
[E309]China Inaugurates PLA Rocket Force as Military Reform ……

2016-01-02 LearnAndRecord

China Inaugurates PLA Rocket Force as Military Reform Deepens


Defense Ministry[国防部] spokesperson Yang Yujun says the creation of a new General Command for the Army[军队总司令部;陆军领导机构] is a strategic step[战略决策] in establishing a modern military system with Chinese characteristics[有中国特色的现代化军事体制].

"It is a major move in deepening the reform of national defense and the army[深化国防和军队改革的重大举措]. It will facilitate the acceleration of creating a modern ground force[有利于加快陆军现代化建设步伐] and pave the way for improving a joint combat command system[联合作战指挥体制]. It will also streamline the central military commission[中央军事委员会]."



When it comes to the creation of the Strategic Rocket Force[战略火箭军], the Ministry of Defense says new division, which is being created out of the original Second Artillery Force[第二炮兵], is at the key of China's strategic deterrence[dɪˈtɚrəns, -ˈtʌr-][威慑,制止] policies[火箭军是我国战略威慑的核心力量].

"It's a lynchpin[ˈlɪntʃˌpɪn][关键] for China as a big power[是我国大国地位的战略支撑]. It's a cornerstone[奠基石] for safeguarding national security[是维护国家安全的重要基石]. We will build a strong and modern rocket force in accordance with[与…一致,依照;禀承] China's needs.[我们将按照火箭军的职能定位和使命任务,努力建设一支强大的现代化火箭军。]"

Moving to quell[kwɛl][减轻; 消除; 使镇定] concerns about a nuclear arms build-up, Yang Yujun says China's current nuclear weapons policy has not changed[中国当前的核武器政策不会改变][中国的核政策和核战略是一贯的,没有任何改变。].

"China has always adhered to a policy of not being the first to use a nuclear weapon[中国始终奉行不首先使用核武器的政策]. We are maintaining our self-defense nuclear strategy[自卫防御的核战略], and are going to continue to hold our nuclear weapons capabilities[核力量] at the minimum levels required for safeguarding national security[维护国家安全需要的最低水平]. "



The Chinese Ministry of Defense says the creation of a Strategic Support Force[战略支援部队] is meant to beef-up[充实; 加强,增加] the combat capability[作战力量] of the Chinese army[战略支援部队是维护国家安全的新型作战力量].

"The establishment of the Strategic Support Force is meant to augment[ɔɡˈmɛnt][增强,加强] the current military structure[军事力量结构]. We are going to continue with our strategy of civilian-military integration[军民融合], as well as create a new type of combat force[新型作战力量] through our strategic support force program."


The creation of the new military divisions comes just weeks after President Xi Jinping, who heads the Chinese military, announced plans for the overhaul[ˈoʊvərhɔ:l][检查; 彻底检修; 详细检查; 大修] of the military administration and its command system[军事管理与指挥体制].

Under that new plan, a new military command structure is being established.

The central military commission[中央军事委员会], which Xi Jinping heads, will be in-charge of[主管,负责] the overall administration of the People's Liberation Army[人民解放军], as well as the Chinese People's Armed Police[中国人民武装警察], the militias and the reserve forces[民兵预备役部队].

The changes will also include a streamlining[使(机构或过程)效率更高;精简] of the military itself.

Troop levels are being cut down[裁(军)] from 2.3 million to 2 million.

Outdated armaments[过时武器] are also being cut, and new weapons systems will be developed.

For CRI, I'm Niu Honglin.






