
[E278]China Achieving Climate Goals: Report

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

China Achieving Climate Goals: Report


The report, titled "China's Response to Climate Change Policy and Action in 2015"[中国应对气候变化的政策与行动2015年度报告] is an assessment[评估;评价] of the steps that have been taken to both reduce emissions[减排] and clean up the air[净化空气] in the country.

Among the achievements laid-out in the analysis[分析], the government notes C02 emissions[二氧化碳排放] have come down[下降] by close to 16-percent over the past 5-years.

This has been aided[辅助;资助] by the addition of some 2.2 billion cubic meters[立方米] of forest coverage[森林覆盖率] across the country over the past 10-years.

In addition, the proportion of[所占比例] non-fossil fuel energy production[非化石燃料能源生产] has increased to over 11-percent this year.

Xie Zhenhua, China's leading expert on energy production[发电] with the National Development and Reform Commission[国家发展和改革委员会], says these goals have been accomplished through a series of steps[一系列举措] being taken across the country.

"Pilot projects[试点项目;试验计划] for the creation of low-carbon cities and communities are underway[在进行中的; 起步的]. Seven carbon emission trading programs have also been launched online. These are just a couple of the numerous[很多的,许多的] steps being taken to adapt to the realities[现实;实际] of climate change. Through these kinds of programs, people in China are becoming more familiar with the need for green and low-carbon energy development."

It's expected the next 5-year national development plan to be adopted next year will include a priority[优先] on environmental protection.

The State Council[国务院], China's cabinet[中国的内阁], adopted a plan back in July to promote the idea of an "energy Internet[能源互联网]," which coordinates[协调; 协同] how power is both generated and used around the country to optimize its use[充分利用;使优化,使尽可能有效].

Han Xiaoping with China Energy Network[中国能源网络] says this approach addresses challenges faced in China around energy efficiency and distribution[能源效率与分配].

"In the future micro-grid[微电网] system, electricity will become similar to information. As part of the concept, companies and households[家人] will be able to take part in the production of renewable energy[可再生能源]. People can set electricity generators[发电机] on the roofs[屋顶] of their houses, offices, and plants to provide power for themselves. This will create a type of 'micro-grid.' This will go a long way toward creating a more stable renewable energy system in China."

Among the priorities for the Chinese government in creating
non-fossil fuel energy[非化石燃料能源] is a focus on nuclear[原子能] and hydro-electric power production[水电生产].

At the same time, traditional industries[传统行业] are also going to be given incentives[刺激; 诱因; 动机] to "go green."

Chinese president Xi Jinping announced a plan in September to launch a nationwide cap-and-trade[限制与交易] program in 2017 for high-polluting sectors[高污染行业], including power generation, iron and steel[钢铁], chemicals and building material suppliers[建材供应商].

For CRI, this is Wang Mengzhen.

