
Wellington College Tianjin receives offers from G5 University

Congratulations to Ryan on his offer to read Biomedical Technology Ventures at Imperial College London.

Biomedical Technology Ventures is a new course launched by the Business and Bioengineering department. This is an advanced, highly selective course requiring mental agility and strong academic ability. The course is designed to nurture entrepreneurial-minded students, equipping them with the skills to identify opportunities for improving human healthcare through the application of technology and to seek to achieve rapid transfer of ideas and technology to meet those gaps through entrepreneurship. This course emphasizes practical work and hands-on learning, enabling the students to develop tangible skills and gain real-world experience through internships, such as pharmaceutical consultants or medical researchers in the industry. The interdisciplinary nature of the training will enable students to work and collaborate effectively across the boundaries of multiple subjects.

Congratulations to Yuchen on his offer to read Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London.

The mechanical engineering department was founded in 1913 and is widely known as the earliest and most famous department at Imperial College London. The department has a distinguished tradition of excellence in teaching, research, and practice, bringing together expert professors from around the world, exceptional students, and state-of-the-art facilities. In terms of studying, students will be attending lectures, tutorials, workshops and laboratory sessions in several areas including thermofields, materials, mechanics, dynamics, stress analysis and design. With this strong basis, students will go on to largely elective study in the third and fourth years. Students can focus on the areas they are most interested in and tap into cutting-edge research activities. These are led by academic staff with internationally recognised expertise.

Congratulations to Lucy on her offer to read Electronics and Electrical Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.

Electronics and Electrical Engineering is one of the most popular courses and is also considered to be the most selective course at the University of Edinburgh. The majority of staff in this department at the University of Edinburgh are from international companies from all over the world. With such strong links to world leaders in the latest technology, and with research staff who are active in developing advances, the University of Edinburgh is well-placed to teach students what is important for their future careers. Furthermore, a degree in electronics and electrical engineering gives a graduate a very wide choice of careers - for example, the requirement for engineers in the communications and power generation industries is far from being met at present, and these shortages are certain to continue for some time.

Look out for more updates from us as further offers arrive.

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