while the majority of them were rescued by the Malian special forces[特种部队].

In a speech at a regional summit[区域首脑会议] in Malaysia, U.S. President Barack Obama described Friday's raid and hostage incident[袭击和人质事件] in Mali as "another awful reminder of the scourge of terrorism[恐怖主义祸害]."

He called on the allies[联盟国,同盟者] and partners of the United States to step up efforts to crack down[采取严厉措施,制裁; 打击;] on terrorist attacks.

"We will stand with the people of Mali as they work to rid[使摆脱,解除,免除;] their country of terrorists and strengthen their democracy[加强民主]. With allies and partners the United States will be relentless[不懈的; 坚韧的,不屈不挠的;] against those who target our citizens. We'll continue to root out[彻底根除;搜寻; 诛除; 肃清] terrorists. We will not allow these killers to have a safe haven[有一个安全的避风港]."

Jihadist[伊斯兰圣战士] Al-Murabitoun group based in northern Mali has claimed responsibility for[声称对…负责] the attack.

At the beginning of this year, the group had pledged allegiance[宣誓效忠] to ISIS but later withdrew[撤退[出]; 提; 收回] from it.

It was also responsible for a shooting attack on a restaurant popular with foreigners in Bamako[巴马科(马里首都)] on March 7 this year, which killed five people and wounded nine others.

For CRI, this is Li Jianhua.

